
Multiverse: The True JUSTICE

What would happen if a battle between cosmic entities opened a rift in the sea of ​​souls, and what would happen if he is traveling while fragments of essences join him while he arrives in a world very different from his it is obvious, he will bring true justice and peace to those who deserve it. if you want what happens see the next chapter of Dragon ball Z is a joke but I don't speak English and although I've studied it I don't know so much and I use a lot on the translators and that’s is all, have a good day (please don't judge before reading chapter 11) The image is not my Warning: this story have bad words, and a typical stuff how can happend In a place like Gotham, I am not really sure about written this but I trie to write a good story, yea better I no written more because I fell crazy but the sanity is overrated Yeah is a omniverse story I already have several worlds planned but if you want to make a suggestion do not hesitate to do so First world[my hero academy AU] Second world [my hero academy but the original] Third World[Jujutsu Kaisen] fourth world[??????] fifth world[??????] sixth world[??????] seventh world[??????]

Sans_722 · Anime und Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter four: death in the prison of sins(edited)

Author note: sometimes I wanna be a cloud and go to the space like a cloud

Pos data: Did you know that to try not to be wrong I verify the names of the characters in Google :v


CNN Breaking News presents

"Breaking news, in these last two months "The Hunter of Sins" has attacked his fifth base of criminals and terrorists, which is amazing for a single man don't you think Sophia"

"That's right, Liam. They have seen that this "vigilante" has killed more than 4,000 criminals and/or terrorists and has left a thousand of them alive but seriously injured"

"And the most controversial thing is what the authorities call them since the heroes and the police call him "bloodthirsty madman" or "millionaire psychopath" however the public receives him with open arms and several of the civilians that he rescued seem idolize this vigilante"

"Indeed, Liam, however, we are going to speak with an expert on these issues, with you Detective Albert Gosling"

"Good morning everyone, as you may know this brutal vigilante prepares in advance and fights in such an efficient manner that no hero can match however his motivations according to eyewitnesses and the fact that one was able to see his emotions can be almost completely attributed to revenge, that's revenge, as strange as it sounds after all we have seen that he has technology that only the elites of this world can possess well this may be due to two of my main suspicions about his history, one was quirkless and managed to steal his equipment to do what he always wanted to do after years of training or is he a victim of a villain attack with a strong technopathy quirk since we have seen that according to witnesses his arms on his back move as if they were living limbs….

~~~With Izuku~~~

Well finally the first step has come to rescue the girl from the yakuza, Eri however I am not sure I can protect her(mainly psychologically)while she fought so I will find an ally to protect her someone willing to understand my actions and a key witness to end this commission of heroes "Lady Nagant" but I will not only free her from her unjust imprisonment but I will also finish off certain scum that only continue to intoxicate this world

"Alice hastens the construction of my building on the remains of Aldera so that it will be ready for when I return, and apart from making my room, prepares one for Eri and one for Lady Nagant"

"I understood, sir, however, when I completed her request, the subway will be built a day later"

"No problem, oh and I almost forgot this time prepares five armored bikes in case of emergencies, after all we are going to tartar, the place where sins rots"

~~~Nighteye POV~~~

This is bad, very bad I see the future and "The Hunter of Sins" is going to attack the Tartarus and not only is he going to kill all the criminals he wanted, no

The worst thing is that he's going to fight against all might and he's going to lose but although I didn't see everything clearly, I heard them, they said "he's a boy" "he's not even 16 years old" "he doesn't even have a quirk, how did he do it" yeah... shit , usually Nighteye would not curse after all with his quirk sometimes things are easier to accept or digest however this is bullshit

*sigh* resigning himself to his fate Nighteye decides to take the phone from his desk and call his old friend after all, as much as the whole scenario seems crap, he knows that it is best to catch that child as soon as possible after all a child I shouldn't walk that road



"Nighteye it's a nice surprise you're calling, however I hope it's not some crazy timeline change like you said when I healed up."

"Unfortunately that's not all might, I really wish it were that but I'm sorry to inform you that in one hour at 11:17 p.m. "The Hunter of Sins" is going to attack Tartarus and kill everyone he thinks doesn't deserve live and that is not all, but it also turns out that he is not more than 16 years old"

"It's April Fool's Day and I forgot again?" says all might desperately hoping it's a joke

"all might just please run to Tartarus before it's too late" says Nighteye as he thinks about whether calling nezu would be a good or bad idea

"I understand, please take care of the police and mobilize everything, I will stop him as soon as he can"

*Pip*( A/N: I don't know how to write that the call was cut D: although if someone writes how to write it correctly in the comments I will correct this, probably)

~~~With Lady Nagant~~~

You know, although she is already very clear that putting a bullet in the head of your former boss was not the most intelligent action, she expected that the commission of heroes would try to kill her, not that they imprison her and be forced to be alone with her thoughts, realizing that she must have tried to gather evidence and then attack the hero commission both in her image and leaving them six feet underground though it seems she was so stressed she couldn't even see the obvious


'I guess I should have been more astute and realized that true heroes are not the dogs of a politician who doesn't mind killing a baby for more power'


'What' is Lady Nagant thinking as she hears the sounds of guns and explosives


In her last years while she was imprisoned Lady Nagant never thought that a mysterious man in armor crushed by all might would be her ticket to freedom.

"Hello my Lady, I'll introduce myself, I'm a new vigilante who has come to this place to request his services as a super cool assassin ninja nanny and he even wants a date" says the boy in the red helmet who seems to have futuristic armor next to him around

"You young villain, how can you act like this after the carnage you've caused" All Might says while he continues to have the guy in armor immobilized

"You hurt my feelings all might obviously I feel bad not having the chance to make them feel the pain they make the innocent and defenseless feel but sadly I don't have the luxury of time *robotic winks at him?* you know"

~~~20 minutes before~~~

'So I kill all the bad criminals, I try to help the good ones escape and I try to recruit Lady Nagant,' Izuku thinks as he sees hundreds of spider bots accompanying him to kill and/or save the prisoners.

"Another easy piss mission although boy I have to try to recover part of my humor god the media think I have no emotions, they don't know that after years of retiring it costs a bit to adapt to being a vigilante again although being serious is the intimidate but I don't know to do anymore a part of me thinks that a good way to not be so sick in the head is to make jokes but in these last 4 years the only person I told a joke to was Alice, oh my God Alice I'm emo Alice TELL ME I'M NOT EMO!"

"No sir, you are not emo"

*Uff* "Luckily I had already been scared but Lady Nagant should like some jokes later I saw everything through these Batman fell in love with the Joker so let's be more sociable"

As he ends his existential crisis, Izuku rides his motorcycle and bombards a wall in Tartar while his spider bots knock out the guards with electricity.

"Sir, I detect something coming at full speed to the prison" and with these words Izuku, who has never in his life been so grateful to have the spider-sense, ducks while dodging a blow comparable to when he was superior spider-man 'shit ' he thinks as he rolls with extra momentum from his spidery arms 'Alice code red full suit' and with that thought his bike that was behind the smiling giant moves towards him but then all might grabs it the motorcycle and says "I'm sorry but today you won't escape in your villain vehicle" but as he says that a motorcycle comes through the hole in the wall and as it reaches Izuku it becomes his armor

"Well let's see if you want to fight now all might" Izuku says provocatively as he strikes a fighting pose

"Let's dance" and with those words begins the fight between good and evil, between the brute and the intellectual, between determination and idealism, between hope and realism.


Izuku taking advantage of all the power of the suit and his spider sense dodges a blow from all might while letting him hit his head while his spider bots shoot smoke but not only that, using his web shooter he manages to capture all might while he is trying to disperse the smoke to applause

"Well all might you are strong and you would be a great ally in the new world that I plan to bring but I already know your limits and your strength better than you" and with those words Izuku flies towards Lady Nagant but at that moment his whole being shouted at him to dodge, he felt it, death comes to claim his soul…. Again, however his determination and ego do not allow him to surrender even in the face of death after all he still cannot rest and with that in mind he sacrificed half of his suit's energy to move at a speed that surpasses even of all might(A/N: according to gpt chat all might has shown that he can reach at most Mach 5)

And then when he moves to the right he sees the freaking rip off superman who has somehow gotten stronger.

"Sir, I inform you that apparently our theory was correct and all might has managed to occupy the quirks of what we believe would be his predecessors" 'shit now the superman scam will be a discount superman, just great'

"I'm sorry young man but it seems that to beat you I will have to give everything" says all might without showing his characteristic smile

"You old fucking shit don't you realize you could have killed me with that punch, and you're supposed to be the hero here."

Hearing that all might think 'I've been too impulsive, I'm still not used to having all the power of one for all although I must thank young Midoriya after all according to nana only because my body healed, I'm quirkless and one for all se has grown stronger, I have access to the quirks of my predecessors'

"What's up all might the cat ate your tongue" 'Alice prepares my drones to seal all might with gravity rays and send two mecha motorcycles towards me'

"Well young villain this ends here" and with those words all might goes at speeds that only Izuku's spider-sense can perceive

Izuku proceeds to expend 20% of the mecha's energy on his thrusters to dodge the punch that comes at his stomach while shooting webs into all might's arms to propel himself up and kick him to the face that sends all might to the ground wall "sir, according to what I've seen, it seems that he has only occupied fa Jin, so if I only occupy him on the first hit, now he will have more power"

And when he realizes what is happening, the spider sense reacted so for that Izuku uses all of his clothes to create a shield in front of him.


'Shit, this suit was made to go along with all might but the fa Jin with one for all is too broken' he thinks as he sees the last of his suit of mecha broken in front of him.

However, Izuku sees Lady Nagant and decides to act as he had planned 'please let some the dick skills with the girls' "Hello my Lady, let me introduce myself, I am a new vigilante who has come to this place to request your services as a babysitter super cool ninja assassin and he even fancy a date" as he thinks about what he just said he hopes he didn't sound too gross

"You young villain, how can you act like this after the massacre you have caused" All Might says as he sees that his objective was to recruit Lady Nagant

"You hurt my feelings all might obviously I feel bad not having the chance to make them feel the pain they make the innocent and helpless feel but sadly I don't have the luxury of time *robotic winks at him* you know" 'Alice paralyze him with the gravity beam now!'


"And unlike you who pull a quirk out of your ass every time you lose, I have my abilities and mind, head of muscles" says Izuku while looking happily at all might floating helplessly in the air


"and none of your extra quirks will do now, which feels all might realize how arrogant you are for thinking that being lucky entitles you to prevent me from creating a better world free of racism"


"Yes, well, now for what I came" while saying that a motorcycle is attached to him as armor ""Lady Nagant" do you want to help me save a girl kidnapped by a scientist / yakuza"

Lady Nagant looks at him doubtfully "wow then it's a date you say it's just fighting against yakuzas, how romantic" she says with her voice full of sarcasm

"But, I'm in, however if I see that you are not what you say, I will not hesitate to put a bullet in your head"

"Wow, what a brave woman after all you saw me defeat all might and still threaten me, if I knew that I chose correctly when I came to rescue you" and with those words a motorcycle arrives in front of Lady Nagant

"Well, miss, don't be surprised, but traveling in mechas is going to be strange, so I recommend that you not use her quirk while the mecha takes you to avoid dying"

"Wha-" and without even waiting for her to finish speaking Izuku and Lady Nagant fly away into the mecha

~~~Few moments later~~~

"motherfucker" *heavy breaths* "You take someone out of prison and put them in a metal box for God, any normal prisoner would be trying to kill you, do you have even a little bit of common sense!"

"Nop, and that's why I recruited you since although I had what would be a little sister a long time ago, I don't know if I'm currently able to help Eri without leading her to hit villains, which I don't know if it's very healthy, although it helped with other people but well come on to my building Alice"

"Yes sir"

"So you want me more than anything as a babysitter for this girl named Eri?" Says Lady Nagant as if she was going to shoot herself with how crazy it sounds

"Oh right I didn't tell you but Eri is the name of the girl we are going to rescue"

"And don't tell me the voice that sounded before is your A.I that you created when you were 10 years old"

"How did you guess?



"Just give me equipment and food along with the information on the yakuza"

"Sure, Alice give her the cell phone you prepared and the equipment I left for her"

"And a question, Mr. "boss", how did you end up being a vigilante with all the money and technology you have" says Lady Nagant as she looks at her equipment and what she can do

"Well after dying a few times you learn that hell is a good place for the psychopaths that took me there to rest" Izuku says as he removes his helmet

"Midoriya Izuku, a pleasure"

Lady Nagant looks at him in shock as although she didn't look that tall it never occurred to her that she would see a teenager who appears to be 16(ignoring for the moment that this boy casually says that he has died)

"Tsu-sutsumi Kaina, a pleasure "

"Hahaha don't be scared I'm older than I look" Izuku says this half lie

"Well then this spider bot will guide you to your room that has food prepared and in two more days at 10:00 p.m. we will go to kill a torturer of girls" says Izuku with a smile that promises pain to whoever crosses his path

~~~End of the chapter~~~

Author notes:

I try to written more chapters but I see I finished this chapter at 02:03 a.m. yea I have a mental problems, and is very probable that no one read this history but writte this is good for me because I practice my inglish