
Multiversal Rider Adventures(Kamen Rider X Multiverse)

"He who wins the DGP-EX will be rewarded 3 of any wish they desire." Said a mysterious voice which sparked the entire universe into entering what was effectively a war that surprisingly lasted only for a few years. And against all odds, Azuma Jin, the son of Azuma Michinaga, a former contestant of the smaller scale "DGP" had won. But alas, it wasn't without price as everyone he held dear was destroyed along with his home planet. But Jin had a secret he had hidden from everyone. It was the fact that he had lived a previous life before, in a normal world without the DGP-EX. There, he had always dreamed of traveling to the myriad world of the Anime,Manga,Tv shows, etc. that he had watched and read. And so, he asked for his wish with a smile of both sadness and happiness. "I wish for.." ___________________________________ World's he visited in: Sololeveling-(Current world) ????? ????? ????? I'll let you vote which worlds he goes at a later date~ ___________________________________

LazyWriterZ · Filme
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7 Chs

Chapter 3:Metting the Edge-Lord

-Traveler: Aha.. About that.. You can choose the place… I actually have no knowledge about South Korea at all.

I'm actually a reincarnated person like Rimuru, and I only awakened the memories of my past life today, but it seems that I forgot the memories that I have while living here…

-Jin-Woo: I see… How about I fetch you up from where you are right now?

-Traveler:That would be ideal, thanks man!

-Traveler:I'm actually in xxxx hospital, I just fully recovered from a coma, and am now getting discharged, and it seems that I have awakened as well, so I need to go to the hunters association to register and get evaluated.

-Jin-Woo: Congratulations man, I'll go pick you up, and we'll go to the hunters association afterwards, and then we'll go eat to celebrate your awakening and the two of us meeting with each other.

-Traveler: Thank you! Now I really hope we are in the same world… (qwq

-Jin-Woo: Haha, wait for me then.

-Traveler: Alright! See ya!

-Jin-Woo: See ya!


I sighed in relief as I closed the group chat,

Thankfully Jin-Woo could help and guide me.

And as for me and Jin-Woo not being in the same world? That's a hundred percent not possible as I personally invited the Jin-Woo in this world, so I have no worries that I invited a Jin-Woo from a parallel world.

And as I was about to stand up from the bed, I noticed what I am currently wearing.

"Oh right… I Was a patient… wait, what should I wear then?!" Exclaiming upon this realization, I hurriedly picked up the telephone beside me and called for someone, which was not that hard because I only needed to press a button.

-"Hello, how may I help you?"

"Yes, I'm Seung Woo-Jin, a patient that's about to get discharged. I'm calling in to ask if there's any clothes that I could change into?"

-"I see, let me see what I can do for you here, please hold the line for a sec"

It took a minute for the same voice to be heard again, with me just sitting as I waited.

-"Alright sir, the hospital will provide clothes and underwear for you to wear, since the clothes you wore before have been discarded as they were damaged.."

-"A nurse will be bringing your change of clothes and the discharge paper soon… is there anything I can help you other than that?"

Hearing this, I once again sighed in relief.

"That's all miss, thank you for your hard work"

-"No problem sir, then please excuse me"

After the call ended, I stood up from the bed before I walked towards the window, intending to check the environment outside.

My eyes met with a very serene garden, a few trees here and there, then some gazebos as well as benches placed in some places.

A cement path that most likely circles around the entire hospital and some patients and nurses walking here and there.

overall, It's what you'd expect to see in a hospital.

I stayed there, standing upon the window and thought about the things I should do to grow quickly so I can protect myself from all the disasters that would hit this world sooner or later.

I stayed there for a few minutes before someone knocked on the door, before the same nurse as before entered, carrying what seems to be my change of clothes and my discharge papers.

"Excuse me sir, here's your change of clothes and your discharged papers, I just need you to sign them and present it to the counter near the hospital's door and you're good to go" The nurse, with the same professional smile said before excusing herself from the room after I thanked her.

Once she got out of the room, I changed Into the clothes they provided,which are jeans and a white t-shirt.

Afterwards I worked on the discharge papers which did not take that long.

And once I finished I got out of my room and walked towards the counter and passed on the paper as well as my gratitude for taking care of me.


It didn't take long before Jin-Woo to arrive, so as he entered the hospital which gained a lot of attention, I waved and called him out.

"Jin-Woo! I'm here man!" My voice seemed to get Jin-Woo's attention and so he turned his head towards me and waved back once he saw me.

I walked past the other people and walked towards him, not minding the attention that I seem to have gotten.

"Yo! Thanks for picking me up!" I bowed as I expressed my gratitude to Jin-Woo once again.

"It's nothing, I'm glad I could help. Anyhow, let's go to the hunter's association for your assessment and then afterwards if you're up for it, I took this job for a gate dive for the two of us to gain experience" Jin-Woo hurriedly waved his arm around, showing that picking me up is not a problem.

Hearing his words, I pondered for a few minutes, since I already have a dungeon key so it doesn't matter if I miss this dive, but when I thought of it a second time, I agreed and decided to see just how hunters dive into the gates.

"Alright, an opportunity to observe what veteran hunters like you do inside the gate is a huge help to me in itself, much less the money that I'll get from it" I nodded at his suggestion, expressing my approval and thanks.

And so, the two of us went out of the hospital with no problem occurring, and rode a taxi towards the hunters association.

Once the two of us arrived there, Jin woo led me to the receptionist where I registered for my hunter's license and Assessment, I also tested my mana which was average at best, but I did not mind as I know that I will improve.

Jin-Woo had no negative reaction as well, as he had the same thoughts at me.. Probably

I waited in line for my turn in the assessment, while Jin-Woo waited in the association's lobby.

Although, we– or rather Jin-Woo got some attention from some hunters, who murmured about something, as we walked towards the assessment area.

It did not take long for it to be my turn as I was called inside the room.

"Name?" The assessor asked, and I Introduced myself. The assessor then wrote it on the piece of paper he's carrying.

"Okay, Mr. Seung, the assessment will begin now, you may choose a weapon in the weapon rack there, or if your ability is magic related, you can also choose not to get anything, so what will it be?"he asked, putting down the paper on his side while pointing to the side of the room where a rack full of different weapons is placed.

"I'll use a weapon" I walked towards the rack, before pondering for a while and ultimately decided to pick a longsword.

And when I walked back in the middle of the room, the assessor nodded before voicing. "Alright, let the assessment begin!"

Right as he finished his words a goblin appeared near me, and when it saw me, it screeched before it charged towards me, carrying a rusty axe.

Its movement, is amateurish in my view for some reason, so I easily dodged it before slashing, separating it's head from its body.

I looked back at the assessor who was back to writing in the paper.

"continue" he voiced and 3 goblins appeared in the room, who simultaneously attacked me not long afterwards.

But once again, their moves very much belonged to an amateur so I still easily dispatched the three of them.

But I didn't even get to look at the assessor before 10 goblins spawned near me.

This time, it became difficult for me to finish them all, as aside from having many more foes, the goblins' actions are greatly organized.

So I had wanted to use my skill [Enchant:Grow] but then I remembered that these goblins were fake, so the enchant would be useless.

So I did it the hard way. If the goblins attacked, I dodged before slashing, which made a goblin head fly in the air.

I repeated that with the difficulty getting lower as I killed the goblins one after another, and in the end the only goblin left is the commander, which is a little bit bigger than the rest.

It charged at me, a sword in his hand, and this time, its actions– unlike the previous goblin's were more refined.

I dodged its first attack before slashing, Intending to do what I did to the previous goblins but it parried my attack before counter attacking, so I had to jump away.

The goblin followed after me, and so the two of us clashed our swords one after another, unfortunately for the goblin, it fell for my feint slash, which left him open for me to side sweep it's foot, making it fall down, which I followed up by stabbing it's head.

I panted, as my stamina could not keep up with my actions, I looked at the assessor who looked at me while pondering something, before asking.

"Can you go on? Why did you not use your ability?"

"I… Haah…haah…my ability.. It's to let me see things in slow motion, making me able to respond in any attack from anyone on the same strength as me"I voiced, while panting, and when I looked at the assessor, his face looked like that of disappointment and pity as he wrote on the paper.

"Unfortunately, your ability and especially your mana capacity can only take you so far, so I'm afraid I would need to rank you as an E class hunter.. Do you have any complaints?" The instructor voiced after sighing, his head shook with disappointment.

"Oh… Well it is what it is, I guess.. "I pretended to be disappointed and sad as it would be quite suspicious if I didn't act like it, considering that the assessor's verdict ultimately decides how successful a person can be in this world.

The assessor, seeing my reaction sighed even more before voicing "Your ability is actually quite decent and would make your survivability and fighting skill be higher. Unfortunately you have a rather average amount of mana, which stopped you from reaching your true potential.

Hopefully this does not stop you from working hard from clearing the gates."

Hearing his comforting words I sighed before voicing "Not at all! I would work very hard to clear the gates, after all the civilians safety is the number one responsibility that a hunter has!

Besides, I won't lose hope! You never know I can get the jackpot and be re-awakened!"

"Good! It's good that you are still optimistic, and full of hope, keep it that way and I'm sure you will be one of the best E rank hunters there is"the assessor nodded in approval, complimenting me with my optimistic words.

He and the people that I know are watching right now don't know that It's certain that I will become stronger and become one of the strongest on this planet, along with Jin-Woo.

"I'll do my best! Thank you for assessing me Mr!" I voiced which the assessor nodded as he replied. "go along! I wish you a very happy hunt from today onwards, Hunter Seung!"

After thanking the assessor again, I excused myself out of the room, and as I got out the eyes of the other awaiting hunters bore down on me, but that did not bother me as I walked out smiling.

"Oi… You think he got a higher rank or something?"a man asked the guy besides him.

"Most likely."

"Nah.he must be pretending, he must have gotten an E rating"Another man voiced quietly.

"I'm done Jin-Woo" I called out Jin-Woo who's looking at the air, most likely looking at his system or the group chat.

My voice seemed to get his attention, as he turned his head towards me and asked.

"How did you do?"

I sat down on the sofa in front of him and replied. "as expected, I got E"

"I see… Well congratulations man, should we go to the gate now? The appointed time is quite near" He asked, before sipping the mug which I assume is full of coffee.

"Thank you, and let's go! The money awaits!" I voiced, while pointing my hand in the air, doing a pose because I felt silly.

".. Right, although before that, you should go to the reception table to get your hunter's ID and the money hunters get for registering " Jin-woo voiced, while looking at me blankly.

"Oh yeah!.. Wait for me here!"I voiced with enthusiasm as I would receive my very first money from this world.

It didn't take long before I came back towards Jin-Woo carrying my new ID and an envelope full of cash.

"Got me my 1.5 million won! Let's go to work, Jin-Woo!" I voiced happily, calling out Jin-Woo who sighed before standing up.

"Alright-alright.. Let's go"


-Sung Jin-Woo P.O.V-(third person)

Sung Jin-Woo felt a mixture of emotions from this new friend that he made, a few hours ago, he had been mulling if he wanted to retake the hunters exam and assessment, when his system started acting strange but before he could do anything it went back to normal.

But then a new window opened up suddenly.


You have been invited to a group chat by ???? Do you want to accept?

[Yes] [No]

Note:This is an opportunity to realize whatever you desire the most.


He was confused and uncertain at first, but then the memories of the double dungeon incident got into his head, the helplessness he experienced.

As well as his near death experience in the E class instance dungeon a few days ago made him clench his fist before he ultimately decided to accept.


-member:Edge-Lord Hunter has joined.

-member:Slime Trap has joined

-Traveler(Admin):Hello! And welcome to the Desire Group Chat!

-Slime Trap:Eh!?


When he first saw the message, it felt surreal so he asked to clarify their identity and when the supposed Admin explained what this group chat is about, he felt his entire world view was overturned.

So when the Admin told him that they might be in the same world, he was a bit excited to meet him.

His image of the Admin is that of a tall and reliable guy.

But that image is now beyond shattered, seeing how the supposed Admin turned out to be a 19 year old kid who is pretty nonchalant and flowery.

Nevertheless, He has learned to not judge a book by its cover, it's precisely the reason why he registered the two of them in this Gate Diving job that he has stumbled upon not long after he met the two, Rimuru the supposedly slime and this Admin.

-POV end-