
Multiverse: Reaper

A Chance for a whole new life filled with adventure, who would say no to such thing. Certainly not me! (A.N) I am not good at English so sorry in advance for all my grammar mistakes. Also, I do not own any of the characters here except the mc or my OC It was also my first ever story so don't blame me if it was bad I can take your opinion but please don't hate if you don't have a reason. And also I still don't watch the anime and some of the intros here are wrong or maybe some plot hole so don't expect it to be perfect my knowledge only comes from the fanfic I read not from the anime. Also, the photo on the cover is not mine so the credits go all to the maker.

Mark_Dens · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs

Results of Poll

Sorry, I can't update today because I was mentally and physically exhausted coming home from a trip, so no chapters I would just post 2 tomorrow if I feel like it.

Also, the result came and The Vampire win the poll as for the gender it has the same vote so I think maybe I should make a twin as his first summon then you guys decide how their age is gonna be personally I want them to be kids because it's much easier but some want the girl to be in the harem and I don't if there is an FBI apprentice here who does not like anyone having a relationship to a legal loli (Because they are vampires practically immortals.)

So yeah that's it thank you for your understanding and give me your opinion on how I would make the vampires.