
Multiverse: Fateless (Under Rewriting)

A soul abandoned by fate, Vanze. What do those eyes see as he travels through many worlds? Order? Chaos? Or something else entirely? Faced with the absence of predetermined paths, Vanze must forge his own fate amidst the challenges and the mystery shrouding the multiverse. Read as he interacts with many characters in the multiverse, trying to understand himself throughout the journey and find his purpose in this crazy and chaotic multiverse. ( I'm bad at writing synopsis, so the summary is about a dude who is a failure in life dies, get reincarnated, encounters a system blablabla while tries to learn more about life and so on. Maybe also fulfill his fantasy lol. ) ----- First World: One Piece Schedule: 3 - 4 chapters per week Words: 2 - 3K per chapter (Disclaimer: I don't own any of the material such as anime, manga, and game, even the cover that used in this book. All of it belongs to the OG author.)

HoshinoAIsimp · Anime und Comics
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45 Chs


(First P.O.V)

Well... how should I start?

First of all, I'm dead. I don't know how I died, though. I've been thinking about it since I arrived here...? It's so dark in here, and I can't feel anything at all. I don't know where the hell I am. It's not hell, even though I think I will go to hell when I die, but there's nothing at all in here.


Okay, okay, let's calm the fuck down. I need to trace back my memories first. Hmm... I was a human male living a dull life in a normal world called Earth. But now that I think about it, my life is quite boring. No, fuck that, my life literally feels like shit. No loved ones, no friends, no money; even my family set boundaries with me. I even wonder how I'm still alive at that time. I feel worthless, but thankfully, I still have an interest that kept me away from killing myself, which is Japanese "Cultures" like manga, anime, light novels, games, and even their songs. The stories and emotions they put into those things are a force that helped me through the tough times.

I always envied those protagonists, especially their luck and will. They always have a way in every situation, even in the face of despair. Oh, by the way, fuck their plot armor—the most illogical shit always shielding them from anything and everything... well, most of the time. But they also deserve respect for all the shit they're going through, especially someone like Might Guy, even though he is not a protagonist but is a well-deserved idol for me.

Well, anyway, until the time of my last year of studies at university, I started to get busy. Even I don't have enough time to enjoy my hobby anymore and need to stop it for a while. Things started to get hectic for me; I lost my sense of time, and even my living conditions are messed up because of my part-time job. One night, when I'm so tired after my part-time job, I thought, why not try reading One Piece manga to relax before going to sleep and catching up, especially after those spoilers on the internet, people talking about Bonny, Kuma, Vegapunk, and Gorosei after I stopped reading it at the end of the Wano arc. But when I arrived at my rented house, it was a mess. I mean, I know it's still a mess when I left, but to think that even drawers are all over the place and there's someone carrying my laptop dressed in full black... Damn, I know that I'm fucked at this moment, but when I heard footsteps from behind and tried to turn around, I only heard...


And there's nothing...

I guess it's a headshot, good for them. But fucked for me because here...? Am I. All I can see or sense since I died now is absolutely NOTHING. Only dark, heavy, but also a floating-like feel that I can only sense. Oh well, even if I tried to think about how I'm here instead of hell and keep questioning everything, it's just gonna make me insane more quickly than I already am. The same thing if I just tried to keep calm and meditate like a Buddha in a place like this without any sound at all. I better keep my mind occupied by talking about some random shit in my mind, then. It's not like I have many choices. Or just keep swimming like Dory said...?






Fuck... How long has it been since I've been here? It feels like a long time, but is there even a concept of time working in here? I doubt it. I feel the level of insanity in my mind has already occupied at least half of it now. I tried to keep myself occupied by reviewing my worthless life and thinking of some random shit like 'What if Aizen gets reincarnated in the BnH world without his zanpakuto.' This one is gonna be fun, thinking about all the chaos that will happen is making me feel happy somehow. Oh, there is also another scenario like 'What if Eren actually uses his brain' or 'What if Ai Hoshino never gets killed and his ex is erased from existence.' There's no regret, there's chaos, and there's so much fun...









(??? P.O.V)


If not for it, I would never take a detour in such a damned place. Nothing... Absolutely nothing; that's why I hate taking a detour in this place. Luckily, I have that compass with me. Even if I'm strong enough to do everything I want, this damned place, or rather this realm, can still trap me for eternity, and I could die in here. I mean, what is this place anyway? There is no history, only random stories of it. Maybe that's why it's called 'Nothingness.' Fuck my job; why am I still working at my old age, damn it. Huh... Let's just keep going.




..... Is there someone laughing in here?


..... Dear me, there really is someone in here.

Hmm, let's take a look first. I'm curious how someone could survive in here.


"Hahahahaha, so much scenario, so much possibility," said the thing? Orb? Soul?

"Hahahahaha, and that anime called 'School Days.' The female character should torture him more. Damn that cursed thing called Makoto Itou," the soul kept saying more nonsense the more I kept getting closer, and until I started watching it, it still wasn't aware of me.

Huh, this soul is interesting.

"Hahahaha...haahaa *panting*, damn it, I get carried away. I need to calm down now, just think about a cute little sister or daughter like Kanna-chan or Ilya-chan and a big ara ara onee-san like Robin-swan or Akeno... Hmm, her mom is also fine, hahaha." What the fuck is this soul keep saying? Has his head been shot or something that makes his brain a little bit off?

As I keep observing him, I notice something is off—terribly off about him. This soul, or rather him, doesn't even have fate around him. This... How could this be possible! Wait, unless...

Hehehe, what a miracle. This soul should go to the afterlife when he died, but instead of going there, here it is in the most unpredictable and damned place. Even dead souls have fate where they will end up to, but this... hehehe.

Anyway, why isn't that bitch doing anything about this? Isn't it like exactly her job? Hmm. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing for him and for the multiverse, but such a rare thing happening, maybe I can give him a chance. Anyway, it's also a part of my job managing dead souls. Well, let's call him out of his fantasy first.


(MC P.O.V)

"Child." I heard someone calling, or is it just my hallucination? Weird...

"Ehem, Child." Hmm, I heard it again from behind me. As I began to turn around, I saw something that shocked me after such a long time in here.

"Wow... Are you real, or just my brain trying to make me more insane than I already am?" I said to an old man who looks like a mix of Odin and Jesus but with a little bit of Gandalf vibe around him. I hope he isn't a part of the "for greater good" gangs. Wait, what is that glowing behind him... Is it a special effect!? Damn.

"Child, you shouldn't have been here; it's dangerous. You surviving in this place for long is already a miracle. I happened to pass by here and saw you," said the glowing old man.

"I mean, I don't even know why I got here, and it's not my choice either to come here. By the way, who are you, old man?" I said to him. Is he what we humans call God? Huh, not exactly the same picture in my mind if it is.

"I am just a powerful being capable of doing something impossible, or in simpler terms that most lesser beings use, I am called God. Anyway, you should not have been here. Let me help you because it's also a part of my job," said the so-called God. A god, huh... Well, it's not like I'm a believer either when I'm alive.

"So, you're gonna send me to hell then? Or what?" I said. I don't know what I should do, and it's not like I can bargain with him.

"Why would I send you to hell? I've been observing you for a while since I arrived, and you keep talking nonsense about scenarios this and scenarios that, and laughing like a madman hehehe." This damn old man, is he a creep? He should have tapped me or talked to me directly when he arrived, damn it. So embarrassing.

"Okay, okay, fine. If you're not gonna send me to hell, then what now? Don't tell me it's a reincarnation thing like in those anime. Anyway, I think I don't deserve that kind of thing," I said. Like, come on, why would a worthless man like me deserve such a luxurious thing.

"Hehehe, why not? For a soul like you who is already stranded far away from the afterlife and survived in such a damned place, it's an achievement. So let me give you a reward, child. How about I give you three chances to pull a gacha? Each gacha represents the world, the skill, and the tools you will get for your reincarnation, and lastly, one wish from me. But you cannot wish for something outrageous. Hehehe, how is it? Am I generous?"

Holy fucking shit. Is this old man also insane or what? Who would give such a benefit without paying something? It's suspicious. But why must it be a gacha, why a GACHA? Just why!? Damn it.

"Well, you are indeed generous, but why so many benefits anyway? It's not like I'm complaining, but damn, it is too good of a benefit. I'm gonna accept it anyway, and it's not like I have a choice to stay here," I said.

"You know, gacha is a terrible game, so even if I give you three wishes, you may not get what you want. And the wish is just some sort of compensation if your luck is suck while playing gacha hehehe. So let's start first with the gacha that will choose which world you're gonna reincarnated into," said the old man excitedly. And then the giant roulette appeared between us. It showed a lot of worlds such as DxD, Naruto, Jujutsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer, Evangelion; there's also slice of life like Oregairu, Gotoubun no Hanayome, and even Berserk. But why do worlds such as DC, Marvel, and even Fate have a mark and take up even bigger space?

"Oi, old man, why do Marvel and the like have a mark and take up bigger space than the others?" I ask while feeling anxious.

"Hmm, oh it's because Marvel and the like are considered as a multiverse, that's why it has a mark. And if you get that one, you will get sent to one of their universes or realities randomly," he explained such a dangerous thing calmly. Fuck. I've never been good at playing gacha; I've always been an F2P player, damn it.

"So if I get Marvel and get lucky, maybe I will go to the MCU, and if my roll sucks, I will go to Earth-616 or worse, like the one with only Thanos who is alive as an overlord in the universe?" At this point, I think it's better to stay here, but I can't bargain with him.

"Yes, and please spin if you're ready," he said with a deadpan expression.

"Fine then. Let's burn all my luck for this gacha. Let's fucking GO!!!" And with that, I also spin the damned thing. Oh, I hope to get the mid-level one.

"Hehehe, don't be so nervous, child. It's your second chance to live, and maybe if this gacha is bad, the others will not be that bad." said an old god whose life is not at stake. Shit, and it's not like he's wrong either; maybe the other gacha will help. I just hope it lands on a world such as Danmachi, Demon Slayer, and others that are good for training. Fuck, Solo Leveling is also fine.

The roulette keeps spinning and becomes slower and slower. It passed a Warhammer world, Oregairu, and Code Geass. The old man looks at it excitedly, tsk. I'm just gonna close my eyes and let the old man announce it.

"And it stopped. Hehehe, it's quite good if you ask me. Even though there's still a mystery in that world. You put some of your luck in this, child. And the world you get to reincarnate to is..."

The old man said calmly, while announcing it to me. I also started to open my eyes to look.

"It's One Piece!" he said. Oh, thank goodness. Even though I only read it until the end of the Wano arc, I'm still hearing a bunch of spoilers from the internet. I hope it will help.

"Okay, so what time period am I gonna reincarnated into?" I asked.

"Random," said the old bastard. Now I feel like I want to punch him. Thankfully the silence in this place helps my patience to hold it for now.

"Alright fine... Can I spin the next one? I want to get this over really quick now." The giant roulette comes soon after.

"The next one is for skills. The skill you get is random, but the difference is it's divided into rarity: white, blue, red, purple, gold, and black. The black one is special though because even I don't know what it is. So please spin it," he said. You know what? I'm not gonna ask and complain at this point. I feel numb already as I spin the roulette.

After a while, the roulette finally stops at the red light, and it exploded. Huh, what's happening now? And when I'm just about to ask.

"Relax, it's normal. Look, that's your skill. It is an eye skill and it's called Kamigami no Gigan or All Seeing Eyes of God. Hmm, it's quite a good one; it is almost bordering purple skill. Hehehe, child, I think you burned all your luck for these." Why is he saying it with an excited face? He's really suspicious.

"Well then let's move on to the last one, old man." The skill that I got, I only heard about it from the internet and I never saw the anime. So let's test it later, I'm just gonna keep spinning it now.

"Okay, now it is for the tool roulette. It's the same rule as the last one; you just need to spin it now," as he finished saying that, I spin it pretty hard.

While the roulette is spinning, I'm also thinking about the things that I got. Reincarnated at a random time period in the One Piece world is fine, honestly; I just hope to have time to train before the plot starts. The eye skill I don't know much, but it seems pretty useful from what I've heard. The tools, I don't have much confidence in it, so I'll take whatever it is. And for the wish, I already know what I want to ask, so I can just relax now.

Finally, the roulette stops spinning; it stops at the black light and explodes. Again.

"Hehehe, you got the black one, child. Even I don't know what it is. Oh, it's this tiny rock? Gem? Eh, whatever. I tried to make this thing work back then, but nothing happened. Like I did everything I can, but there's still NOTHING happening to this thing. Damn it, just take it, child; it's a gift from me," he said.

That's why you never play gacha, tsk. And he's even giving me that small rock with a smile on his face. Anyway, I'm still gonna take it; maybe throw it at the enemy for distraction.

"Finally, it's time for the wish. So what is your wish, Child?" The old man asked me. Well, I already have the answer.

"I wish to have adaptability in my new life. Which means I want adaptability integrated into my soul, body, and mind. How about it, old man?" I'm quite nervous when I asked for this wish because of how unreasonable it is, at least in my mind.

"So you want the adaptability skill in your whole being integrated into your core, huh... Well, it's fine, but I need to change your race to high human, at least, if not, it will not succeed. I allow this and a race change as a part of compensation for that black little thing, how?" Wow... He just said that. Either he is serious or a cunning old fox, but I feel he genuinely wants to give it to me this time.

"Thank you, old man, and I know that you are a god, but can I know your name?" I said. Oh, and also, thank you to Blackie, hahaha.

"Just call me Old Xen; I will send you away now, and remember, it will be in a random place and time. The thing you wish for and got from the gacha will be done and integrated into you the moment you arrive. Hehehe, goodbye, Child." He's sending me away while saying that. Damn old man, even though he's a little bit of a prick, and I don't know his intention, he's undoubtedly helping me out of here. It's complicated, and I don't do well with complicated things, so let's forget it for now, hahaha. Now I'm just a little guy trying to live my second life in the new world.

Well, let's fucking go, hahaha!!!


(Note: Hi, It's me the author. I just want to say thank you for all the reader reading this book. I'm still a newbie and english is not my first language either so, I'm sorry if there is a lot of mistake about the grammar in this book. I appreciate the advices you guys suggest and I'll try to be a little bit better in my writing. Thank you.)

(Disclaimer: I don't own any of the material such as anime, manga, and game that used in these book. All of it belongs to the OG author.)