
My Best Friend is the Hero

After getting betrayed and killed by someone he holds dear. Max finds himself thrown into another world as a baby. Born as the first son of one of the supreme general and first general of demon army. Max (Arcon) has to strive to reach the expectations of the society. As though the world wants to mock him, when his powers are checked, not only does he have only an ego, which falls short as a primal demon, his only ability is luck. Through the encouragement of his ever-loving mother, he pulls himself together and trains to live a decent and quiet life and not disappoint them any further. To pour spit on the wound, one of the most prodigious demons named Crystal Del Monre takes deep interest in him after hearing a prophecy. He tries his best to avoid her eyes and the attention that it brings but all to no avail. Through her tortures...err...help, training and tutelage, he manages to advance to higher levels of strength, but such training brings about problem, a problem to his essence. His essence now tainted with chaos aims to drive him to and past his breaking point through unending nightmares. After ending the hero and his group and subduing the human army, the demon continent is plunged into chaos by an organisation whose end goal is to put demon back on their 'right path', the path of never destruction and carnage. This event leads to Arcon's most fruitious encounters. During a dungeon raiding as per usual with Crystal, he stumbles into a missing room with an enchanted book at its centre. Feeling compelled, he walked closer, hands outstretched towards the book. He had finally reached it, all the conditions clear, the space and state to complete his missing part. Chaos was complete, his mind serene, his purpose, his goal clear. Rain down destruction and chaos to the world. Engrave their hearts with fear at the utterance of his name. Who was going to stop him? The monster in him finally unleashed. What hero could slay his predatorial hunger? The time for demons to rule drawing ever closer. The fate of all other races dangling on a thread. A force on like any other, only another of greater intensity could bring an end to it. Who might it be? Where might they be? Only time will tell.

prime_infinity · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Term Begins

As I enter class, I am with noise. The demons around are all in groups as usual talking about one thing or another. Ian beside me smiles widely before waving at some of his friends. He gives me a playful punch before running off to talk to his friends. I sigh lightly as the last term flashes through my head. Now that I really think about it my luck isn't all that bad. Being able to date Ashante, meeting Crystal, who despite being a real thorn in my side is the only reason I am as strong as I am. The friends and enemies I've made in the past three months has helped me one way or another. In the end, this sole skill of my lives up to its name.

I take a seat on a seat on the third row and start to focus on my goals for this semester which surprisingly, I haven't really thought about.

"Hi there Arc", a voice called interrupting my thoughts.

I looked at the face of the culprit.

"Gare seems you've put on more muscle", I state in surprise.

"Well, my dad always says, 'If you feel you've hit a roadblock just train more more and more'"

"Sure, must be nice if problems could go that easily".

"You' think that, but it actually works. You just need to envision it".

As I tried to protest, Miss Suki enters the class, elegant as ever. Her dressing as always brings out the mature woman in her and her face portraying that icy demeanour that could freeze your heart.

She settles in and the class goes silent.

"First and foremost, I would like to welcome those who fell from grace to grass. As always there's always screening to select the true elites and the normal so to all of you. The true academic year begins from here. See last year as a test run to show your strength so expect to see more challenges from here on out".

As cold as ever.

Our eyes met for a spilt second and the glare I received almost made me melt. She focuses back on the class for a few seconds before turning to the screen and tapping a few inches short of the screen and several pictures appear.

"Since this is the beginning of the term, we'll start with a rundown of the demon classes and a few other things".

"Miss, don't you think we should introduce ourselves", Akkun says interrupting her.

An eerie silence spreads through the class as she stops moving then she turns to face him, giving him the icy glare making him retract into his shell then an evil smile spread across her face.

"Introductions? You should be thanking me for not allowing you to do such. Have you no shame? You fell from the elites while others were raising, and you think you're entitled for introductions. Instead of thinking of showing your worth all you can think of is for others to know you. For what? Such foolishness", she says in a condescending tone causing him to wallow down in shame.

As harsh as always.

She coughs to bring us back on track then starts" First off, we have the soldier class which is at the bottom of the hierarchy. These are mostly made up of humanoid demons and a few blue demons. This class makes up a good majority of the population and deal with most of the menial tasks to the done. The next class is the elite class, which makes up the vast majority of the fighting force. This class ranges from blue demons to some red demons. Frankly most of you will finish off as elites at this rate. In academy terms from bronze rank to majority of the gold ranks will end up in the elite class. This class is higher in status than the former and live well off. The next is the emperor class, makes up from squad captains to generals of the fighting force. This class is made up of platinum rankers and they live lavishly. They are the upper end of society, and they hold a bit of influence over the affairs of the demon continent. And lastly, the rarest class made up by the most powerful individuals in the continent, the deities. This class consists of people that could turn the world on its head should they ever go amok. They hold the vast majority of power on the affairs of the demons, and it is headed by none other than the demon lord herself, Ashia Bloodgore. Furthermore, there are only a handful of deities and some of them are; The demon lord, Ashis, The Destroyer, Linda, Vali, The Conqueror, Asmodeus, The Succubus Queen, Mayden, The Dragon Slayer, Crystal, The Shadow Empress among others".

The way she spoke at the end gave off total respect and reverence for the demons she talked about. One of the many things which she never does. Many of us are shocked upon hearing the names of not one but two of our academy members already among the elites.

"Next we're going to go into a bit of history".

Some of us groaned while others did nothing. For me, my mind drifted across to something else.

"I haven't felt this in a while", I whisper.

My name is Ariel Kai, daughter of Shurlong Kai, the bloodthirsty warlord. Despite having a war hungry father, I am one who hates bloodshed but unfortunately things don't go as I want it to. I have seen first-hand the destruction and mayhem done in the battles between my kind and humans. I saw enough to understand one thing, this fight will not stop till one side has been conquered. So, I've put my heart and soul into becoming strong enough to end this war and bring the peace we have longed for. Presently I am a 3rd year in Majin Academy and in just 3 years I have been shown that I have so much to develop before I can conceive the idea of bringing the peace I sought. Looking back on it, I've gained quite a lot but then…. There's Crystal. I loathe demons like her, who despite having the powers strive to use it only for their benefit. It's those like her who facilitate wars or destruction just to feed their ego. I truly despise her but alas, I can't do anything but watch her as my abilities are too meagre compared to hers. It has been made blatantly obvious that no matter how hard I train I can never scratch the surface of powers but that won't stop me from trying. During my research, I found something that amused me. Crystal had interest in someone's potential. That was a must have for me. I found the person after a few weeks of research and decided to get him but just as I set my eyes on him, I saw it. Uncontrollable malice, destruction, blood, the smell of burning flesh, chaos. I saw it all. I couldn't believe what I saw. What lay in his future was a path tainted in blood and darkness. I stared at death looming over his future. An accursed future. No wonder she saw something in him. The fear which gripped my heart was like none other and I vowed never to have anything to do with that boy and his accursed path. His path has been set in stone by fate. A heinous future, a ruler of destruction in the making. His future reeks. An existence doomed to fail. I hope.

I finally snapped out of one of my usual dazes as the special class just ended.

· Ariel Kai

· Ego: Clairvoyance

· Inherent Talent: Destruction

· Platinum rank

"Why can't I forget? After all this time", I used a bottle of water to wash down my dry throat.

"Maybe all this may end if I just kill him now. He hasn't reached that power yet. If I don't do it soon, we may all come to regret it", I say with a low voice as we all leave to head to our various mental training classes.

An hour and half later,

We all assembled in the year 3 elite classroom and like the first-year elite class except for the lion chimera placed at the top of the entrance. A few seconds later, our instructor, Miss Hera, a tall very beautiful red demon with waist long shiny dark hair and ox blood eyes with a pair of thin round glasses, long eyelashes and succulent lips, she has an hour glass figure and her grey suit and skirt seems to emphasis on that strongly then her long stockings, which covered her long elegant legs, and is complimented with her black heels, walks in with some files and a serious look on her face.

Seems like something serious is going down. She never looks this way unless something is really troubling and when she's like this she becomes a monster. The class is dead silent upon seeing her demeanour. She drops the file on the podium and touches the screen which shows a bunch of monsters and their innards.

· Hera

· Ego: Magic

· Inherent Talent: Solar-Lunar

· Emperor class

She took a deep breath, looked at the tense students before turning back to face the screen, making the tension rise. Over the course of the years Miss Hera has taught her, she has not only been known for her kind and caring nature but also terrifying nature when she is pissed. Most students try their best to avoid seeing her bad side which has caused more good than bad but she didn't like it all that much, so she tried her best to seem happy but today is not one of such days. The class went by with not even the sound of a pin drop coming from the students till she left the classroom then a feeling of relief washes over us. A girl named Theia ran after Miss Hera, I guess that is to be expected as she is like the closest student to her, but I just hope things don't turn out for the worse. I have this sense of foreboding but unfortunately the gears of fate are spinning faster than anyone to stop. All we can do is hope and pray. I leave the class to search for my friends, so we could go do some archery practice. Since a new semester just began, missions and other extracurricular activities will begin by next week. So, till then we just have to take it slow.

· Theia

· Ego: Dominator's Touch

· Inherent Talent: Command

· Platinum Rank

Class is finally over and all that is left is a status check which is a mandatory procedure at the beginning of every semester. We are in four separated lines inside the auditorium, which is a building not too far from our class. I distracted myself with stupid thoughts till it was now my turn. I walked towards a tall handsome demon with short gold-brown hair and blue eyes, wearing a butler's outfit and a one eye glass with a slight smile on his face, he is Xero, one of the school core energy technicians. Guess he is here to make sure the process is carried out smoothly and so are the others. I looked at the others for a few seconds before facing him.

"Since this is your first time, I will go over the procedure. Please pay rapt attention as I will not repeat myself again.

Does he have to say that every time? Must be thought, no wonder he seems a bit annoyed.

"First touch the orb in front of you and imagine putting as much energy as you can into it. Once you feel a tingly sensation you let go. It's that simple".

I nod and do exactly as I was told. After a few seconds, I felt the tingling sensation and I let go, he gives me a light nod and I make my exit.

Three hours later,

At the Teachers Office in the Administrative Building,

A few teachers are gathered to discuss on various matters as the semester has officially kick started. They start off with light topics like what to be taught, how missions should be divided, point distribution. Then about an hour and half in, they had passed on several of the main topics.

"Before we continue, I'd like to bring up something. More like someone who I find interesting", Mr. Aida, a 6ft tall and lean demon, short white hair and gold-red eyes, says with a calm expression gathering the attention of others.

"It's Arcon", he says with a slight grin.

"That first year? What could you find interesting in that kid", Mrs. Kaya, a short, sexy woman with long hair packed in a ponytail reaching her lower back, yellow eyes and thin framed glasses givin her a serious look, says with a rather disappointed look on her face.

"Well, one might think so but", he takes a pause and looks around.

"To start off with, he's an anomaly. That in and of itself should stir up your curiosity. A red demon who has no talent, such an impossible feat was achieved by him and to make matters more interesting not only did he pass this academy's entrance despite having the lowest acceptance rate in the continent, but he also became a silver rank. Outclassing a lot of his mates. One can only wonder what the secret to his success is. Interesting, isn't it?" he took a pause to let that all sink in.

"Quite amusing. I wonder why this never occurred to me. Seems like work and war has put my head down in the mud", Chika, wrinkled skin, bald, closed eyes and a long white beard, says while silently grinning.

"Stop grinning you old man, it's disgusting", Miss Suzen, tall demon with lavishing long, braided dark hair reaching her waist, dark grey eyes and small purple lips, says with a look of disgust.

He continues, "That's not all. Prior to him coming here for the first time ever it made Crystal act".

This caught the attention to some of the instructors while the others already knew about it.

"Despite having only an ego, he was able to display abilities that were in no relation to his. Before some of you voice your objections with secondary abilities, I will repeat myself. No relations whatsoever to his ego which leads me to my theory. From what was created, to how it was created and its requirements. There is only one thing or to be precise, one person who could be the cause and that is again, Crystal. So not only has she taken actions, but she could be actively involved with him. This leads me back to the most important thing. What is this his ego that makes him special of sorts. I took the liberty of digging (which is technically not allowed) and I found it. It actually made me laugh when I found out what it was".

"Probably a stupid support ability, right?" Dr Heda, short old demon with a hunched back, grey hair with a small moustache and a nicely trimmed breads, wearing small round goggles and a lab coat, chimed in seeming a bit unimpressed.

"A support ability, yes but stupid is not the word to call it. More like too conventional", he replies with a laugh.

"The ability was luck", he says with a grin on his face. The others looked at him and some snickered.

"It does explain a lot. I hear he's dating a hottie in his class. Really too good to be true", another instructor, Mr. Ricka, very young demon with smooth brown gold hair and blue eyes, a handsome face and a chiselled body, spits out.

"Quite the ability he has there", Dr Heda says excitedly.

"It does explain everything from why he got into the top academy despite lacking a lot, how Crystal of all demons show interest in him, why he didn't die despite taking in Crystal's corrosive mana and having nothing to counteract it with, how he's able to draw out the power without dying and a lot more".

"If what you say is true then I think he could be a big help in the war and to the entire demon race".

"That would be the case but unfortunately, he cannot draw out this ability. It happens on its own and also, it's not as though it makes him to always be on the good side. It just makes him to take the best path despite the obstacles. No matter what that path is", he adds.

"So basically, you're saying he's useless", Miss Kaya says with a smug expression.

"Well, that's not quite true. If what Aida says is true, then no matter where he goes, he has the backing of Crystal. For some unknown reason she associates herself with him. Very interesting", Mr. Chika says with his usual grin.

Miss Suzen just rolls her eyes and hisses.

"So, we should keep our eyes on this boy, right?" Miss Callie, messy purple hair, lazy blue eyes and a baggy lab coat covering her fit physique, says as she opens her eyes and yawns.

"Yes. He may very well be the storm that destroys are enemies but if we aren't careful, we too maybe engulfed in that storm".

"Strong words coming from a storm master as yourself".

Aida turns his head to see Miss Suki, who just enters and coldly gazes at him. He swallows hard, gathers his courage and puts a smile on his face.

"Good timing Miss Suki. Do you have anything to add on this matter?"

"None. I would advise you to not get involved with that boy. At least not yet", she says coldly before going to her desk.

"Seems like that's all we can say on this matter, but I'd like to bring up another fascinating student….", the discussion then continues on.

· Aida

· Ego: Magic

· Inherent Talent: Storm

· Elite

· Vice-head of the Research Department

· Kaya

· Ego: Magic

· Inherent Talent: Summoner

· Elite

· Support Instructor

· Chika

· Ego: Magnetism

· Inherent Talent; Mutiny

· Emperor

· Vice-head of Administration

· Suzen

· Ego: Necromancy

· Inherent Talent: Flames

· Emperor

· P.A of the Principal

· Miss Callie

· Ego: Appraisal eye

· Inherent Talent: Intellect

· Elite

· Sorcery Instructor

· Dr. Heda

· Ego: Matter manipulation

· Inherent Talent: Intellect

· Elite

· Head of the Research Department

· Mr. Ricka

· Ego: Magic

· Inherent Talent: Memory

· Elite

· Sorcery Instructor