
Multiverse : Journey of Desperado

This is a cliche story of the reincarnation of an ordinary otaku become a Desperado in the world of his favorite anime. Follow MC's story and witness the beauty of the anime world on a long journey across the multiverse. Note: the author wrote this work just because he was bored and there was no interesting reading. so don't expect too much. Note: the author uses Google Translate, so if there is wrong vocabulary, I apologize. If there is a word wrong, please tell me, I will change it Note : the pic is not my creation

Kuuhaku_28 · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Training (1)

The next day, still in the backyard as usual, only the difference is that today there is no fight against Hans.

"How should I develop Aeternum's abilities?" Noah was sitting leaning against a cherry tree and thinking about how to develop Aeternum's abilities.

As an otaku in his previous life, Noah always really wanted to have a yard filled with rows of beautiful cherry trees. Sakura trees often look very beautiful and are a classic place for romantic storylines in anime, but unfortunately the conditions in his previous life did not allow him to have rows of cherry trees.

"Maybe I should imitate every movement in the anime as a reference." Noah, who had difficulty developing Aetrernum's abilities, thought about imitating the abilities of the characters in the anime.

However, in his previous life he was just an otaku who didn't have supernatural powers, fortunately he was born into the Vermilion Royal family so he could learn from the royal library or hire magic knights to teach him.

"There are only a few anime characters that have the power of time that I know of, well let me try to imitate Tokisaki Kurumi's abilities"

"Aleph" Noah started trying to speed up his own time.

This move imitates Tokisaki Kurumi's first bullet skill based on his previous ability "accel", so he already has experience in using it.

The difference between Aleph and Accel is that Aleph allows Noah to adjust the time speed he uses according to the level of magic power consumed. so basically he can speed himself up 2x or 3x according to his wishes.

The limit that Noah can do now is only 3x, if he exceeds 3x then all his magic power will immediately be sucked away.


Noah's shadow continued to be seen going back and forth in the backyard.

"haah....haaa..haah..." After 15 minutes had passed, Noah finally stopped running and was panting due to the consumption of stamina and magic power.

"This consumes more magic power than I expected, I finally know why Kurumi needs other people's time abilities to be able to use time abilities as she pleases, because her magic power consumption is truly astonishing" Noah was surprised that he could only last 15 minutes before his magic power ran out despite his power. His magic has improved.

However, the time ability is very strong, so it is natural that it has to consume more magic power. "Looks like I have to think of a way to solve this problem"

"Okay, let's start again and get used to my new abilities. Aleph" After resting and recovering his magic power, Noah continued to get used to his new abilities.


In another practice room, Stella was standing holding Laevatein.

"aaarrrgh" Stella screamed in pain as the scorching hot fire burned the hand holding Laevatein.

"Stella!!!" Astrea ran over to Stella while screaming in dismay seeing her daughter burning again.

"Stella, are you okay?" Astrea asked with concern at her daughter's condition.

Stella has been practicing controlling her magic power for the past year, although it is still far from complete control, at least it won't cause fires like when she just awakened.

"I'm fine, mom" Stella answered weakly while holding back the pain when she heard her mother's question.

"You should rest first to recover, you can continue training again when you have recovered," said Atrea.

"No mom, I can still survive. After all, I am the princess of this kingdom and I have strong talents, I cannot be lazy, I have to bear the responsibilities and expectations of everyone." Stella still insisted on continuing training

"Stella, obey or I will forbid you from running around again." Astrea also said firmly seeing her daughter's stubborn answer.

"I know" seeing her mother angry, Stella could only agree to her mother's request and walked towards the hospital.

In his study, Sirius was working on documents and occasionally looked at the yard where Stella and Noah were practicing.

"haah... what a stubborn child" even though he sighed and said that, it couldn't hide the smile and proud tone in his voice.

how could he not be proud that even though his children were born as princes and princesses, they still worked hard and did not have the arrogance and laziness that a noble should have.

This is the author's first book, please leave comments and suggestions so that the author can write better

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