
Multiverse Hybrid of History

A story of Marcus corvinus Multiverse travel to become a True Hybrid Father of all Vampire&Werewolf Upon waking up in the body of a vampire just to become a hybrid the next moment with the need to change history for power. Will he figure out who gave him his power of all Vampires and werewolfs or will Marcus die without building his own Group of immortals to aid him throughout the multiverse of infinite possibilities.

Dream_Sleep · Filme
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17 Chs

Poetic Justice

~ Chapter Two ~

---(Y/N) Until Next world, will i add the most mentioned abilities and items---

---Amelia was low-key done dirty in the Movie, She been alive since Viktor became a vampire, It said she was one of the strongest Death Dealers as well in fights better then Viktor, But in the Movies she gets overwhelmed, Death Dealers are also skilled in hand to hand combat not to mention there was only 4 Lycans so yea, Enjoy!, Any thoughts comment down below---


Viktor and Amelia expressions quickly stiffen in place, Upon hearing this reply.

Those they brought were loyal to only themselves.

Viktor having a deeper understanding of his soldiers was having doubts about the people surrounding him.

Voicing his question in a bit of unhidden uneasiness.

"Why are they obeying your command, Marcus!?"

Amelia also seemed to be interested in the answer as she intently gazed forward.

Hearing Viktor words including the sight of the interested Amelia as well, My grin grows a bit more but subsides the next moment.

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, While answering In a manner of fact tone.

"I am The Original, Is only natural for my words to be followed-Viktor!"

I paused in thought for a moment.

I decided to use the Original Marcus lie that was told to Viktor.

To avoid the death of William along with my own, But in a different poetic way.

"All shall obey the Original, while all shall die with the Original!."

Viktor quickly understands the meaning of my words of dying with Original.

His wisdom of being a warlord until his old age has never been wasted.

Viktor's eyes were filled with horror.

A calm gentle tone, Masking the anger, fear, In his voice.

"You have not mentioned this price for immortality!"

"Marcus, will you be fine dealing with your Brother alone!?."

Before i could answer his question.

Viktor turned to Amelia while she nodded back in understanding.

"I shall accompany you, Marcus in case of emergency!"

Amelia understood that her life is tied to this man before her.

So she stayed silently about her complaints, As Viktor seems to be in a mood as well.

Amelia was also interested to see what other surprises Marcus can show.

As his red eyes peak her curiosity.

She always knew Marcus was the First Vampire, but she only now realized.

There was only a little she truly knew about the man.

As there was a time she didn't trust him, But as she spent more time with this fellow.

She came to like how he used his sword while fighting off the Lycans by her side.

Although it was to search for his brother.

She still felt annoyed at the fact he never noticed the sudden advancement made on her part to catch his eye during that time till now.

Even now as she looked at Marcus thoughtful gaze, She felt regret that she did try to make the feelings more clear as he seemed too dense.

Then again it was hard to keep the jealousy and anger silent for every moment of the name William was mentioned.

Then in the next moment Marcus would run off to said location, No matter how many Lycans are there!, Just to turn up empty handed.

Amelia felt her anger flare up more at the thought of almost being near death and the loss of Death Dealers every outing due to Marcus!.

My heart was pounding, Trying to keep my calm, While holding in my laughter at the thought of them being fooled, after all.

I just transmigrated to the body of Marcus before they were 'Bitten'!

That only means they are just regular Vampires, not part of my new Sireline.

I closed my eyes to let my senses of a Hybrid spread out, focusing on the direction ahead around the village, listening to all sounds.

The sound of owls in the distance chirping their night songs of freedom.

The sound of spiders building their traps between forest trees, As they patrol on them for prey.

The sound of snowflakes falling and colliding with the ground, Turning into many more piles of snow.

Then the sounds further away of soldiers in the distance trying to buy time as they are slaughtered.

Hearing them cry out for mercy to be saved as William rips them apart.

My heart tightened at the thought of being in this world in the flesh of someone else, where blood is always spilled in different ways.

In an attempt to open my eyes once more a surge of memories quickly played like a Movie, The childhood of Marcus Corvinus.

Tears start to roll down my face while my eyes flutter open.

There is a difference between watching a Movie and being able to see the full life of someone else from the simple Joy in life to Sorrow and Pain.

At this moment the reality has sunk in more than ever with the previous thoughts of hope that a Lucid Dream has been completely shattered.

Viktor couldn't help but scoff at the sight.

Amelia had a worried expression due to a certain understanding as a Death Dealer.

That a warrior needed a clear mind for a battle, As without one, It could lead to certain death!

Without a moment of thought, I hurried my horse off in the direction of the outskirts further down from the village.

Their battle kept them moving forward with William, As we passed the bodies of dead vampires on the way.

Vampires who will awaken as more of William spawn, But not wanting to waste time we keep going forward.

William in his Lycan form quickly came to view.

While he was feeding on the body of a soldier, who had missing legs and arms, completely, almost devoured.

I quickly ordered everyone to stop to hold on their horses leashes as they dismounted them.

As they've orderly gave me the chains that would be used to bind William, Under my Vampire compulsion.

Amelia quickly dismounted her horse, with careful steps forward she approached.

My attention shifted from the soldiers to Amelia as she spoke in a frustrated tone.

"How are you supposed to contain that thing you call a brother, who has been leaving destruction in its path!?"

A feeling of annoyance at the words of having my brother being called a "thing!," Due to the fact of Marcus memories.

As I gazed at the Albino Werewolf.

I couldn't help but be amazed as this would be how I would look but in a Black color of similar size due to not being born albino.

"Amelia!, William is not a 'thing,' be more mindful he is my brother.."

There was a moment of silence between us as Amelia bit her lower lip in anger for being reprimanded.

Soon, William turn his attention towards us as he started to approach.

My body tensed up for a moment.

Remember the memories of Marcus my hand subconsciously reached out as it made contact with him.

A Growling of a wolf ready to attack escaped his mouth as William eyes stayed on Amelia.

Who flinched at the eerie gaze that contains endless hunger.

"Brother it's me Marcus, Stop!"

Just as those words left my mouth, my eyes locked into his own, Causing him to come to halt in his movements.