
My Feelings For You, Park Jimin (my childhood friend)

It's been a lot of years since meeting her childhood friend. she meets him finally but is scared to meet him as she's worried if he'd remember her. They eventually meet and face problems in between. Tune in to find out what they were and how they overcame it!

Ruby093 · Urban
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68 Chs

What would you say?

We reached the dorm.

I felt relieved that nothing happened to Mia but I still feel guilty for her being hurt.

I walked to my room and took a shower and relaxed myself.

"Y/n, tell me now. Please." Jimin came in begging.

"What?" I asked.

"About Mia." He said.

I got up and locked the door.

"She, um...." I wasn't sure if I should tell yet.

"First, tell me what do you think. If a girl/boy is too close with their other girl/boy friend, does it mean either one of them like the other?" I asked.

"Kinda. I guess." He said.

"Ok. A friend of mine likes her friend. But I don't know if she has confessed to him. So I'll tell later." I said.

"Who is that friend of yours? Do I know her?" He asked.

"Kind of." I said cause if I said yes he would get to know.

"Why do you keep suspended?" He whined.

"I'll tell you sooner." I said pinching his cheeks and went out.

"Y/n, Mia wants to talk to you." Jin oppa said giving me his phone.

"Hello Mia. Do you need anything?" I asked.

"Nope. Can you come over for now? I want to talk to you." She asked hesitating.

"Sure. No problem." I said.

"Thanks. And could please bring me something good to eat. I'm sick of this hospital food."

"Ok. I'll come." I said and left.

*time skip

I reached the hospital and went over to Mia's room. On my way brought her some cake cause she loves them a lot.

I knocked and entered.

"Y/n, you came. I have some work, really important work. So can you please take care of her?" Namjoon oppa asked.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of her." I said and he left.

"I brought you some cake." I said and gave it to her.

"You're the best." She said and started eating.

"So...." I paused.

"So?" She asked.

"Have you confessed yet?" I asked her.

"Not yet. I don't know why. I feel nervous around him. We barely talked." She said.

"Do you know whether he likes you?"

"I'm not sure. But he's also too close." She said blushing.

"Let's see. According to me, while leaving, he felt a small tension. He was concerned, he wanted to be there for you but he had to leave. He too, likes you." I blurted out.

"What? Really?!" She asked.

"Seeing his activities, yes. I do think he likes you. Maybe he's also nervous to say it." I said.

"What should I do?"

"It'd be better if you confessed. Don't wait. It's ok if he doesn't like you back, but you've gotta let that feeling out. You should tell him how you feel, so he wouldn't think you as someone weird if you act different when you're with him."

"You're right. But when?" She asked.

"That I'll tell you later. First, get well."

I walked around the room. I looked out through the window.

*knock knock

The door opened revealing the doctor.

"Mia, your feeling good? Any pain or something?" He asked her.

"No doctor. I'm perfectly fine." She said.

"Ok. You can get discharged today then. You're perfectly fine. You can fill up the forms and you'll be discharged." He said and left.

"I'll go fill up the forms and come back." I said and went to fill the forms.

*time skip

We were ready to go. I didn't inform the guys cause I thought it'll be surprise for them.

We reached the dorm and I rang the bell.

The door opened. Hoseok oppa opened the door and was happy to see Mia.

"Guys!!! Look who's here!!!" He shouted.

They all came and gave the same reaction as hoseok oppa.

She went in and stood half way cause everyone surrounded her.

"Hello? First let her sit down then you can ask her anything." I said.

We sat down and started talking.

"Y/n, now tell us. What exactly happened? How you met Taejin again?" Mia asked.

I took a deep breath in and told them everything without leaving a bit. Taehyung and Yoongi oppa helped me out when I passed out.

"Y/n, you've gone through everything alone. I can't believe this. I can't do things like these all alone." Hoseok oppa said.

"Exactly. I really feel guilty that I couldn't be there to hear out your problems." Jin oppa said.

"Oppa, Its ok. Everything's over. Let's focus on what's gonna come." I said.

"Let's put up a party. A party as mias back, and everything's back to normal." I suggested.

"Yup. Let's put up a party. Only to spend time with us. No outsiders, but only us 9." Jungkook said.

"Yes." They all shouted in unison.

"Let's make it tomorrow." Namjoon oppa said. We all agreed.

We had our dinner and went to sleep.

*next day

I got up quiet early. I had the best sleep. After a lot of problems, I could finally take sometime for myself.

I refreshed myself. I put my hair into a bun.

I saw Jin oppa and Taehyung awake. Jin oppa was as usual in the kitchen. And Tae was sitting on the couch.

I offered to help Jin oppa.

*time skip

All woke up and we ate our breakfast and were sitting.

"What do we do for the party?" Namjoon oppa asked.

"As usual. Let's stick up with it." I said.

"Yup. Watch a movie, karaoke, games,etc." Hoseok oppa said.

"Let's go out. To a park." Mia suggested.

"Since when were you this intelligent?" I asked sarcastically.

"Come on. Let's get ready. And the whole day we're spending it there." She said.

"Yes. We are. Let's go." I said with full josh and we all went to get changed.

I wore an off shoulder, pink top, with blue jeans. My hair was still put in bun.

Everyone were ready and we left to the park.

*after sometime

We reached the park. It was quiet big.

We walked in. I enjoyed the scenery.

"Let's sit there." I said pointing at a pond surrounded with green grass.

We walked over there and seated ourselves.

"Such a beautiful scenery." Yoongi oppa said.

"Let's take a photo to remember this." Jimin said and he took a Polaroid and took a shot.

"Let's eat!" Jungkook said.

"So what've you got us Jin oppa?" I asked.

"Your favourite. Bulgogi." He said.

"You're the best oppa." I said.

"What about us?" Jungkook whined.

"I didn't say I don't like you guys. I like you all equally." I said and started eating the bulgogi.

"If you had to say something to Jin hyung, what would you say?" Mia asked me.

"I'd say a big thanks and ask him to give himself some importance."

"Wae?" Mia asked.

"I'll say thanks cause he makes us delicious food and does a lot to make us happy. The best brother. I'll ask him to take rest and look after himself cause he really gets worked up. He's the eldest. He makes us food, practices on his moves and vocals. Being the eldest he'll have a feeling of responsibility of taking care of his younger ones. He has less time to look after his health. It'd be happy if he would give sometime for him and do what he likes which makes him happy." I said.

"Yeah, very true." Taehyung added.

"We do really agree with that." Namjoon oppa added.

"Stop praising me!" Jin oppa said blushing and laughing. A tear flowed from his eye which everyone noticed.

"Oppa, did I say something that hurt you?" I asked.

"It feels different hearing from you. It's just feels new." He said.

I went over to him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Oppa, I know why you feel different. If you feel low or want to talk about anything, we're there for you." I said and comforted him.

"That for sure I know. My 8 dongsaengs." He said and we laughed.

We had a quiet good time at the park.

A small cute guy came towards us.

"Hey. Do you know me?" Taehyung asked him.

"Don't ask him that. How will he know? He's too small to even tell his own name." I said.

"Where are your parents?" Jimin carried him and asked.

"Same applies to you too, Jimin." I said.

"I know he can't talk but at least show." He said.

"Oh is it? Probably there is a map on the kid's hand. See it and drop him off at his parents hands." I said.

The others were staring at me.

"Come with me." He whined.

"Why?" I asked disturbed.

He dropped the kid and pulled me up.

"Thanks." I said and carried the kid.

"Come let's go find your mama." I said and Jimin followed me.

It was difficult to find the child's parents. I stood on a bench and shouted.

"Excuse me. Can I have your attention? Thanks." I paused and continued.

"This is for parents who came with their kids. There's a young boy here, probably he lost his way. Please check if your kids are with you." I said.

A person looked odd among the crowd. He noticed that I saw him and he was backing away slowly.

"Catch that guy." I shouted.

To be continued...