
Chapter 3:Uncle Jackson???

When me and kyle seprate, we killed some of my uncle people.It was really dark that we couldn't see anything, I heard a girl scream,"MELANIE".We followed her scream, I saw her and my uncle. I saw my sister got tied up by a chair. I walked slowly,"Oh hi nephew"."UNTIED HER NOW!!!!!"."I haven't seen my little niece for a long time"."Its over uncle, hand her over to me"."Uncle your surround, just surrender".My uncle smirked,"Do you think I would surrender".I saw my uncle clap his hand, there were thousand of people.I got my radio,"Kyle planned b"."Okay". I saw Kyle and the other man with my brother liam and his people.We were fighting until my uncle people were all down. I saw my brother stood there, and out of breath. I saw my uncle getting a gun out so I saw a piece of glass, I grabbed it and cut the rope really quickly and I got up, ran to my brother and stood infront of him."Uncle don't shoot him"."I'll marry you if you stop doing these things"."Okay".He put his gun away, I turn around to my brother,"Melanie please don't do this"."Ethan it's your own safety"."I love you".We hugged and I broke the hug.I went to my uncle and I stand next to him,"Lets head out boys"."But how about Melanie"."I'll tell you later".They all left, at my dad company, we were worried about melanie.We all went to my dad office,"Where is Melanie???"."I-I'm sorry dad, couldn't safe her". started to cry."Don't cry"."We will find her again"."I suggest you guys should sleep".Liam bring our men's to my place".Ethan and Kyle go to your room".They nodded their.Kyle went to his bedroom and went to play the game.He looked his friend list to see if his wife is on but she wasn't on so he went to do some quest.In the morning, my dad called everyone to go to his office."Everyone listen"."We need to find her again"."Dad I think Melanie still have that watch"."We can locate her again"."But I think Melanie is in his house and he's hiding her"."Dad".Yes"."I think that Melanie doesn't want us to find her because she said this to me it's your own safety."She just want to protect us from him".Lets just give up now"."Ethan I know she said to you but we have to bring her back"."But…. Kyle"."No buts"."All we do is bring her back"."But how"."I know how".What is it"."Well remember that my uncle wanted to marry her".Yeah???"Well we can attend her wedding and we can resuce her from her wedding"."But you know your uncle have a lot of bodygaurd"."We can disguise of his bodygaurd"."But we have to kill them all"."When is her wedding".Well I think tomorrow"."That quick"."Yeah"."Because he wants my dad company"."Thats a great plan"."Lets train today and we can wait for tomorrow".They been training a lot,It's Melanie wedding day.They planned it yesterday.They went to melanie wedding.