
Multiverse : Journey of Desperado

This is a cliche story of the reincarnation of an ordinary otaku become a Desperado in the world of his favorite anime. Follow MC's story and witness the beauty of the anime world on a long journey across the multiverse. Note: the author uses Google Translate, so if there is wrong vocabulary, I apologize. If there is a word wrong, please tell me, I will change it Note : the pic is not my creation Note :this is a fictional story

Kuuhaku_28 · Anime und Comics
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211 Chs

Birth of Desperado

"ding" "ding "ding"

the sound of iron clashing continued to echo. In a small courtyard behind the palace, a 6 year old boy was practicing his spear skills against a magic knight hired to teach him martial arts. This has been the case since he discovered that he didn't have much magic power when he awakened his blazer weapon three years ago.

Blazers are a special being who can manifest one's own soul as armor and control superpowers with one's magical power.

In the past, Blazers were referred to as Magicians and Witches, special people found in one-in-a-thousand capable of manifesting their soul as a weapon and wielding magic power.

As time passed, all natural militaries and local police force required Blazers, resulting in the development of the Mage-Knight System, where such people are all required to graduate from Mage-Knight Schools approved by the League of Mage-Knight Nations to license and social status as Mage Knights, thus recieving full permission to use their powers without the usual limitations. Because of the responsibilities that come with being a Blazer, even as Student Knights, they're recognized as being adults at the age of 15, allowing them to drink and get married, unlike regular people.

Although, a Blazer can wield amazing powers, which can go against the natural laws of the world, their magic power is fixed at the moment of their birth and cannot be increased no matter the training. During the rematch between Ikki and Stella, Edelweiss explained that as the "limit of their potential that the world permitted them", meaning after reaching the full extent of their potential, it would be impossible to improve behind that point.

After reaching his limit, Ikki felt himself being chained to the ground by invisible dark chains representing their "fate", almost pulling them into darkness. However, if a Blazer has a strong willpower to continue on forward despite knowing their limits, then they could break those chains, which would result in them stepping outside of the realm of Humans and into the domain of "Demons". After stepping into such a domain, then it would be possible for Blazers to increase their magic power through training, however, they would also be outside fate.

At the age of three, Noah developed his blazer device. His blazer device has the shape of a stick with a pointed head like a spear.

Noah has E rank magic power, which is only one level higher than Kurogane Ikki. The only ability he has is the ability to increase speed. therefore, since finding out that he had weak magic power, he decided to try to learn martial arts like Kurogane Ikki to overcome his lack of talent.

...Pov : Noah...

I straightened my spear forward, preparing to attack Hans, a magic knight who had trained me for three years. when my momentum reached its peak I thrust my spear towards his stomach.

seeing the trajectory of my spear he easily dodged it by stepping to the side. then he swung his sword diagonally from my right shoulder downwards with the aim of splitting me in two. Seeing his attack, I swept my spear to the side to block his attack.

'damn, my hand is numb' I thought when I felt my hand numb from his attack.

'I must try to avoid it and utilize the length of my spear to carry out long-range attacks, as the saying goes, an inch long is an inch strong'. I decided to do a series of long-range attacks and try to get Hans away from me.

.....third pov....

Noah thrust his spear quickly when he saw an opening in Hans' attack and forced him back. Seeing that Hans had reached the distance of his spear, Noah immediately performed a flower dance by thrusting his spear several times quickly so that when seen from Hans' perspective, all he saw were white lights that were beautiful but cold and brought the terror of death. Seeing the approaching attack, Hans hurriedly backed away to avoid the spearhead.

While Noah and Hans were fighting, a small red head stuck out from behind the training room door and watched their fight.

'hmm... one day I will definitely become strong and protect everyone' Stella thought in her heart that she too would be able to become stronger one day.


In a pink room full of dolls which was clearly a girl's room. an adorable little girl with long red hair wearing a plain nightgown with a picture of a bear on the front was sitting and deep in thought. in her mind she remembered the time her younger brother Noah awakened his blazer device.

That's right, this girl is 4 year old Stella, who feels that she as an older sister feels useless because her younger brother has awakened her blazer device before her, who is a year older.

As she was deep in thought, she suddenly felt her body become hot as if there was a fire inside her. Stella woke up from her thoughts when she felt the burning heat, in an instant a beautiful golden orange sword appeared in front of her.

the moment she saw the sword, she knew that she had become a blazer. but before she could feel happy, a scorching heat burned her body and the room she was in.

In another room not far away, Noah was talking to his father.

"Dad, I want to practice spear and martial arts skills," said Noah to his father.

"Why do you want to practice spear skills?" asked Sirius when he heard Noah's request.

"Father, I know that my talent as a blazer is very low due to my weak magic power, therefore I want to hone my spear skills to make up for the shortcomings." Noah said in a childish voice but his tone was firm.

if an outsider were to see this, it would definitely be hard to imagine how a child could be so mature.

"There's no point in honing spear skills with level E magic power, it won't change the results." Sirius tried to persuade Noah not to waste his time practicing spear skills, because according to him it was pointless because a person's talent was determined from birth.

Instead of wasting his time practicing spear skills which will definitely be in vain, it is better to learn to be a quality king because after all he is the only prince and one day will be the king of this country.

"No, I'm sure I will be like Edelweiss who has strong sword skills." Noah answered firmly and with determination when he heard his father's persuasion.

Hearing his son's firm answer, Sirius couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

"Okay, but on one condition, if you can't stand training for 1 year, then you have to learn to be a king." After thinking for a moment, Sirius agreed to his son's request on the condition that if he couldn't survive for one year, then he had to stop training and learn to be a king.

"Okay, thank you dad." while they were talking, they saw flames not far away.

"huh? fire?" Sirius was surprised there was a fire in the palace, which he didn't expect.

Noah also turned to the side to look, and was stunned because in that direction was his older sister Stella.

"Stella!!!." Noah shouted as he ran quickly.

It was only then that Sirius realized that it was Stella's room that was on fire. Sirius got up from his seat and ran quickly.

"Stella, are you okay?!" Sirius shouted as he ran, his voice filled with anxiety and worry.

breaking open the door, he saw Stella lying on the floor unconscious with burns all over her body. After checking that Stella was fine apart from the burns, Sirius finally felt relieved and took her to the doctor for treatment.

From treatment it was discovered that the fire was caused by Stella awakening her blazer device, but because the magic power was too great for Stella to control, it caused a fire to occur.

Fortunately, after Stella fell into a coma, the blazer device immediately returned to her body, otherwise the situation would have been more dangerous.

"Doctor Freya, how is Stella?" asked Sirius and Noah at the same time.

"There's no big problem, just a few burns, after treatment it will heal in a few days," said Freya, convincing Sirius and Noah not to worry.

"But it's amazing that Princess Stella has a magic power level 30x stronger than a regular blazer" Freya continued with astonishment in her tone.

"30x stronger than a regular blazer ?!!!" Sirius' shocked voice filled the entire hospital.

As for Noah, he already knew that Stella's magic power was very high, but he was still surprised that Stella had such strong magic power.

Since that incident, Stella has been practicing control of her magic power slowly, even though each time her hand would suffer permanent injuries.

...flashback ends...

'Accel' said Noah to himself, suddenly Noa felt as if the world was slowing down. the fact is not that the world is slowing down, but Noah himself is increasing his speed with the ability of his blazer.

His blazer is able to accelerate the user's body 2x its original speed, so it will affect his senses as if the world is slowing down.

In an instant, Noah had arrived in front of Hans, who only had time to raise his hand but failed because Noah's speed was faster than when he competed last time.

"Why do I feel like you are faster than before, Noah-sama?" Hans asked confused.

"Because my speed is now 3x my original speed, previously it was only 2X times faster"said Noah.

"huh? how is that possible?! how could that happen? that shouldn't be the case, blazer's ability can't continue to develop, except that it's not his original ability at all and is only part of his power." Hans was confused by this incident and speculated.

In fact, not every magic knight knows the true capabilities of his blazer device when awakened. most magic knights only discovered the blazer's true abilities after practicing and using it for a long time.

"I think so too" said Noah, because he knew that Stella in the original work also experienced a similar situation.

Stella thinks Laevatein is a fire manipulation system blazer, even though Laevatein is a conceptual interference system blazer which is rarer than causal interference.

"Okay, I don't think there's anything I can teach you, Noah-sama. Since you're already strong enough to beat me, you'd better spend time understanding your blazer device." Hans said that he had taught everything he had and Noah could beat him. as a D rank blazer.

Don't think that D rank is weak, because the majority of blazers are at this rank.

"Thank you for the teaching, Hans-Sensei" Noah thanked Hans for his teaching.

he really felt grateful because Hans taught him everything he knew without hiding anything. that was enough for Noah to respect him.

"Okay, I'll excuse myself Noah-sama" Noah watched Hans leave until he was out of sight before walking towards his room.

While walking, he didn't forget to glance at Stella who was hiding behind the door and thought that Noah hadn't noticed. even though, Noah knew that Stella always peeked when he was practicing.


Returning to his room, Noah immediately threw himself onto the bed and fell asleep because he was exhausted.

the moment he opened his eyes, he appeared in an unknown and silent dark void with no concept of direction or time.

"Where is this place?" maybe a second or a year or even longer, Noah continued to walk forward without looking back. When he was at the threshold of his patience, he saw a very beautiful staff that was dark blue in color with sparkling stars all over the body of the staff and the tip of the staff which was like a silver spear.

"Huh? Isn't this my Blazer device? Where is it?" when Noah was confused and wondered where he was. suddenly he got information in his head which the stick conveyed to Noah.

"so that's how it is, this is my soul space and where the blazer device is"

Noah said when he realized where he was.

"Aeternum: eternal time" was the name of his blazer device which he had not previously known.

Noah finally knows the name. and the capabilities of the blazer.

When he opened his eyes again, Noah found himself in a neatly arranged room with simple decorations. Noah's bedroom as a whole is silver gray and simple.

"Aeternum" Noah stood up from his bed and summoned his blazer device. holding Aeternum Noah felt that his magic power continued to increase.


Noah felt like a chain binding him had been broken.

'Did I just break the shackles of fate?' Noah thought in his heart as he heard what sounded like the sound of a chain breaking.

then Noah noticed that his magic power that should be at E rank had increased to D and it was still increasing, although the speed became slower the further back he went.

"Looks like I'm now a Desperado" Noah said to himself after feeling the increase in his magic power.