
Multiversal Rider Adventures(Kamen Rider X Multiverse)

"He who wins the DGP-EX will be rewarded 3 of any wish they desire." Said a mysterious voice which sparked the entire universe into entering what was effectively a war that surprisingly lasted only for a few years. And against all odds, Azuma Jin, the son of Azuma Michinaga, a former contestant of the smaller scale "DGP" had won. But alas, it wasn't without price as everyone he held dear was destroyed along with his home planet. But Jin had a secret he had hidden from everyone. It was the fact that he had lived a previous life before, in a normal world without the DGP-EX. There, he had always dreamed of traveling to the myriad world of the Anime,Manga,Tv shows, etc. that he had watched and read. And so, he asked for his wish with a smile of both sadness and happiness. "I wish for.." ___________________________________ World's he visited in: Sololeveling-(Current world) ????? ????? ????? I'll let you vote which worlds he goes at a later date~ ___________________________________

LazyWriterZ · Movies
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7 Chs

Chapter 1:Stuck in a small world

Welcome! To Des-....




Your wish is granted…

"Aaahh!" I gasped as I sat up from my bed, woken up by the same nightmare that has haunted me since I woke up in this strange world.

A world where nobody exists but me…

How do I know? Well, the fact that this "world" is merely the size of a village is proof enough.

Plus, I have never seen a single living being other than plants, trees, and flowers in this small world that I am contained in.

Maybe Imprisoned should be the right word?


The fact is, that I'm stuck alone in this god forsaken who knows where.

It's a wonder how I'm still sane despite living here for 3 years now..

Or am I still sane?

Eh.. Let's push that for later.

Now, some might be wondering how the hell I survived if there are no animals that I can hunt to eat.

Well… an Infinitely refilling fridge and food pantry can explain that..

Honestly, for some this world is paradise, heck it's paradise for me too!

The only problem is that I have no access to the internet!

So, to put things into words…

I'll die of boredom sooner or later.

And I've been doing the one thing that I can only do in this world and that Is carving things…

Thankfully, this miniature world has a humble house where I woke up in, complete with electricity and water..

Just no electronics other than a fridge, coffee machine and a washing machine and some other appliances, except for television and phone…

This world also changes weather! and there's even a tiny lake not far away where I take a swim sometimes.



"What am I doing… Maybe I did become crazy" I muttered, sighing before I got out of bed, to get ready for another boring day in this world.

To start my day, I went to the bathroom and took a shower, brushed my teeth before getting changed into one of the many similar shirts, pants, and underwear in the drawer.

Once done, I went to the kitchen to brew myself a nice cup of coffee before taking out last night's leftovers which I ate in relish.

If there's one thing that I love about this place, it's that my body does not change one bit, despite the things I do..

Does not get fat, damaged, etc…

Believe me… I tried.

After I finished cleaning the dishes, I went to my tiny workshop… Well basement where I do my carving activities!

And as I walked down the stairs, My eyes met the sculptures that I have made those past years, only the smaller ones though, the larger ones are outside.

The sculptures are not that profound, it's mainly just sculptures of fictional characters from anime, games, and manga that I saw from the past.

Mostly my favorite female characters, like rem, kurumi, Marin, tenka, etc..

There's also sculptures of characters like luffy, Jinwoo, Cid, Ainz.. Other badass main characters.

There are also plates that has names of the different novels that I have read along with the main characters name.

Anyhow… Other than those, I have also carved some trinkets… Items that I saw from my dreams, or rather nightmares.

And when I finish them, I always feel like I'm forgetting some things… and these things remind me of them.

These things are mostly belts of some kind, but eh.. I just ignore it and carve them.

Some belts are pretty similar to others while some are distinct.

Some have trinkets which fit the belts, others have none.

Today, I am finishing my final piece!

A very barren and plain looking belt.. And the thing that I just needed to put a finishing touch on, some kind of circular or cylinder thingy which I assume fits on the cylindrical slot on the belt.


"Now! I just need to carve a circle in the middle anndddd… Done!! "

I cheered after I successfully completed the final piece.

I stood up and walked towards the other side of the room to take the belt that this cylinder piece which took longer to complete than expected will fit into.

And as soon as I fit the piece into the belt..

A bright light flashed before my very eyes before I blacked out.

And when I woke up, my workshop had been cleaned…

My figures, Items, all of them.. Wiped out.

My heart throbbed as I shakily Went outside only to see my other works were gone as well.

"Fuck… Why.."I cursed… BeforeBefore tears started to fall from my eyes.. As my years of work disappeared just like that..

So.. I went back inside, distraught and full of emptiness,but suddenly.

My foot tripped on something, sending me tumbling down on the ground.

"Fuck!" I cursed before I looked at the thing that I tripped on and saw a black rectangular box with a red lid.

"what the… I could've sworn there's no box here, and it's most definitely not there before.. "

I picked myself up from the ground before I sat beside the box, which was placed in front of the door and picked the box up.

" D.G.P-X?.. "I muttered the 4 letters written on the lid before opening it.

Inside the box are three things; a letter, a silver coin, and a very familiar thing.

The piece that I had finished before, or rather the thing that the piece is based on.

And for some reason, I have this urge to pick this thing up first and so, I did.

And as soon as my finger touched it, memories flooded inside my head, making me clench my teeth as I endured the pain, and not long after I fell down on my back..

".... What?" I muttered confused as the memories that I received are not as many compared to the pain that I experienced not long ago.

It's basically just the memories of a show which I used to watch, a show named Kamen Rider which contains different series regarding men and women fighting against threats by transforming into armored heroes…

Well.. That's the gist of it…

Anywho… The belts and trinkets that I've been carving are precisely related to those series..

It's their belts or drivers and trinkets that they use to transform.

And the thing that I'm holding on right now, is an ID Core from the series, Kamen Rider geats.

Which is used to enter the Desire Grand Prix where if you win, you become a Desire Deity and have one of your wish come true.

"Haaah…who would have thought…."I unconsciously mumbled before stopping myself..

Wait… Thought what exactly?..

I questioned myself, but didn't find the answer to my question so I turned towards the only thing that might answer it… Which is the box, or more specifically the letter inside it.

So I stood up and reached for it, before taking out the letter and opening it.

[Dear Desire God… Congratulations for winning the Desire Grand Prix-Ex and becoming the Desire God, and having your wish granted.

You might be confused about how, and why you are in this tiny world, but It's one of the rewards for winning the DGP.

Basically, living freely and quietly for a few years to rest your mind and soul from what you have experienced.

And as of now, you are finally ready to get out and realize your wish!

Now, you might be wondering what are the things you wished for.

Your wishes are the following:

1.To be able to travel to worlds you desire, mainly from the fictions that you have watched and read and be able to stay in touch with the people you meet along the way.

2.Have a system that would give you all of the Items that each and every Kamen Rider has, Including-but not limited to the Belts/Riders, trinkets, motorcycle, etc. And make it usable to you regardless of any requirements it may have for one to use it.

And lastly… to restore your previous universe to peace and prosperity as well as for the people to forget that the DGP ever happened except for you.

All of which are approved by the Caretakers of the multiverse and your first two wishes are even improved by the caretakers.

Because of the significant amount of memories that you have, the memories will slowly come back as time goes on so no need to worry!

Your first and second wish will be obtained once you flip the coin in the box.

That is all!

We wish you a happy life from moving onwards, our God of desire Goodbye!]

"... Wow… I can't believe that I was in a DGP, a Universal scale at that, and I won?... Unbelievable.. "I muttered in amazement before I took a look at my ID core once more and gasp, as the ID core is pretty familiar to me.

"Isn't this buffa's? But… A bit different? Since the horns are more curved? Kinda like a Carabao"

I then looked at the silver coin inside the box before carefully taking it out.

"So this is it… "I muttered as I took a deep breath, realizing the significance of this tiny coin.

Suddenly, A teardrop flowed down from my eyes, a tear which has a completely different meaning from my tears before, but I don't realize why so I just wiped it off my face before smiling.

I stayed there for a few minutes, Eyes closed as I thought about the years I spent in this little world before I stood up and walked a bit far from the house, and looked at it the last time with a smile before I tossed the coin, which flipped it over.

And as soon as it flipped over, the time stopped, and the world turned gray.

Suddenly, a blue system window appeared before me.


[[Hello! God of Desire, Your two wishes has been approved by the caretakers and they have bestowed upon you a system, capable of world traveling, Group Chat, Mission system and of course for your personal Kamen Rider system…

Do note that other than you nobody has access to the Kamen Rider system, but with your permission, others would be able to use the Items from the Kamen Rider system!]]

[[Initializing Desire Group Chat System… 1…25…96..100% Complete!]]



[[Initializing Kamen Rider System…5…68...88…99…100% Complete]]

[[That's all! Exciting adventure awaits! May your desires lead the world's to become a better place!]]

I couldn't even utter a single word and before I knew it I'm in an endless dark world, but the darkness did not last long as lots of lights suddenly appeared all around me, dots that twinkle in myriad colors making the scene induce awe to whoever sees it.

[[Due to the host not having a main world, the system will pick a starting world for the host to grow and find one for himself..

Selecting suitable worlds…

Suitable worlds found.

Pick one of the following.

Super Gene.

Sololeveling. (Recommended)


Draconic Deus.




It took me a while to choose from the list, some are pretty interesting, and some are a bit undesirable…

Hell, there's even the world that the doujins Metamorphosis is in that I can choose.. And there are others from doujins as well.

But I decided against them, as I am not horny enough to pick any of the ecchi and hentai worlds and besides… I can take my time to find my waifus… rem and kurumi…

But… I don't have the strength to find and survive in their worlds yet, so for now.. Let's grind!

And there is one world suitable for grinding… And that is none other than!!!

The manhwa tower/gate worlds!! But for now I'll pick solo leveling, as I am pretty familiar with that world, and it's not as dangerous as the other worlds.

Besides, I also kinda wanna see Jin-woo grow, and most importantly! To experience the first gate manhwa that I've read!!

So without further ado! I pressed the solo leveling world.


Picked world:Solo leveling…

Giving the Host relevant language Pack…


Searching for a random Suitable Rider System as a starter gear…

Complete!.. [Ryuki's Advent Deck(Blank) ] will be given to the user once you arrive.

Along with that, the [Class system] has been unlocked by the user


Energy has been detected in the World, therefore the Body of the Host will be given access to the energy…

An ability will also be awakened once the host steps foot in the world.



Finding Suitable candidates for the Desire System members…

Candidates found!

Sung Jin-Woo


Sung Jinah


Cha Hae-In



Lee Johee



Yoo Jinhoo



Akari Shimizu



Kanae Tawata



Current Member slot:2



Confirm Travel?

Yes. No


Once I pressed yes, the twinkling lights all died one by one, until only a single one was left, a world that has a purple aura, which If I'm guessing is connected to the world's chosen or main character of that world.

Not long after, The Dot slowly started getting bigger and bigger until a bright flash forced me to close my eyes.

And as soon as I woke up, What greeted me was a familiar white ceiling typically found in hospitals.

So I looked around and sure enough, I saw a nurse that's cleaning up the room.

I ignored the nurse for now and looked at my body and saw that I'm in a hospital gown, with wires and dextrose attached to my body.

I deeply sighed before I finally called the nurse.


The nurse, upon hearing my voice confusedly looked at the door, but seeing nobody there, her body tensed up before she turned her head towards me, so I waved at her and greeted once again albeit weakly.

"Hi miss…"

The nurse, shocked, dropped down what she's carrying before running towards the phone on top of the table beside my bed and typing in someone..

And frantically told something to whoever she's calling…

So I just laid back down and waited for what's about to happen, and sure enough, not long afterwards a bunch of nurses and two doctors carrying some apparatus came inside the room.

"Hello there young man, I'm sure you're a bit confused about the things happening right now, so me and my colleague here will explain them to you" The old man wearing a doctor's coat said before he took a chair and sat down beside my bed.

The other person, someone younger also followed and sat down on another empty chair, leaving the nurses standing as they looked towards us.

"Okay so while my colleague examines your body, I'll explain things to you" The old doctor then nodded at the younger one, which he reciprocated.

The younger doctor asked if it's fine to feel my pulse and I nodded, before looking back at the doctor who smiled and said.

"First off, it's nice to meet you young man, I'm Dr. Kwang-Sik Lee and my colleague is Dr. Kyung-Tae Park, you're in xxxx hospital..



Nyahallo! It's your lazy writer!

Did My writing improve?

And do you like this one more than the previous version?

I decided to post the first chapter of the re-write today... So I hope you liked the chapter!

I'll post the other Chapters in my Patreon for now.

Once I finished writing 11 chapters for this fic, I'll switch to my pokemon fic!

I'll be updating once or twice a week!

So stay tuned!