
Multiverse: The True JUSTICE

What would happen if a battle between cosmic entities opened a rift in the sea of ​​souls, and what would happen if he is traveling while fragments of essences join him while he arrives in a world very different from his it is obvious, he will bring true justice and peace to those who deserve it. if you want what happens see the next chapter of Dragon ball Z is a joke but I don't speak English and although I've studied it I don't know so much and I use a lot on the translators and that’s is all, have a good day (please don't judge before reading chapter 11) The image is not my Warning: this story have bad words, and a typical stuff how can happend In a place like Gotham, I am not really sure about written this but I trie to write a good story, yea better I no written more because I fell crazy but the sanity is overrated Yeah is a omniverse story I already have several worlds planned but if you want to make a suggestion do not hesitate to do so First world[my hero academy AU] Second world [my hero academy but the original] Third World[Jujutsu Kaisen] fourth world[??????] fifth world[??????] sixth world[??????] seventh world[??????]

Sans_722 · Anime und Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter twelve: one for all

Author notes: hello people I am sad because don't give me stone but I can understand I say that very late and for that I was going to ask my readers if you can give me stone powers in the next week only the day in the stone powers they restart to have in top for one day please and thanks for the comments 😗


All the guards didn't believe what they were seeing because just now a tall young man with black hair and skin without any kind of blemish had not only killed Shigaraki as if he were a child. but also the entire system obeyed him as if it were programmed to serve him and his companions who not only finished off the multi-quirky nomus, but the moment they finished they simply vanished into a mist around the young man.

"Thank you for saving us," a guard says as he bows deeply.

"You are a de-ity" says another guard as he looks at him madly as if he has met his god.

"I'm just a subordinate of the true deities" says the young man who looks more and more like an angel in the opinion of the guards

"And if you'll excuse me, I still have to complete the mission entrusted to me on this mortal plane" says the young man as he disappears as soon as light dawns and all of nature seems to revere him in an act that clears the sky itself while an intangible ray flashes. takes him leaving the most beautiful and wonderful night in the opinion of the guards who for the rest of their lives will adore this mysterious young man

~~~With Izuku~~~

'Shit it seems that the effect of [new order] has become more powerful due to the great growth of one for all, and one for all itself boosts all my quirks, so those guards must worship me like a god, shit ' thinks Izuku as he appears in the league of villains hideout

Then everyone who is there is on their guard even though due to the effect of [new order] they feel the need to treat him with respect.

"Who are you?" asks a Dabi who doesn't let the effect of [new order] on him show.

So Izuku to avoid possible misunderstandings decides to deactivate [new order] "I understand the pain they have better than anyone, so I would be sorry to kill them just like that" says for him Izuku

"You're not a hero," Spinner says as he looks at him warily and the others get into a fighting stance.

"Well it would be a shame not to taste your blood~" Toga says as he picks up two knives

*sigh* "you know guys I'm going to make you an offer, this world would stop occupying heroes in about 30-50 years even if you guys didn't do anything and your revenge and hate is misdirected since you just destroy everything and don't create anything new for the world. Spinner, Dabi, Toga I am going to offer you the opportunity to be stronger to end the people who caused you to be born, I know it is difficult to trust strangers but I want to know if you are willing to put aside this stupid fight between heroes and villains and make real and lasting change," Izuku says as he genuinely tries for the first time not to end up rushing a base of villains

"Yeah, better go to hell idiot" Dabi says as he shoots blue flames towards Izuku and toga goes to the side to ambush him from behind but just as Ivan calls them to hit all movement ceases and no one can move due to the new use he gave it Izuku to [new order] which is [new order: air solidifies around everything that moves except for face within a hundred meters around me] while occupying a rapid speech quirk and a silence quirk

"You know I try not to be a deranged killer but the world doesn't give me a choice and even though I can go the long road to rehab I don't have the time and stupidity to let them keep killing people for their recovery so I'm sorry but at the least you won't die painfully" Izuku says as air blades stab into everyone's heads killing them instantly even those in other parts of the base

*sigh* "Alice, can you control all of the internet now?" Izuku asks Alice as he thinks about what else she should do.

"Yes sir" Alice replied.

"Well, give me a list of ten heroes who deserve to die to give the full message and also really show how rotten the ideals of people like stain were manipulating the internet, and send me the address of where the Izuku of this reality is" Izuku says while think about the talk or beating he must give the Izuku of this world depending on how he responds

"Shit I'm already getting emo, I'm careless for five seconds and I act like an emo without even realizing it's that you don't know anything better than to do Izuku, not that you were going to be more friendly" "I can only be like this for a few days and this comes naturally of being a shitty emo" Izuku criticizes himself while Izuku also responds to himself and considers programming Alice to give him an electric shock every time he gets too emo "well fuck everything and let's continue with our destiny Alice"

"I will always follow you sir" Alice replies

~~~three days later~~~

CNN Breaking News presents

"Today we probably have the most shocking news of this year, you don't think so Olivia" says a man in a suit who, if you look carefully, you can see that he is quite nervous and shocked, but he is very good at hiding it.

"This is James, from what I have seen, this may probably be the news of the year since, according to witnesses, we have seen a deity in action that has not only killed the entire league of villains as if they were children, but has also kill a lot of heroes" says a woman with a sad and visibly worried tone of voice

"That's right, and according to the people who have seen him, they say that he is an angel sent to save the world," answers James.

"And not only that, but his companions who have what are believed to be multiple quirks," Olivia says while looking at the photos they have of the vestiges.

"This is Olivia but another very worrying thing is that we can see that their identities according to the images are of dead people and from more than a hundred years in the past," says James while they show images of their identities

And one photo in particular stands out especially in which Yoichi wears medieval-style armor and has wings and an angelic halo while he heals various people.

"In this photo we can see why some believe that they are angels sent to save people and bring judgment to the sinner, however it should be noted that they named a god of a completely different religion from those who have angels for what some say that until today all religions are actually wrong" says Olivia while she hopes that she will not be killed for talking about this

~~~with Izuku~~~

'I seriously don't know what to expect from this guy' Izuku thinks as he sees the Izuku Midoriya of this world in the hospital

'On the one hand he's a good hero but on the other hand he's too hypocritical and idealistic, he's willing to try to save Tomura because he thinks he wants to be saved and he wants to kill all for one because all might told him to, shit logical in my opinion'

Then Izuku becomes invisible and undetectable for all kinds of scanners, approaching the Izuku of this world and touching his head to enter his mind and talk there, which will lead him to decide whether to remove the one for all and give him another quirk or simply take away one for all and let him fall into despair or take that impotence and demonstrate the natural potential he possesses by working hard (A/N: so they don't get confused with the canon counterparts and from my story I'm going to call the canon ones with its name but with a -2 so that it is understood)

~~~in the space of the mind~~~


"It seems that someone is breaking in, but I don't feel my brother" says Yoichi-2 who feels confused by feeling the quirk of all for one but without the presence of his brother while all the vestiges look at him confused and worried

"What's going on?" Asks a surprised and newly awakened Izuku-2.

"Wait this is-" Yoichi-2 can't finish his words as Izuku walks into Izuku-2's mind

"You know, I was hoping your mind was something more childish or bigger than a room with fancy chairs" Izuku comments casually as he walks as if he were a guest in front of everyone.

"Who are you?" the vestiges ask as they all get serious and Izuku-2 looks Izuku with more curiosity than panic

Izuku then simply walks to the center and sits in a larger, more luxurious chair that appears out of nowhere and gazes calculatingly at everyone in the room.

"Izuku Midoriya, heir of one for all and his hypocrisy, would you believe me if I told you that I am you from another universe that saved more lives than you and prevented wars and deaths, ending the villains that heroes take care of more than civilians" says Izuku while looking into Izuku-2's eyes and he looks at him with a conflicted and thoughtful look

"That explains it, the other familiar presence is one for all" Yoichi says as the other vestiges nod in agreement.

"Wait, you have all for one and one for all??!!" Izuku asks as the other vestiges are also surprised to realize this.

"Because they are surprised, honestly if you put together star and stripe with all might against all for one at the end of the battle star and stripe can steal all for one easily, and although I didn't do that there are several ways to get all for one" says Izuku while thinking how dumb all might is not to fight with support, after all there are thousands of heroes or normal people who have support quirks or heroes with strong ranged attacks(A/N: in the comments because is very big note)

Almost all of the vestiges and including Izuku-2 have a short circuit in the brain realizing that they never considered it possible to steal all for one despite all the time they have been fighting against him.

"I see, but what is your true purpose for coming here" Izuku-2 asks as he looks at him in such a way that he seems to have been trained by superman to show a heroic, hopeful and serious face at the same time.

"The truth came to see if it is necessary do you have one for all" says Izuku while he looks at him seriously

All the vestiges and Izuku-2 are shocked by what the seemingly otherworldly Izuku said and unconsciously tense up and take a defensive stance while looking at him worriedly.

Izuku-2 seems to have been illuminated by Homer as his eyes start to glow and the light covers him even though it shouldn't be possible "Do you want to see if I'm worthy of carrying one for all? I know that I am not an ideal carrier and that I am quirkless but I will comply-"

"Stop, stop, stop, please don't start with that shit about I'm quirkless and that's why I can't do this and that, I'm sorry but since I don't have a water quirk I can't water plants, stop with that shit about quirks for God, you know I beat all for one when he was quirkless and he couldn't even harm me, so no, it's not because of that, it's because of your shitty attitude and that I already finished off the entire league of villains and possible immediate threats forever" says Izuku while looking at Izuku-2's surprised eyes (he still doesn't understand why the fuck Izuku-2's body is covered by green energy)

Then Izuku-2 seems sad and somewhat angry "You killed them, but why? Shigaraki wanted to be saved and he deserved to be saved, he was a victim of all for one-"

"Stop with that shit that they must be saved, Shigaraki could have been a victim of all for one but that does not mean that he should destroy more cities while killing millions of people just so he can have his stupid rehabilitation" Izuku says as Izuku-2 knows that logically he is right but the morality that has been forced into him all his life does not want to recognize that what he says is true

"There must be another way, we heroes always find another way" says Izuku-2 as if the heroes were some kind of angelic being that is capable of performing miracles when they set their minds to it

"Of course there is, sacrifice the lives of tens or thousands of heroes to capture him and then escape and kill more heroes again while little by little more civilians die because it is more important to help the murderer who only wants to kill everyone than to protect to the innocent family that was unlucky enough to go out for a walk in the city when they tried to save a villain" says Izuku as he clearly starts to get annoyed

"See that was the fucking point, you're only willing to kill all for one because all might was willing to kill him but you don't want to kill anyone else, that not only makes you a hypocrite but also when the time comes when it's necessary killing you will hesitate and that will cost you the lives of civilians" says Izuku while he is already sure that it is better for him to have one for all, in this way at least he can occupy it to save more lives instead of occupying it to be a fucking a fucking symbol of hope or peace and that jazz shit

"However, even if you take one for all from me, I'm going to continue being a hero and even if it's hypocritical, I'm going to learn and be a better hero" Izuku says with conviction

"And we don't trust you to be the next one for all carrier either" say the vestiges as they interrupt the conversation between Izuku and Izuku-2

"It doesn't matter, if they assimilate my vestiges they will understand everything and they will even become stronger" says Izuku, confusing the vestiges

"Just so you know Izuku, I know beings who fought and won against gods who can destroy worlds without having any quirks and would even consider most quirks as weak and troublesome preferring to be quirklees" Izuku says as everyone else faints including the ones. vestiges

"I'm sorry, but unfortunately one for all will save more lives if he's with me" Izuku says as if he were taking a toy from a child while with his last strength Izuku-2 can barely hear him

~~~End of the chapter~~~

Author notes: I try to have ready this chapter yesterday but my mom need my help in his job and I lost all of my day for you know I finish a chapter and I update( except if i finish it 4 a.m)

But I have a bigger note with all of the story way

But is isn't written

Have a good day and I hope you enjoyed the chapter