
My Heart, Mind, Body, And Soul Yearns For Her

Jwolf1224 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The beginning of history

For one hundred million years vampires and werewolves were at each others throats. If a vampire saw a werewolf its first instinct was to hate and kill. The same could be said for the werewolves. Things had been this way for so long that neither races remembered why the hated each other.

Instead of stopping, they found new reasons to hate each other once more. Over territory, food, etc...

But if there was one thing that they both had in common was their common interest for humans. These vile and despicable creatures were brave enough to hunt vampires and werewolves. Living with the prospect of begging hunted by what the considered week children both races striked back at each other and the humans.

But... The humans were prepared. Utilizing their knowledge of each creatures weakness they began their ruthless attacked. Trying to eradicate what the feared and did not understand.

With the war between the humans and each other, the vampires and werewolves numbers slowly dwindled from hundreds of thousands to half.

Eventually they figured out how to turn humans into them. And so an all out war between the three races began. The humans fighting to get rid of the monsters that walk in their world, and the vampires and werewolves fighting to turn as many as they could to get the upper hand over one another.

But at last none were completely wiped out. The humans had lost too many of their peers to the curse of the vampires and werewolves so they retreated choosing to live and fight another day.The built cities to protect themselves and to live peacefully and happy lives where nothing could reach them.

Soon vampires amd werewolves became nothing more than myths and then stories told to children.

But the vampires and werewolves were victorious in their own way. They left the battle knowing they had taken from their enemies and gained a lot in returned.

With knowledge that they could now turn humans into them, humans became their main prey. They snuck into the human cities pretending to be one of them. Over the years people began to disappear or just show up dead. With them not believing that creatures such as vampires didn't exist they began to blame it on other things or one another.

And so vampires and werewolves continue to roam the world with only a few believing in their existence. These group of people called themselves Hunters. But even tho they managed to kill a few of the creatures that roam their cities they couldn't kill all since they kept coming back.

And any wound that was not dealt to a fatal stop would quickly be healed. And once again they began to exploit the vampires and werewolves weaknesses. But this was not as last time, the creatures had evolved. Become even smarter than before so even tho knowing their was a big help it was not as before.

And why do you feel the need to tell me this?. Asked a man bound to a chair in a dark room. You don't think you can scare me with children stories do? He continued even tho his face was a bloody mess.

Scare? Now why would I want to do that? I'm just letting you know exactly what your about to deal with. Came the unmistakable voice of a female. The tone of her voice sent shivers up the mans spine.

The lights in the room came on giving the room a dim glow. From the darkest corner of the room the voice came again.

Now what to do with you? Feed or turn you. I could just make you my new personal servant but at the same time I find myself a bit hungry. She said as she slowly walked out of the shawdow. The first thing that the man say was her cold red eyes. Eyes that showed what every she had planned for him he could do nothing but sit and accept it.

As she stepped further into the light her red lips were revealed. She looked at the man with a know smirk revealing a pair of elongated fangs.

What are you? He asked panic growing in his voice. You haven't figured it out yet? She asked. I would have thought that the story and the red eyes and fangs would have given apu some idea. Humans really are slow. She said shaking her head in disappointment.

You can't be, its impossible, they don't exist. He said squirming against his binds trying to get free. Oh but I am. She said smiling.

I saw you today. Your were walking in board day light. If you really were you would have... Let me stop you their she said ending his protests. Where did vampires burning in the sun come into fruition. She asked pinching the bridge of her nose.

What do you want from me? He asked. It should be obvious shouldn't. She said the smirk coming back on her face. What do vampires do with humans. She asked, placing her finger on her chin pretending to think. Oh! Thats right we feed on them or turn them. She said giving him a wicked grin.

Hearing this the man screamed as she got closer, hoping someone would hear him. But it was not to be. He was in the middle of no where all alone with a vicious monster ready to wipe his existence away. The last thing he saw before his world went black was her fangs somehow getting longer as she leaned closer to his neck.

<<<Fast forward one week later.>>>

A man ran through the dark woods as fast as he could franticly looking around him. He knew he needed to leave this place or his life would be coming to an end. Although, deep down something in him knew his life would end tonight. He knew someone or rather something was hunting him. Something far bigger, faster, smarter and stronger than he was. He was trapped in thos place nothing more than his predator toy and soon to be food.

He came to a stop in a small clearing in the middle of the woods to catch his breath. He heard leaves and twigs move around him. His heart started beating faster. He cried out asking whos their even though his instincts screamed at him not to do so.

A small chuckle came from around him. Heart, liver, kidney, lung, brain. But most importantly the heart. A voice came from the forest, seemingly coming from all around him. The heart, the organ that keeps the body alive. Pumping blood to every inch of it. The say its also the organ thats more in touch with emotions.

But me. No. I say its the fastest way to kill someone. And the part of the body that has the sweetest taste. The voice finished.

Please spear me the man begged. Spear you? Now thats the thing with humans they do stuff and when the consequences come, they beg for mercy. So tell me, tell me what makes you so special that i should spear you after you tried to kill me? The voice asked.

Your a werewolf right? I could be use full to you. You could turn me and i could sever you. Just please don't kill me. The man begged

Now why would I turn a insignificant worm like you when you'd better sever as my food? The voice asked stepping out of the shawdow revealing his bright brown slitted wolf like eyes. Looking into his eyes the man saw that they were not of something that could be reasoned with, but that of a wild animal looking at its prey. Know that his life was long lost he tried to run. But only got three feet away he dropped to the ground his life's end drawing near.

With his last breath he looked up to see that the man that once stood in front of him was gone, now replaced by a six foot wolf like creature that held his heart in his large clawed hands over his equally large open mouth. The beast gave him a glance before he dropped his heart is devouring it.

Pathetic. He said looking at the body before him. All humans are the same. You guys start something and when you see that its not going as plan you beg like the insects you all are. He said looking at the body with disgust.

Just as he finished two more just like him walked into the clearing carrying bodies of their own. Dropping the bodies on the first. Then they moved and kneeled before the first beast.

He looked at them and gave a satisfied smirk. Tonight we bring our prey back home. And then we feast under the moon as we take fact in knowing that all whom were foolish to disturb us tonight have fallen. Tonight we return knowing that Whoever or whatever that tries to stand in our way shall always fall. He said to the the ones that were kneeling infront of him. The all looked up at the moon in the sky as it shone on them with all its beauty. And then they all released a loud howl in celebration.

Their howls could be heard for minutes from a mile away. All that heard it pushed it aside as normal wolves and nothing to be scared of. Little do they now that some of their loved ones won't return to them because of their stupidity. But what they don't know is that things beyond their understanding are now among them.