

I got transmigrated. It's a reverse harem game(otome game). The heroine and her chosen capture target are already together. The other capture targets are already in love with the heroine. But the villainess was punished and abandoned. What is this? Nobody wants her? Alright guess I will keep her for myself and live happily. But that's not the end there's more to come. Join our mc and villainess and add this story to your collections. #I am not a native english speaker. So you can expect mistakes. I will not make false claims saying the mc will be super intelligent that even gods are fool infront of him. That's just a display of author's pure stupidity. I will try to make it a bit realistic. (Don't keep really high expectations. It's my first time writting something like this.) Yeah so please go easy on me. Regards Koushik2002 Cover is not mine * and yeah give me some power stones too.

Surtor · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Chapter 24

At the room inside the inn, we had booked.

"Mmn….. " The medic shook his head.

"What do you think? How is her condition?" I asked. 

Medic put down the hand he was holding, placing it gently by the side of the sleeping girl lying on the bed.

He looked at me and shook his head again.

"Her condition is far worse than I thought. I am not sure I can do anything at this stage of her disease," he said.

"Hmm…" while listening to what says, I rubbed my chin with my hand. 

"W-what do you m-mean!?"  After hearing the medic's words, Scar, who was standing to the side, with a worried face, let out a panicked question.

The medic looked at him. After seeing the ragged appearance of Scar, his face visibility scowled. Scar was still wearing his dirty clothes. His hair was unwashed and greasy. Seeing his appearance may have soared the medic's mood.

He just avoided answering Scar's question with a 'hmph'.

Noticing the reaction of the medic, Scar lowered his eyes. His eyes looked guilty for some reason. He vainly tried to cover his dirty appearance with his equally dirty hands.

Seeing the citation becoming awkward, the guard captain stepped in. He asked the medic. "So, Is there nothing you can do? She is just a little girl."

"I have done everything I can." The medic replied with a straight face.

"Then….what if we call a healer from the temple?" I asked.

"Hmm….Average healers will not be able to do anything. You will need a high-class expert healer to cure her. And an expert healer charges their visits in hundreds of gold coins. Do you think you can hire them? And most importantly expert healers only work for people of noble households. They are not somebody who commoners like us can hire." He completed the sentence with a little smugness.

Scar's face grew paler as he listened to every word the medic spoke. He understood how dire the health of his little sister was.

'Well….I am a noble, so we can hire an expert. But, the real problem here is the money. The situation of the barony is not so good that I can just go and spend hundreds of gold coins like that."

"So what do you think we should do now?" I asked him again.

"Hmmm.." He thought for a moment, before answering.

"Well, you can use the highest-grade potion. It will surely be effective. But that too costs about ten gold coins." he paused as he looked at me and said, "Can you afford it?" there was a hint of mocking in his tone.

'Oh! Is that a provocation?' I chuckled a bit inwardly at his bluntness.

"Alright. So, how much is your fee, sir?"

"That will be one silver." 

"Okay." I turned to the guard captain and said. "Captain, please pay him the visit and escort him away."

"Yes." the guard captain nodded. He didn't address me as 'Lord' as we were still undercover.

As he escorted the medic outside, Scar, who was silent, ran toward the bed. He kneeled to his sister's eye level. Taking her small hands on his, he started to sob.

I stood there and watched him.

'Scar The Terrible'. In the game, he was a boss-rank character. His appearance was in the third sequel of the game. [ A/N As I have mentioned earlier, the game had many sequels. The current timeline is that of the first sequel. There is much more time left for the timeline of the third sequel to start.  ]

He was one of the twelve seats of 'The Diablos'. It was an organisation that worshipped the devil and its source. 

In the game, Scar was depicted as a terrible human being. He was the master schemer of the organisation. He tactically influenced and started many terrible events. He whipped out multiple cities and tortured thousands of people, men, women, and children alike. The game depicted him as a tactical genius. 

He was not physically strong. Rather he was on the frail side. Neither was he a magic user. But his ability to plan things and tactically influence many strong people around him made him one of the most dangerous characters to appear in the game.

The game developers later on posted about his back story. 

Essentially, he was an illegitimate child of a count. He was always weak. His mother was a maid turned concubine. He was treated terribly back when he used to live in the count's house in the Vetriez kingdom.

As he was talentless in magic and couldn't awaken any element, he was neglected by his father.

He, his mother, and his seven years old little sister used to live in a small, old cottage in the count's manor.

From a very young age, he was very smart. Though he was treated badly by the people of the count's manor, his quick witness used to save him from facing severe bullying. 

When he became fourteen years old, the count decided to send him to the royal academy of scholars in the kingdom.

The main wife of the count got extremely angry because the count showed favor to him.

So, she manipulated and set up a fire in the cottage they were staying in.

Scar's mother somehow helped the sibling duo escape the fire. But unfortunately, she couldn't make it out alive from the fire. Seeing the death of their mother horrified the siblings.

Scar thought that it would be much more dangerous for him and his sister to live in the manor. So he took his little sister and fled from there.

He and his sister ended up in the slums of Derek later on. Scar was a very weak boy. He couldn't do any hard work at all. Whenever he tried to get some work, he was shooed away because of his physique. 

On the other hand, after fleeing the manor his sister became ill. He didn't have any money, so he couldn't get her a medical check-up. He could only resort to pesky theft for filling his stomach.

But the condition of his sister distorted rapidly. Eventually, the little girl succumbed to her illness and lost her life.

The death of his mother and now his sister completely ate away the goodness in his heart. Later on, he came into contact with 'The Diablos'. Even without any power, he climbed the ranks of the organisation with his brain in just a year. He became one of the twelve heads of the organisation.

He completely destroyed the count's manor he belonged to. He killed his father, step-siblings, and others in the most brutal way to get his revenge. But it didn't stop there, he created many atrocities around the continent. He became corrupted and inhumane. The only thing he chased was destruction and violence. Becoming one of the greatest villains.

'Hmm….But now, that world-class villain is still uncorrupted.' I thought while watching the frail boy sobbing to his lying sister.

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