
Chapter 54: Nevermore Academy

"Welcome! Welcome to our lovely home! It is so good to have guests… especially magically inclined ones!"

The Addams Family Patriarch is certainly a… lively individual, to be sure. And yet, Harry is already questioning coming here. He keeps said questioning off of his face however, instead smiling and nodding to Gomez Addams as he and Lady Alcina Greengrass both take their seats on the pitch-black couch they're directed to.

"Mm, yes. To think, visitors for the first time in months and they come from so… far away. Luckily, Gomez's grandmother just baked some cookies."

The cookies, which look… edible, are placed on the coffee table between them as Morticia Adams, the Addams Family Matriarch, sits down at her husband's side, curling her arms around Gomez's and giving Harry a singular look that reminds him somewhat of a shark. Before either Harry or Alcina can respond, the two Addams each reach forward and grab a cookie, chowing down without a care in the world.

He's not sure if the witch in the black dress is planning on eating him whole or warning him away, truth be told. Either way, the offering of food has been made and it would be rude not to partake. Though, as he and Lady Greengrass both reach for a cookie, Harry pauses for a moment… and then casts a minor spell that he knows Morticia notices and Gomez doesn't.

The Addams Family Matriarch watches as he and Alcina both take up a cookie and take a bite. An explosion of… flavor, if it could be called that, alights upon Harry's tongue. Beside him, Alcina shudders but manages to chew and swallow her bite before carefully putting the rest of the cookie back down on the plate.

"That was… an interesting taste. I'm not sure I could possibly place it."

When Gomez's eyes light up, Harry considers ruining the other man's fun… but in the end stays quiet, continuing to eat his own cookie. Once he got past the extra ingredient, it really wasn't that bad, to be quite honest.

Regardless, the Addams Patriarch beams as he leans forward, his mustache wiggling.

"Aha! That would be the cyanide, my Lady! My mother's secret ingredient!"

As Alcina turns as pale as Morticia, the latter whacks her husband in the shoulder with an indulgent smile.

"It's not much of a secret if you tell it to every guest whoever partakes, my darling."

To his credit, Gomez Addams actually looks disappointed in himself for a moment… before brightening up all over again when he notices that Harry has finished his entire cookie.

"Ah! Lord Potter, you enjoyed the cookie as well then?"

Eyes twinkling with mischief as he shoots Alcina a look, Harry nods.

"I did, Lord Addams. Very much so."

It's not… entirely a lie, though the look in Morticia's eyes tells him that the Addams Matriarch senses his falsehood. Regardless, Harry had noted the poison in the cookies the instant he'd focused on them. A small charm on his glasses that allowed him to tell when food or drink was poisoned. However, seeing as Morticia and Gomez had both consumed cyanide-laced cookies themselves with no ill-effects, he'd quickly recognized that it wasn't actually an assassination attempt.

No… these people were just that morbidly weird.

Luckily for his companion, Harry had gone ahead and cast a minor protection on the both of them, neutralizing the cyanide before it could get at either of them. He watches as Alcina realizes this, the Greengrass Matriarch slowly calming down now that she understands she's not about to die a quick and painful death.

"Oh now! Don't call me that! Lord Addams was my father! Call me Gomez, please."

Chuckling, Harry inclines his head.

"Very well, Gomez. Only so long as you call me Harry."

Then, he shoots a look at the man's wife. But before he can speak, Morticia sniffs, tilting her head up rather haughtily so she can look down her nose at him.

"That will be Lady Addams to you, Lord Potter."

As Gomez whines to his wife about friendliness, Harry simply inclines his head again, acknowledging the woman's standoffishness. More and more, he's getting the impression that Gomez and Morticia are the definition of Rock Solid. And that Morticia Addams knows exactly what sort of man he is, even if her husband doesn't. She's sniffed him out and is telling him to back off without saying it out loud. Heh, very well… on to business then.

Though Harry does find himself wondering if they'll be able to make any progress on the Greengrass Blood Curse in this place. The Addams Family were the easiest family of the three to locate when Harry had done his research before coming to America. This was because Gomez Addams, while barely a wizard, was a hugely successful businessman… and a complete failure of a lawyer.

Truth be told, the man's history didn't make one lick of sense. He'd started out life perpetually sickly… and only gained his health around the time that he met Morticia, apparently. From then on, he'd been the picture of vigor, and turned that towards all sorts of pursuits.

One of those pursuits was graduating from Law School. Harry had found a year book that named Gomez Addams as 'Most Likely to Never Pass the Bar' and yet… the man had gone on to have quite the storied law career, taking many cases on… and never winning a single one.

But for all that he was apparently a terrible lawyer, he was an incredibly lucky investor. Yes, lucky. Because what Harry had been able to uncover of Gomez's stock portfolio and overall business sense was… insane. Not only did all of his investments rely purely on the man's incredibly eccentric whims rather than any sort of business acumen, but he had fingers in a multitude of pies that made little to no sense at all.

The man owned controlling stakes in businesses all around the world, including but not limited to a crocodile farm, a buzzard farm, a salt mine, a tombstone factor, and a uranium mine. And that was just what Harry had been able to uncover!

And yet, despite the absurdity of his investments, Gomez Addams was one of the richest men in the world, with an estimated net worth of over eight billion dollars. He was also one of the more reclusive billionaires… but Harry was beginning to suspect that that wasn't really by choice on Gomez's part. No, just from this single interaction, he suspected that the world at large simply wanted to pretend that the Addams Family didn't actually exist as much as they possibly could. They were just that… strange.

By all rights, Gomez Addams should have been destitute or dead by this point. That he wasn't COULD have been chalked up to magic… but the man, while technically a wizard, didn't even carry a wand. Nor did he have any sort of footprint with normal American Magical Society. They seemed just as intent on ignoring him and his family as the muggle world did.


Suddenly, Morticia claps her hands together, silencing her husband and bringing them all back on track. Pulled from his musings, Harry raises an eyebrow as the Addams Matriarch smiles a thin smile.

"Back to why our guests have come here. Lord Potter. Lady Greengrass. What business do you have with our family?"

It's obvious that Morticia is Gomez's rock. Where the Patriarch of the Addams Family is flighty and childish, with a miniscule attention span paired with unmatched exuberance, Morticia Addams… is much more collected.

Harry, meanwhile, looks to Alcina and gives her an encouraging nod, prompting the Greengrass Matriarch to startle and then begin to speak. She explains to the Addams why they're here, all about the Greengrass Blood Curse and how Harry has been helping her and her family in trying to solve it. Gomez gushes over Harry's gallantry and chivalry of course, and Morticia looks at him with slightly more approval than before… though it's still buried under a whole lot of iciness.

Either way, Alcina's explanation and exposition at long last comes to an end, prompting a moment of silence while Gomez and Morticia look at one another, communicating with just their eyes. Finally, Gomez turns to them both, seemingly a little distraught.

"Ahhh, if only you had both arrived just a month earlier… unfortunately, we just got done donating our entire Family Library to the Nevermore Academy. Our old stomping grounds, you see."

Harry blinks at that, while Alcina squawks.

"T-The entire library?! Truly?! But… why?"

The very idea of giving up that much knowledge clearly shocks the Greengrass Matriarch to her core. Harry is a little surprised as well, but not truly. These people are weird, even by magical standards. Doing insane things like this seems par for the course for someone like Gomez Addams' insane demeanor. However… it turns out they actually do have a relatively reasonable excuse for why they did what they did. Something Morticia begrudgingly explains to them.

"It's our daughter, Wednesday. She and Pugsley, our son, are both at school right now. However, Wednesday has been… struggling."

Gomez places the back of his hand on his forehead and feigns swooning.

"Oh my precious gum drop… she insists on clipping her own wings!"

Morticia hums, nodding at that.

"Yes… it was always our preference that Wednesday attend Nevermore, as we did so long ago. However, she insists on forging her own path… to her detriment. Fortunately, her own path will lead her right to Nevermore soon enough. See, Wednesday can't help herself. Eventually, sometime soon, she will perform actions that will see her driven from the world of normies… and straight into the world of outcasts."

Harry lifts an eyebrow at the strange language but chalks it up to just another way in which these people are weird. Smirking now, looking quite pleased with herself, Morticia Addams flicks a hand.

"The donation of the library was a small price to pay to… grease the wheels ahead of time, so to speak. When Wednesday finally has need of a place where she can get a proper education, Nevermore Academy will be open to her. We've made sure of it."

That was the most sensical thing he'd heard since sitting down. Good old-fashioned bribery and a healthy dose of nepotism. It made all the sense in the world, frankly. But still, it didn't quite help Harry and Alcina, now did it?

Before he can decide what to do next, however, Gomez speaks up again.

"Oh but darling, we can't leave our friends hanging! The Addams Family has a long and rich history as friends of House Greengrass… and I already like Harry so much! Please Morticia, there must be SOMETHING we can do!"

Harry blinks as he watches Gomez go straight to bat for them, looking at his wife with the biggest puppy dog eyes that Harry has ever seen. And… it works. Morticia looks like she wants nothing more than to deny her husband his request… but after a moment, she lets out a sigh, cradles Gomez's jowls in her hands, and plants the wettest, sloppiest kiss Harry has ever witnessed upon the shorter man. And Harry has witnessed a lot of wet, sloppy kisses. Mostly between his women in a bid to impress him, but that was neither here nor there.

"Oh, you know I can never say no when you get like this, honey bear… sigh. Very well."

Ignoring the way Morticia just SAID the word 'sigh' instead of actually sighing, Harry leans forward as the Addams turn to him and Alcina.

"While it may cost us some of our already bought leeway… we can probably pull a few strings and get you into Nevermore Academy, perhaps as a visiting professor of some sort? Do you have any experience teaching? It doesn't really matter if you do, but it might help."

Harry blinks… and then smiles, thinking of his Hogwarts Sabbatical.

"… Yes. Yes I do."


Doing that distinct double-clap again, Morticia smiles another thin smile, still not giving him an inch.

"Wonderful. Then we shall begin making preparations at once."


As Enid Sinclair stands outside of the Principal's Office, having been summoned ahead of time by Principal Weems… she can't help but listen in. It's not her fault! Her sense of hearing is VERY refined.

"I hope you understand that this is not a school of witchcraft or wizardry, Mister Potter. This is a school of outcasts… from both the normal world and the magical one. While we have had witches and wizards among our populus before, the majority of our students have found they have no place in either world. Werewolves. Vampires. Sirens. Gorgons. These are the sorts that fill our halls. Normies are… not unwelcome, but also not the target demographic for our Academy."

There's a brief pause at the end of Principal Weems' explanation, during which Enid's eyes had gotten wider and wider. Witches? Wizards? Actual magic? That sounded… sooo cool!

"… Huh. So the outcast and normie thing wasn't just an Addams Family quirk. Good to know, I suppose. As for your concerns Principal Weems, I assure you… I'm not here to disrupt anyone. And I did do my research ahead of time, which is why I brought Lavender here along to serve as my assistant. She is, after all, a Werewolf herself."

Oh?! Enid thought she'd smelt a new werewolf on the wind. But it had been a little confusing, because the unfamiliar scent had been somewhat more… spicy than she was used to. And considering they were in a school full of teenagers, Enid was more than used to sniffing out a little arousal. However, this was… more than just a little.

In the office, Principal Weems sniffs haughtily.

"Hmph. There is a difference between a cursed Werewolf and the natural-born Werewolves that we cater to here at Nevermore Academy, Mister Potter. Still… so long as you don't step on any toes, we won't have a problem. Be respectful, polite, and do not rock the boat… or else."

Principal Weems is in rare form. Enid's not even in the room and she still feels a shiver go down her spine at the educator's tone. And yet… this 'Mister Potter' just chuckles in response, sounding downright AMUSED by the Principal's threats.

"Understood, understood. Your point is made, ma'am. But really, as much as you might not like this… I think my guest lectures will be good for your students. You might not cater to wizards or witches, but out there in the real world, your… outcasts will find themselves stuck between my kind and the 'normies' all the same. Best that they know how to handle either side, don't you think?"

"… Indeed. Which is the only reason I'm bothering to entertain this idea. Now… Enid! You should be out there by now! Come on in!"

Jolting at hearing her name called, Enid quickly pushes her way into the Principal's Office, the Nevermore Student doing her level best not to give off the fact that she'd been eavesdropping pretty heavily. But she also can't hide her curiosity, as she finally gets to put a face to the voice she's been hearing all along… as well as his apparent Werewolf companion.

Enid is struck by how… green 'Mister Potter's eyes are. They stand out even more with how black his hair is, even as he rises from his chair, proving to be rather tall and… built out quite well with broad shoulders and an equally broad chest. Meanwhile, his companion is a beautiful buxom blonde with scars across her face that don't really detract from her sex appeal at all, at least in Enid's humble opinion. She rises right along with Mister Potter, looking somewhat more nervous than he does.

Finally, there's Principal Weems. Towering over them all like she always does, the Nevermore Principal rises from her chair and sniffs.

"Miss Sinclair… these are Mister Harry Potter and his Assistant, Lavender Brown. Mister Potter will be staying with us for the next while to deliver a series of lectures to anyone who wants to hear them about what it's like to try and live in a magical society like the one he comes from. And how… outcasts such as ourselves can avoid the common pitfalls that might result in a wizard turning you into a toad, or a witch butchering you and using you for spare parts in whatever potion she's currently brewing in her cauldron."

Enid's eyes are wide by the end of that last sentence, and she audibly gulps. Meanwhile, Harry gives Principal Weems an amused look… but very noticeably DOESN'T contradict her. And finally, there's Lavender Brown. The other woman is definitely a werewolf, but she does smell off… something to do with that curse Principal Weems was talking about, Enid figured.

But then there's also the other thing. Lavender is… hopelessly aroused for Mister Harry Potter right now. Even though she's doing a shockingly good job of hiding it, Enid gets the impression that the blonde is ready and willing to go whenever Harry wants to… that she would even be willing to do so right here and now in this room, if he demanded it of her.

"Miss Sinclair, please give Mister Potter and Miss Brown a tour of the Academy, would you? Help them to settle in for me."

Enid blinks before smiling brightly and nodding enthusiastically.

"O-Of course, Principal Weems! It would be my pleasure!"

And she's not lying about that. Sure, Enid is a naturally bubbly person who loves making new friends… but she's also absolutely fascinated by these newcomers to the school. So fascinated, in fact, that she barely manages to wait till they're out of the Principal's Office before rounding on both Harry and Lavender with wide, bright eyes.

"Are you really a wizard? And are you really a cursed Werewolf?"

Harry and Lavender exchange amused looks at that, before both nodding. Harry follows it up with a broad smile that makes Enid feel a little strange, down in her loins. Though that might be Lavender's arousal messing with her.

"We are indeed. Technically, we're both magical. Lavender has been cursed to become a werewolf every Full Moon, but she's also still a witch and fully capable of casting magic."

A werewolf AND a witch?! Enid's eyes are wide as she looks at the older blonde in a new light, swallowing thickly for a moment.

"O-Oh… but you wouldn't… err, use me in a potion cauldron, w-would you?"

Lavender smiles and shakes her head at that.

"No, that was… well, sort of bigoted of the Principal to talk like that. While wizards and witches do make potions in cauldrons… and are capable of human-to-animal transfiguration, we aren't all going around doing such reprehensible things to people."

Oh. That was… good. Enid, realizing that she's sort of supposed to be giving them a tour and not interrogating them both, blushes and spins on her heel.

"W-Well! Come along! Let me show you around!"

Luckily, neither of them call her out on her lapse. They follow after her as she focuses on the task Principal Weems gave her, beginning the tour of Nevermore Academy's grounds. However, though she's able to MOSTLY keep on track… there's no denying that Lavender's aroused scent is HEAVY in the air. Obviously, she and the wizard Harry have THAT sort of relationship. Which… kind of makes Enid a little jealous of the older blonde.

Not just that, but to be a cursed Werewolf… well, it means that Lavender never has to worry about whether she can wolf out or not, does it? Enid… Enid still hasn't ever wolfed out. Even after all this time. Even after all her cousins and brothers have proven able to. It's a bit of a pain point for her, and she finds herself somewhat jealous that Lavender has never had to deal with such things.

She doesn't let that show though! Enid Sinclair does NOT let her insecurities, anxieties, or her doubts get her down! Not ever. No sir! She bottles them up inside and forces them way, way down, hiding from them until they go away like always!

Moving through Nevermore, Enid tries to make sure to put her best foot forward, both to give the two adults a great impression of her as well as the school itself. However, just as she's SURE she's wooing them both with her enthusiastic attitude and the way she's talking up the school… disaster strikes.

"Oh? And who exactly are these two, Sinclair?"

Enid freezes up. She should have expected this! Curses, she definitely should have warned Harry ahead of time! Spinning on her heel, the bubbly werewolf plasters a smile on her face. Clasping her hands behind her back, she rocks back and forth on her heels.

"Bianca! Hiiiii. This is… I mean, these are Mister Potter and his Assistant, Miss Brown. Mister Potter is going to be a guest lecturer at Nevermore Academy for the next several months, according to the Principal."

Bianca Barclay, along with the rest of Nevermore Academy's Siren Clique, crosses her arms over her chest as she blinks her beautiful blue-green eyes and looks Harry and Lavender up and down. Finally, she focuses on Harry in particular, her eyes narrowing slightly.

"You're a wizard, aren't you?"

Enid panics briefly, worrying that Harry will take offense to Bianca's standoffish tone… but he just smiles and nods.

"That I am. And you all are Sirens, yes?"

Instead, it's Bianca who seems to stiffen and look like she's one moment away from picking a fight.

"We are. What of it?"

But Harry seems to be all too happy to defuse the situation. Letting out a slight laugh, the wizard raises his hands in surrender.

"Nothing, my dear. Bianca, wasn't it? I'm Harry Potter and this is Lavender Brown. As young Enid here said, I'll be giving a series of lectures on how outcasts such as yourself might deal with magical society."

Her eyes narrowing even further, Bianca almost snarls.

"Yeah? And what about when magical society decides to 'deal' with us, huh? Sirens have been hunted by your kind for centuries. Taken as slaves. Turned into alchemical reagents. There might be laws against it now, but that doesn't mean it's not still happening, either. We've had to flee from wizards and witches and hide among the normies for generations."

Enid bites her lower lip, now wringing her hands. Bianca is bringing up some… heavy stuff. But she's also not wrong. That said, this is not the time nor the place, and at this rate Bianca is going to get into trouble with Principal Weems if she keeps provoking their newest teacher. Worse, she might get Enid in trouble! But before Enid can step in, Harry… surprises her.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Bianca. And I'm not going to try to downplay the actions of my kind. Not even for a moment. Wizards and witches, much like humankind in general, have long been at the top of the food chain. And we've not always been the nicest about our supremacy either. You have every right to hate wizards, my dear. But rest assured, I am not here to harm anyone. It is my hope that through understanding, peaceful coexistence can be reached."

It's obvious that Bianca is taken aback by Harry's complete willingness to… take the L, so to speak. She flounders for a moment, her mouth opening and closing… but before she can speak, a tittering bit of laughter sounds from another direction, and another familiar voice calls out.

"Hmph. Just like a wizard to think that he's at the top of the food chain. But in reality… you and all of the other humans are nothing but a food SOURCE."

Enid finally gives in to the urge to cover her face with her palms, groaning out her best friend's name under her breath.


Coming down a nearby staircase, ascending on high and flipping her straight black hair over her shoulder with an air of superiority to her… is Yoko Tanaka. Along with her come what looks to be most of the vampires in Nevermore Academy. Which is… a little weird. Unlike Bianca and the Sirens, who have most definitely been a clique with closed ranks the entire time Enid has been at Nevermore, the vampires are a lot more decentralized.

In fact, Yoko definitely isn't there like… overall leader or anything like that, at least not in the way that Bianca has always seemed to be with the Sirens. And yet, here they are, suddenly presenting a united front of all things. It has Enid blinking rapidly, once she finally notices what's going on.

Harry, meanwhile, takes it all in good stride. The older man looks around at all of the teenagers coming to get his measure and lets out a soft chuckle as he gives Yoko a bow at the waist.

"Lady Vampire."

She's wearing her signature black glasses, but Enid can still tell that her eyes are narrowed as she scoffs a little bit.

"Lord Wizard."

It's only then, looking at her vampire friend, that Enid suddenly gets it. Bianca and Yoko… they feel threatened by Harry for some reason. No, not just because he's a wizard… that's not it at all. Something about him is setting off their fight or flight senses and this is their response, to come and… pick a fight with their new teacher.

Realizing that things are dangerously close to exploding even with Harry's generally calm demeanor, Enid finally finds her voice again, stepping in between the wizard and the two groups.

"Okay! Great that you all got to meet, but I'm supposed to be giving Mister Potter a tour! And you guys… honestly, would Principal Weems let him into the Academy if he was dangerous?"

She's expecting it when Bianca scoffs, but Enid is at least hoping Yoko will soften up a bit. Unfortunately, the vampire just grimaces. Whatever is pinging her senses… ALL of their senses, it's strong enough to make her even ignore Enid's appeal to reason.

The bubbly werewolf tries not to take it too personally. And in the end… it works out, she supposes. With Harry deigning not to make a single aggressive move and Enid getting in their way, Bianca and her Sirens are the first to turn and leave in a huff. And finally, Yoko and the other vampires do the same after a few more moments of staring Harry down.

Only when they're gone does Enid get her racing heartbeat back under control, puffing out her cheeks in an explosive exhale as she looks to Harry and Lavender with wide eyes.

"Wow, I wonder what that was all about!"

Harry's emerald gaze dances with knowing amusement as he sighs and shakes his head.

"The perils of a misspent youth, I'm afraid. Vampires tend to… feel threatened by me. As for the Sirens, well, they have their reasons, as Miss Barclay laid out perfectly well. I'll just have to kill them all with kindness, heh."

Enid beams. Kill them with kindness! Yes, that's basically her modus operandi! She smiles brightly at Harry, her eyes… lingering on his face for a moment before she realizes that Lavender's scent of arousal has positively TRIPLED after that encounter and it's REALLY messing with Enid something fierce. She can scarcely believe it, but… urgh, the only thing to do is soldier on, right?

"Alright, let's get on with the rest of the tour! Right this way~"

Luckily, there's not much left of Nevermore to even show after the incident. And when Harry says he and Lavender are ready to turn in for the day, Enid is all too happy to drop them off at their quarters as the sun sets and everyone starts heading to bed.

However, even when she goes back to her own dorm room, Enid can't quite get the smells of the two newcomers out of her nostrils. Lavender's arousal was one thing… but Harry Potter's scent was something else entirely.

Squirming, she finds herself stripping down and crawling into her bed as her hands start to wander. It's embarrassing, but… she can't… she needs to…

And then, making Enid freeze in her bed… the howling begins.


"Yes! Harder, Master! Please sir! Fuck your hound! Nnngh, I love your big fat COCK! I… I… AWOOOOOOOOOOO!"



Harry just laughs, even as he drills into Lavender from behind, pounding into the blonde with all of his considerable might. His cock throbs inside of her, even as her pussy walls clench down around his bitch breaker. She can neither hold him in place nor push him out, however. In the end, she's fully at the mercy of her Master and his big fat cock, as she put it.

As he fucks and spanks Lavender silly, plowing the blonde upon one of the beds they'd been given, Harry hums consideringly, reflecting over everything that's happened so far today.

He doesn't make much effort to quiet Lavender down… rather, he almost wants that bitch Weems to come looking for a fight.

Larissa Weems was a woman who was wallowing in her own inadequacy and simply didn't know it. He had been able to tell right off the bat what she really was. A metamorphmagus, but without the magus part. So, a metamorph. Larissa was a shapeshifter, but she clearly hadn't had the most wonderful of childhoods or formative years, because it was incredibly obvious, at least to Harry, that she had an inferiority complex the size of this entire fucking Academy.

Playing nice with her in her office had been an exercise of his self-control… and one that Harry had passed by the skin of his teeth. If he hadn't sensed that young werewolf student listening in while waiting outside the entire time, he might have gone ahead and bent Larissa over her desk right then and there to put the bitch of a Principal through her paces with Lavender's help.

… But no, Harry had decided he would play nice and see if it got him what he wanted any quicker. But then there'd been the near altercation between him and those groups of students during Enid Sinclair's tour. The Sirens and Vampires had both sniffed him out, coming directly to him. Albeit… for very different reasons.

Bianca Barclay, even if she didn't understand it, was drawn in by Harry's domineering aura. Sirens were a lot like Veela in that way. Harry, with the size of his harem and the sheer amount of women he'd conquered and made his own, was like a beacon slowly pulling them in. Bianca probably didn't comprehend just yet how badly she wanted him. But she would soon enough.

Yoko on the other hand, along with the other vampires… well, that would be a situation that Harry would have to assess later on. See, they weren't after him because of his domineering aura. No, they were antagonistic and hostile towards him because of his status as Master of Death.

It wasn't something Harry spent much time thinking on, usually. And it hadn't come up with Countess Dimitrescu or her daughters in this way because they weren't real vampires. For a long time, the title had laid dormant even, with Harry not using the artifacts too much and thus their hold on him diminishing and becoming invisible over time.

But essentially, his recent use of the Deathly Hallows, first the Resurrection Stone for Miranda and then the Elder Wand to find the Blackwood, Spellman, and Addams Families, had brought it all back. He was the Master of Death, the one who had united the Deathly Hallows… and natural vampires like Yoko and her ilk were diametrically opposed to that.

Delivering another harsh smack to Lavender's bouncing ass, continuing to pound into her from behind as her howls FILL the Academy, Harry just smiles wickedly. He's not going to be able to play as nice as he wanted here. He should have taken Principal Weems and bent the shapeshifting bitch over her desk while he had the chance. Because sooner or later, one way or another, things WILL explode. Harry figures he might as well be the one to light the match.

And that's why he's fucking Lavender and not doing anything to silence her voice. That's why he's pounding the blonde beauty into the bed from behind, slamming home into her again and again without respite and without mercy. To see what he draws in. To see WHO he draws in. He's half-expecting Principal Weems to come rushing to his and Lavender's assigned quarters, perhaps to read them the riot act, perhaps to even try to throw them out.

He could tell, despite Morticia Addams pulling the strings to get him here, that Larissa HATED the Addams Matriarch. She despised her, positively loathed her even. It made sense to him then, that the Principal would be just waiting for an excuse to throw him out on his ass.

Of course, if she came to his quarters now, she'd be walking right into a trap. He was all too ready for her. Ready to tie her up. Ready to lock down the room and silence the walls the moment she was inside so that no one would hear her screams.

… But maybe she knows it's a trap. Because even as Harry fucks Lavender and her howls of pleasure fill the night air, Principal Weems doesn't come by. She stays in her office, and though Harry can sense her arousal when he expands his mind and reaches for her, she doesn't do anything but sit there frozen. The poor woman seems to be frozen stiff in indecision. She doesn't even touch herself.

… The same cannot be said for all of Nevermore's residents. Plenty of women, both teachers and students, can't help themselves once they realize what they're hearing, Lavender's cries of ecstasy reaching their ears through the school's old walls. However… only two in particular actually come to investigate.

Grinning as he feels their presence, Harry makes sure to give them both a show. Reaching out, he grabs Lavender by her hair and YANKS her head back, letting her breasts bounce and jiggle with the force of his thrusts. A few moments later and he cums DEEP inside of her. Lavender squeals, thanking him breathlessly for the action… but Harry isn't done from her. And she squeals even louder when he pulls out and thrusts his mammoth-sized member into her ass a moment later, really putting the 'ass' in Assistant as he dominates the blonde bitch well into the night.

Yes, he makes sure that their peeping audience gets quite the eyeful. After all… if all goes to plan, it won't be long before they're both where Lavender is now. Under him. Right where they belong.


She'd had… every intention of knocking on the door and giving the new teacher a piece of her mind. Really. She had. Just like when she'd originally walked up to him and Sinclair in the hallway, Bianca's original intention had merely been to introduce herself and maybe get in good with the handsome gentleman.

She wasn't an idiot, after all. Word through the grapevine had already reached her ears long before she'd confronted Mister Potter in the hall. He was to be a new teacher. Specifically a guest lecturer. Which was… fine. Bianca didn't mind that, despite her previous words. She didn't think all witches and wizards were evil slavers, just as she knew that not all Sirens were as nasty and manipulative as her mother.

It was the reason she was wearing the necklace this year. To prove to Xavier that she wasn't her mother. That she wasn't just some nasty, manipulative bitch like he thought she was.

Only… as soon as she found herself in the presence of the older man, Bianca's entire brain had gone on the fritz. Harry Potter was a wizard. That much, Bianca had also already known. But knowing and experiencing are two very different things. Being in the presence of a wizard as powerful as their new teacher… it had caused her mind to shudder. And her hackles had been raised almost instantly as she realized that trying to seduce him would only result in HER ending up at HIS feet instead of the other way around.

… And yet, here she was now. Despite knowing it was a bad idea, Bianca was spying through the peephole of Harry and Lavender's quarters, kneeling there in the hall where anyone could have seen her, where anyone might walk by at any moment really. She knows she shouldn't be doing this. She knows she definitely shouldn't have a hand up under her skirt and down the front of her panties. Even with her other hand covering her mouth to hold in her moans, the risk of discovery is just too damn high.

But… Bianca can't rightly explain it. One moment she was going to make a good impression on the new teacher. The next, she was reading him the riot act. Then, one moment she was going to knock on the door and give Harry a piece of her mind about keeping his carnal activities quiet. The next, she was on her knees, fingering herself while watching him dick down his blonde bitch.

"Yeeeeeessss~ Harder Master! Harder!"

As he fucks her in the ass now, the blonde squeals for more, even as she calls Harry 'Master'. It reminds Bianca of the accusation she'd levied the wizard's way earlier. Of how his kind liked to enslave hers, when they weren't rendering them down for parts. Seeing how he's apparently got a werewolf slave as his 'assistant', it doesn't seem like it's too far of a stretch to imagine he might go after Bianca herself. To try and make the Siren his slave.

… But then, why did that turn her on so much? She should have been horrified. She should have been terrified. No, she should have been angry. Hell, she should get up off her knees and go to Principal Weems right this moment. A man as dangerous as Harry Potter had NO place in Nevermore Academy. He was going to be the ruin of them a-all!

… But Bianca doesn't do that. She doesn't do any of that. She continues to watch Harry rail Lavender's ass like there's no tomorrow, matching his tempo with her own fingers as she gets wetter and wetter. The young Siren moans wantonly, imagining herself in the blonde's place. Imagining being treated like nothing but a fuck toy by Harry Potter. She can't explain it… but she wants him. Fuck, she wants him s-so badly.

No one catches her, even though by all rights she should get caught. But in the end, despite the sheer VOLUME of Harry's bitch… no one else comes looking. No one else has the guts…

Or so Bianca thinks.


It's not Enid's fault, d-damn it! Principal Weems is the one who gave Harry and Lavender the room DIRECTLY under Enid's. And with Nevermore's walls and floors being as thin as they are… she can't help but hear everything, from Lavender's howling to her begging. All of it in crystal clear definition… and with her hands already on her naked body at that.

Enid shivers, having left her bed and crawled out through the large window that dominates one wall of her dorm. Naked as the day she was born, the quivering blonde werewolf has climbed her way down to the balcony right below her own. And there… there, she's watched through the glass as Harry fucked Lavender silly.

Kneeling there, one hand on a tit and one hand between her legs, the entirely naked young woman can only gasp and moan and whimper in need. Seeing Lavender get dicked down like that, first in her cunt and then her ass? Enid can hardly believe it. Specifically, she can hardly believe she didn't beg Harry to fuck her earlier when she had the chance, back during the tour.

The scent of arousal, but also Harry's musk, is overwhelming by this point. Nevermore, being the old school that it is, is in NO way airtight. As such, the smell of sex is seeping through the single pane windows and the cracks in the walls and reaching Enid's incredibly powerful nose. Humping the air as she whines pitifully, Enid's eyes go crossed as she experiences an explosive orgasm all over her fingers.

Harry… Harry is just so ALPHA. He might not be a werewolf, but he's an Alpha Wolf all the same, through and through. He's everything Enid never knew she wanted or needed. She's had a couple of crushes here and there, sure… but she's never even had a kiss before now. Masturbating, meanwhile, has been an activity that she's engaged in when necessary, but not overly often.

All of the sudden, Enid needs it. She needs HIM. Watching Harry's utterly massive dick plow in and out of Lavender's holes from her hiding place, the young blonde can only imagine a world where it's HER that Harry is fucking instead. She doesn't care if he's twice her age. She wants him. She wants him desperately.

Back in the room, it becomes abundantly clear that Harry and Lavender are going to be going for hours. And Enid, for all that she has a wolf's constitution, can't stay outside all night long without freezing to death. Her choices are to either present herself to Harry right then and there and join in on the fun… or go back to her room.

Option One is VERY tempting… but Enid is still Enid, and her insecurity and anxiety get the better of her in the end. What if he rejects her for invading their privacy? She can't risk it.

And so, ultimately, the naked werewolf crawls back up to her dorm and slips back in through her window. Once she's in bed however, still able to hear everything going on down below, she can't help but go right back to masturbating herself straight into exhaustion.

Harry and Lavender are STILL going by the time she's ready to pass out from half a dozen orgasms. Enid's last coherent thought before she finally falls asleep to the melody of a man dominating his woman filling her ears… is simple.

Fuck, I need to get me some of that.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out H entai-Foundry dot com and Questionable Questing dot com where I have over a thousand stories! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

If you'd like to contribute to funding my writing at all, check me out on P atreon. com (slash) Cambrian

Thanks for reading!