

| 30 minutes earlier |

Train was walking on the sidewalk while drinking a carton of chocolate milk. He had on some black shorts

and a plain old white t-shirt with a personalised black hoodie to match. He sported two hoop earrings on

each ear and had a stitched scar on top of his left palm 'what should I get for lunch?' he thought in distress.

On the back of his hoodie was the picture of a yandere smiley face "I had noodles during this entire week. I

should find something else to eat" he mumbled "SMASH!!" a voice yelled from his right, causing him to

stop in his tracks.

He tilted his head to the side as his eyes caught sight of a giant dome-shaped facility "..wait...how long

have I been walking for?" he voiced in confusion as another explosion sounded from inside "....." he

slurped on his milk then approached the cracked doors, sliding in between them. The sound of chaos

became louder this time as he walked over to the front. Suddenly, the door got blown off as All Might

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6/13/2020 Anti-Villain : Bonafide ||MHA||

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appeared right behind him 'that was a close one. I barely made it through' he sweat dropped, as he turned

his head back, noticing his angry facial expression 'the number one hero?' he arched his brow, turning back

around "then this must be a villain attack" he muttered under his breath.

The pro hero ripped off his tie "IT'S ALL RIGHT. FOR I AM HERE!!" he exclaimed as Train rolled his eyes 'his

catchphrase never gets old' he noted "we were waiting for you, hero" voiced Shigaraki "or should I say, hero

trash" he insulted. All Might ran up to the center, saving Aizawa and the students. Meanwhile, Train

descended the stairs like a normal person as the hero and villain faced off '..that ugly thing should not

exist' he thought to himself as All Might back slammed the Noumu into the ground. As soon as the smoke

cleared out, the students panicked as the older male stared at the trapped number one hero with a

nonchalant look.

Shigaraki chuckled "you fell right into my trap. Noumu has the exact same power level as you. Isn't that

great, Kurogiri? he handed us the perfect chance on a silver platter" he remarked as Midoriya sprinted

towards him "ALL MIGHT" he called out as another explosion sounded "OUT OF MY FUCKING WAY, DEKU"

screamed Bakugo, slamming Kurogiri's head into the ground. The burgundy haired male narrowed his eyes

at the newcomers as he witnessed the students stand off against the villain. Within instance, he smirked

"hey there!" he called out in a loud voice, catching all of their attention "..who is that?" questioned


Mikasa stepped up to the middle, one hand holding his milk carton while the other resting in his pocket

"sorry to interrupt but...." he paused, taking a stand next to Tomura "..thought you might need a hand" he

smirked again, proud of his pun. The blue haired villain gave him a side glance "who the hell are you?" he

posed as All Might eyed him carefully "I'm no one important..let's just do this" he brushed the question off

as the students glared "he's also a villain?!" gasped Mineta as Bakugo grinned "more for me to beat up" he

claimed as the creature regenerated "Noumu" voiced Tomura as he made eye contact with Train "kill him"

he ordered as it attacked "WHAT? SO HE'S NOT A VILLAIN?" yelled Mineta in confusion as Mikasa sighed.

The Noumu sprinted towards him at full speed, shocking All Might. However, before he could save him, the

said boy extended his hand forward, activating his quirk "gravity x100" he phrased as the creature instantly

dropped on its knees mid-attack, skidding all the way to his side. The students gasped in awe as the hero

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froze in disbelief. Train glanced down at the kneeling Noumu "your presence is disgusting me, you vile

trash" he spat, his whole persona shifting into a dark one. He opened his palm then looked back at the

startled Shigaraki "maybe next time, you'll learn to accept an offer when it's presented to you, handy-face"

he informed.

Train bended gravity as he turned Noumu's weight heavier "let's test this out and see how long it takes to

crush you" he analysed, slowly closing his fist. The Noumu's body began to crack and shrink into itself,

horrifying the students. The creature flattened up like a pancake as Shigaraki trembled in anger "DROP

DEAD!" he ran at him fast. Train released the Noumu of his hold as he faced the incoming boy "how cute"

he taunted "repulsion" he commanded as Tomura's body flew back "what is going on right now?" asked

Todoroki from the side "I think he's helping us?" guessed Midoriya "you need to evacuate while they're

being kept busy. I'll deal with this guy by myself" expressed the number one hero as they nodded.

He noticed that the recovering Noumu was about to attack the mysterious boy and blocked it. In the

meantime, Train watched the blue haired villain fly back a couple of meters as Kurogiri attempted to step in

"stay down, purple mist..unless you want me to fatally wound him" he advised, earning a grunt "attraction"

he commanded as Shigaraki's body flew towards him this time. He blew on his fist then drew it back as the

villain extended his own hand forward, ready to turn him into ash. All of a sudden, Train punched Tomura,

causing the decapitated hand to fly off his face. In return, all five fingers touched the boy's neck, but

nothing happened.

Once he dropped on the floor, Train spoke up from over him "that was foolish of you" he clicked his tongue

in provocation, throwing his milk carton aside "I can repel any type of attack so you should've studied my

moves before coming after me so recklessly" he said. Across from them, All Might defeated the Noumu as

he sent it crashing out of the dome "what's the matter? where did all your bravado go? what happened to

clearing the game?" he asked, looking back at the fallen Shigaraki. He grabbed the hand off the floor then

placed it back on his face "you used cheats" he accused "Shigaraki Tomura..please calm yourself..." voiced

Kurogiri, assuring him of the creature's damage on the number one hero.

Train realised what they were about to do as he rushed in at the exhausted hero at the same time as they

did, colliding in the middle "LET HIM GO" screamed Midoriya, as he popped up out of nowhere. Abruptly,

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Train's eyes flashed as he activated his quirk "you're fast" he complimented as gunshots echoed out in the

dome. The bullets went straight towards the villains but froze mid-air, a few inches away from Tomura's

hand. Everyone gasped as the burgundy haired boy stared at the pro heroes "oh my! there's so many of

you..." he was cut off by Kurogiri as he warped himself and his companion out "..aw, no thanks? bummer"

he faked a pout.

The heroes immediately got to work as they helped the students to safety. Train turned to look behind him

as a cement wall appeared in his line of sight 'I guess the number one hero is fine then' he remarked as the

police officers approached him "hey kid! you're going to have to come with..HUH? MIKASA??" they

exclaimed loudly as he smiled awkwardly "oh hi guys?" he posed as they glared at him "unbelievable. You

dropped as far as helping villains now? man, Tsukauchi is gonna be pissed" one of them expressed as he

glanced around him for an escape route.

They immediately noticed his reaction "oh no you don't. You're not going anywhere. You'll be coming with

us. A punishment is definitely awaiting you" the other one declared as he sighed, extending his wrists. From

the other side, Todoroki and Bakugo watched him get taken away with a hard expression on their faces "so,

he IS a villain!" exclaimed Mineta for the third time as they deadpanned.

| Present Time |