
Multiracial Chat Group

Post-breakup, life takes an unexpected turn for our protagonist. He ends up in this quirky 'Multiracial Chat Group,' where folks from distant planets hang out. Amidst banter, muted talks, and some cosmic missions, the journey becomes this mix of figuring himself out and dealing with the unexpected. Picture reality getting a bit blurry, things getting whimsically absurd, and the story unfolding with a good dose of humour, cosmic mysteries, and the kind of camaraderie that turns ordinary days into something quite extraordinary.

Im_jealous · Urban
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25 Chs

Strongest man alive?

Eight days had passed since Li Xian arrived in Auckland. Today was likely to be his last day there, as James had called the day before, informing him of an abundance of Lilies available for sale.

Li Xian had been guiding David over the past few days, and he was pleasantly surprised by David's progress in the practice.

'If he continues like this, he'll likely reach the beginner initiate level in three or four months at best. Then he'll have the strength of a ton... Am I creating a superhero here? Hopefully, it won't cause me big trouble.'

'No! I need to warn David properly.'

Li Xian decided, realising the potential consequences. If news of David's abilities spread, not only would David be in trouble, but the authorities could trace it back to Li Xian. Both of them could end up in a precarious situation.

Just the thought of being confined in a laboratory sent shivers down Li Xian's spine. He knew that even if his strength reached an advanced initiate level, he couldn't openly confront the authorities.

It would take reaching the Warrior level or beyond before considering any actions that might attract attention from those in power.

Li Xian then checked his progress on all the missions with satisfaction. He had collected a total of 130 Lilies so far since the day he arrived, including the ones he bought. Now, he just needed to purchase the remaining Lilies.

Seventy Lilies would cost him around 2500 yuan, but he was ready to pay. His practice had stagnated due to this mission, and he was eager to move forward.

Li Xian then looked at the staggering 60 points that accumulated in the past eight days with burning desire.

'If I add all these points, my strength would probably raise to a point that I become the strongest man in the world, right?'

Li Xian wondered before decisively transferring the accumulated points to stats and then to his exp.


Name: Li Xian

Race: Human

Lifespan: 122 years

Stat Points: 0

Cultivation: None (82/100) (+) [Exp required for the next level]

Martial Skills: None

Items: Orion martial techniques [Currently at entry stances]


Mission 1: Affiliate Program

Type: Permanent

Description: Whenever a member of the group spends a point in the Buy section of the group, 10% of the spent points will be rewarded to the host.

Current accumulation: 0 [Transfer] - Clicking on Transfer will instantly transfer points to Stat points.

Upgrade requirements:

 1. Group members should reach 10.

 2. All the founding members except for the admin should reach Warrior level martial artist.

Mission 2: Take a walk since you are weak for better metabolism

Type: Daily [Ends once the host reaches Warrior level]

Description: Take a good walk and get stat points as rewards for reaching milestones.

Milestones: Every five kilometers one stat point.

Current accumulation:0 [Transfer] - Clicking on Transfer will instantly transfer points to Stat points.

Mission 3: Collect Lillies and earn rewards.

Type: Multi Stage.

Description: This mission is a four stage mission. Collect Lillies and earn rewards accordingly at each stage.

Stage 3: Collect a total of 200 Lillies to earn 10 exp (130/200).

Stage 4: Complete first three stages to earn Spectral Scan ability (2/3).

Strength Rating: Can lift a chicken (470 kg) [OverHead] and Can move like a Snail (3 sec/100 meters). 

The moment he added those points, an enormous amount of energy washed through his body, making Li Xian groan with an unknown satisfaction. This time it went on for a staggering two minutes straight.

"I shouldn't add this many points when I am outside with someone or somewhere in public, or else people will beat the heck out of me."

Li Xian murmured right after the process ended. People might think that he is a pervert, and that could lead to trouble if he can't control it, just like the incident with the taxi uncle.

"Hm! I feel like I can definitely punch a hole in the wall now, and most importantly... Damn! 3 secs?"

Li Xian quickly calculated that speed into kilometers per hour, a staggering 120 km/hr. He knew that cheetahs, the fastest animals on land, reached about that speed too.

'But they can only maintain that speed for around half a minute to 40 seconds. However, with my increased endurance and stamina, I can probably keep it up for around three minutes easily.'

'That means, even if a cheetah were to hunt me, I could outrun them... What am I even thinking? I just need to give it a punch, and it will either be seriously injured or die there itself. Sigh!'

Li Xian felt an unknown excitement washing through him, just imagining such a wild thought he would have never ever considered before.

But it was truly possible now, which made him clench his hands with an expectant look on his face, as though he was looking forward to it.

With a smile on his face, Li Xian went downstairs. Soon, they visited James, who was sitting lazily in his shop, a bunch of Lilies arranged beside him in an orderly manner.

"Hello, Mr. Li! Welcome back to my humble shop."

Seeing David and Li Xian coming in, he quickly stood up to welcome them with a professional smile on his face.

Li Xian and David's faces twitched with irritation as they looked at his smiling face. They felt like lambs walking into the tiger's den, with the tiger welcoming them with a smile on its face.

"Hello, James! Can you please change the way you welcome your customers? You say it's a humble one, but your prices are nowhere humble at all."

Li Xian retorted a bit more properly this time. In the past 8 days, he had been talking with David and Olivia a lot, improving his English significantly. Of course, he was not professional yet, but he could carry on a conversation properly now.

James smiled wryly but didn't respond to that. Otherwise, he would have to accommodate Li Xian with a lower price, which he wasn't willing to do.

"Alright! I know that you won't reduce the price. This time I want exactly double the amount as last time, that is 70 Lilies. I hope you have enough of them."

Li Xian also didn't want to entertain James much, so he placed 570 NZD on the counter, which is around 2500 yuan, directly addressing the business.

Seeing that Li Xian wasn't trying to negotiate the price, James smiled happily, taking out some more Lilies from the back counter and adding them to the existing ones.

"Mr. Li! That is a total of 70 Lilies, and all of them are very fresh. You can count them, then we can close the deal."

Soon, David counted all the Lilies, nodding to Li Xian. Seeing this, James finally took the money with a happy smile on his face.

As soon as James took the money, Li Xian's phone rang with a notification sound twice, making Li Xian's face also light up with a smile, as he already knew what the notifications were.

"Thanks for the help, David! Place the flowers on my bed. Also, don't go anywhere in the evening; I need to talk to you about something regarding the practice."

Li Xian said as he sat on the chair in his room.

"Oh sure! I don't think I have anything else to do anyhow. I will be going up to the roof now; I haven't practiced today."

David got a bit surprised, as Li Xian had already taught him all six stances in the entry stances of Orion martial techniques. He didn't know what else he was going to teach him, but he already understood that Li Xian was not a normal person after practicing the techniques for the past few days.

This technique is not something available to normal people. He understood that he stumbled upon a very rare instance or lucky chance. He was secretly excited about his growing strength, as according to Li Xian, his strength could reach a ton.

"Miss Olivia! I will be leaving tomorrow early in the morning. Thanks for your hospitality so far."

Li Xian said as he already booked return flight, looking at the innocent but hardworking beauty in front of him. She was one of the few rare beauties he had seen. Ji Yan was indeed as beautiful as Olivia, but their charm was entirely different.

He even used to wonder how he got such a beauty as his girlfriend.

'Sigh! She would have been here with me if we were still together...'

Just thinking about her made Li Xian a bit sad unknowingly. But he soon collected his thoughts, as he couldn't keep dwelling on things that were already in the past.

Both Olivia and David were startled by the sudden news. David, a bit better, as he already knew the purpose of Li Xian, which was finished this morning.

Olivia, on the other hand, felt a bit of loss unknowingly. Li Xian had never behaved like other residents who came to their hotel; instead, he treated both siblings pretty friendly, which was a rare occurrence in this busy world.

She wasn't exactly romantically interested in Li Xian. But she couldn't pinpoint exactly what made him a bit special. Soon, she shook all those thoughts away, and a smile rose on her face.

"Oh! I hope that you enjoyed your stay here, Mr. Li! We will miss you a bit, especially David. But if you come here in the future, please make sure to come to our hotel or at least visit us."

Olivia said earnestly, while David also nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice.

"Haha! That is for sure. You both were pretty helpful to me. Do keep in contact with me. Thanks for your hospitality."

Li Xian said as he stood up and thanked them with a slight bow.

"Ha! Stop being so formal, Mr. Li! Let's eat; the food is going to be cold."

Seeing Li Xian like that, David hurriedly shook Li Xian's hand to make him sit back, while Olivia said in a flustered manner as she served food to them.

After enjoying the delicious food, Li Xian finally went out to see the city of Auckland as a tourist for the first time.

Of course, he would be walking to get some points from the daily mission.

The third stage mission already gave him 10 exp, which raised his exp level to 92. If he could get eight more points, it would raise his strength to 100.

He wanted to reach it by today itself and check if he would reach the initiate beginner level, as he reached 100 exp or not.

His Orion martial technique was still stuck at initiate first level. According to the technique, he needed to finish all six stances at least once, or else there would be a bottleneck, and practitioners wouldn't be able to break through until they finished all six stances.