
Chapter Twenty Two; They meet again


"Shit," she muttered as her steps froze.

'Who was it?' she wondered.

The masculine voice sounded familiar, so he turned to know who it was.

'Charles, shit!' 

"Hey," she said with a fake smile.

"Hey," Charles called out as his curiosity enveloped his face.

"What are you doing here today?" He asked.

At this point, Joleen was struggling to have enough air to live on, because it seemed like the air around her was suddenly not enough.

She was grateful she had changed into a usual outfit because being seen here in that dress was going to be impossible to defend.

"I uh...." She started to say something though she didn't know what to say.

"I was looking for the...

 the storeroom," she said with her voice almost visibly trembling.

She noticed Charles's face now very confused and even doubting.

"I heard it was moved here," 

"Uhh, I never thought anyone would decide to move a store room upstairs in their very large mansion. Actually I never even thought anyone would think that anyone would move their store room upstairs in their very large mansion.

"I know right," she said with fake laughter, bulging her eyes to perfect the act.

"I didn't believe it either, but I overheard them saying it," she added.

"Mmm, who?" Charles asked.

"Who...?" She repeated innocently before realizing that she needed to come up with something.

At this point, Joleen was now on the edge. The hardest part about lying was backing up the previous lie.

"Uhh, I think uhh...

One of the porters," she said.

"Mmm, that's odds, maybe you didn't hear them correctly," 

"Yeah, maybe," she added.

"Anyway you are only able to walk around here today because Mr. Dennis Wayne was not present or might have gotten unlucky and if he sees you roving around here, you might get in trouble."

'wait, hold on, pause! He is not home?' suddenly she had questions that she needed Charles to clarify her on.

"He not around?" She asked.

"No, I heard he went for  two days trip today." 

Joleen felt a quick relief and at the same time a sudden disappointment.

'but, why was she disappointed?' 

Probably because she now still has to hold her breath, waiting to repay him for what he had given her.

"Oh, okay,"

"Yea," Charles let out as the just awkwardly stood there.

"I guess I should be heading down since you said the store isn't up here."

"I guess," Charles said as they both now went downstairs.

It's been two days now since she heard of Mr. Wayne's journey. She was grateful she had some time before she would face him, but she felt like a heavy burden was on her shoulders and she needed to free herself.

It was a Sunday, her day of work and since their boss was not yet in town, they were a little relieved.

She was in her room when someone knocked on her door. A very loud and unusual knock that put her a little off.