
My Best Friend is the Hero

After getting betrayed and killed by someone he holds dear. Max finds himself thrown into another world as a baby. Born as the first son of one of the supreme general and first general of demon army. Max (Arcon) has to strive to reach the expectations of the society. As though the world wants to mock him, when his powers are checked, not only does he have only an ego, which falls short as a primal demon, his only ability is luck. Through the encouragement of his ever-loving mother, he pulls himself together and trains to live a decent and quiet life and not disappoint them any further. To pour spit on the wound, one of the most prodigious demons named Crystal Del Monre takes deep interest in him after hearing a prophecy. He tries his best to avoid her eyes and the attention that it brings but all to no avail. Through her tortures...err...help, training and tutelage, he manages to advance to higher levels of strength, but such training brings about problem, a problem to his essence. His essence now tainted with chaos aims to drive him to and past his breaking point through unending nightmares. After ending the hero and his group and subduing the human army, the demon continent is plunged into chaos by an organisation whose end goal is to put demon back on their 'right path', the path of never destruction and carnage. This event leads to Arcon's most fruitious encounters. During a dungeon raiding as per usual with Crystal, he stumbles into a missing room with an enchanted book at its centre. Feeling compelled, he walked closer, hands outstretched towards the book. He had finally reached it, all the conditions clear, the space and state to complete his missing part. Chaos was complete, his mind serene, his purpose, his goal clear. Rain down destruction and chaos to the world. Engrave their hearts with fear at the utterance of his name. Who was going to stop him? The monster in him finally unleashed. What hero could slay his predatorial hunger? The time for demons to rule drawing ever closer. The fate of all other races dangling on a thread. A force on like any other, only another of greater intensity could bring an end to it. Who might it be? Where might they be? Only time will tell.

prime_infinity · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Welcome to Majin Academy

3 months had gone by swiftly

Arcon and Shina had just left their home few hours ago and just arrived at the academy. The gate was wide open as students went in. Arcon takes a deep breath before he steps inside. This was a really big moment for him. He still believed that this was a dream and he'll wake up soon. Shina looks at him, smiles and pats his back. "Don't worry. You'll be alright", she said. He sighs a little then continued moving forward. Nothing was going to draw him back. He was going to enjoy his school year and bring the best out of it.

They were all instructed to go into the first building, where they will get their uniforms and be given dorm rooms. Rooms may change in the duration of your stay. The number of times it would change was also a mystery. The both of them were the last students to enter the building. It looked bigger than before, and the interior design was marvelous. The lights above seemed like crystals illuminating a dark cave. The walls also seem to have been polished and the brown and cream color reflected the light round the place.

Arcon noticed that some people had already gotten into their school uniform. The uniform was elegant and dazzling. The black jacket with red designs around the sides, the black or white inner shirt and the black pants and skirts with an intricate flame design that moved from time to time and to top it off, the nice black shoes. There were five meeting places each with a rank above it. "Well, see you later", Shina said as she walked towards the place with gold above it. Immediately she left, she was swarmed by "friends" who supposedly had a lot to say to her. He headed for the silver stand but was stopped by Ashante who practically dives him.

He managed to maintain his balance and catch her. She looked him in the eye and smiled. "I missed you so much", she said. He was taken aback by that statement, but he shrugged it off with a smile. "So, what rank did you get?", he asked. She showed him the bronze lion badge she put on her breast pocket. "How do I look?", she said with a smile as she twirls. Her uniform was a bit tight around the chest area and her skirt was quite skimpy. He could just barely make out the color of her panties as she twirled.

"It looks really nice on you", he said as he gulped. Saying it was nice was a massive understatement. The outfit was really sexy on her. Not only is she one of the prettiest demons he had ever seen, but she was also racking some major points in other areas at such an early age. She smiles mischievously as she looks at him then whispers something in his ear which made him gulp before slipping away. He stands there for a while, lost in thought, till someone taps his shoulder.

He came back to reality and sees a boy around his height staring at him. "What?", he shouted as he jumped back. The boy only giggled as he watched Arcon looking all flustered. "You sure were lost in some deep thought", he teased. Arcon turned his face away in an attempt to adjust his composure. Once he did that, he faced the boy again. He immediately lost his composure again as he whispered something. "Did you just say I'm cute?", the boy said with a smile on his face.

" Err...um...did I? I'm ...really sorry", Arcon continued to spew random words as the boy just giggled. "Really, I don't mind at all", he said. Arcon heaves a sigh of relief and thanks the boy. The boy was really cute, had short white hair and big purple eyes. If not for the pants he had on, people would have probably mistaken him for a girl. "So, what is your name?", Arcon asked. "Well call me, Ian", the boy replied as he extended his hands for a handshake. "Arcon", he said as he shook his hand. "Do you remember me?", he asked as his eyes twinkled.

Name: Ian Davan Ego: Negative impact Inherent talent: Martial prowess

Arcon couldn't remember him but didn't want to let him down. He tried to jog his memory but to no avail. So, he decided to make a wild guess. "You were one of the guys I helped in the labyrinth, right?", he said with a bit of uncertainty in his voice. "That's right", the boy said as his excitement increased. "Even then, you called me cute", the boy said as he blushed a bit. The cuteness was reaching a new height, so Arcon decides to leave before things got any more complicated.

He arrived at his destination just as the last person left. He greeted the lady who sat behind the desk. She looked familiar to him but somehow, he knew that he shouldn't remember who she was. Her on the other hand, recognized him immediately. "Your name please", the woman asked as she brought out a book and tapped an empty slot. He filled in his name and other details before passing it back to her. She brought out a set of uniform and gave him then pointed to the small compartment beside her. He took the uniform entered the place and dressed up. The uniform was a perfect fit. He looked at the mirror and adjusted it a bit. He stepped out a fulfilled man and met the woman again.

"All your luggage which were sent last week, have been sent to your room. Do you want the key to your room, or would you prefer to share with your roommate?", she asked. "I'd like the key to my room please", he said with a bright smile. She gave him a key with his room number"N-203" on it. "You'll find your room on the first floor of the first dorm. Good luck", she was done with him, so she changed her focus to the book on her hand.

He left the building without any fuss and headed to his dorm. He was really eager to see his roommate. He already started envisioning how everything will transpire between them and how they'll become closest of friends. In no time, he had already reached the door to his room. Though, compared to the second dorm which he had a glimpse at, this wasn't much but it looked good. He takes a deep breath, counted to ten in his mind before unlocking the door.

He entered inside and stared at his new roommate. His jaw almost dropped as he saw who it was. Lying on the bed with only a towel to cover her bare skin was Fena. The steam from her and her appearance gave off for a really erotic scene. She looked at him all flustered but that didn't help matters. Arcon couldn't keep it together anymore. Before she could utter a single complaint or attack. He stormed off and few minutes later came back inside to see Fena in a big blue shirt and a dark blue short. She was sitting on the chair which was at the corner of the room.

She was facing the wall but wasn't doing anything. "Hey", he said but she ignored him. He sighs and heads to the wardrobe by his left where his stuff is neatly arranged. He removed his uniform and got into a black t-shirt and white shorts. He walked to the first bed intending to rest but spikes appear from thin air and cover the bed. "That's mine", she said angrily. "So, she does speak", he replied with a smile. Seconds later, he is dodging knives, swords, maces and spikes. He manages to leave the room unharmed." Good thing the room was protected by a barrier, if not, the whole place would have been in shambles", he thought to himself.

"Fancy meeting you here". He heard a voice behind him say. He stood up and saw Ian in a pink shirt and black pair of joggers." What are you doing here?", Arcon asked. "Well, I'm your neighbor", he said with enthusiasm as he pointed to his room which was right next to Arcon's. Arcon sighed and slumped to the ground. Ian rushed to give him a hand, but he shakes his head with a smile. "This is going to be one hell of an academy", he said as he closes his eyes.

Meanwhile, at the administrative building which was far east from the dormitory. A girl, in a black elegant gown, is sitting on a huge royal bed and a guy wearing a fox mask is kneeling at her front. The room was like that of royalty. It had a bookshelf, a long, white, comfy sofa, a glass table and a huge royal bed. The room was lit by dim red lights setting an off environment from what is taking place." Has he arrived?" the girl asked with a hint of excitement in her voice.

"Yes, Shadow Empress", he said as he bowed. "But if I may be so bold my empress", he paused, waiting for her permission to continue. She waved her hand, signaling him to carry on. "Thank you, my empress. It makes me wonder. Why are you so interested in that boy? I see nothing good about..." she began to choke him as her murderous aura filled the room. "How dare you say such. What makes you think you can question my decisions? Consider yourself lucky that I am in a good mood", she said with an eerie smile. He began pleading for his life and apologizing for his mishaps.

. "Do that again and I will kill you for sure", she said. "Yes, my empress", he replied while trying his best to breathe. She smiled mischievously then let him go "But in the meantime I have a job for you".