
Multiverse of Marvel

"We need to go back and inform others of what just happened. Whatever happened has happened and can't be changed back. This involves the death of an ancient being. We won't be able to change it as it was a Nexus Event and TVA won't be able to control it. Loki, are you still at the throne?" John shouted. Unsurprisingly, Loki appeared out of nowhere. TVA was responsible for all Nexus Events and Beings. And this was a huge Nexus event. The point of no return, just like the death of Christine in What if? "You have commited quite the crime John. This crime according to the laws of TVA would have you pruned instantly, with no questions asked and no trial." Loki said with a smile. "It was not me who did this. It was him. Why am I being put in the tough spot?" John asked with a sharp tone. ------------- When a cinephile and an otaku/weeb travels through dimensions and gets a system which can only be described as overpowered but comes with restrictions. At first he was overjoyed with the system but soon realizes that he is in a very dangerous world where his life was at risk all the time. (There will be no change in the canon until the New York War ends) p@treon.com/thelightedghost

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Hanmo was overjoyed when he heard about this. Only a fool would refuse such a lucrative deal. He could already see lots of money coming in with this venture.

"I would like to add that I will also input some music and songs in this series of animation and the series will come out seasonal wise as opposed to regular episodes every week. This will keep the audience engaged and refrain ourselves in adding fillers in the animation. If you would like you can make up your own side story and make it as a movie later. Of course I would also be on the helm of it as I don't want to ruin it's story" John said. He really hated the fillers and weird flashbacks just to fill up the screen time and milk the story further. John always believed that doing this would downgrade the story by a lot.

He didn't wanted to smear the legacy of Naruto in this life. At the end it was never about the money, it was about the fan values. He would never negotiate with anyone when it came to fan values. Money was just a way to keep some people away from behind the scenes.

The contract was soon drawn up and John said to Hanmo that he would send all the relevant details, drawings and directions soon in a few months. This project would take years to finish and John gave him a deadline until 2007 to finish the whole plot and finish the animation. John also said that they could publish the manga too in the stores of Japan.

Hanmo happily agreed as it would generate more expectations from the animation. He was looking to the bright future and cooperating with Disney.

After taking a mini vacation in the country of Japan and admiring the rich culture and landscape of Japan, John and his father returned back to their city. John wanted to spend more time in Japan but he knew he had loads of work waiting for him.

Soon after coming back to New York, he started his daily life again as usual. He had been running around a lot and finally he could take a small breather. Even though he still had to draw everyday it wasn't so hectic as it was before.

He hired some local and even Japanese artists to draw for him everyday while he just directed the details for them and added the story to it.

August 4th, 2006

It had been 3 years since he introduced Naruto to the world and it was not astonishing that people loved it. What was surprising for John was that the story of Naruto became famous in USA too. John thought it was because of the fact that Disney was behind the production of Naruto. Even though it was produced in Japan, the main person behind the story was John himself.

Naruto's story appealed a lot to the audience. With the story of a boy who was ostracized just because he had a powerful demon inside him to being a hero. His sacrifices, his love for his friends and the enemies he had to face made the story enriching.

What surprised the people was that the line between good and bad became blurred as Obito wanted to unify the world to bring eternal peace and for doing that he was ready to sacrifice freedom. John even wondered at that point if he had given more ideas to Hydra because Hydra and Obito's dreams were inter-related. Of course the real reveal of Madara wasn't released as Madara was John's favorite character.

Even though Hydra would never pay attention to such flimsy animation which had no value in real world but the logic behind the whole story had appealed to the high levels of Hydra. Alexander Pierce after reading the whole report and understanding the gist of the story had even thought of trying to recruit John as the story was created by him. Finally after a lot of thinking, he refused to recruit as at the end of the day, the hero of the story was Naruto not Óbito.

In these 3 years Disney produced stunning animated movies and the studio grew from few workers to hundreds of them. John finally hired Kevin and Bob for taking the helm of Disney and shared ideas with them about the future of the company.

Disney, because of its popularity and meaningful plot, won Oscars almost every year. Some even advised him that he should try making real life movies too but John just refused their advances as he already plans for real life movies.

In these few years John had grown up to a handsome young man with the right muscles at the right places. He finally left his childish look and slowly turned into a teenager. He took regular defense lessons, even though he knew that it won't matter at the end as his powers would just explode but he still took precautions.