
Nevermore Academy Pt. 2

"And that, students, is why you must be careful if you ever travel to Europe. Here in the Americas, rules are laxer and treatment of those of your species is much more liberal. But while Veela Rights in particular have made great strides on Europe's mainland, the rights of Vampires and Werewolves are a little less well-defined. Magical memories are long, and too many wizards and witches still recall the likes of both Dracula and Vlad the Impaler, as well as their actions in the distant past."

Coming to the end of his lecture, Harry tilts his head as he sweeps his emerald gaze back and forth across the collection of eclectic students he finds himself speaking to.

"That concludes today's lecture. Any questions?"

In the front row of the class, he's unsurprised to see Enid's hand shoot up quite rapidly. The bubbly little werewolf has proven to be quite the teacher's pet so far during this first lecture of his… pun intended. Chuckling, Harry gives Enid a nod, even as he leans back against the front of his desk.

"Yes, Ms. Sinclair?"

Perking up like the part-dog she is at the attention, Enid's eyes are positively twinkling as she begins to ask her question.

"I always thought Dracula and Vlad the Impaler were the same person, sir! Are you saying they're not?!"

Before Harry can answer, there's a derisive scoff heard from the other side of the room.

"Ugh, does it even matter? And really, are we seriously going to believe anything from a wizard of all people? He could tell us whatever nonsense he wanted."

"Yeah! I can't believe we're expected to sit here and listen to this drivel!"

Enid's head whips around, even as everyone else's eyes travel over to the Siren Clique as well. Harry himself raises an eyebrow as Bianca Barclay and her little friend Divina both make nuisances of themselves… again. This is probably the sixth time that they've tried to disrupt his lecture, and while Harry simply didn't bother reacting to their previous attempts… well, it was over now. So there was no point in ignoring them anymore, was there?

Bianca just smirks at him challengingly, all but daring him to say something. As though he didn't know she'd spent half the night outside his door, masturbating as she watched him rail Lavender through the overly large keyhole. The brat was just asking for it at this point, and Harry was more than happy to give it to her.

"Bianca. Divina. Detention after class. Everyone else, class dismissed. Ah… except for you Enid. You can be my Detention Assistant, if you're so inclined."

Eyes widen at Harry's suddenly clipped domineering tone. The vast majority of the class immediately gathers up their things and takes the opportunity he's given them to escape as quickly as they possibly can. No doubt they sense the storm brewing. Enid, meanwhile, looks surprised but happy to be singled out in a positive way. She remains seated, though definitely perked up and looking forward to what comes next.

Bianca and Divina on the other hand look shocked, and quickly get up, surrounded by their little Siren Clique as they rapidly approach him in front of his desk. Harry just raises an eyebrow as a half dozen pairs of inhuman Siren Eyes stare him down in what's probably supposed to be an intimidating manner. Bianca herself crosses her arms over her chest and sneers at him.

"You can't do that, 'Professor'. You're just a guest lecturer. The Principal would never let you get away with giving us detention."

Harry tilts his head to the side, hearing the waver in Bianca's not-so-confident voice. Smelling weakness, he happily pounces. Though he would have done so anyways.

"Oh? Is that so, Ms. Barclay? Well now… instead of detention, we can take this directly to Principal Weems' office if you prefer. Ask her right out what my authority in this school really is. Is that what you want? To involve the Principal?"

Those words are at least partially bluster and bravado. Harry hasn't actually broken Larissa in yet, though he still has every intention of doing so. In fact, he would absolutely love to drag these two young Siren cunts over to her office and then fuck her over her own desk in front of their tied up, bound and gagged forms with his big fat fucking bitch breaker.

All he needs is an excuse. All he needs is for them to give him a reason.

Bianca's friend Divina scoffs at his words and looks like she expects Bianca to take him up on his offer. The entire Siren Clique looks like they expect her to do so. Which is why they all look objectively surprised when Bianca… backs down.

"No. That… that won't be necessary."

Harry isn't surprised though. Not really. The dark-skinned Siren is a bratty little thing, but he has her measure by this point. After what he'd caught her doing outside of his rooms, he knew what she was really like. This whole… act of hers was just that, an act. And in the end, all Bianca was really waiting for was him to show the proper level of authority and domineering presence so she could fold like a house of cards.

Sweeping his gaze away from her to the rest of the clique, Harry scoffs.

"I believe I said the rest of you were dismissed."

His icy tone leaves no room for argument, and with Bianca seemingly capitulating to him so easily, the other Sirens who are trying to back her and Divina up quickly skedaddle. All of the sudden, it's just him, the two naughty Sirens, and Enid Sinclair. Divina is looking at Bianca betrayed, Bianca is staring at the ground and averting her gaze, and Enid is positively vibrating in her chair, waiting to be called upon.

Amused, Harry nods to the bubbly werewolf.

"Enid, come over here please. As I said, you'll be my Detention Assistant today. After all, you were a very good girl in class."

Enid jolts at that, before blushing profusely as she hurries over to them. On the other hand, Divina looks disgusted, her nose wrinkling as the paler of the two Sirens scowls at him.

"Seriously? Calling her a good girl? That's not only racist, but it's also demeaning. You-!"

"I don't mind!"

Divina shoots Enid an aghast look as the werewolf cuts off her attempt at defending her. Though to be fair to Enid, Divina was actually attempting to USE her to attack him more than anything. Still, Harry just chuckles at the byplay. Of the three young women, it would seem Divina was the least… enamored with him at this point. Which was fair, all things considered. SHE hadn't spent hours watching him fuck like the other two had.

For a moment, he considers how he wants to start this. Does he start with Divina to make Bianca jealous? Or give her a show by starting with Bianca? In the end… he decides to go with the latter option.

"Bianca. Up on the desk."

The dark-skinned Siren's head whips up at that, her inhuman eyes filled with confusion and incredulity as she stares at him, baffled. Harry just smiles and pats the teacher's desk behind him meaningfully. It's completely bare of course, as Bianca said, he was a guest lecturer and this was his first class. He didn't really NEED desk space all things considered; he was a wizard after all. But in this case, the teacher's desk was going to serve a much more FUN purpose, all in all.

"W-What?! What does… what sort of detention is this?!"

Harry hums, wondering if she really thinks that she's successfully managing to hide the light note of hope and excitement behind the indignant front she's putting on right now. Given the way Divina is nodding along with her friend's words, she's at least managing to hide it from the other Siren. But for Harry… it's as clear as day.

"Since you and your friend have such an issue with my lecture, I figured I'd give you both a more… hands-on lesson. I'm sure that here in the Americas, they handle detention quite a bit differently. But over in Europe, corporal punishment is still all the rage. So please… get up on the desk on your hands and knees, Bianca. Or I fear I WILL have to involve the Principal after all."

Bianca's mouth opens… and then snaps shut. As she takes a step forward, Divina grabs her by the arm, eyes wide at her friend's capitulation.


But the darker of the two Sirens doesn't respond, yanking herself free of Divina's grasp and making her way over to the large mahogany desk rather woodenly. Hesitantly, but with a restrained note of eagerness to her actions, Bianca climbs up onto his desk, doing as she was told and getting on her hands and knees for him.

Harry takes a moment to enjoy the view, loving how the gorgeous Siren instinctively poses, even if she would probably categorically deny it if he called her out. Still, there are plenty of ways for someone to be on their hands and knees. Not all of them are even that sexy. But Bianca… Bianca naturally goes for a light back arch. She naturally presses her knees together and kicks out her feet. She naturally lifts her hips a subtle couple of inches into the air.

Looking back at him, she manages a half-hearted glare at best. Her defiance at this point is more perfunctory than anything else, Harry notes with amusement. Especially after what he does next.

Stepping forward, he grabs Bianca's skirt and before she can react, flips it up. The dark-skinned Siren positively SQUEALS in response, trying to reach back and push it back down belatedly… but it's too late. And with a quick charm, Harry affixes the bottom of her skirt to the top, making it impossible for her to pull it back down and hide the fact that she's not wearing panties today whatsoever.

Both Divina and Enid gasp at this, even as Harry whistles in appreciation.

"Sorry, did I forget to mention? In Europe, the skirt goes up before corporal punishment can begin. Though I must admit Ms. Barclay… I was not expecting you to be sans panties today. How very naughty of you."

Bianca sputters in response, caught up in disbelief at her own humiliation. It's all happening so fast, and he can tell that his control of the situation is a major turn on for her, even as she tries not to expose herself for the horny little slut that she truly is.


Harry just smirks, watching on until eventually Bianca gives up on trying to pull down her magically affixed skirt. Her naked, chocolate-toned bubble butt is on full display to her fellow classmates, and there's absolutely nothing that the beautiful young Siren can do about it. Nor can she particularly hide the pair of glistening, wet, and altogether puffy pussy lips nestled between her thicc thighs. Of course, when she realizes both Divina AND Enid are still staring, a new level of humiliation and embarrassment washes over the helpless Siren.

"D-Don't LOOK you two! Honestly!"

There's no authority in Bianca's weak voice… but the other two avert their eyes in embarrassment all the same at being called out. That is, until Harry chuckles and speaks up.

"Belay that order. Divina, I want you to watch. Else it's not a proper detention. And Enid… I said you were my assistant, didn't I? Come here and assist."

There's a brief pause, as though the two girls are giving Bianca a chance to protest further and argue the point with him. But true to form, the bratty little Siren bitch doesn't say a word. She just shamefully averts her gaze again, leaving Divina and Enid with no choice but to follow his orders. Enid in particular comes over to the desk, much more embarrassed now, but also just as eager to please as before.

"What… what should I do, sir?"

With a smirk, Harry twists his hand in a flourish and conjures a nice, long ruler out of nowhere. Enid's eyes widen at the measuring stick… and old-fashioned disciplinary implement.

"I want you to spread Bianca's cheeks for me, Enid. Since she was naughty enough not to wear panties, we're going to have to escalate her punishment a fair bit~"

Enid's eyes widen at that… but in the end, he doesn't have to repeat himself. She hurriedly leans forward and grabs hold of Bianca's chocolate-toned ass cheeks, spreading her bubble butt apart to show off her puckered anus and puffy, dripping wet pussy lips. Harry nods in approval, even as he watches Bianca's asshole breathe for a moment. Then, he slides the ruler along her crotch, making the Siren tense up in anticipation.

"Twenty strikes, Bianca. You will count them out for me, or we will start over. Am I understood?"

"… Y-Yes…"

Raising an eyebrow, Harry turns the ruler on its side and pushes it up between Bianca's pussy lips, making the poor girl squeal as her hips are forcibly raised into the air a few more inches from the action.

"Excuse me?"

"Y-Yes sir!"

Smiling at the correction, Harry nods and pulls the ruler back. He considers Bianca's ass for a moment… and then brings the ruler down across both cheeks for the first strike, careful to spare Enid's pulling fingers as he does so.

"F-FUCK! O-One, sir!"

Hm, the 'sir' at the end of the count is a nice touch, so Harry doesn't call her out on the cursing. Instead, he pulls the ruler back and wordlessly brings it down again, this time more directly on her sensitive anus.

"A-AH! Two, sir!"

Twenty strikes is what he'd said. But he hadn't described how those strikes would be delivered. Certainly, Harry sees no reason to make the blows uniform in any way. He wouldn't want Bianca to get bored after all. Nor did he want her to get used to it. No, he loved hearing the bratty little Siren bitch squeal for him. He loved making her cry out as she literally dripped her arousal all over the desk.

Strike after strike comes down on Bianca's ass. But not just her ass. He alternates and changes it up every single time. One moment he might spank one of her chocolate cheeks, the next he might go directly for her anus. Then, after that he goes down for an underhanded swing against her puffy pussy lips. He even goes for her thighs, enjoying the way they jiggle and she shrieks and squeals particularly loudly the first time he strikes each of them.

To her credit, Bianca never loses track of the count. They rapidly reach ten, at which point Harry escalates in both speed and power. But even then, she dutifully counts out the blows one after the other, always with a cute little 'sir' tacked on at the end of each number. As though her submissiveness now would get her out of this punishment. As though he was really going to just let her get away with how much of a shitty little brat she'd been so far.

Finally though…


"Mmph! Nineteen, s-sir!"

And with distinct relish, Harry brings his ruler up in another underhanded blow for the last strike. This entire time, he's managed to hit almost every part of Bianca's crotch with the ruler. From her ass cheeks to her anus to her puffy pussy and her thighs. But there's one spot he's 'missed' each and every time. One spot that one might think he just wasn't quite managing to hit.

But that wasn't true. Harry had avoided it on purpose. Until now.



As the flat of the ruler lands HARD on Bianca Barclay's engorged little clitty after initially only making contact with her pussy lips again, the dark-skinned Siren damn near jumps out of her skin, her inhuman eyes going as wide as saucers from the blow. She wasn't expecting it, that's for sure. And that makes it too much for her to handle. The poor young woman squeals and shrieks and ultimately ends up squirting all over the table in a mind-blowing, explosive orgasm. Perhaps the best climax of her young life, Harry figured.

Amused, he pulls his very wet ruler back and watches as Bianca collapses forward onto the desk, damn near catatonic. Technically, she didn't finish the count… but Harry figured it was close enough. He could always enjoy making her squirm over her failure later if he wanted to.

For now, he looks to Enid, smiling somewhat affectionately at the way the bubbly young werewolf is squirming, still holding Bianca's ass cheeks apart. It's obvious from the incredibly red coloring of Enid's pale face that she's gotten quite lust-drunk just smelling the arousal literally dripping out of the Siren.


His gentle use of her name doesn't get her attention at first, but when she finally realizes he's looking at her, she startles and comes back to herself, straightening up.

"A-Ah… y-yes sir?"

Harry just smiles at the use of 'sir', even as he nods over to a nearby desk.

"Move Bianca for me, please. Then come back over so you can assist me with Divina's punishment as well."

"Y-Yes sir!"

As Enid hurries to obey, as eager and enthusiastic as ever, Harry turns to Divina. The other Siren found herself caught in whatever was going on between him and Bianca, and looking into those beautiful Siren eyes of hers, Harry could tell that Divina understood that now. She finally understood just why her friend was being such a brat… and just how much of a slutty little whorish BITCH that Bianca truly was.

Hm, it would be a true test of their friendship, whether news of Bianca's true nature traveled around Nevermore or not by the end of the day. Especially given what Divina was about to have to go through because she'd followed along with Bianca's brattiness without even realizing what her friend's true aim was.

"Divina. Get up on the desk."

Flushing, Divina looks like she wants to argue… but ultimately just averts her gaze and wordlessly moves over to the desk. Her nose wrinkles at the amount of… juices that Bianca's own time on top of the teacher's desk has resulted in, and she tries her best to avoid them as she climbs on top of the desk on her hands and knees. Doesn't stop her from almost slipping off and cracking her skull thanks to the fluids all the same.

Still, she manages to catch herself before Harry has to step in, and ultimately sets herself up in the proper position. Of course, in trying to avoid Bianca's left behind mess, she's positioned herself facing the opposite direction of the other young woman… leaving her hovering right above the squirted juices with her hands spread far apart along either side of them.

Amused, Harry moves into position behind Divina and flips up the back of the paler Siren's skirt. Unlike Bianca, Divina was much less of a slut. She actually had panties on, striped purple and black underwear that Harry appreciates quite a lot. He also appreciates the wet spot on her crotch, revealing that in spite of her silence, Divina WAS getting off on all of this. She was just as much of a horny slut for teacher as Bianca and Enid both were, at the end of the day.

Of course, since she was wearing panties, he wasn't going to have Enid hold apart her ass cheeks like he had with Bianca. But the bubbly werewolf still needed SOMETHING to do… it takes Harry a moment, but he quickly comes up with something.

"Divina. Your friend has left quite the mess behind; wouldn't you agree?"

There's a brief pause before Divina finally answers with a sigh.

"Yes… sir."

It's said almost begrudgingly, and Harry can't help but be amused that addressing him respectfully has just become something they all feel peer pressured to do. Not that Enid seems to mind it one bit, but Divina is clearly reluctant to give him his due. That makes him feel far less bad about what he's about to make her do in turn.

"I'm glad we're on the same page. Go ahead and clean it up. Unfortunately, I don't have any cleaning supplies for you… so you'll have to use your tongue."

"W-What?! I'm not-!"

"Enid… help our disobedient little Siren out for me, will you? And Divina, please don't make this more difficult then it has to be. I would hate to have to double your punishment from twenty to forty strikes."

Divina immediately falls silent at that, her eyes flicking over to where Bianca is recovering face down on another table. And that was just after twenty strikes. The paler of the two Sirens doesn't say another word, even as Enid leaps into action, grabbing Divina by her brunette locks and shoving her face down into Bianca's left-behind fluids.

As the Siren reluctantly begins to lick up the mess her friend made for her, Harry nods approvingly and catches Enid's eye as he grins wickedly.

"Good girl, Enid. Now, with Divina busy with that… you'll have to handle her count. Think you can manage it?"

Enid's eyes widen, but she hurriedly nods her head, all eager to please like usual. Harry just smiles and lifts up his ruler… and then brings it down.



"One, sir!"



"Two, sir!"

And so on it goes. With Divina's ass clad in panties, Harry isn't too inclined to be overly abusive like he was with Bianca. He does still make his mark on the second young Siren's mind though, watching as his blows cause her to ruin her panties, more and more juices leaking out of her.

Meanwhile, Enid's count gets a little… well, sloppy. It's confusing at first, because she's not the one getting spanked with a ruler here, so why the hell is HER voice getting so rough and uneven? It takes Harry a second to realize it's because the bubbly blonde's new position in pushing Divina's face into Bianca's mess has resulted in Enid being able to grind her cunt up against the corner of the teacher's desk under her skirt.

The poor dear is trying desperately to hide it from view, and for a second Harry considers calling her out on it and naming her a 'bad girl'… but no, two punishments is enough for the day. And besides, he actually LIKES Enid and her 'can do' attitude. He just doesn't have it in him to be so cruel to her as all that.


"N-Nineteen, s-sir!"


"Mmm, t-twenty, sir!"

And with that, it's done. Harry hums as he pulls the ruler back from Divina's panty-clad ass. The poor girl is whimpering as she continues to lap up Bianca's mess, shuddering on her knees on the desk, her face pressed firmly into the wood surface by Enid's hand in her hair. Dismissing the conjured ruler, Harry places a hand on Divina's ass instead, giving it a casual soothing grope as she stiffens in response.

"Would you like some relief now, Divina?"

There's a long pause at that, before Divina finally quietly answers him.

"… Y-Yes sir…"

Smirking, Harry hooks his thumbs into the waistband of Divina's panties and yanks them down, revealing her reddened buttocks as she gasps in response. Then… he conjures up a little tub of cooling lotion and scoops a handful out, before liberally beginning to apply it to Divina's abused buttocks, her puckered asshole, and her quivering slit.


Divina's surprised squeal is music to his ears as he works the lotion into her ass. He can tell she's surprised. He can tell that she thought his question was about sexual relief, not pain relief. And he can tell she knows he knew too. In that moment, she thought he'd asked if she wanted him to fuck her… and Divina's answer had been a quiet 'yes sir'.

But of course, bad little girls like Divina and Bianca didn't get to bounce up and down on his cock this early. Not without earning it first. Instead, Harry finishes applying the lotion, giving Divina much needed pain relief but never quite letting the Siren get any sort of actual sexual release from his teasing touches. Finally, he pulls his hands back and caps the half-used jar of cooling lotion as he steps away to let Divina get down off of the desk.

The poor Siren can barely walk as she pulls up her panties and lets her skirt drop down. But she CAN walk… and by now, Bianca has recovered enough as well that they're able to both stand if they lean on one another for support. The two Sirens end up in front of him, looking completely out of it and like they aren't sure whether they want to beg him for more or flee as fast as their jelly-like legs will take them.

Amused as all hell, Harry holds out the rest of the lotion to the two, his emerald eyes twinkling.

"For you both to distribute amongst yourselves. I leave it in your capable hands, Divina."

Another test of friendship, he figured. Was Divina really Bianca's Ride-or-Die or was this the straw that broke the camel's back. For the time being at least, they continue to support one another as they both walk past him and exit the classroom. Harry turns to watch them go… and his eyes alight upon Bianca's poor abused ass, still on full display. The charm he'd used to affix the bottom of her skirt to the top and keep her from hiding her naked buttocks from him is still in effect even now.

For a moment, Harry considers dispelling it as they both step out into the hall… but in the end, he leaves it in place. He'll let Fate itself decide if Bianca Barclay's humiliation is compounded by her being seen in her current state before she and Divina can get back to their dorm room. And besides, if he let her skirt fall down upon her poor posterior now before the lotion was applied, the Siren would probably scream in agony from the cloth-to-skin contact. So really, he was actually being quite magnanimous in the end.

With Bianca and Divina gone, Harry turns and looks to Enid, who freezes up the moment his gaze falls upon her. Biting her lower lip, clasping her hands together behind her back, Enid shifts back and forth, not quite willing to meet his eye.

"D-Did I do good today, s-sir? Was I… was I a good girl?"

Harry chuckles at that.

"You weren't a good girl, Enid… you were the BEST girl."

She looks crestfallen for all of a moment because of the first half of that sentence, but then he finishes it and her eyes go wide as she shudders and quivers in place, cumming on the spot right then and there. Harry watches this happen in amusement, being quite generous by not calling her out on it. Much like Bianca and Divina, he knows he could have Enid riding on his cock in a heartbeat if he truly wanted to.

… But no. Not yet. He wants her to beg for it. He wants them all to break down and beg for it. Still, after everything that happened, Harry was rock hard, his throbbing member straining in the confines of his pants. There was no way he was going to blue ball himself just because he was playing hard to get.

"If you continue to be so well-behaved, I'm confident that I'll be making use of you a lot as my Disciplinary Assistant, Enid. But for now at least, you're dismissed."

Then, he turns to his office door, just off of the classroom he'd been assigned to teach from.

"Lavender! Get out here you lazy bitch!"

Uncaring if Enid knows he's about to fuck the other blonde werewolf in his life into a stupor, Harry watches as Lavender steps out of his office, licking her lips in eager anticipation to serve her Master. Meanwhile, behind him… the lock on the door to his classroom clicks shut without ever actually opening and closing. Eyes narrowing, Harry turns to see Enid Sinclair has NOT departed like he expected, but is instead leaning back against the locked door, staring at him with big, soulful eyes.

Hm, had he underestimated her? Was she about to beg for a turn anyways?

"W-Would it… would it be okay if I watched, sir? I've been… hoping to learn more about sex between werewolves and… and w-wizards."

Harry blinks at that, and then lets out a bark of laughter. So, not quite begging for her own turn… but certainly escalating from hiding the fact that she was peeping, to outright asking if she could watch. Honestly? Harry could respect it. In the end, feeling very magnanimous indeed, Harry waves a hand through the air.

"By all means, darling. Go ahead."

Enid's blush intensifies, but Harry is already turning back to Lavender. With a wave of his wand, he frees himself of every last stitch of clothing, letting his massive bitch breaker flop free into open air even as the rest of his body is also exposed at the same time. Then… he reaches for his bitch, fully intending to break her.



Enid can hardly believe she asked. It had sort of just… come out of her. And yet, here she was all the same. The blonde werewolf was leaning back against the locked classroom door, basically acting as its very horny, very slutty guard dog. Heh, no one was getting in or out of this classroom, not on her watch! Not that anyone was even trying. Enid doubted Bianca or Divina would be coming back any time soon now that they'd managed to escape. Though privately, she was starting to suspect that neither of them understood just how badly they had it for Professor Potter.

She, at least, wasn't lying to herself. Fuck, she had it BAD for teacher. She wanted Professor Potter to fuck her. She wanted him to OWN her. Being his good girl, being his BEST girl… Enid couldn't get enough of it.

In the center of the room, the older wizard is currently showing off that he's not just magically powerful, he's clearly got some enhanced physical strength as well. Because otherwise, Enid doesn't know how else he would be able to take a woman like Lavender, lift her up into the air, fold her into a full nelson, and fuck her up and down on his cock in a standing fuck.

Indeed, Harry had effectively set himself like a tree, rooted himself in place, and was even now ramming Lavender down upon his entire massive length, fucking her constantly on it with no end in sight. And Enid… Enid got to watch! She could hardly believe her luck, but honestly, she'd earned this hadn't she? She'd listened to everything Professor Potter had to say, soaking up his knowledge like a sponge.

Now, Enid wasn't sure if she had ever had any plans to go to Europe before to be honest. Werewolves were natural homebodies, and while they could be somewhat nomadic at times, traveling across oceans wasn't something your average werewolf did. Especially not the natural born ones with packs like her.

Though, now she was beginning to reconsider. After all… Professor Potter was from across the ocean, wasn't he? Or rather, 'across the pond' as British People liked to say. And… and eventually, he would be going home, wouldn't he? Enid finds herself letting out a pathetic little whine at the thought, even as she continues to watch Harry rail Lavender upon his thick fat cock.

The idea of never seeing him again, despite only knowing him for a couple of days now… it made her feel all weird inside. She hated it. She hated the thought that he might just leave… especially without fucking her silly.

Enid's fingers are currently inside of her cunt. She can't say when they got there, she doesn't know the exact moment she gave into her impulses. But they're there. Pistoning away at her cunt, trying and failing to match the tempo that Harry is currently managing with his big fat cock and Lavender's gushing, sopping wet cunt.

She just can't keep up with him, and truth be told… Enid wishes it wasn't her fingers. She wished that SHE was the one folded up into a full nelson and impaled on the Professor's dick right now. She was his good girl, wasn't she? She was the BEST girl; he'd said it himself!

If Enid had had a tail, it would one hundred percent be wagging and smacking against the door behind her right now. But then, that was just it, wasn't it? Enid had never felt more in tune with her inner wolf than when she was watching Harry rail the other blonde werewolf silly. She'd never felt closer to being able to properly wolf out.

It was silly… but she was getting to the age where if she didn't manage to transform soon, she would probably be a pariah in her Pack. Even her parents would likely turn their back on her if she couldn't properly wolf out. They wouldn't be happy about it, she knew they loved her… but if you reached a certain age without being able to transform into your wolf form properly, then you weren't a real werewolf. And at that point, it just wasn't SAFE for you to be around a werewolf pack anymore… they would be able to tell you weren't one of their own.

For a time, Enid had been terrified that that's what she would end up becoming. Trapped between both worlds, not really a normie… but also not a proper wolf either. That she would wind up banished and disowned, that she would be shunned by the Pack until she left to find her fortune elsewhere.

Now? Now she's convinced that the longer she spends around Professor Potter, the closer she'll get to properly wolfing out. He just brings it out of her. Watching Lavender howl with pleasure, it makes Enid want to howl as well. She doesn't, only because she doesn't want to draw too much attention to herself. Instead, she pulls open her blouse and uses her other hand on her tits, pinching and tugging on her nipples as her fingers continue to work away at her cunt as fast as she can possibly manage.

The funny thing is… being around Harry will bring the wolf out of her. She knows it will. Hell, if he fucks her… she'll bet that she'll transform soon afterwards. Maybe not on the spot, but definitely on the very next full moon.

However, once that happens, once she's finally secured her place with her family and her Pack… Enid doesn't know if she'll need it anymore. Because if Harry fucks her, she knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that she'll belong to him just like Lavender does. The older blonde werewolf might as well be a snapshot of Enid's future as far as she's concerned. If she gets a taste of that massive fucking dick currently stretching Lavender's cunt like there's no tomorrow… Enid won't be able to go back. She won't ever be able to go home again. Because she'll be too busy serving Harry James Potter as his loyal, submissive fuck pet to want to.

Strange that she's going to get what she most desires and finally wolf out… but still wind up losing contact with her family. Equally strange that she didn't really mind as much as she used to. Because so long as Professor Potter accepted her… she would be happy.

Moaning up a storm, continuing to play with herself as Harry fucks Lavender right in front of her, Enid freezes as Lavender lets out a particularly explosive shriek and climaxes orgasmically all over Harry's cock. That shrieking howl is probably heard all across the campus, and as Enid's pussy walls clench around her fingers from the sound, she can only imagine Nevermore Academy's entire female population all simultaneously creaming themselves along with her.

Lavender, meanwhile, slumps in her Master's hold immediately afterwards, quite literally passing out from the pleasure as he fills her womb with his seed. Enid can even see the slight distended belly that the beautiful blonde werewolf is soon sporting, even as Harry slowly drags Lavender up off of his cock. As the massive pecker flops free, Enid almost gives in to the urge to drop down on her hands and knees, crawl over, and suck it clean right then and there.

But no… no, she doesn't dare. She doesn't want to lose her good girl status by being naughty and trying to do something without permission. Surely if Harry wanted to fuck her at this point, he would just do it. Asking to watch was one thing, but Enid wasn't nearly brave enough to ask him to let her suck his cock or take her own turn on his dick. He would… he would fuck her eventually. So long as she continued to impress him. He'd all but said that was what needed to happen.

That said, as Harry pulls out his wand and casts a floating charm on Lavender to make her unconscious form hover in the air alongside him, Enid jolts, recognizing the look on his face as he gazes around the messy classroom. Just as he's beginning to point his wand at the floor, she hops forward.

"There's no need for that, s-sir! I can… I can clean up the mess for you, Professor!"

Pausing, Harry looks at her with knowing emerald eyes. Enid almost backs down, she almost takes it back with a blush and a quick 'never mind'… but in the end, she stands her ground and is rewarded for it by another smile gracing the Professor's face. Chuckling softly, he tucks his wand away and shrugs.

"Have at it, Enid. Though I expect this classroom to be spotless before the next lecture in a few days. Otherwise I will be VERY disappointed in my best girl. Am I understood?"

Back ramrod straight, eyes wide, Enid nods enthusiastically.

"Y-Yes sir! You can count on me, s-sir!"

"Very good. I'll see you next class then."

And with that, he leaves, Lavender floating alongside him. Enid stares at the messy classroom for a moment, licking her lips as she considers just how much of a chore she's volunteered herself for. But… it doesn't matter. She WILL make sure this room is spotless before the next lecture. She's got all the time in the world, even if Professor Potter's magic could have probably done all of the work in just a few seconds. But then, if she'd let him do that… she wouldn't be able to do THIS.

Reaching down, the bubbly blonde werewolf all but tears her own clothes off of her body, shedding her school uniform in moments. As soon as she's naked, Enid leaps forward, jumping onto the soiled teacher's desk first and eagerly rubbing her aroused body into the puddle of pussy juices there. Moaning as she finger fucks herself with reckless abandon, her eyes roll around in her head, her tongue lolling out of her mouth to swipe back and forth across the table beneath her.

Eventually, she moves her efforts to the floor… because that's where all of Harry's actual cum is. Reveling in Bianca and Divina's pussy juices and letting herself remember their humiliation and degradation at Professor Potter's hands was one thing… but actually getting to lap up his seed from the classroom floor was a whole other.

Scooping it on her fingers, Enid's eyes roll back in her head all over again as she licks her digits clean. Eventually, she's just humping her hand, face down on the floor with her ass up in the air. As she scoops up some more cum, she even goes so far as to test her virgin asshole with a single finger. Much to her surprise, this causes her to cum near-instantly, leading to her continuing to stretch out her ass with her digits, even as she finger fucks her cunt to orgasm after orgasm.

She's got a few days to clean the place up… and no roommate in her dorm room at the moment to wonder where she went. With that in mind, Enid sees no problem with spending the rest of the night in the classroom, masturbating and reveling in the events that Professor Potter let her bear witness to here today.

No problem at all…


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out H entai-Foundry dot com and Questionable Questing dot com where I have over a thousand stories! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

If you'd like to contribute to funding my writing at all, check me out on P atreon. com (slash) Cambrian

Thanks for reading!