
My Best Friend is the Hero

After getting betrayed and killed by someone he holds dear. Max finds himself thrown into another world as a baby. Born as the first son of one of the supreme general and first general of demon army. Max (Arcon) has to strive to reach the expectations of the society. As though the world wants to mock him, when his powers are checked, not only does he have only an ego, which falls short as a primal demon, his only ability is luck. Through the encouragement of his ever-loving mother, he pulls himself together and trains to live a decent and quiet life and not disappoint them any further. To pour spit on the wound, one of the most prodigious demons named Crystal Del Monre takes deep interest in him after hearing a prophecy. He tries his best to avoid her eyes and the attention that it brings but all to no avail. Through her tortures...err...help, training and tutelage, he manages to advance to higher levels of strength, but such training brings about problem, a problem to his essence. His essence now tainted with chaos aims to drive him to and past his breaking point through unending nightmares. After ending the hero and his group and subduing the human army, the demon continent is plunged into chaos by an organisation whose end goal is to put demon back on their 'right path', the path of never destruction and carnage. This event leads to Arcon's most fruitious encounters. During a dungeon raiding as per usual with Crystal, he stumbles into a missing room with an enchanted book at its centre. Feeling compelled, he walked closer, hands outstretched towards the book. He had finally reached it, all the conditions clear, the space and state to complete his missing part. Chaos was complete, his mind serene, his purpose, his goal clear. Rain down destruction and chaos to the world. Engrave their hearts with fear at the utterance of his name. Who was going to stop him? The monster in him finally unleashed. What hero could slay his predatorial hunger? The time for demons to rule drawing ever closer. The fate of all other races dangling on a thread. A force on like any other, only another of greater intensity could bring an end to it. Who might it be? Where might they be? Only time will tell.

prime_infinity · Fantasie
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53 Chs

Arcon vs Bell

The third match broke the streak as Heracles came out on top. The next match-up was between Shina Stormwalt and Vella Rose. Rose, a red demon with orange braided pigtails and pink eyes, walked up to Shina and extended her hand for a handshake." May the best one win", she said with a cocky smile." Even though she was 21st, she sure seems pretty confident. I've got to be careful around her", Shina thought to herself.

Name: Vella Rose Ego: Phantom Inherent talent: Mythical Inheritance (Nyx)

They stood thirty feet apart and took their stance. The signal was given to start the match and Rose launched an attack that seemed like a dark sphere. Shina shifted slightly to the right dodging the attack but it just stopped at her back and exploded sending her flying towards Rose who followed through with an uppercut. <Night Blitz> Everywhere became dark as massive explosions erupt all around them.

<Night Magna> All the darkness condenses into a dark ball which she slams on the chest of Shina. Shina crashes into the ground with a huge explosion. <Night Fist> Her hands are covered in dark energy as she positions one hand at her front and the other just above her head. Shina stands up and groans. She hasn't felt this much pain in a while." Your ego must be really strong", Shina said." Oh! I'm not using my ego", she replied.

She charges towards Shina, who just raised one hand slowly in the air. It was as though time had slowed down. She raises the other and join them together causing a huge burst of wind, pushing her away. <Wind Blade III> Once the wind had settled, Shina stood with her feet slightly apart, her left hand in a blocking position and her right, holding a wind blade in front of the left. Wind blades are attached round her body as she gets ready to continue.

Rose punches the air with all her might, sending waves of dark energy towards her. She crosses her hand forming an X at her front. The waves bypass the X and hit her, sending her headfirst into the ground. Rose raises her hand as the sky turns black and a black portal appears.<Night Fury> She drops her hand as a ray of dark energy heads towards Shina from above. She creates many wind barriers, but they all get destroyed and hits her. She screams in pain as she falls to the ground covered in small bruises and a smoking body.

"Just give up Shina", she said with a cocky grin. Shina stands up as wind blades form around her hands. Rose creates a big ball of dark energy and blasts it at her. <Bushino> Shina raises one leg and her arms beside her waist with fists balled tightly. She slowly drops her leg as time seems to slow down. Immediately her leg touches the ground, she appears behind Rose. <Zan> Rose shouts in pain as a huge X mark on her releases blood. The blast also got cut in an X shape.

Shina kicks her on the face and sighs.<Tornado*> A tornado engulfs Rose and goes up. She screams in pain as the wind blades in the tornado cut her continuously as it ascends. Shina clenches her fist, turning it into a ball of wind blades.<Whispers of the wind: Dragon> She raises her hand as the wind around her shines bright green and forms a dragon as it ascends. She drops her hand and it crashes into the ball causing a huge explosion.

Both of them are bloodied and panting. Rose's body starts phasing in and out of our dimension. Her powers began to destabilize everything around her. She screams in pain as her body goes in and out of the dimension. People began to panic, Mrs Dremo wanted to stop her, but the VP signalled her to stop and watch. She screamed again as a huge ball engulfed everything in a 4km radius. It then disperses taking everything inside apart from her with it.

Her body phases faster as she shouts louder. It doesn't take Shina long to realize that she had to knock her out to stop this. Her power was sparking all over the place and starts distorting the space around. Shina takes a deep breath and musters a lot of energy and runs to her, dodging the random explosions. She reaches her and delivers a face breaking punch while grabbing the back of her head. The impact resulted in a mass destruction of the land mass.

Shina stands victorious beside Rose's unconscious body. She had finally won, and her opponent was really powerful. She smiled to herself because she knew that there were more like her, and this would give her the opportunity to grow. She carried Rose to the tree as Mrs Dremo instructed her to. Mrs Dremo first fixed the distortion before changing the space to a desolate city. The next fighters went on and had their match.

And so many matches passed but none on the level of the first five. It was now Arcon's turn to fight. He faced a female red demon with green eyes and black hair. She looked a bit friendly as she greeted him kindly before the match begun. The battle was to be fought on a mountainous region. Arcon and Silphia took their stances, and the battle began.

Name: Silphia Bell Ego: Magic Inherent talent: Elemental

" You better quit now. This territory is my domain", she said smugly.

" I believe it's too late for that", he said with a smile on his face. He knew that she has the advantage but he just had to try something.

" It's your funeral", she said as she lifted six boulders and hurled them at him. He shrieked as he jumped out of the way. He sighs in relief as he stands up, but more are tossed towards him. He yells as he scrambles away, dodging the waves of earth thrown at him.

Silphia was amazed by how Arcon acted as many questions came to mind. She pushes herself using wind magic to where Arcon is. She throws a kick, but he dodges it. She follows with a downward slash which brushes his nose. She blasts wind at him sending him crashing at the foot of one of the mountains. She clasps her hand as two smash Arcon. She flew in to check if it was over. She separated the boulder and saw that he wasn't there." You need to look harder if you want to find him", Arcon said with a smile on his face.

She blasted him with fire, but he evades it. She rapidly blasts him with fire and lava. He manages to dodge all of them but gets knocked down by a kick. She creates a spear of ice and launches it at him. He rolls away, avoiding a hit." Are you going to run all day or fight?", she asks as she flies higher into the sky. She spreads her hand as it rains down ice knives, spears and shards. Once he sees the magnitude of the attack, he quickly takes off . She continues launching attacks at him but he just evades them with ease.

"Don't run!", she screams as she creates a massive ball of water. She lets it down towards where he hid. He saw the incoming attack and knew what he had to do. Immediately the water lands, it turns to ice then lava. She begins to pant heavily." He should be done for", she thought but she was wrong.

" You almost got me", a voice from behind her spoke. She threw a wind blade without looking and he dodged it easily.

" Why don't you just stay down", she said. She was infuriated and irritated by his presence. He pulls out the rod from his waist and points it at her.

" So, you're finally taking this seriously", she said obviously pleased with the turn of events. She conjures several lightning balls and throw them at him. The rod just absorbs them as she stares in shock." Can he absorb elements? If so that's really bad", she thought. She pulls up two really huge rocks and throw them at him.

He uses the energy from the rod and blasts them to bits. He uses the distraction to run behind her and blasts her from behind. She falls to the ground as she groans in pain. Several blue beams head straight for her, so, she uses earth and ice to make a barrier around her. The barrier destroys, sending her flying. He appears above her with a smile on his face about to blast her. She swats her hand as a huge wind blows him away. They both land on separate places. Arcon groans as he holds his head which landed at the foot of a mountain. He immediately realises that the lightning rod is gone. He looked around for it but is unable to find it.

" I'm screwed", he said as he sits down close to the foot of the mountain. It doesn't take up to ten seconds before it begins to rain fire, ice, earth and lava." Just my luck", he said in his mind as he starts running as fast as he can.

She's unrelenting in her attacks which increase by the minute. All he had to do now was to continue going until she was out. To him, it was now a test of endurance. After four minutes of this, he notices that his attacker has stopped. He was sweating seriously and panting. He was quite exhausted and decided to take a break. He sits down close to a small cave and started reflecting on his actions. He needed a miracle to beat her. He was just about to get comfortable when a water bubble covered his head.

He was caught by surprise with no way to defend himself. He tried to destroy the bubble but to no avail. He struggled continuously but nothing worked." Fighting against it is meaningless. I may not know your power, but I know one thing. You have lost". She was really glad it would soon be over. He was losing focus on his surroundings. It was all going blank. He was losing oxygen and fast. His brain frantically searched for answers, but nothing was forth coming.

Just when he was about to give up hope. He found the answer to his problem staring right in front of him. He smirked at her weakly. The odds were against him, but this was the only way he could think of for him not just to survive but to win this. He took a stance then rushes at her, before she could even realise it. He was in front of her about to deliver a punch. She couldn't believe what he was doing, nor could she understand how he could do it.

She slams her palm together as two ice walls threatened to smash him. He punched the walls destroying them at once." Where is he getting this absurd strength and energy from", she wonders. She flew back into the cave, giving him distance. He steps on the rod causing it to fly into the air then he grabbed it. He didn't have much time left and she also understood this, but she didn't want to back down. She hit him with various elemental attacks, but he hit, dodged or absorbed them.

Though she was overwhelming him, he didn't seem pushed but rather came closer to her. She knew he was plotting something, but she couldn't know what it was. So, she decides to end this now. He blasts her with three beams, but she dodged them easily. She combines all the elements into her hands forming a rainbow ball. She launched at him and when she was close enough, delivered the final blow towards his head. As the attack was about to hit, he ducks and blasts a beam through the rod at her stomach.

On impact, she spits out blood as she flies into the air. The three beams from earlier came back and hit her. She falls down unconscious as the bubble pops. He breathes heavily as he fell to the ground and soon went out cold.

An hour later, Arcon woke up in the infirmary with Shina at his side. He still had a slight headache due to what happened." You're finally awake", she said as she stared at me.

" How long was I out?", he asked. "About an hour", Hela said as she stood then continues," Twice in a day. That's a new one for a candidate", she said as she giggled. Arcon just sighed then faced Shina," So what happened?", he asked her." Well, all the fights have ended, and the ranks were given she said as she showed him the golden lion badge on her breast pocket.

She also explained the stages and told her the ranks of those she saw as her opponents in our year before telling him his. He expected to get a bronze but rather got a silver rank. He was on the brink of tears as she handed his badge to him. He was now finally a part of the academy. He was so happy that he didn't disappoint and hugged Shina. She understood and just hugged him back. He got clearance and left the infirmary. They both discuss their plans for the next year till they met with the butler, Mr. Zayne, who took them home.

They had a lot to prepare for and only three months to do so.