
My Cheat is...a Stick!?!?!?

'Man, I know it's been my secretly biggest dream to be isekai'd, but I never wanted it to be like this...' was one of the many thoughts going through Caden's head as he cautiously stares at the huge red dragon in front of him. And let me say, that dragon does not look very happy, especially with the huge fireball in its mouth, ready to be launched at him at any time. Worst of all? The only thing he has to protect himself is a stick. A STICK! 'Welp, goodbye second life...goodbye planet whatever that holds being that kill gods...I'm going to ascend to a higher place.' The dragon launches the fireball. 'Welp, seems it's over for me.' he thought as Caden's body instinctively moved the stick to block the fireball. The fireball collides with the stick and...eh? The stick...blocked it? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- With such a stick in one hand, and a powerful system in the other, join Caden's journey to becoming the great emperor!

the25thVish · Fantasie
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25 Chs

Arriving in the New World

"OWWWW!" I yelp. I feel like I just fell down from a skyscraper. Seconds after I do however, I hear an ear-splitting roar. I immediately clasp my mouth shut. I ain't ending up as some medium rare steak, nuh-uh, not today. Of course, whatever creature roared just now clearly heard me so clasping my mouth didn't do much. Man I'm stupid sometimes. Screaming in a place that's infested with creatures that could kill even gods, I must be a genius!

As I heard thunderous footsteps as my life flashes before my eyes. 'No. Not yet.' Right right, I can't give up yet. I know I'll die here no matter what I do, but I'm not prepared to die just yet. My brain starts working overtime. First, I need to analyze my surroundings as I run away. So I got sent into a cave huh? I can work with that. With all these rocks, there's bound to be a blind spot somewhere, I just need to find it...there!

I scurry to get under some rocks that provide a hole small enough for me enter. With those loud footsteps, I think it's safe to assume that this creature, whatever it is, must be huge, so it must likely won't be able to enter this place, so I'm relatively safe. That doesn't mean I'm not afraid though, as the beast could just knock the compartment down, crushing me easily. Now, I just have to hide and hope whatever is coming towards me doesn't find me. I need to do my best to not let a single sound escape my body.

The footstep keep getting louder. Time for the moment of truth. I hold my breath. Other than the footsteps, not a single sound can be heard. I hear the footsteps right in front of me.




Suddenly, it stopped.

Wh-what's happening?

Did it find me?

Is my life in this new world already over?

I very slowly move my head to steal a glance at the beast as my heart beats out of my chest. The sight...it's terrifying. A wave of fear washes over me as I catch sight of the beast. It has a body that's at least 10-15x bigger than me, it's skin covered in red scales.


On the two feet it's standing on, there are claws that look tougher than diamonds, but that can't even be compared to the claws on its tiny arms. Those claws are so sharp that I can hear the air around them being sliced.


On its back, it has huge wings which most likely stretch longer than the dragon itself. But worse than all of these is its hideous face. Its teeth, looking so old that they might as well be relics. It has huge horns sprouting out from either side of its head. There are huge scars over both of the beast's eyes, which makes me hope that it's blind.


The most terrifying part, however, is its nose. Why? Because it's sniffing. It can't smell me right? Thank god I don't have deodorant on...no, now's not the time for jokes. Its head starts moving ever so slightly towards the opening. I quickly hide my face. As the beast gets closer, I feel an aura crushing me. I feel the aura getting heavier and heavier. Just as it was about to crush me, I hear a loud roar from the distance. Suddenly the pressure is lifted.

"ROARRRRRRRRRR!" I hear outside my little compartment. Then, loud footsteps speed away. I only took a peek outside when the footsteps subsided. Safe. Only then did I heave a sigh of relief.


As I came back to my senses, I started to actually process what just happened.


Actually, that's not true. I do have something. Of course, that something is pretty useless, but it's better than nothing. Speaking of which, where is my stick? I don't think it dropped with me...unless it did and I missed it. Then...could it be back where I encountered the dragon? If it is...I need to go back. It might be dangerous, but it's better than doing nothing. If I just stay here, I'll die of thirst in about 3 days. I can only move forward now. Sure getting the stick doesn't solve this problem, but it's a start.

I prepare to leave my compartment and go back to what I will refer to as 'spawn'. Thankfully, the dragon went the opposite direction so I should be safe...at least for now. However, that does not mean I do whatever I want. After all, there is a possibility that there is more than just one dragon here.

As I slowly tip toe my way to spawn, I try to observe the cave more. It seems there are crystal growing all around. As I got close to one that was on my way, I realized it was emitting a slight red glow. I stretch my arm to touch it before almost getting burned at the heat. As I have the urge to yelp in pain again, basically inviting disaster, I feel a strange energy enter my body, making me feel refreshed.

I couldn't help but wonder what this energy was, but that only comes second. I need to find my stick first. After that, maybe I'll find out how to turn this energy into a nice smoothie. Who knows?

Finally, I reach the place that I'm sure is spawn, but I don't see the stick. So if it's not here...then where is it? I mean, it did get sent with me, right? I would hope it was, but going off of what I know of the god that sent me here, it's possible it was just a joke and I got sent with nothing. Sigh. Welp, it's not like I can just go and punch god in the face like I oh so desperately want to. I can only keep moving on. That is until I get how I feel of the god out of my head. Internally of course.

Ahem. YOU #$@#$n@ @#!@*# @#&!@(#*&(@# ( YOU @&#!(@ #(!@&# #$*#(*$@( (* @!#(@!&#!&@#* )!@#*)!@# @#) YOU $#@#$@( THINK THIS A #$@$@)* JOKE? THIS IS MY @)#&!@*#& LIFE! YOU !@# # #)@&#)!@&#@$(@#)$&#)*&$)*#&$*@#$)(#&$! *$)#$*(@#$(&(!@#(*)@!$*_)#$)#@$) #@$&*@#&$ )@#!)@#* )!@#%$(_%*# $)%_%&@$$%!

Phew. I think that's good! I feel much better. Now for the strange energy. I don't know if it's just placebo or whatever, but I think I feel slightly stronger after absorbing that energy...

To try and test this out, I stretch my arm near crystals multiple times to no avail. Is it a one time thing? What is this energy? Is it magic? But it's magic, why did it strengthen my body? This is very curious indeed.

I was trying to experiment with these crystals until I realized there were slight shakes in the ground.

Again, some of the stuff I write might be extremely stupid. I mean, this is my first time after all. But I hope you enjoy reading what I have to offer! If you like it, then please do stick around. It'll get better.

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