
The days of mixing in nightclubs

If one day, suddenly there is an adventure in front of you, and as long as you reach out your hand, you can get many things that you have been dreaming of. Would you be tempted?

Of course, we must realize clearly that everything in this world comes with a price!

The sound of the alarm clock woke me up. I turned over and sat up from the small bed in the lounge.

I looked at the time - it was exactly 5 pm.

I turned on the light and lit a cigarette for myself. Then I took a deep breath to let the spicy smell of smoke circulate through my lungs before fully waking up.

Afterward, I jumped off the bed and did dozens of push-ups on the floor while hearing my bones crackling during exercise. Then I tidied up my clothes slightly, put on a black suit hanging in front of my door, rubbed my face hard to relax facial muscles before walking out of the lounge.

My name is Chen Mu; twenty-three years old living in this medium-sized city located in southern China.

The place where I work now is a nightclub located in the famous "Golden Wall" entertainment center in this city. I believe many people know what a nightclub is. Among similar entertainment venues in this city, this entertainment center is also high-end and known for its young and beautiful hostesses who provide enthusiastic service.

I am titled as supervisor which sounds quite impressive but actually not so elegant since what I do here is just building relationships with customers who come to spend their money at our club while drinking alcohol and managing operations like any other manager would do.

When I walked out of the lounge, there weren't many people in the hallway yet, but some service staff had already started working and were cleaning the corridor. Because I am a supervisor, I have a small room as my lounge, and next to my lounge is where the ladies' lounge is located. However, it's only 5 pm now and the ladies haven't started work yet, so at this time their lounge is empty.

I walked out the door and saw a gorgeous woman walking out of the room next to mine. I glanced at her and realized it was Mary.

She is a veteran in the nightclub. A few years ago, she was a popular lady in several entertainment venues in the city. Now that she's a bit older, she has started to organize her resources and recruit a group of younger girls, becoming their "mommy". Mary is doing well in our establishment with 20-30 girls under her wing. She has been in this business for many years and knows how to get things done. If we ever need more staff, one phone call from her can bring over ten young ladies. Unfortunately, none of them have become true top performers under her leadership.

Being a top performer isn't just about being pretty. Nowadays, it's not easy to be a prostitute either. To make a joke, being a famous courtesan is not an easy job either. As a red card girl, you need to be not only beautiful but also smart, know how to please people and read the guests' expressions. You should act coquettishly when necessary and maintain your dignity when needed.

Generally, those who can be given a red card are the kind of female fairies who can seduce men and make them go crazy.

The kind of girl who takes off her clothes right away and jumps on customers usually only appeals to inexperienced boys.

Nowadays men have become very sophisticated when they go out!

To be honest, Mary is a very seductive woman. Her facial features are beautiful, her figure is curvy with the right places lifted and thin where they should be. She wears a black suit that deliberately exposes half of her white lace bra and a creamy cleavage, making her look like an alluring mature woman.

"Little Wu Ge (my nickname),"Mary saw me and her eyes lit up immediately. She called out to me with a coquettish smile, deliberately twisting her waist like a water snake as she walked towards me. Her body intentionally or unintentionally pressed against mine, and her upper body hung directly on my arm. With a voice so sweet it was cloying, she laughed in my ear: 'You have to take care of me tonight. That guy Qiang put our team last, which meant that my little sister had nothing to do all night.' After speaking, as if on purpose, she rubbed her pair of * against my arm a few times.

I smiled mischievously at her and slapped her raised buttocks hard while grabbing them at the same time. I said jokingly: 'Mary sis, don't mess with me? Would Ah Qiang dare to go against you? Last night I saw for myself that your little sister had the most work among us. Didn't Boss Ma bring Lili out yesterday?'

Mary gave me an enchanting look and said in a spoiled voice: 'I don't care anymore; you better give me good treatment tonight!' Then she leaned into my arms again with her soft fragrant body.

Many people think that the women in these entertainment venues are from nightclubs. In fact, this concept is wrong.

Nightclubs do not employ these women and they do not receive any salary from the nightclub. Generally, when a nightclub does business, it will invite some "mamas" who bring along a group of women to serve customers every day in exchange for tips from customers. The income of the "mamas" comes from taking a percentage of what the women earn as tips - usually one-tenth.

Of course, there are also some women or "mamas" who have good connections with regular customers and can get a certain percentage of commission on their spending at the nightclub through booking private rooms for them.

For example, Mary has a wide social circle and holds several big clients in her hands, these clients spend tens of thousands of dollars every month at the nightclub. As a result, her commission is quite considerable.

To be honest, the work I'm doing now requires her to flatter me. Because of the rules in nightclubs, when customers come, it's usually up to us customer managers to receive them. Then when they enter a private room, I will find a mommy or girl who has a good relationship with me to serve the customer. Basically, all the power is in my hands.

Therefore, the mommies and girls who hang out here are very eager to please me. They hope that I can introduce more business to them.

There are also many girls who are willing to do anything just for more money or a better position under our manager's supervision.

From what I know about this place, at least half of the girls have been slept with by Ah Qiang - another supervisor here.

But since I am easy-going and rarely scold these girls, nor do I take advantage of my power over them or bully them around; my relationships with people are pretty good.

Mary was giggling, and I took the opportunity to wrap my hand around her soft waist. I lightly pinched it and couldn't help but admire how great it felt! This woman had an amazing figure with fair and smooth skin, especially her waist which had no excess fat. In addition to the nightclub's rules, all of the mamas wore tight black suits with a small bag in their hands (for tips). At first glance, they were quite seductive like office ladies.

I couldn't help but sigh that Mary didn't have any red card girls under her because she refused to work anymore. If she did decide to return to this line of work again, she would definitely be popular. Although she wasn't stunningly beautiful herself, her eyes were sharp and could read customers' minds while also being able to coax them. No wonder she was once famous.

"Xiao Wu Ge, it's still early now. Do you want me to loosen up your bones?" She said as she gave me a flirtatious look with eyes that seemed like they were about to drip water out of them. I knew she was teasing me since we would start working soon anyway; even if I wanted something else done now there wouldn't be enough time for it.

I twisted her buttocks hard and laughed: "Alright stop messing around with me now! Tonight I have several clients who reserved private rooms so let me take you inside later on." However, make sure your subordinates dress nicely because my clients are very picky."

Mary immediately smiled and leaned over to give me a kiss on the cheek, then twisted her waist like a water snake and went inside to touch up her makeup.

In the magnificent nightclub, there are four managers in total. I am the youngest among them, but I have been here for the longest time. I started as a dishwashing boy at 18 years old and worked my way up from a waiter to receptionist before finally becoming a manager.

Tonight, another manager named Ah Qiang is working with me. He's several years older than me and already in his thirties, but he has a baby face that always looks lustful and unsatisfied. When I walked into the back restaurant area, this guy was flirting with another mama-san named Feng Jie.

Feng Jie is the top mama-san here; her girls may not be as numerous as Mary's, but she has two super popular ones who are our main attractions - both absolute beauties.

I sat down and greeted Ah Qiang and Feng Jie. Feng Jie immediately came over with a smile on her face and deliberately sat next to me. Her appearance is completely different from Mary's; Mary is a mature woman with an explosive figure while Feng Jie is petite but charmingly seductive-looking without being too vulgar like Mary can sometimes be. She also happens to be very shrewd which explains how she manages those two super popular girls under her wing.

"Xiao Wu, why are you so late?" Ah Qiang smiled at me while handing me a cigarette revealing his white teeth. This guy used to work at some famous duck shop in town when he was younger where he became quite well-known for his skills before eventually joining us because he couldn't keep up with all of those young guys anymore.

I never really liked him because it was rumored that he only got promoted by sleeping around instead of relying on actual skills or meritocracy like most people do here; apparently there's even one rich lady behind this club who helped him get in through connections or something like that.

I always thought that men who rely on women to get ahead are pathetic and have no respect for them. Behind his back, many people in the company call him "King of Soft Rice" (a derogatory term for a man who relies on women).

I kept a faint smile on my face and nodded at him as a greeting.

Feng Jie then put her arm around my neck: "Xiao Wu ge, I heard that Mr. Ma is coming tonight; he's your old customer so you must take good care of me tonight."

When Feng Jie hugged me, Ah Qiang seemed to flash an unhappy look in his eyes so I quickly pretended to smoke while getting rid of her arms.

I'm not afraid of Ah Qiang, I just feel that in this kind of place, it's unnecessary to offend a colleague for the sake of a woman who works as a mommy in a nightclub.

"Feng Jie, your two main girls are still counting money every day," I said with a smile before ordering some food. When I noticed Feng Jie's expression becoming somewhat unnatural, she forced herself to laugh and replied: "But we still need Xiao Wu ge's help!"

When I heard this, my heart skipped a beat. Could it be that there was something wrong with the two red card girls under her?

But that's none of my business. I wolfed down my food, threw down my chopsticks, said hello to the two of them and went upstairs to take a shower.

Leaving Ah Qiang and Feng Jie sneaking around, who knows what they were discussing.

Everyone here knows that Ah Qiang and Feng Jie have more than just one affair - they have many! Generally speaking, Mommy rarely offers herself up to supervisors but there are some who really do hook up together. For example, Ah Qiang and Feng Jie. But in my heart I suspect that this guy is probably trying to get his hands on those two red cards under her.

Red card girls are completely different from regular girls. For example, regular girls need to flatter us and flatter Mommy. They flatter us because we usually take care of our good little sisters by taking them into some big clients' private rooms. And flattering Mommy is for when guests pick out people; standing closer towards the front gives you an advantage.

Friends who have played in these places all know that when customers choose a girl, they usually make them stand in a row inside the room so they can see everyone clearly. The little sister closest to the customer is always someone with whom Mommy has a good relationship with; she stands at the very front closest to where customers sit while those not favored will only be able to stand near the door or even blocked by others.

In such situations even if you're an immortal beauty no one will notice you nor will you make any money whatsoever.

On the other hand red card girls don't need anyone else's favor as they already have plenty of familiar big clients themselves; every night without having to queue up like everyone else waiting for customers' picks since they already have regular customers who come to request them. It's Mommy who has to be polite with these red card girls under her because they are the golden goose that lays the eggs! Generally speaking, supervisors may take advantage of their power over regular girls but for red card girls, they don't need to look at anyone's face.

In my opinion, there are a total of four red card girls in our place and two of them are super red cards - truly stunning beauties! One even graduated from a famous art school and played supporting roles in several movies and TV dramas; she just came here to make money since competition is too fierce in the entertainment industry.

I went upstairs to the sauna and took a shower. I stood under the hot water for twenty minutes before feeling my energy fully restored. When I came out, one of the attendants respectfully called me "Wu Ge" and asked if I wanted two girls to loosen up my bones and give me a massage.

I never touch the girls in the sauna because I feel they are dirty.

I'll list some numbers, and then everyone will understand.

There are thirty girls listed in our entertainment center's sauna department, and on an average night there receive over one hundred guests. Each girl services at least three clients per night! That's ninety times per month or five hundred forty times every six months! You can do your own math for a year.

Of course, I also rarely touch the girls in nightclubs either.

Although they're also here to make money, most of them don't have to go out with customers because they earn tens of thousands of dollars each month without doing so.

I'm not saying that nightclub girls are clean; no one who works in this industry is clean! That's why after spending some time here, I basically stopped going near these women.

But now that I think about it, are so-called virtuous housewives really any cleaner? Female middle school students or college students whose hair hasn't even grown yet spend all day online meeting different people every other day and having sex with them at hotels - compared to prostitutes working outside, how much cleaner could they be?

The attendant knew my habits well; when he said he would find someone to loosen up my bones after taking a shower, he meant real masseuses rather than prostitutes. This is still considered an upscale place where not everyone comes just for prostitution - there are professional masseuses as well.

If it were another day, I wouldn't refuse enjoying a massage after taking a shower since prices here are high - just taking a shower costs 100 yuan. The masseuses' skills are really good, and some of them were even hired from coastal cities in the south. Plus, I don't have to pay for it since I'm here taking a shower. But looking at the time, I shook my head and asked him to bring me a bottle of mineral water instead. After drinking it all in one gulp, I put on my clothes and went downstairs.

At seven o'clock in the evening, we started work on time.

A row of hostesses wearing high-slit cheongsams stood at the door, bowing together when guests walked in and greeting them with sweet voices: "Hello boss!" "Hello big brother!" "Hello boss!"

These hostesses were actually waitresses from private rooms, commonly known as princesses. Only high-end nightclubs have these private room princesses; they are not found in low-grade establishments. Private room princesses are responsible for serving tea and pouring drinks, occasionally accompanying guests for a drink or two and playing dice games with them. However, customers are not allowed to touch or approach them physically; their service is strictly professional. Often after customers finish spending money, they will give several hundred yuan tips to these princesses who can be considered the cleanest people there. Many other girls even joke about wanting to become private room princesses.

These hardworking hostesses accompany guests drinking alcohol all night long while allowing themselves to be hugged and touched by customers for only a few hundred yuan per table each night.

Of course, some of these princesses are beautiful enough that after working here for a while they cannot resist the temptation of money and end up becoming prostitutes instead.

Ah Qiang and I both wore our work suits with earphones on our ears while carrying walkie-talkies attached to our belts as we walked back-and-forth around the establishment greeting familiar clients occasionally entering private rooms for a drink or two.

Our business is extremely good in this place. Before 9 o'clock, all the private rooms were fully booked. I accompanied my regular customer, Mr. Ma, for two drinks in a large private room and then took a break to catch some fresh air in the lounge. The guests in two other private rooms drank too much tonight, and I also had two extra drinks which made me feel a bit dizzy.

As soon as I sat down on my sofa bed inside my resting area, a soft and tender body leaned against me from behind. I could smell the fragrance of her perfume, knowing it was Mary. Her face was flushed red probably due to alcohol fumes. She handed me a small wet towel while sweetly asking: "Wu Ge, why did you come here alone?"

I sighed, knowing she wouldn't have come without any reason and wiped my face before looking up at her saying: "What's wrong Mary?"

"Aiyo," she coquettishly laughed while sitting down next to me on the sofa bed; there were only two seats available so we sat side by side with her leaning on my shoulder as she spoke in a cloying voice: "Can't I just come find you for a chat when nothing is happening?"

To be honest, I had drunk too much tonight and instinctively hugged her waist then slid my hand downwards; however, she didn't dodge but instead twisted her snake-like waist teasingly as if deliberately provoking me.

I'm not a good person. I'm just here to make a living, and I've slept with some of the girls in the nightclub before. Now I feel like Mary is deliberately trying to seduce me. I lightly touched her leg a few times under her lady's suit, which had a short skirt underneath it. Mary was wearing thin silk stockings tonight, and her skin was smooth and elastic. It is said that she has the habit of taking cold showers to maintain her figure. This woman is at least twenty-five or six years old but has a better figure than many girls in their early twenties.

Mary giggled as if resisting my advances while also luring me deeper into temptation. I understood what she meant when my hand reached inside her blouse and grabbed one of her breasts over her bra: "Mary, are you deliberately trying to seduce me?"

Mary chuckled twice and then opened my hand, saying 'Thanks for tonight, Xiao Wu.' She was referring to the two customers I had just sent her way. At that time, Feng Jie was by my side and had probably rolled her eyes countless times at the situation. But I didn't care - Feng Jie is Ah Qiang's woman, why should I look after her?

"Let me treat you dinner tonight at Cui Xiang Ge after work," Mary said with alluring eyes. "My girls want to thank you too."

I smirked back: "Your girls will keep me busy all night long? Even if it's just you alone, I might not be able to handle it."

Mary playfully swiped across my chest then teased: "Xiao Wu; everyone knows how skilled you are. Your future wife will be lucky."

I pouted and said, 'Wife? Where did I get a wife from?'

Mary's eyes seemed to be on the verge of tears, and she leaned into my arms and said, 'It's okay, Xiao Wu Ge. If it comes down to it, I can keep you company tonight.'

I became somewhat alert when I heard her say that.

Although Mary seems flirtatious, most of the time it's just an act. In this line of work, people can be flattered and touched as a way to charm them, but it rarely leads to any real advantage.

Tonight she came knocking on my door like this, could it be that she wants to curry favor with me?

But if she really wanted to do so, she could have sent one of her subordinates instead of coming in person, right?

Sure enough, while I was lost in thought, Mary suddenly said: "Xiao Wu Ge, there's something I want to tell you. Can you help me take a look? Two of Xiao Feng's subordinates want to transfer to my team. You know what kind of person Xiao Feng is. She can't not give you face. Can you help me talk to her?" When she said these words, she was almost whispering in my ear and her teeth lightly bit my earlobe a few times on purpose or not. Her hand suddenly grabbed onto my little brother and gently squeezed it a few times. Her movements were very skillful - neither too light nor too heavy - and her soft chest rubbed against me back and forth, igniting a fire within me.

When I couldn't resist and went to grab her, Mary just smiled and dodged away. She looked at me with seductive eyes and said in a sweet voice, 'Wu Ge, it's not okay now. I still have to go to work. Don't mess up my clothes.'

I chuckled softly and asked, 'You little devil, you're teasing me on purpose?'

A strange look flashed in her eyes as she turned around and locked the door behind her. Then she walked towards me with a swaying waist, squatted down gently in front of me, skillfully unzipped my pants with her slender hands, raised her head with a coquettish smile, and opened her mouth...