
Chapter 128


The first light of morning trickled through the curtains, and my eyes fluttered open. For a moment, I lay there, disoriented.

"Damn," I whispered, my body tensing from the residual sadness I felt from hearing Giovanni's story.

I could still see the pain in his eyes. We were not much different, him and I. We both suffered at the hands of someone who was supposed to love and protect us.

Giovanni must've already left, so I pushed myself out of bed and began my new routine.

First, I went to Elora's room where she lay, cooing softly in her crib. As I picked her up and cradled her in my arms, I felt a surge of love for this tiny thing. I sat down in the rocking chair, allowing her to latch onto my breast as she drank hungrily.

My thoughts kept drifting to Giovanni, his caring nature shining through even in the darkest moments of my life.