
My Best Friend is the Hero

After getting betrayed and killed by someone he holds dear. Max finds himself thrown into another world as a baby. Born as the first son of one of the supreme general and first general of demon army. Max (Arcon) has to strive to reach the expectations of the society. As though the world wants to mock him, when his powers are checked, not only does he have only an ego, which falls short as a primal demon, his only ability is luck. Through the encouragement of his ever-loving mother, he pulls himself together and trains to live a decent and quiet life and not disappoint them any further. To pour spit on the wound, one of the most prodigious demons named Crystal Del Monre takes deep interest in him after hearing a prophecy. He tries his best to avoid her eyes and the attention that it brings but all to no avail. Through her tortures...err...help, training and tutelage, he manages to advance to higher levels of strength, but such training brings about problem, a problem to his essence. His essence now tainted with chaos aims to drive him to and past his breaking point through unending nightmares. After ending the hero and his group and subduing the human army, the demon continent is plunged into chaos by an organisation whose end goal is to put demon back on their 'right path', the path of never destruction and carnage. This event leads to Arcon's most fruitious encounters. During a dungeon raiding as per usual with Crystal, he stumbles into a missing room with an enchanted book at its centre. Feeling compelled, he walked closer, hands outstretched towards the book. He had finally reached it, all the conditions clear, the space and state to complete his missing part. Chaos was complete, his mind serene, his purpose, his goal clear. Rain down destruction and chaos to the world. Engrave their hearts with fear at the utterance of his name. Who was going to stop him? The monster in him finally unleashed. What hero could slay his predatorial hunger? The time for demons to rule drawing ever closer. The fate of all other races dangling on a thread. A force on like any other, only another of greater intensity could bring an end to it. Who might it be? Where might they be? Only time will tell.

prime_infinity · Fantasie
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53 Chs


A month and half later,

Arcon adjusts his uniform as he looks in the morning. The holiday was finally over, and it is back to class. Despite them spending their holidays in the academy, it was quite fun as everything they needed to enjoy themselves was present in the academy from recreation centres to restaurants to variety of stores to library and so much more.

A long way into the holiday, the students who had an increase in rank were given their new badges and relocated to the other dorms to settle in before the term begins while those who dropped in ranks did the same. The number of people in class has dropped to 68 while the upper class had increased to 26. As fun as it was having a girl as my roommate, things feel much safer with my new mate, Vero.

Vero final comes out of the bathroom naked as he cleans his maroon red hair.

Despite it being safer, we do have our fair share of problems that we still need to iron out some things.

"I keep telling you. Stop doing this. It's weird", I sigh but he laughs and starts shaking his hips.

"What's the problem, Arc? You jealous", he laughs again before going to his wardrobe, which is on the other side of the room, to dress up. I just sigh again before leaving the room.

"Took you long enough", Ian giggles.

"Not like we're late", I reply.

"I would prefer to stay at home during this cold season. Things tend to get a bit dicey", Ian chuckles as he touches the sweater tied on his waist.

"Where's yours?" he asks.

I stop for a moment then roll my eyes.

"It isn't that cold today. I think I can handle it", I say as I move forward.

"Okay then", Ian shrugs before bringing up another topic of discussion as we head to class.

I look in the mirror as I apply lip gloss then wore a fluffy jacket and gloves which matched the black joggers I wore. I am really thankful for the dressing privileges I had. I don't know what I'd do if I had to weak such short skirt this winter season.

As usual my roommate is still sleeping like a log. She still hasn't even tried to change after all this while. I used wind to carry her out of the bed and slam her to the ground but even after that she continued to sleep like a rod. I sighed in defeat before my mind wandered off again. I thought of the matches ahead of me, reminded of the overwhelming forces entering our class. I can't help but tremble in excitement once I remember this. It is time to prove my worth. I'm aiming for the top spot. These people just keep my blood pumping and I believe it is time to show them the power I wield. The power is almost in my reach, higher just higher. My power will be unlike anything they've ever seen. I smiled to myself then do some final adjustment to my hair before leaving.

Looking out from the window in my room which is located at the top of the elite dorm. I could see the ants dressed up and walking merrily to class. I sighed deeply before facing my bed. The purple lighting in the room gives off a bit of an arousing vibe but that wasn't my intention but so be it.

Over the past few months, I've kept an eye on my little prize but I'm growing a bit impatient. I'm wondering if I can stir up more power with a series of life-threatening events. That sounds like a nice idea, but it will just have to wait for now. This academy is just a burden to me. No one is on my level nor possess the ability needed to make me stronger. In fact, I feel like I've been playing guard dog of recent.

A knock on the door interrupts her train of thought. The first thought that comes to her is to completely obliterate whoever that is, but she shakes her head and answers.

"Come in before I lose my patience", she says in a condescending tone. The door is quickly opened and the guy with the one-eyed bats enters.

"Good day Shadow Empress", he bows.

"Save me the pleasantries else I rid you of that tongue of yours Shaun", her dark eyes are filled with so much killing intent that Shaun falls to the floor while sweating. He manages to look at her.

"I found this around the administrative hall yesterday as I was watching Arcon as par your instructions and thought it necessary to show you this", he hands her mechanical box.

"Never really liked that tongue of yours but your stealth and information gathering are top quality", she takes the box and looks at it.

"Isn't this a summoning box? There are quite a bit of monsters inside this. Seems like someone within the school planted this to cause serious havoc. Do those demons really want something here", she hisses then turns the box to dust after extracted all the monsters to her shadow realm.

"Seems like there is a lot more of these around the academy. Take Verron and the others to search for them. I'm going to have to give that old bastard a piece of my mind", her anger surges causing the whole school to rumble. She immediately suppresses her aura than notices Shaun passed out.

"Seems I might have to go let out some steam", she gets covered in black smoke then vanishes.

After we all assembled in the wide auditorium, where we were welcomed back by the vice principal, addressed by his secretary and given a welcome speech by the student council president Mayden Boa, we went to our various classes.

I opened the door to my class taking in the view. My eyes wondered around until it rested on a few of the new students making themselves at home. I took a deep breath then entered the class.

"Hi there, Shina", Roxanne waves. I smile and walk up to her.

"Sure is a fine day today", she says as she giggles. She is wearing a sports bra and shorts with a coat over it.

"Except for the cold and snow to come. I guess it is what you would call a typical good day".

Since the start of winter, which was about a week ago, snow has fallen only twice but I had a strong feeling today is going to make it the third.

After a few seconds of watching her look me up and down. She put her hand on her hips and sighed.

"Don't tell me you still did your usual routine exercise under this cold", I replied with a quick nod.

To be honest it wasn't so cold that I would fall sick, so why stop now. I don't even think I could stop myself not after seeing the opponents I have before me.

"Quite the workaholic", she smiles then both are eyes fall on the demon who enters looking all serious minded as she cleans sweat off her forehead.

"Seems that this place is about to get a lot more interesting".

She had one of those her sly grins which made me immediately think that she was up to something causing me to raise an eyebrow.

She raises her hand in surrender and giggles, "I'm not up to anything bad just excited that's all".

If only some demons could get a bit motivated like this. I sighed lightly as I looked at Andorra, who just enters the class with messy hair and her battle outfit (skin-tight red jumpsuit with black lines on the side).

I, Roxanne and Sindra, who later joined us, decided to discuss on how this term will play out till our instructor, Mr. Dante walked in with his excessive commanding aura as always. We immediately took our seats and some girls behind me started having talks about obscene things with our instructor. He is a man I truly admired but not to the extent of the girls behind me. He has this charisma and air of mystery which seems to draw others close like moths to flames. Why he is single is a total mystery, but everyone has their secrets, so I decided to focus on class as I brought out my notepad as per usual.

"Well, since we have new demons here, we should start with displaying the ranking system but before that whoever is or are the smart asses that chose to take on the dungeon mission at Ardona please be sure to head back there and do proper clean up. I was expecting to have ten new students but since two more were added, you two would be placed at the bottom of the ranking list", he turns to the screen and taps it then a list appears which shows the current rankings.

1. Dark Lenoas

2. Chelsie

3. Heracles

4. Dalphnia

5. Andra

6. Adrian Asmodeus

7. Shina Stormwalt

8. Heles

9. Iruma

10. Rose Vella

11. Roxanna

12. Fena Blood

13. Britney

14. Andorra

15. Sindra

16. Luna Blood

17. Lumos

18. Alvina

19. Viro

20. Reign

21. Law

22. Rue

23. Val

24. Kira

25. Azure

26. Bell

"You two at the bottom can raise your ranks by competing against those above. Also, if you get a certain amount of achieve points above someone higher than you then you must face each other in an official duel. Now that that's out of the way use the remaining time to adjust back. Special classes begin in an hour. The new students should follow me, let's get you registered and take you through how missions and classes work here", he walks out of the door with the new guys following suit. Dalphnia has a very peculiar grin as she pesters Mr. Dante about something but that isn't my concern. I just finished writing down this month's ranking and now my goal is set. Though I did drop in ranking, I managed to finally surmount Heles. She has a really powerful inherent talent and an even better ego, but her main problem is how she uses it. Once you can capitalize on her openings, the match is as good as yours. My next targets would be Adrian and Andra. Adrian on one hand has a variety of creature like abilities which he can freely use makes him one of the hardest opponents for someone like me who uses only wind but Andra, a very unique demon. She may be the only blue demon who has ever become a gold rank and not just any gold rank, one of the top contenders but that is all thanks to her alter-ego Clarion who has the devastating ability of absorbing energy from others and the environment. An opponent far more difficult than Adrian. Her only weak points are the gaps and colossal energy she uses to bind her opponents. Also, the fact that, her alter ego focuses more on destruction than combat just like Dalphnia. Guess all I can do now is go back to the drawing board and start pumping up my abilities if I want to stand any chance against these power houses. But now that I think about it, will it be wise to still keep my other abilities to my chest. It seems like a good sign that I'm able to stay at the top 10 without using that. I believe it's best to keep it till I'm able to get it up to a good degree without burning myself out and also to put my wind powers to the max. I guess all I can do right now is to train harder. I smile and close the notepad and just then Roxanna pops up with her bright smile. Cheery as always.

"Wow, I knew this was coming but it definitely was a shocker. To think I dropped down to 11th. Seems like I have been slacking off recently. Really need to push myself forward. Have any pointers".

I am genuinely surprised to hear this.

"Never thought that this will light a fire under you", a smile spreads across my face.

"If you need my help training then so be it. Let's start by looking at your weakness then your strengths then let's see how we work it up from there".

I sat here down, and we used to rest of the time to address her strengths and weakness and a few counters to some of them while stressing to also build up for her strengths and take advantage of her weakness.

Behind the 4th year's dorm, Verran, Karna and a few others are searching for something.

"Over here", Julius, a tall, lean, muscular demon with two hair colours (orange at the root and red at the top) and bright yellow eyes, says as he picks up another box.

"Seems like the empress was right about this. This makes it the fourth we've found. I think we should alert the authorities about this", Isla, a sexy demon with long purple hair and dark blue eyes, says, collecting the box to examine it before handing it over to Verran.

· Julius

· Ego: Magic

· Inherent Talent: Hell flames

· Platinum rank

· Isla Heart

· Ego: Spirit Slayer

· Inherent Talent: Eyes of Truth

· Platinum rank

"I don't think that's the best idea. Shouldn't we ask the empress for the go ahead before involving the authorities", Asher, the blue haired leaning demon with the big glasses, speaks up.

Verran sighs, "I'd prefer that she just tell us where all the tetra pods are located but then again, it's the empress. Pretty sure that right about now she's in a dungeon or forest laying waste to some poor monsters", he ends with a chuckle leaving a tense atmosphere as others watch him with a shocked expression on their faces.

"Do you not like your life, Verran", Isla states in shock.

"Remember what happened to Pearl", Asher added as he stepped back.

Karna burst out in laughter then slaps Verran's back a few times and Verran gives him a stink eye.

"Let's forget about that and focus on the task at hand", he says with a smile on this face.

"Always the cheery one", Ai, a stunning blonde demon with emerald eyes, says with a smug look on her face.

Asher puts his hand in his ear.

"Can you hear me empress".

Over at one of the dungeons in Saria, a kingdom in the demon continent.

The dungeon is dimly lit with a few red stones making her slightly visible. She is holding a black orb which is connected to the dead monsters all around her. As she is about to rip it off, she hears a voice in her head.

"What could make you want to disturb me at this time, Asher", she says with a hint of killing intent in her voice.

He takes a deep breath then speaks up.

"We are wondering if we should take this matter to the authorities or leave it to you as usual".

There are a few seconds of silence before she finally talks.

"Can't believe those idiots still try", she says under her breath.

"Inform no one and make sure nobody else knows about what you found. There's a total of six, be sure to gather them all. I want them handed to me upon my arrival", she cuts off the connection then continues her massacre.

"You heard her. Guess she knows what's going on".

"No one, else we all suffer", Ai added.

"Seems like you've experienced that first hand", Verran snickers, upon hearing that she shivers a bit before regaining her composure and hissing.

"I just hope that this doesn't turn out for the worst, but I have a pretty bad feeling about this", Asher comments before they leave in search of the other two.

Unbeknownst to them a certain someone is watching them as he follows their every move. The demon smiles then fades into the shadows.

· Asher Boyle

· Ego: Parallel minds

· Inherent Talent: Darkness

· Ai Lionheart

· Ego: Magic

· Inherent Talent: Blood