

After his first interaction with the Hero. Leon went to his room to change some of his equipments; specifically his Ghost Buster's shirt. ("Though this was common equipment in the game it stands out way to much in this place. Also, this glasses; Judging from the Hero's reaction when I grinned I must've looked like an arrogant snob. Damn it, that was embarrassing. Yosh! Let's unequip both then" Thought Leon)

He unequipped both his items, as he called out "Inventory!" Then a list was showed to him.

"Hmm, let's see. I already have the Kyuubi's eyes equiped so I really don't need glasses. Let's just look for a shirt then. Something, plain black or white or something" said Leon as he was browsing through the equipment list.

"This should do" said Leon as he viewed the stats of the shirt he took out.

*Adamantite Spider's Black Thread Shirt(Epic)

- Shirt woven from the thread of the Adamantite Spider. The shirt isn't as strong as adamantine metal armor but, it can still match the defensive capabilities of Mithril armor.

+35% Defense

+35% reduce damage (Physical)

+20% reduce damage (Magic)

+15% Strength

+10% Agility

+5% Maximum HP

Passive skill: Poison Resistance (Epic)

- Any poison below epic rank will not have an effect on you.

Passive skill: Reactive poison (Rare)

- When hit with an attack; be it Melee or Range. Enemy has a 10% chance of being inflicted by Slow poison(Epic).

Passive skill: Spider Hunter

-Inflict 200% more damage to Spider type Monster.

"It's weaker than most, Epic class equipments but, this should do" said Leon as put on the Black shirt.

He saved his current equipment to battle slot 2. Then looked at himself at the mirror and what he saw was a tall handsome young man with white hair, red eyes and a bit of a muscular build.

("Wew, I've already forgotten that Leon was this handsome. 3 hours on character design was worth it. Hahahaha" thought Leon as he admired himself)

As Leon was making poses like an idiot in front of the mirror, he heard footsteps coming to his door. He immediately sat down beside the bed. A few seconds later, someone knocked on his door.

"Come in" said Leon.

The door opened and Orthorn appeared.

"Hey kid, let's go to the dining hall. The Hero and her party are already waiting for you there. Plus, that stupid Milo said that I can't eat if I don't bring you back" said Orthorn.

Leon smiled wryly as he replied "Alright".


At the dining hall, the Hero and her party and Milo was eating in relish as Leon and Orthorn appeared.

Leon looked at the different varieties of food on the table as he began to feel hungry. Orthorn on the other hand was already sitting next to Milo and had began eating.

Leon was looking for somewhere to sit, when Saya invited him to sit next to her. Jane and Meyers looked at Leon for a moment before they continued eating. Leon sat down while smiling wryly.

"Leon-sama I heard the story from Milo-san it looks like you helped them a lot during the rescuing of residents. As the Saintess of the church of Hope I thank you" said Saya as she bowed her head.

When Leon returned to his room to change his clothes. Milo and Orthorn had told the hero party of how Leon helped them with their operation.

"That's right, thank you as well Leon-sama" said Jane while Meyers bowed his head to Leon and said "Thank you" as well.

"I thank you as well, if it weren't for you General Orthorn and Milo-san might've failed in their operation" Said Juno thankfully.

Leon was dumfounded because he thought that the Hero party was mad at him after their first interaction.

"To be honest I never thought that this city was over taken by the Demons. I just happened to stop by, and by chance stumbled upon Orthorn-san and Milo-sans operation. I helped them out after I saw that they were in trouble" said Leon as Orthorn and Milo were nodding because they've already heard the story.

"Goodness, this must be the will of Minerva-sama" said Saya.

"Well you can say that" said Leon as he thought about the beautiful Goddess.

"What do you mean?" asked Saya as she moved closer to Leon and looked at him curiously.

("Cute!" thought Leon before he felt a sudden chill up his spine)

Looking around he noticed Jane smiling while reaching for her Morningstar named "Manhood Breaker" on her waist.


Faking a cough Meyers said "Saya-sama I think you should give Leon-sama some space"

Saya immediately moved away after she noticed that she was to close to Leon. She said while blushing "I'm sorry Leon-sama"

"I really don't mind" said Leon as he thought what a cute Saintess.

"Anyways about your question, I fell from the outskirts of Dwargo after being summoned, so it must've been the will of Minerva that I help Orthorn and the Citizens of Dwargo" said Leon.

"Oh, so you really were summoned" said Jane as he looked at Leon interestingly.

Juno looked at him doubtfully.

"Did Goddess Minerva-sama summon you herself?" asked Meyers as he stared straight at Leon.

Saya came back from her embarrassment as she also looked at Leon and waited for his answer.

"Yes, it was Minerva herself that summoned me. Though she didn't give me any specific purpose, she did say that she wanted me to help the people of this world" said Leon with a straight face while being serious. However his thoughts betrayed him ("It was actually for vacation; a permanent one at that, but let's just keep that reason for ourself")

Juno slammed her delicate looking fist at the table, BAAAAM! as she said "If you were here to really help the people, then why do you endanger them by fighting a battle they, and you would surely loose!?"

"Juno-chan please calm down" said Jane as Saya looked at her worriedly.

"Actually, the-" Leon couldn't finish his words before Orthorn interrupted.

"Please don't blame the kid. It was actually us who wanted to fight for our home." said Orthorn.

"Although, Leon-sama is confident that he could defeat the Deva and didn't mind fighting alone. Our pride still couldn't leave it to only him. Even if we aren't that useful, at least our families could be proud of us and say that we didn't leave it to just anyone. That we didn't run and that we ourselves fought for our home" said Milo passionately.

"I understand how you feel but, that still doesn't change the fact that he is the one that is giving you false hope" said Juno as she pointed at Leon.

"Alright stop! Like Orthorn and Milo said, I don't mind if they do stay or not. They won't be in any danger as long as I'm here. And believe me when I say that I can beat the Deva just like how I beat that Bobeer Guy" said Leon confidently.

"Your really stupid aren't you? Beat a Deva like you beat an Ogre King? That's just plain arrogance" said Juno.

"That's a little harsh Juno-chan, but I agree" said Jane seriously.

Then Meyers explained "A Deva is 100 times stronger than that pathetic meat of an Ogre you just defeated, even we could deal with him easily. But, only last a few moments against those Deva"

"That's right Leon-sama, so please reconsider" said Saya urging him to change his mind.

After hearing the Hero and her party's words Orthorn and Milo were a little shaken. Bobeer was strong but a monster that is a hundred times stronger than him was unimaginable to them. They began to worry as they looked at Leon.


"Like I said, everything will be fine. So don't worry to much about it" said Leon confidently.

"You! are you even listening to what we've been saying!? What's with that baseless confidence?" asked Juno.

"It's not baseless, I'm very strong you know. (Or more like My Avatar is Broken)" said Leon.

"Then you still won't change your mind?" asked Jane.

"Yeah, I won't change my mind. Like I said when we first met. No matter what you guys say. You can't stop me" said Leon stubbornly.

"Oh dear" worried Saya.

"Then how about we do this, since we can't change your mind. How about a bet?" suggested Juno with a seemingly evil grin.

Saya looked at her while smiling wryly.

Jane and Meyers looked at each other; as they smiled wryly as well.

Confused of their reaction, Leon asked questioningly "What kind of bet?"

"Simple, all we need to do is fight. If I win, you would do as I say and withdraw from Dwargo along with it's citizens, but if you win we will support you and fight alongside you against the Deva" said Juno.

"Hmm, and why should I agree to this bet? I don't even want your cooperation when I fight the Deva" said Leon as he smiled teasingly at Juno.

"You! Then what do you want!?" asked Juno.

Her party kept quiet because they knew that Juno will not stop until she beat the crap out of this man. It happened multiple times on their journey, whenever she gets agitated by someone she would start "a bet" before beating the person she made a bet with within an inch of their lives. They sent pitiful gazes towards Leon.

Not noticing their gazes Leon smiled at Juno and said "Then, let's go on a date"

Not knowing what a date was Saya questioned "Date?" as she noticed Juno turning red.

Meyers on the other hand was struggling to hold back Jane who was once again holding her "cursed weapon".

Leon ignored them and waited for Juno's response.

Taken a back by Leon's request, her face began to blush before she got angry and said "You bastard!"

"That's my only demand, if you don't agree then I won't make the bet with you" said Leon seriously.

Juno looked a little reluctant, because even back on her previous world she never went on a date before. She might've been pursued by many men but, she always turned them down because she wanted to finish her studies first.

Looking at Juno's funny face Leon teased "Why are you being reluctant now? Don't tell me you haven't gone on a date before?"

"You- Fine! it's a deal then" shouted Juno as she thought ("Just you wait, I'll beat away that damn smile of yours")

"You heard her Orthorn-san, Milo-san, after eating. Please lead us to a wide space suitable for sparring" said Leon with a smile.

Orthorn and Milo were exasperated while looking at him and the angered Hero.

-End Chapter


-The main currency of Bermiah is Beriah. However, coins from Neverlasting can be traded for Beriah as they have better purity than most metals in Bermiah.

Beriah bronze coin is the lowest denomination, while Beriah Platinum coin is the highest.

25 Beriah bronze is equal to an apple or 5pcs of bread.

1 Beriah Platinum coin = 100 Beriah mithril coins

1 Beriah Mithril coin = 10 Beriah Gold coins

1 Beriah Gold coin = 10 Beriah Silver coins

1 Beriah Silver coin = 10 Beriah Bronze coins


1 Neverlasting bronze coin = 1000 Beriah bronze coin

1 Neverlasting Gold coin = 1000 Beriah Gold coin

1 Neverlasting Silver coin= 100 Beriah Mithril coins or 1000 Beriah Gold coins(Neverlasting Silver is a better conductor to magic than other well known Metals in Bermiah)

1 Neverlasting Mithril = 100 Beriah Platinum coins or 10000 Beriah Mithril coins(Same with Silver)

1 Neverlasting Platinum coin = 1000 Beriah Platinum coins

Coins can be converted in Leon's game system or can be traded to a merchant. Although, merchants exchange rate may be lower or higher than the system's exchange rate.

-There isn't a Job system in Neverlasting. Player's could enjoy almost any and every skills and equipments; the only exceptions are those that are above Disaster class. You may require a specific stat, or skill, Title or even finish a distinguished quest.

End of another chapter. Thanks for reading. Spare me another vote if you can.

Gredihartcreators' thoughts