
Chapter 3: Wedding

They went to her wedding and then they went inside thats where all of the guards are."Are you guys ready".They nodded their head, so they attack them really quietly because they didn't want his guest to hear it.When they finish attacking,"Ethan how about these body"."Hmm... One of you guys hide all of the body but make sure that no one see you.One of one nodded,So they end up wearing the clothes They heard the bell,"Guys the wedding is started".They went outside and they pretend that they are his guard.They saw melanie wearing a wedding dress,"Ethan look at melanie face".Ethan looked at melanie face."Melanie isn't happy".Melanie walk the aisle to where Jackson is.The officant"Welcome, family, friends and loved ones. We gather here today to celebrate the wedding of Melanie and Jackson. You have come here to share in this formal commitment they make to one another, to offer your love and support to this union, and to allow Melanie and Jackson to start their married life together surrounded by the people dearest and most important to them. So welcome to one and all, who have traveled from near and far. Melanie and Jackson thank you for your presence here today and now ask for your blessing, encouragement, and lifelong support for their decision to be married. "Will you Jackson, take this women to be your wedded wife?."I do". Will you Melanie, take this men to be your wedded husband"."Uhhhh… I-I"."Come guys".They went to aisle and grabbed melanie."Hey why are you taking my future wife, you guys have to stay here to protect her".Ethan took his glasses off."She's not your future wife".Guest,"Oh my god the mafia","Guys run".Every guest ran,"Guards!!!"."Uncle no one will help because we killed all of the guards".My brother grabbed me and we started to run But when I turned around, I saw my uncle have a gun and he triggered the gun and bullets was flying towards him, I blocked him but then I end up getting shot.Ethan caught Melanie,"Mel-Melanie please don't die"started to cry."w-why melanie"."B-because I-I w-wanted y-you t-to l-live, e-ethan t-thanks f-for b-being m-my b-best br-brother".started to cry."e-ethan t-take t-this"."What is this"."I-I m-made a br-bracelat f-for y-you, p-please d-don't f-forget a-about m-me"."I-I l-love y-you e-ethan".Melanie closed her eyes."MELANIE PLEASE WAKE UP!!!!".He put melanie on the ground and he got, grabbed the gun and pointed the at his uncle.

"Don't shoot me"."You better regret what you did".He shot him,"Called the ambulance".The ambulance was here and they quickly got her body and went to the hospital.They got there and they went the operation."DOCTER WE NEED HELP".The Doctor came,"What happened she got shot".The doctor went to the operation."You guys have to stay here".They waited for her,the doctor came,"How is she doctor"."Well she's fine but she's in a coma"."Doctor how long will she be in a coma"."I don't really know because it will takes year for her to wake up"."Can we see her"."You can see her tomorrow"."Okay doctor".They left.At the company, ethan didn't want to tell his parents because they would get a heart attack."Where is Melanie"."Uhhh....."."Kyle tell them"."Sir your daughter is at her friends house and she told me that she will live with her"."Did she tell you how many years does she live with her"."She said that forever"."Why???".Because she said that she haven't talk with her a while"."Oh I see"."You boys should go to sleep".They nodded their head,they walked out of his dad office."Kyle"."Yeah"."Why did you lie to my dad"."Because If I tell him that she's in a coma, he will get a heart attack"."Kyle my sister doesn't have friends"."I know I just made up a something to make him believe it"."Lets just ahead sleep".Both of went to their room.Ethan's room, I started to laying down on my bed and grabbed my bracelate in my pocket.I still remember what my sister said to me.I put it one wrist and it fit perfectly.But I didn't really shot my uncle, I just shot him on his leg but I think he won't bother us anymore. I wish I would have get shot by expect of her.I went to sleep.