
My dream to be The Greatest Trainer

An anime fan who watches anime for fun gets a chance to reincarnate as Ash Ketchum in Pokemon world with a few wishes ( with a little tweaks). Watch as he tries to accomplish the dream he shares with the original Ash- to be the greatest Trainer. Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or Ash Ketchum or any other characters.

PrinceDragneel · Anime und Comics
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26 Chs

Traversal Part 3

Me-" I wanna go to the Pokemon world"

Reaper(😮)-"Why? All the others chose those cool worlds you denied. Not that I mind though!"

Me-"It's simple. I can't adjust my mentality they much to go to worlds where fighting with others is an essential part. I know Pokemon world also had fights but these are for betterment of people and beings and their cohabitation. Nothing like survival in One Piece world or cursed beings of Fairy Tail world or the very nasty politics of Naruto world. Yes they're inspiring but that's it, I don't wanna live in there."

Reaper-"you aren't hotheaded like a few others! That's good. Getting you to Pokemon world will be easy. Any wishes for that world. One thing, if you go to that world as yourself or someone not originally from that world, you'll have lesser amount of wishes. If you replace an original character you'll have more wishes. Don't ask me why! It's a complex reason even for me. I don't understand the reason very well so I can't explain"

Whoa there! There's something even a reaper doesn't know. Well not that I mind though. Every since I've seen the anime I've always placed myself in Ash's shoes and tried to imagine what I would've done if I'd been in his place.


Since I can become Ash and I want to enjoy my journey like Ash as well I have to get some helping but not suddenly overpowering wishes, not that I can get any overpowering wishes. I tried to remember all those novels I had read before to get to the things I wanted.

I had read some Chinese novels and those novels did have some good ideas of what I can wish for. But first thing first.

" Firstly I need your help with something, since I have my memories with my previous family it'll be difficult for me to adapt to a new family. Though it won't matter much but having had a loving family before I wanna enjoy my time growing up in my new family rather than sticking to the past to get a strained family environment. I believe that having a family gives you emotional support and I don't want to remove that support. Call me week willed or dependent or whatever, Living independently can never ever be as productive as living with a family."

Reaper-"Sure enough! I'll see what we can do. Don't worry about it. It's not anything effecting much so it won't even affect your wishes. Now have you decided on who to reincarnate into. Personally I wanna try gender-bending!😼"

Me🙄-"Whatever, I wanna be reborn as Ash Ketchum, AS A BOY. Don't even try tweaking this wish. Otherwise I'll kill myself and before the next reincarnation definitely complain to your manager. Wait I can do that now as well if I give up my chance to reincarnate. Let's do that. Let's go meet the manager."

It's good I met a reaper and not the God as often in the reincarnation novels. I can see that he's now flustered. Hehehe....

Reaper-"No! please don't! I'm sorry ok! It's just that we Reapers have been alive for a long time and as we're immortal we try to find entertainment. I'll give you some extra freedom in choosing your wishes. But still no overpowering wish ok! Even the manager can't give any overpowering wish!"

Me-"Ok! I'll take your word for this. So I wanna be reborn as Ash Ketchum and my memoirs around 3 years old so I don't go through the embarrassing phase of childhood as an adult. Make sure it's the world I've watched in the anime and not some complex works with a lot of background stuff going on. Team Rocket and those other villainous groups are enough. I don't want to be a part of deep interdimensional or other conspiracies. I absolutely hate those stories with many background prophecies and conspiracies going on. I prefer the original, funny, slice of life and childish storyline. Since I haven't seen the entire anime, that's more than enough mystery for me. Also I don't want myself to be too mature for my age. Do something about that."

Reaper-"That's easy. It's actually more complex to drive the world away from original while making it. if nothing else this wish I'd actually making the work easier. Personality will also be worked on. Don't worry about it. What else?"

Me-"Can I bring a partner with me? Someone from a different world? I've admired her as. person and often thought of what I could do for her!"

Reaper-" It depends. Who are you talking about?"

Me-"Nico Robin from One Piece along with her mother "

Reaper-"Guess we can adjust for it, How do you want her to come with you?"

Me-"Let's just say that Robin and her mother survive the destruction of Ohara and fall into a dimensional rift and arrive in the forest near Pallet town. I'll do the rest"

Reaper-"Ok.. That's interesting."

Me-" Let's think of what I want now. I've always loved elephants so I want an elephant as a starter. You know the divine white elephant right? Something along those lines. I've always felt that the show didn't do justice to elephant Pokemon. How can the biggest, strongest and wisest best be represented by a rolling dodgeball or a coloured chameleon with the shape of an elephant? Also I want the Space farm and Technological Library from those Chinese novels. Further I want to be able to bring stuff I know about in this world to the Pokemon world."

Reaper-"Whoa.... whoa.... whoa! Slow down kid! Those two things are ok, heck even the elephant is ok but bringing stuff to a different world? care to explain!"

Me-"Sure! For example I love mangoes and watermelon and as far as I've seen Pokemon series I've never seen those fruits. Secondly, you know I'm into bikes and cars but the show doesn't have the stuff I desire. So I can drive the bikes I know of, like the Honda CB1200 or my previous bike Yamaha R15. it's not a big wish is it?'

Reaper-"It doesn't feel like much! Ok But it'll be based on how much aura you have!"

Me-"Ok! But you need to provide me the method to practice an increase and control of aura. Since I'm giving up on those things I need psychic power as well, the phoenix force."

Reaper-"Hold it right there! I told you no OP wishes. You want to fight Arceus or something? Pipe down your wish"

Me-"What can we do? I ain't giving up on psychic power"

Reaper-"I can give you a base in psychic power and a way to practice it. How you use it and his strong you get is up to you. And you'll get your Pokemon when your 6. You've almost run out of the wishes you can get based on karma."

Me-"Can I say goodbye to my family one last time? Just make sure it's in their dreams."

Reaper-"Ok! Btw is been a month since your death."

Me-"How did I die btw?"

Reaper-"You get to that now! You're body suffered from a chronic disorder of heat sensitive nerves and muscle cells. While you were working if you had just say down you may have survived but as you were walking a bit fast, the already heat strained heart of yours got torn as the heat had reduced the flexibility of the heart. Not a very cliche way to get isekai'd isn't it?"

Me-"Dang it!......#$#$$$$$#$$$#$$$$. Well what happened has already happened! I wanna say goodbyes now"

Reaper-"You can't tell them you're going to the Pokemon world or what you asked for them. you'll get 1 hour to meet them.

Well I hope the next time I see you, you're a senile old man"

Me-"Thanks for the wishes! See ya"

Reaper POV

As the soul of the guy disappears, I see other guys having passed and move towards the next soul. However, I do get a feeling that I have the boy something more than required.

Well not that it matters anymore. I should see some anime for myself sometime. I have to say is actually good.


While I cheated the reaper I don't think he'll find out anytime soon, I move towards my house to meet my family.

I see them talking to each other over dinner. I see my dad day he's proud of me many times but I can see his face missing that glow. My mom appears weak and my brother a bit haggard. I waited for them to sleep and then entered some dream space prepared by the reaper I guess. I met my parents and brother who were surprised to see me and rushed over to hug me. I returned that hug and told them about the fact that I got a wish fulfilment as a compensation. After that we chatted over about different things and I told my brother to practice hard and become an NBA player so I can be proud of him as well. Chatting about stuff, came the time for my departure. As my projected body started glowing and disappearing, I started to tear up and hugged my family one last time and tell them to take care of themselves while saying my last ever goodbye and then my consciousness faded away.