
Multiversal Escapism System: (MHA, Real World, and More soon)

Current world:MHA First series, writing gets better, heavily experimental and not serious Chase has endured a lifetime of hardships--abuse, bullying, and racism, even spending time in jail. Chase has been through a lot and has had some rough times, he has had to learn a spectrum of coping mechanisms. One of those being escapism through culture such as anime, music, and video games. Chase often daydreams about having overpowered abilities or even some mediocre abilities to fulfill his actual goals in reality both large and small. Fate takes an unexpected turn when Chase gains the power to bring items and abilities from his beloved anime and video game worlds into reality. Now, he can turn dreams into reality, from owning a dream car to becoming a billionaire and even forging "deep" connections with his favorite celebrities. (Author's Note: First time writing, it gets better. Will have lemons and sexual content, will contain abuse and some dark topics in the beginning, and I haven't decided on Harem. Absolutely No NTR or Mc r*ping. Might have some netori which is the MC taking other people's girls.) (Additional Author's Note: The MC is not super smart, MC will make mistakes, he is short sighted, he is trying to be smarter than he really is which will lead to some problems, you can insult the MC because he is not perfect.) Will Update least once a week but more like 3 or 4 chapters a week. Probably will upload a good amount fast at least until 25 chapters Disclaimer:The story is fictional and doesn't represent any persons, opinions, things, or perspectives of anybody particular. P.S: This is wish fulfillment if it wasn't obvious/Will eventually be Multiversal This is my first novel please be patient with me and know that I am constantly making edits to make the story easier to read and fix grammatical issues. Just get rid of the dashes Support me on Pa-t-reon pa-t-reon.com/webnovel394

Lee_Bo · Anime und Comics
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Doubts, Compromises, and Discovery

Despite the reconciliation between Chase and Dua Lipa, doubt lingered in the back of her mind like a persistent shadow. She wanted to trust him completely, but the sight of him with Alma, his lifelong friend, had planted a seed of unease.

One evening, as they lay in each other's arms, Dua Lipa couldn't contain her concerns any longer. She looked into Chase's eyes, her voice soft but troubled. "Chase, I know Alma is your best friend, but it's hard for me to ignore how close you two are. It makes me feel like she's a threat to our relationship."

Chase sighed, understanding the source of her worry. "Dua, I promise you, there's nothing between Alma and me beyond friendship. She's been with me for a long time, and we share a unique bond, but it's purely platonic. You're the one I love."

Dua Lipa nodded, trying to ease her doubts. "I want to believe you, Chase, and I love you too. I'm willing to compromise on this as long as you're not hiding anything from me."

Chase kissed her gently, grateful for her understanding. "Thank you, Dua. I'll do my best to make you feel secure."

Their relationship, though still fragile, managed to find some stability. They held onto their love, even as they navigated the complexities of fame and secrecy.


Chase's POV Start


A quick update,

My system has made no major changes. It has continued to reward me for achieving various goals both big and small, but at this point it is not like I really need them.

Multiversal travel would be cool, but it seems to be locked until a system upgrade. Which, if the system help chatbot can be trusted will be "unlocked after specific conditions are met".

In other supernatural news, there seems to be a mysterious force like fate that makes events follow the same timeline as my previous universe.

After all, my actions both small and large that should of produced a butterfly effect that changed events in this universe.

I even tested betting on sports events to mess with the odds to see if I could at least change the outcomes, but it seems even those were the same.

The chatbot on the system said that only "direct interventions would be able to overpower fate".


Looking to the future I think I will be ending my DJing career soon. I still like the music, but I feel like the excitement is not there as much, maybe this will change when I go on tour.

I know the music industry is toxic, which I was lucky to avoid by being an independent artist. Dua Lipa and entertainment has told me plenty about the toxicity that I will inevitable go through.

I mean the purpose was originally to meet my favorite artists and for some of them too also sleep with them.

After dating Dua Lipa and realizing that my artist are not at the form I know them in yet I think I will most likely put my music on a hiatus until some of them start joining the music industry.

This will allow me to do something else I had always daydreamed about. Content Creation, Youtube and Twitch. With my Powers and Alma's we could easily become huge, but the goal who rather to make high quality content and also collab with my favorite creators. A lot of them are already around on the internet right now.

Having Alma to bounce off of will provide some great chemistry for our content as well, maybe I should make Alma a sister.

With a lot of plans subject to change and an unknown future with the common goal of having fun, I smiled.

'It will be great' I thought.


Chase's POV End


As the music industry buzzed with anticipation, Chase, under his persona "The Chase," made a groundbreaking announcement on social media. He revealed that he would be unveiling his face and showcasing his singing talent during his upcoming tour. It was a momentous decision that sent shockwaves through the industry, as he was one of the top artists, and his true identity had remained a tantalizing mystery.

Chase's independence and rejection of appearances had only heightened the intrigue surrounding him. To tease and market his face reveal, he decided to break away from his signature anime music videos and create his first live-action music video for the song "Lose Control," featuring Becky Hill. It was a track that had fans buzzing with excitement.

The process of making the music video was a complex and challenging endeavor. Chase, although committed to the project, showed discomfort throughout the filming. The video was filled with suggestive scenes, and the intensity of the shoot left him feeling vulnerable and exposed.

Becky Hill, the talented singer collaborating with Chase on the song, was a professional through and through. However, she couldn't help but sense Chase's unease. Her own flirtatious energy on set was part of the artistic expression, but she kept it professional.

Off-camera, during breaks, Becky couldn't resist turning up the flirtatious charm with Chase. She complimented his voice, his talent, and his captivating presence. While the intentions were playful, Chase felt increasingly uncomfortable as he remained committed to Dua Lipa.

As the cameras rolled, Chase and Becky moved through the scenes with an undeniable chemistry. Chase's mask, designed to reveal only his mouth while singing, added to the mystique of the video. Becky's sultry performance and flirtatious gestures created an atmosphere that was undeniably sensual.

The day of filming stretched on, and as Chase tried to push through his discomfort, he couldn't help but feel the weight of Dua Lipa's emotions in the back of his mind. He knew that his decision to star in such an intimate music video would be hard for her to accept.

Unbeknownst to Chase, Dua Lipa had discovered the music video before it was released to the public. Her connections in the music industry had given her access to a preview. It was a stroke of luck combined with her deep ties in the industry.

She watched the video, her heart sinking as doubt resurfaced with an intensity she couldn't ignore. The imagery was too provocative, and the chemistry between Chase and Becky seemed palpable. Her world crumbled as she realized the depth of the intimacy they had shared on set.

She turned to him, tears in her eyes, and said, "Chase, I can't do this anymore. I can't handle the constant uncertainty and the intimacy you're sharing with others, even if it's just in your music videos."

Chase was confused, thinking she was overreacting. He reached out to her, trying to explain, but before he could say anything, she rose from the bed and walked away, leaving him stunned and speechless.

Dua Lipa left without looking back, her heart heavy with the weight of her discovery. It was a heartbreaking moment for both of them, as they stood on opposite sides of a chasm that seemed impossible to bridge.

If you have noticed I switched to third person more often. I did this because Chase's train of thought is too analytical at times and can become verbose. I thought this will help me better control the pacing of the story. Music Arc will return after going a little bit into Content Creation and Public Appearence Arc. Possible innovator arc as well but not sure.

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