
The rules

I felt my lower body tightly wrapped in a warm and moist place. While I was overwhelmed, I saw Mary's charming eyes glancing at me.

To be honest, I don't mind having a "friendly match" with this flirtatious woman. But just then, my walkie-talkie suddenly sounded an urgent call.

"Wu Ge Wu Ge! Something happened outside. Come to Room 6 for a moment!"

Damn it!

I immediately pushed Mary away and quickly stood up to pull up my pants: "Something's happened. I'm going out to take a look."

Mary looked unhappy and wiped her mouth with a tissue. There was a hint of sadness in her eyes, but I couldn't care less about that now and rushed out without looking back.

Generally speaking, there are rarely any incidents in the club that require us to intervene. The girls are all very clever and know how to please the customers. As for these so-called incidents, there are usually several situations.

The first is when the police conduct surprise raids or inspections. However, this kind of thing doesn't happen here because our boss has enough connections and we usually get advance notice if anything like that were to occur.

As for other situations, most of them involve customers causing trouble after drinking too much.

Usually, this accounts for the vast majority of cases.

For example, last time something happened where two Northeastern customers drank too much and insisted on having one of the girls take off her clothes in the private room while they wanted to have sex right then and there - which was absolutely not allowed!

The higher-end nightclubs have fewer such messy incidents; everything is governed by rules! Girls can sit at tables with clients; they can let clients hold them or touch them but they must never remove their clothes under any circumstances - otherwise if caught during an inspection you won't be able run away even if you tried! And as for having sex directly in private rooms? That's absolutely impossible! We're running a nightclub here; if you want sex go upstairs to the sauna department!

Not only us, but the girls themselves would never do such a thing.

Friends who go out to play should have this experience: the lower-end nightclubs are easier for the girls to accompany you, while it's more difficult in high-end places. Don't underestimate these girls here. Generally speaking, there are many differences between nightclub girls and sauna girls. The most important one is that nightclub girls generally won't easily go to bed with customers.


It's simple! Men are cheap bones; what they can't get is what they want! Usually, when a customer comes to play at the club and likes a girl and wants to take her out, she will refuse him several times! Why? Once he gets her, he'll probably lose interest in her quickly. Then how can she continue making money from him?

Normally, she has to hook you enough so that after you've come several times and spent a lot of money on her, then maybe she'll agree. And our club has a high level; the appearance fee for each girl is not low.

Of course, if the customer is very rich and willing to pay a high price right away, then the girl will be happy too. After all, they're here to make money; no one would turn down an opportunity like that.

There are also those handsome customers whom the girls really like - they might even be willing to go out with them without charging anything for their services for one night. I once met such a customer before - he was very handsome with great manners and knew how to charm women well. That night he took out a beautiful young lady as his companion. Later I heard that he took her out for supper before going back together into his hotel room where things happened between them but afterwards she didn't charge him any money at all - not even taxi fare home which she paid herself instead of asking him.

Actually, thinking about it later made me understand:

Misses are also human beings. They are all young girls who have some illusions that girls of this age should have. These illusions include romantic feelings or even sexual encounters.

When encountering such customers, they can satisfy some of the Miss's fantasies about love. Even if they know it is fake, they are willing to treat it as a romantic encounter and fulfill their dreams.

However, those super high-end Misses will never easily go to bed with customers. Even if they appear in public areas, they will not go out with first-time customers. Moreover, even if they appear in public areas, their prices are very high!

I quickly ran to Room 6 and heard grumbling voices inside. There were two male waiters at the door who immediately approached me when I arrived: "Brother Five, the customer inside drank too much and forced Little Di to hug him and take off her clothes. Little Di ran away so they caused trouble saying that they won't pay for anything anymore and kicked all the ladies out insisting on seeing the manager."

I looked over and saw several little sisters standing next to them looking embarrassed when I arrived.

I frowned slightly because what they said was wrong; that girl named Xiao Di was not a Miss but rather a princess of private rooms - a waitress! This kind of waitress is not for sale! Customers cannot touch them let alone try taking off their clothes in private rooms.

That girl named Xiao Di seemed familiar; she had just come recently - quite an agile little girl.

"What's the background of these customers?" I frowned.

"I don't know! We don't recognize any one of them; probably their first time here so unaware of our rules," he replied

I nodded my head knowing what needed to be done since this place is one of the most upscale places in town where many guests who visit have certain backgrounds including some whom we cannot afford to offend. We even have a list of customers that we need to be extra careful with and those who are very difficult to serve.

"Alright, I'll handle it," I nodded my head and pushed open the door walking in.

This was a luxurious small private room decorated with great attention to detail; thick carpets on the floor, marble tables, leather sofas, top-notch sound systems - even the bottles of Hennessy were placed on the table. Three drunken men sat on the sofa; one of them had an intoxicated look while grumbling about something.

As soon as he saw me come in, he seemed like their leader and said sarcastically: "You're the manager here? Fuck! I've been waiting for you half a day! What are you going to do about tonight's incident?"

I smiled politely while sitting down offering him a cigarette saying: "Gentlemen, is this your first time here? If there's anything unsatisfactory please forgive us."

We don't hit people who smile at us. After all, we're doing business here so naturally we won't easily offend our guests.

The two guys next to him took cigarettes from me but that drunk guy pushed my hand away shouting: "Stop talking nonsense! I came out tonight for fun but now I'm not having any fun anymore! How do you plan on fixing this?"

I continued smiling gently saying: "Sir if you came out for fun then let's drink together. Afterwards let me find another beautiful lady for you which will guarantee your satisfaction okay?"

Afterwards turning around towards the waiter outside ordering loudly: "Bring up two large fruit plates and another bottle of wine charged onto my account." Suddenly something occurred to me:

Damn it! This private room wasn't under my responsibility tonight - it was Ah Qiang's job!

He disappeared when things went wrong leaving me alone dealing with everything!

But regardless of what I thought, I still had to handle the situation. Otherwise, it wouldn't look good if things got worse.

The faces of the three customers looked slightly better but that drunk guy in the middle was still not satisfied: "Kid, I'll let you off this time but have that little girl come over and accompany me! Let's just forget about what happened tonight!"

The other two guys chimed in saying: "Yes! Call that girl over here! She made our big brother unhappy so why is she hiding? Bring her over!"

I understood; if I really called that waitress to accompany them for drinks then she definitely would refuse. After all, she came out as a waitress not as a Miss selling herself. Nowadays we live in a society governed by law where no one will force someone into prostitution. So I frowned pretending to be bitter while saying: "Gentlemen are giving me trouble now. That girl is a waitress and not an accompanying lady for drinks. How about I call two more beautiful ladies to keep you company instead?"

The drunkard's head was shaking like a drum, shouting: 'No way! I've set my sights on that little girl! I want her to accompany me tonight and no one else! Stop talking nonsense!'

I remained calm and smiled, poured a full cup of alcohol into a glass, and said politely: 'Sir, you come out to have fun and spend money for happiness. We open the door to do business but we also need rules right? That little girl is not in this line of work. Even if you give me face, it won't change anything. Thank you all anyway. Cheers!'

After saying that, I raised my glass and looked at them with a smile while they began to soften up except for the guy in the middle who seemed genuinely drunk as he continued yelling: 'Fuck! Who are you?! If you drink with me then I'll give you some respect! What princess or not princess? Since she entered my room isn't she just another prostitute?! Why can't I touch her when I'm paying?!'

Suddenly something clicked in my mind - could this bastard be pretending to be drunk? Or maybe they only played at low-end nightclubs before coming here where touching the "princess" inside private rooms was allowed (low-end nightclubs don't have such services)?

But having been in this industry since 18 years old for several years now meant there wasn't much that surprised me anymore.

So without hesitation, I stood up with my smile fading away gradually as my eyes turned cold bit by bit: 'Gentlemen,' I said sternly. 'That young lady really cannot accompany any of you because she works as a waitress here which means even though it's within our rights to order her around we still cannot force her into doing anything against her will.'

'If it pleases your highnesses then allow me to find two other beautiful women instead. If you think that's acceptable then I'll be grateful for your understanding and we can become friends who visit each other often. But if not, then there's nothing more I can do.'

'Fuck this place! Bullshit!' The guy in the middle suddenly stood up and grabbed his coat before heading out: 'Let's go to Golden Age instead!'

I knew what they meant by "Golden Age" - another club within the city but with lower standards where the girls were of low quality and prices were cheaper.

So I had a plan in mind as I watched them leave. Stepping forward to block their way, still smiling, I said: 'Gentlemen, please settle your bill before leaving.'

'The fuck are you talking about?! We're already pissed off because of you guys! Why should we pay?! Get lost!' The guy in the middle shouted back.

Not budging from my position, I asked one of our waiters calmly: 'How much did these gentlemen spend tonight?'

One quick-witted waiter immediately replied: 'Three bottles of Hennessy plus two fruit platters and four snacks which comes to a total of 3,360 yuan.'

Nodding my head slightly while maintaining my smile, I said: 'Alright then. Gentlemen let me give you a discount so it will only cost 3k yuan. However there are also three other young ladies outside so could you please tip them too?'

'I'm not giving shit!' The guy in the middle was getting angrier now as he yelled back: 'We only drank one bottle out of three! Why should we pay 3k?!'

Still calm despite feeling annoyed inside at how unreasonable they were being now, I replied coldly: 'That's fine too. You can return two bottles since those weren't consumed anyway but keep in mind that drinking just one bottle alone is already worth 880 yuan. However, the minimum spending for this private room is 1,180 yuan so if you give me that amount then we'll call it even.'

'One thousand?! You look like a thousand!'After speaking, The guy in the middle rushed towards me and collided with my body.

I frowned slightly and dodged half of my body to avoid the attack. I pushed him along with it, pushing him onto another person next to him.

I showed mercy, but this guy seemed really looking for trouble tonight. He grabbed a bottle on the table and cursed: 'Fuck! Get him!' After saying that, he threw the bottle at me. The other two people beside him followed suit and picked up bottles to attack me together.

I dodged one person, pushed away another one, and grabbed the wrist of the third person with some force. With a slight twist, he cried out in pain and his body went limp.

I still kept my temper under control because we are doing business here; we cannot easily offend customers by using violence. If possible, we should try not to make things worse as there were other customers in private rooms nearby which would have a bad influence.

I let go of the guy in front of me and pushed him back onto the sofa before coldly looking at them: 'Gentlemen who come out for fun should also follow rules right? It's unreasonable if you don't pay when leaving after having fun somewhere.'

'Pay! Pay! Pay! I'll pay your mother's bill!' The drunkard shouted and rushed towards me again with a bottle in his hand. This time, I didn't let him get close. I stepped back and kicked his wrist as he approached. He screamed in pain, holding onto his wrist as he fell to the ground. The bottle flew out of his hand and smashed on the ground, luckily the pavement was thick enough not to break. Someone next to me had already jumped behind me and hugged me from behind, but I used my arms to grab their wrist and threw them over my shoulder with a judo move.

Although I drank some alcohol tonight, I still restrained myself from using excessive force. I only threw him onto the sofa. If I had been more ruthless and thrown him on the corner of the table, he would have broken at least two bones!

However, soon after that, I heard a loud bang and felt a sharp pain in my head!

A guy behind me looked fierce, holding half a broken bottle in his hand.

Damn it! I cursed loudly and wiped my head with my hand, and the alcohol and blood flowed down. I drank too much tonight. Just now, I was caught off guard by this guy who attacked me from behind and hit me on the head with a glass bottle.

I grabbed his wrist and kicked him in the stomach. He screamed miserably, collapsed like mud, vomited filth out of his mouth which sprayed all over me. Now I was really angry, glaring at two waiters at the door and shouting: "Are you dead? Come here!"

The two guys finally reacted and closed the door before joining three other guys to fight them for five minutes.

My head hurt badly after being hit by a wine bottle. Leaning against the wall for a while on the sofa to recover myself, feeling annoyed inside as I said: "Get them out through the back door! Make sure they pay their bill before leaving!"

I called several more waiters before walking out of that private room alone.

The soundproofing effect here is excellent; once you close that private room's door tightly enough no one outside can hear what's going on inside - especially since we intentionally turned up loud music.

I walked all the way and when the waiter saw blood on my head, they quickly came to help me. I wanted to push them away, but I had drunk quite a bit tonight after all. The bastard who hit me didn't hold back and now my head is spinning. Through gritted teeth, I said: 'Let Soft Rice handle things, let Ah Qiang watch over the place, and I'll go to the hospital.' Damn it! In my haste, I almost blurted out 'Soft Rice King'. Glaring at two little brothers who were desperately trying not to laugh, I knew they wouldn't say anything. Nobody here likes that guy anyway and since I'm well-liked here too, they won't say anything either.

Taking a deep breath of cold air while enduring the pain, I immediately went to the hospital.

Damn it! Those two drunks gave me a cut on my head! If my brothers find out about this...they'll be laughing so hard their dentures will fall out!