

I got transmigrated. It's a reverse harem game(otome game). The heroine and her chosen capture target are already together. The other capture targets are already in love with the heroine. But the villainess was punished and abandoned. What is this? Nobody wants her? Alright guess I will keep her for myself and live happily. But that's not the end there's more to come. Join our mc and villainess and add this story to your collections. #I am not a native english speaker. So you can expect mistakes. I will not make false claims saying the mc will be super intelligent that even gods are fool infront of him. That's just a display of author's pure stupidity. I will try to make it a bit realistic. (Don't keep really high expectations. It's my first time writting something like this.) Yeah so please go easy on me. Regards Koushik2002 Cover is not mine * and yeah give me some power stones too.

Surtor · Fantasie
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30 Chs

Chapter 25

I walked out of the room. I noticed Cloud standing outside the room acting as the watchman.

Upon seeing me coming out, he gave me a bow.

"Lord!" he saluted.

"Don't address me as 'lord' here. We are undercover here, remember?" I reminded him.

Realising he made a blunder, he hurriedly apologised.

"A-ah! I am sorry, my lord!"

Waving my hands I said, "It's fine, but keep that in mind."

Truly, this guy gets flustered on small matters. He should have more confidence in himself.

I took out a small pouch from my pocket and held it in front of him.

"Cloud, listen to me clearly," I said, my tone slightly serious.

Cloud nodded and straightened his back.

"I want you to go to church. Ask the priests or the healers if they have the highest grade available. And if they have….." I shook the pouch towards him, "Here are ten gold coins. Get one of those potions."

Cloud took the pouch in his hands. Instead of giving me a response, He gave me a conflicted look.

Seeing him like this, I decided to ask, "What's the matter?"

"Umm.… I was just wondering if…. It's okay for us to spend so much money…."

'Hmm….I can understand why he thinks like that. Being a noble I will have no problem spending these fifteen gold coins. For commoners like Cloud, ten gold coins can actually be the total income of an entire household for three months. But as he was outside all along, he didn't hear what we talked about earlier with the medic'

"Cloud.." I called him out.


"Listen. What I am seeking right now is a way to save that little girl. And right now the most convenient way to cure her would be a high-grade potion. The medic informed that the condition of the little girl is dire. Average healers will not be able to cure her. So….I think that spending only fifteen gold coins….should be acceptable if it saves the life of another human."

After listening to me, realisation dawned upon him.

"U-uh…I-I didn't know that the little girl was so sick. L-lord I am sorry. I will go there instantly and bring back the potion."

'Uh! He called me lord again…..Welp, whatever….'

"Alright then. Be sure to be back within an hour."


Saying so, he took his leave.

After Cloud left, I re-entered the room. Scar was still kneeling in front of his sister, on the ground. He has stopped crying. Tear marks streaked down his face, his eyes looked exhausted.

I walked over to the nearby table, which had two chairs to it, and sat down at one of them.

After bringing this brother-sister duo back to the inn, I figured that I should book a room with a bed in it. So that the little one could rest on the bed.

"Hey,.." I called out to him.

His body jolted, probably because of my sudden calling.

He got up from the ground and timidly spoke, "Y-yes?....." His eyes were looking at the floor, avoiding contact with my eyes. He seemed extremely flustered and guilty.

I gazed at his slim figure, 'According to the game, he should be about fifteen years old right?' I asked myself. 'What I have seen is people tend to grow extremely fast in this world. Look at me…though I am only sixteen, I already look in my early twenties. Not only me. Even Cloud, who is about fifteen or sixteen, looks like somebody in their early twenties.'

'Then….Why does Scar look so frail? '

Though he was dirty right now if anybody noticed carefully, his skin appears to be extremely smooth. His stature is also small compared to others of the same age.

'Well…probably he is one of those girly boys? Ah…. whatever, I shouldn't judge anybody's appearance' I dismissed these useless thoughts.

"Come here, and take a seat," I said while pointing at the other empty chair.

He was reluctant at first, but slowly approached the chair and sat down. He closed both of his legs together and straightened his posture. His eyes were still looking at the floor, avoiding eye contact with me.


A burping sound was heard.

".....!" Scar's cheeks turned to beat red. His body started to shake due to embarrassment.

'Welp looks like he is hungry huh,' I figured out that the sound came from his stomach.

I extended my hand to grasp the bag which was placed in the corner of the table. I took the bag and brought it near me.

Opening it, an aroma of baked bread hit our nose. I took out one of the pieces of bread. It was not as hot as before but was still edible.

"Here," I offered it to him.

He looked at the bread, his cheeks were still red, and looked at me for the first time. He timidly shook his head trying to deny the bread.

I slightly narrowed my eyes at him, to which he flinched and changed his gaze to the floor again.

"Haaa~ Just take and eat it, you are hungry."

After hearing me say for a second time, he timidly approached and took the slice from my hand.

He then brought the bread near his nose and took a sniff. I guess he liked the smell, as his expression brightened a little.

He hurriedly stuffed the entire bread into his mouth. Honestly, he seemed like a little squirrel to me right now.

*Cough~ Cough~*

In the next instant, he began to cough violently. His throat was probably dry due to all the crying, just moments ago. And the dry bread really triggered his coughing.

Seeing tears coming out of his eyes due to coughing, I hurriedly poured him a glass of water, from a nearby jar.

He took the glass and gulped the water down instantly. After taking the water, his violent coughing stopped. Seeing that he was fine now, he sighed in relief.

He looked at the bag in my hand and then looked at me again, a glint of pleading can be seen in his eyes.

I passed the entire bag to him this time.

"T-thank y-you…" He flustered again and thanked me.

Taking the bag, he began munching on the bread one after another, like a squirrel, while I watched him.

***Author entered the chat***

–[A/N Is this really a future boss-level villain?]

–"...." I didn't answer the question.

–[A/N Is he really the genius mastermind strategist who would commence inhuman crimes in the future.]

–"...." I didn't answer that either.

–[A/N ...]




–[A/N Why are you not saying anything]

–" Get out of here."


***Author was kicked out of the chat.***

While the stupid author was messing around with me, Scar finished all the bread.

'Woo! He is fast. Just how hungry was he?' I was a little astonished.

As he was licking the remnants of the bread off his fingers, I decided to ask him,

"So, What is your name."

He jolted again, looks like he forgot my presence in the room while he was eating.


I slightly raised my eyebrows. 'Oh! That was surprising. He told me his real name. Did….he trusted me..or his strategist's brain is not in work anymore?'

I thought that he would give me a false name. If he was the Scar from the game, he would not just randomly give his name to anybody. Back in the slums, when I decided to pick him and his sister, it was understandable that he complied with us. Our physical force was greater than his, so he couldn't put up a resistance and had to come back with us.

But now?... The act of him so easily giving away his real name…. It only meant two things.

'Either he has trusted me, …..or he is planning something else under his facade of timidity. Which one is it?.....'

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