
My Cannon Is Three-Kilometer-Wide

“A qualified Artillery Master must have enough attack range! That is why it’s reasonable for me to have a 3-kilometer-wide cannon,” Kerr Cowell said as he watched the people around him react with dumbfounded reactions after his firework display. Tens of thousands of different races were thrown to another world and forced to wage wars against each other. That marked the start of a new world where survival was the sole focus.

Middle Age Rabbit · sci-fi
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630 Chs

Chapter 290: "'Carl Jacob Company will always love and embrace peace, hoping that the federation will do the same.'"_2

Translator: 549690339

Timeline chaos?

That suited him perfectly since he was a chaotic force and it was what he was supposed to do.

The next second—

He took out a Global Activity Design Order from his pocket and started a global event, smuggling himself to the Orange Star.


Scar Dog, standing again at the edge of a high-rise rooftop in Ash City, looked at the scene with mixed feelings: "It feels strange to see this city again."

It was 10 o'clock in the morning.

They hadn't started bombing Ash City yet.

Ash City was still intact.

"Mr. Carl Jacob."

Jimmy Ward respectfully stood to the side: "Why did you come personally? Rescuing Boris Koch's mother is a small matter. You could have just given it to me."


Kerr Cowell nodded slightly, pondered for a while, and then said calmly: "The plan has changed. You take your people, Boris Koch's group and his mother, and go directly to find Megan Lee from the Lee Family's Commerce Association. Spend money to smuggle out of Orange Star first."