
Multiverse Hybrid of History

A story of Marcus corvinus Multiverse travel to become a True Hybrid Father of all Vampire&Werewolf Upon waking up in the body of a vampire just to become a hybrid the next moment with the need to change history for power. Will he figure out who gave him his power of all Vampires and werewolfs or will Marcus die without building his own Group of immortals to aid him throughout the multiverse of infinite possibilities.

Dream_Sleep · Filme
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17 Chs

Awakening to an Unknown but Familiar Movie

~ Chapter One ~

---(Y/N) In all honesty, The system reward's Abilities, Items, Im pondering about are related to Vampires along with werewolves including Combat and Viruses from Movies, Games, Lore, Books, Manga, Anime, Fanfic theory, Any suggestions would be taken into account!---

---World suggestions are Welcome as long it fits into a Supernatural themed environment---

~ ~ ~ ~

Feeling a tingling sensation throughout my body as if the window were left open as a chilling breeze passed through.

A Robotic Womanly voice echoed out, similar to a certain Blue Ai in a Halo game.

(~Welcome Host, Issuing Rewards!~)

A thought quickly came to mind for an excuse.

The TV was left on once more due to not caring much to remember to turn it off during a late night play through.

Suddenly, the voice spoke once more.

(Ding, Movie Van Helsing, Dracula Demonic Vampire Bat Form, Reward!)

(Ding, Movie Underworld, William Corvinus Alpha Lycan Form, Reward!)

(Ding, Skyrim, Bloodstone Chalice, Reward!)

(Ding, TV-series, Upgraded Original Vampire-Werewolf Marcellus Mikaelson Hybrid, Reward!)

Ding, Game Assassin's Creed Origins, Creed of assassin's combat knowledge, Reward!)

(System Request, alter the storyline history, play through needed for multiverse travel along with further rewards depending on choices in historical vampire vs. Werewolf events¦)

My eyes shot open in surprise!

The assumption of the TV being left on being dashed.

In my sight, an unfamiliar view of a forest covered in snow.

A feeling of familiarity sparked inside my mind, like something you know what you're seeing but forgot the same moment after.

My head shifted around until my gaze fell onto a familiar person riding a horse.

I subconsciously called out his name in a questioning tone.


Viktor shifted his head in my direction, Eyes widened for the reason that I was unaware of...

An unsettling feeling had arisen in my very existence, Knowing how cruel Viktor is, could be!

Viktor quickly masked his surprise in a neutral expression while riding his horse closer to my own.

He raised his right eyebrow, questioning for a moment in silence.

In a manner that also contained seriousness with a lingering trace of fear, Viktor voice his question.

"Marcus, Your eyes have changed color from blue to red!, Why is that so?."

I quickly realized this part of a particular Movie series called Underworld, That involves Williams being captured from the current armor on both myself and Viktor.

'Keep Calm, he called me Marcus'. That was the current thought, As i seriously started to ponder life at this point, I'm a Gamer and a Book lover not a fighter.

A feeling of horror dawns upon me, but a grin soon spreads to my face subconsciously.

Recalling the robotic voice that once played in my mind.

A subconscious chill runs down my spine secretly hoping the voice was not out loud for anyone else to hear.

Still, A bit of hope stayed in the back of my mind that, I'm just going crazy or this is just a dream lingers.

Viktor slightly flinches while his horse starts to shift in place, While both fall under my scrutinizing gaze.

"Viktor, I shall confront my brother Alone, As he is my family problem!"

"You shall stay in the village to deal with his spawn, while I subdue him!"

Viktor was speechless by my words filled with confidence with authority laced in my voice.

All his men were only loyal to him, what this nonsense that was being spoken.

Viktor's face contorted with anger.

While the soldiers easily noticed the change of expression and hearing the earlier statement.

The Vampire soldiers quickly gather around behind Viktor in a threatening manner of support.

I decided upon trying to use my supposed ability of Vampire Compulsion, That the Mikaelson Original Vampires have.

I glanced at all those of Viktor people holding chains along including part of the Death Dealers, while issuing a order.

"Soldiers gather, We are going ahead!,"

Viktor, hearing this statement out loud.

A smug smile grace his face.

As he was about to explain why no one will listen to any commands given.

Only his commands will be followed because they're his soldiers, while Amelia had a sad smile.

Suddenly half the soldiers along with the one's holding chains yelled out in unison including some of Amelia Death Dealers.

"Yes, Sir!"