

Flora and Williams dressed up and came down , today flora wore an off shoulder crop top and loose crazy jeans and she paired it with sneakers ,while on other hand Williams wore a green luxury designers suit . They both came down and sat down with the family members to have their breakfast . Good morning they both greeted them . Uhm sister-in-law are we still going to the mall to shop today Nora asked excitedly . Of course we are ,and that reminds me I forgot to call Arya ,I will call her now and let her know about our plans ,flora said . 

After breakfast Mrs Herbert and Mr Herbert left , because they were traveling for a few day so they had an early morning flight ,they left after saying goodbye to all of them . Uhm carino ,I and Nora are going for shopping so you can go ahead I will wait for Arya so that we can go together flora said to Williams . Okay we will get going now Williams said . Okay bye carino see you later ,flora said while smiling at Williams okay Williams said and pecked flora on her forehead before heading out with Jason . Bye sister in-law Jason said to flora . Bye flora replied . After they left flora called Arya ,hello flora ,Arya voice came through . Uhm Arya I am planning to go for shopping ,I was asking if you would like to join me ,flora said . Oh of course it my pleasure ,I have been bored since I came to America ,and now I finally get to have some fun ,Arya said excitedly . Oh okay meet me at my house ,I will send you the address now. Oh okay Arya said before disconnecting the call . 

Sister in-law you and brother Williams are really sweet you both have a name for each other ,Nora who had been quiet said . Uhm well thanks flora said to nora while trying to cover her red cheeks . OMG sister in-law you are blushing ,Nora said while laughing . Ah.. Nora can you stop teasing me flora said to Nora .okay okay i won't tease you again ,by the way where is your friend,Nora asked looking around . Ah I don't know I will try calling her now ,flora said ,but before she could even grab her phone Arya,s voice rang out ,I am here Arya said as she tiredly walked to sit down. Arya why are you in this state flora asked worriedly. Traffic ,I have been in the car for a very long time and the traffic was even getting worse ,I had to walk all the way from the subsud to here Arya weakly explained . Oh sorry ,we should get going now , before we run late flora said . Oh okay Arya and Nora got up from the sofa and headed out with flora . The three ladies got into the car and headed to the mall . Uhm Arya I noticed your foot steps you don't look okay is everything fine ,flora asked Arya. Ah.. I forget to tell you I sprained my ankle yesterday but it is getting better now ,Arya said .

I hope you're okay now ,flora asked . Flora do you remember brother in-law,s friend the one that dropped me off the other day ,Arya said . Oh you mean Richard ,flora said . Yes Richard that's his name ,he was the one that helped me yesterday ,he dropped me off at my house and even applied some ointment on my ankle ,Arya said to flora. Oh wow Richy is a good boy don't you think so ,flora asked Arya . Yeah I think so too ,I mean he is very caring Arya said with admiration in her eye . Uhm Arya do you like Richard ,Nora who had been quiet all the along spoke uhm . Uhm well I like him as a friend just a friend Arya emphasized . Oh okay Nora said .

The arrived at the mall and walked into the mall . Uhm ladies what should we buy first ,flora said . Well let's go to the gown department Nora suggested . Okay flora agreed and the walked towards the direction of the gown department . Flora sighted a purple spaghetti hand flay gown ,she took the gown and examined it . Arya ,Nora what do you think of this gown ,flora asked for their opinion . OMG flora this looks beautiful I think brother Williams would love it ,Nora said. Yeah it,s nice it suits your temperament Arya said . Well okay but I would prefer this in red flora said . She look around and saw a sales girl , hello please can I get this dress in red ,flora said to the sales girl. Oh okay ma I will get it delivered to you soon,the sales girl said with a smile . After she left they both continued their shopping . Uhm guys I want to buy a gift for Williams ,the other time I wanted to buy him a watch my plans were ruined by a pest ,flora said . Good Idea ,I also want to buy a gift for Richard to thank him Arya said . Wait I aslo want to buy a gift for brother Leo too I want to buy him a welcome gift Nora as she giggled . Silly girl flora looked at her appearance and said . Well alright Williams from the time I have known him I think he likes watches so I think I could buy him a watch flora said , well I don't know what Richard would like so I will just buy him a shirt Arya said . Well brother Leo loves painting so I can just buy him a painting set Nora said . The three decided what the wanted to buy ,the went to the paint department and got their most expensive paint set ,after they a they went to buy a shirt ,Arya choose a black shirt for Richard ,they decideed to buy some things for themselves before heading to the watch department . Flora bought a lot of clothes that she thought would suit her ,she bought home clothes and outing clothes.