

Inside an interrogation room, sat a young burgundy haired male, his cuffed wrists set out on the table with

his fingers intertwined. He was humming to a soothing tune when the door suddenly opened, revealing a

tall black-haired man with a file in hand. They made slight eye contact before the man sat down on the

chair, across from him "Mikasa...you're here again I see" he stated dryly "did you miss me, Tsukauchi?" he asked teasingly "don't address me so familiarly, besides, you are currently in serious trouble" he notified

"oh? alright then, please get on with what you came here to say" he hurried.

The man eyed him suspiciously "..very well. I've looked over your personal file again and I have a lot to ask.

For starters, you don't have a family registered, only your name and age, so who am I supposed to contact?" he interrogated, earning a chuckle "I'm 21 and I'm living life however I please. I can take care of myself" he assured, his light gray eyes piercing the detective's gaze "that's not enough.

This time, you won't be able to get away with a warning. You've committed a crime and you have to pay for it" he voiced in a serious tone.

Train clicked his tongue tauntingly, hinting that he's taking the matter very lightly, so he pressed on "don't make this harder than it already is. I have only ten minutes to get you to spill everything you know about the villains you aided today" he declared as the boy stared at him blankly "so you're not going to answer?" he posed as he ignored him "fine" he sighed, standing up "before I go..." he glanced at him again "do you have anything to say in your defense?" he questioned.

Train tapped his index finger on the table "your hero society is complete trash" he began "tell me, where do you think villains come from?" he asked a question of his own as the detective narrowed his eyes at him "it's the same people you protect that created them in the first place. Nobody is born evil.

Why then do so many among us go so horribly wrong?" he paused "you speak like you've figured the whole world out, detective. I'm sorry to say but that's ignorance in of itself" he relayed.

Upon hearing him talk so openly like this, Tsukauchi took back his seat "have you ever once wondered about the reason behind a villain's actions? or what pushed a villain down the path to villainy? to the point where they lost faith in themselves and humanity? since nobody is naturally evil, a spark of goodness tends to remain within even the most black-hearted of characters. Don't you think redemption could always be a possibility then?" he pointed out.

Tsukauchi was taken aback by his ridiculous suggestion as he scowled "you're talking crazy, Mikasa. Do you even know what villains do? they kill people without remorse and they enjoy doing it. Do you think redemption is gonna make everything they did disappear? No. It's not that simple. What about the people they've killed? what about their families? do you think they'll ever be able to forgive them? you're young and naive. You don't know what you're talking about" he retorted.

Train saw that response coming but didn't interrupt "once you cross the limit, you can never go back. That goes without saying, once a villain, always a villain. They can never change. They'll never be accepted in this society, not when they've already killed someone" he implied as the boy sighed "for a person who's been standing on the good side for this long, you're really hopeless. You judge way too quickly, and when something goes out of order, you immediately act as society sees it fit to act. Is it still justice what you do?" he posed mockingly.

Tsukauchi glared at him, rising on his feet "...or simply sucking up to what everyone is expecting to see out of you? no matter. I could care less about your ambitions. What I believe is right is what I'm going to do, and if it doesn't settle well in your law-book, then it's your problem not mine" he shrugged as the black-haired man calmed down "this still doesn't change the fact that you broke the law by using your quirk without a license, and aiding the villains in their escape.

Even though no one was severely hurt this time, I cannot allow you to roam freely in the city" he exclaimed while walking up to the door.

Train clenched his teeth "the heroes will be deciding what to do with you so until then, don't cause any troubles" added the man "detective, take my advice and tell the heroes this.." he trailed off, catching his gaze once more "..It may be possible to turn an anti-villain into a good person over time, by detailing their start of darkness, giving them a cynicism catalyst, a morality pet, and finally retconning them into submission.

They can always try to change a person to fit the image they see in their heads, but deep

down, that person never truly changes. Remember this, you can't save everyone" he voiced the last part in a whisper as the detective left the room.

| 30 minutes earlier |

Fact: LMAOOOO if u like this story then your my lil bich.

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