

Richard got into the car and drone Arya to her apartment. Richard got down from the car and carried Arya into the house ,he placed her on the sofa and went to the kitchen to get some hot water . He came out and asked Arya about the ointment and pain relievers ,uhm Arya where is the medicine . Uhm it,s in that drawer behind you Arya said pointing at the direction of the drawer . Oh okay Richard walked over and got the ointment and pain relievers ,here take this pain killer ,it will relieve the pain,Richard handed the medicine and water to her . Thankyou Arya said . Richard bent down and applied the ointment on her foot ,it will release in about two day , Richard said . Thanks ,I am fine now Arya said . Well okay I will get going now ,I still have some work to do so I have to get going ,Richard said standing up to leave. Okay chat me up when you get home Arya said to Richard . Huh what did you say ,Richard paused in his movement and said . I said chat me up when you get home ,Arya repeated . Okay Richard said smiling stupidly ,after that Richard said good bye to her and left . After he left he got into the car and immediately called flora to tell her what happened . Hey Richy what,s up flora ,s voice came through the phone , sister in-law I met Arya today ,she hurt her foot and I helped her home and treated her wound and when I was about to leave ,she said that I should chat her when I get ho home , sister in-law isn't that great Richard said in one breath. Wow that is great news ,I am sure Arya will tell me about it and from there I can now see if she would tell me something about you . Okay sister in-law thank you Richard said happily . Okay good night flora said before disconnecting the call . After hanging up the call flora turned and saw Williams standing behind her with a pitiful expression . I won't buy that ,you are sleeping on the sofa and that,s final ,and if you keep complaining you will sleep outside ,flora said and immediately climbed up the bed and covered her self with the quilt. Williams had no other choice but to compromise ,in his heart he swore to always respect his wife,s decision , he walked dejectedly and lay down on the sofa to sleep. Flora listened if she could still hear Williams plead but she didn't hear any ,she slowly lifted the quilt and saw Williams lying on the sofa. Flora was surprised that Williams obeyed her . She got up from the bed and walked to the sofa and sat beside Williams . Williams felt the sofa sinking and opened his eyes to see flora sitting next to him . Uhm bunny what are you doing here why are you not asleep . Williams sorry for what I did earlier I was just joking I didn't mean what I said I just wanted to tease you ,I know we are not that close I just wanted to have fun that's all flora said to Williams . No you didn't do anything wrong it was my fault and I deserve the punishment , Williams got up from the sofa and said . Flora looked up to him and said ,so do you forgive me . I wasn't angry in the first place , I was in the wrong so I deserved the punishment ,now my wife do you forgive me Williams said. Of course how could I be angry at my husband flora said . Now get up so that we can go to sleep flora said while pulling Williams up . Okay Williams got up from the sofa and led flora to the bed . Flora found a comfortable position in Williams arms and lay down , uhm Williams I was thinking If I could give you a name ,you know you call me bunny and I call you Willams so it,s not fair flora said . Oh okay I mean I have no objections,what name do you want to give me Williams said smiling . Uhm well I am gonna call you uhm carino ,from today I am going to call you carino flora said . What does carino mean Williams asked looking confused well carino means darling flora said while smiling . Okay I am so pleased that you gave me this name it means that we are getting to know each other really fine ,I mean I know that we just married just to gain benefits but now I am getting to know you better and I hope it remains like that Williams said. Yeah I hope so too ,flora said . Let's go to sleep now we have to get up tomorrow , Williams said . Okay .

They both fell asleep. , While on the other side sherlin was havy sleeplessness night ,mum I need to get rid of that flora girl , sherlin said to her mother . My dear calm down do not do anything to provoke Williams you know his temper very well ,Mrs Smith said . I know mum ,if you see how they bothe teamed up and humiliated me today , sherlin said to her mother ,mum ,even wills let me fall on the floor he ,he didn't even look at me , sherlin choked up and said . It,s okay my dear Williams will surely come around I know for sure . Mum I can't leave without wills I have been waiting for this moment and now it's been taken away by another woman ,mum it hurts so much when I think about it sherlin cried and said ,it,s okay dear I will talk to your father about this Mrs Smith comforted her daughter . Sherlin cried until she fell asleep ,Mrs Smith saw that she had fallen asleep she sighed and left the room. 

 The next morning flora woke up and looked around ,she saw that Williams was still asleep ,she looked at his face and admired his features ,flora was so immersed in looking at Williams that she didn't know when he woke up . Awake , Williams bsaid ,flora was shocked that Williams had woken up she felt ba little embarrassed because she was caught stealing glance s at him ,uhm good morning carino ,flora greeted Williams. Good morning bunny how was your sleep , Williams asked . Well it was okay flora replied ,uhm I am going to take a shower I will be back soon ,flora covered her blushing gave and ran into the bathroom . After she got in Williams got up from the bed and went to the adjacent bathroom to shower.