
My dumb idiot (and wise) sugar mommy

"Only individuals who are full of themselves can love" Nietzsche. What is love? Only a feeling? Or something more? Is love only a result of, purely evolution? A need to reproduce trying to keep a species alive? Something Spiritual? May not have the true answer, but "Where there was nothing, it became true"

Annoyingbeing · LGBT+
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14 Chs

What is art? Good and evil are the same coin? Different points of view?

~ Sunday 8:30 PM ~

Death Note, a history about ideals of justice, and morals, a perfect young man who turns into a god, correcting the blindness of justice, he kills the unpunished people, while L the greatest detective in the world, tries to stop him and bring god to the court, Kizuna did watch all the episodes and read the final part of the manga, she knows the end very well, Kira, light Yagami, dies as a human. Both Kizuna and Akira are watching in the living room, it's cold, and Sato embraces a thick blanket that Kizuna enveloped her, for the first time, she hears the second ending, after the final episode 25.

"The page written, the eyes who decide, becomes something meant to destroy"

"Look that little by little nothing will remain"

"The poison flows, makes you delirious"

"Then you will see what you have become, but it's too late, but it's too late to see what remains"

"Without compassion, obliterated"

"And the death brings, going even further"

"A new god becomes"

"Nothing left for the ones who made the world their own"

"Nothing left for the ones who became a victim on the rain"

"Nothing left for the ones who have no principles!"

Kizuna chuckles as she notices the last quotes, she understands other meanings, the first represents Light Yagami's future death, the second represents L's death, and she remembers their last scene on the terrain. "Are you hearing the bells?" But she has no idea who would be the last one, maybe the criminals, either way, she pauses and eagerly turns to face Sato.

"So, what do you think of your first anime?"

"I like it, I didn't know animations could be like that"

"Well, nowadays animes are very popular, thanks to the internet, but yep, and that's the tip of the iceberg, we have many other deep ones and all, but most of the anime is for kids and adolescents"

"Kids watch this?"

"You sound like you never had a tv, most of them watch free content I think, it's mostly shounen, animes of fantasy with lots of friendship, like Dragon Ball or Naruto, you know them, right?"

"I do"

"Either way, as I said before, we shouldn't watch the next episodes, they lose quality and mess with the narrative due to the lack of time to produce episodes, so, what do you think of Death Note?"

"... I don't... I like"

"Sorry, I only detected the possible issue after the first episode, well, but honestly, I really want to know your opinion of it, since, well"

"I'm a criminal, I know, I think both of them are wrong"

"Ooh? Tell me more"

"Light kills any kind of criminal, even innocents, that's wrong, and no man should be a deity, L sacrifices people to solve the mystery, even if they were criminals sentenced to death, it doesn't feel right"

"And he also wanted to let some people die, it's logical, things shouldn't b that way, but life it's not anime, you can't just bet on righteousness, I were one of the Light sides, I mean, Kira, but after you make a quick search, it's dumb to follow him, we have one of the lowest crime rates on the world, most of us fear the justice, I'm not included, I respect them, what side you chose?"

"I think I chose L as well"

"Do you dislike Kira?"

"No, I don't"

"I myself like both of them, but what I should ask is"

Kizuna stops, she thinks of getting closer to Sato again, but she decides to not and lets her be comfortable in her personal space.

"What would you do if you had a death note?"

"I wouldn't use it"

"That was quick, care to explain?"

"As you said, our crime rates are low, but we do have as any other country, though, killing every single one based on your beliefs it's not right, killing itself is something I won't do"

"I like your point of view, I doubt you are lying like Light said at the beginning, everyone has a different opinion but they won't say, I myself would use it, I have an idea of cheating the death note"

"What idea?"

"Thanks for asking, I think there is a way to put Death Note in a blitz, for me, Death Note it's not only a book that kills people, but more likely a book that decides your final fate in a range of 13 days. I would first take some of the infinite paper for myself, just in case, and then I would look for someone who likes decent enough to be the Kira, I can write their name like:

"Daigo Kizuna dies after 13 days, she finds the Death note in the street, she takes it to herself and after reading it, she decides to change the world becoming the Kira, she will kill every criminal to bring justice, and she will write another person who she thinks it's righteous to keep the name of Kira, she will write their name and make them do the same as her"

"Something like this, after 13 days a new Kira would appear until it gets caught, what do you think?"

"That's crazy! You know this is wrong, why would you do that?"

"It's just an idea, I probably would never use it as well, but I wouldn't give it back to Ryuk, or he would keep looking for his fun, I would play games with him"

"But and the shinigami king?"

"No idea, I don't know how exactly he acts, but I would try a pacific way to settle things, anyway, what about your favorite character?"

"I don't know yet"

"Well, I do, L is my favorite character, and I kind of relate with him, not as everyone does, of course, I'm not as super genius or strange as him, you probably didn't notice but L it's a counterpart of Light and there is why"

"Light was super popular, healthy, and had a good family, while L was the opposite, we don't know much about his past, but he was an orphan, Light takes things extremely seriously and he truly believes that he should be a god, on other hand L does know that what he is doing it's not purely right, and he accepts him, he doesn't even struggle on his death, but the interesting part for me it's how he accepts being different, he knows he is strange and many people wouldn't like him, but he never stops being himself, but not in a toxic way, he takes his shoes off when he, well, crouch's in some place, and he also have no much problem talking with people, like Misa or the agents working with him, he even plays Tenis better than many people despite living totally alone, but he does on his way, it kind touches me when he says to Light"

"You are my only friend"

"Even knowing that Light plans to kill him, the rain part it's also perfect"

"Light, did one time in your life, you answered with the truth?"

"Light stays silent, this shows that both of them are self-aware, but Light chooses to refuse"

"I see, you are telling me that you like how L it's unique as you try to"

"Yep, and I see that you are smart, most of the people I said this to think I'm childish or something like that"

"Yep, most of the people I speak to on the internet don't know much about it and don't bother, while the fans, also otakus, people addicted to anime, only care if they like L, if not they hate you for being against Kira ideals"

"So you have no one to talk to about this"

"Exactly, if you don't want we can do another thing, but I think you enjoyed watching the much as I did"

"I think this too"

Kizuna makes a pause before continuing, taking time to organize her thoughts after so much information, while, Sato looks at the tv.

[ It's already late, though I liked it, what will happen now? Will we sleep together? I don't want that, where was Daigo living on it? She said about the need to change places, but this day, maybe it's just until the end of the contract or something, can't she borrow another place to sleep again? I don't want her or me to sleep on the sofa ]

"Do you sleep late? I could swear I've asked this before, oh I did, a time after midnight correct? It's near 21 hours now, do you want to see a 12 episodes anime before bed?"

"12 episodes?"

"Nowadays animes follow a format of 12 episodes because they are expensive to be made, if 12 it's not enough they make 24 or a second season after a year or two, some don't even get a second season, well it can't be helped, are you into?"