
They meet again II

She reached for the door and found a familiar face, though she only see her around.  

Her name is Sara, she was one of  Mr. Wayne's assistants, but she wasn't sure since she barely spoke to the man.

Sara was white, always wore fringe kind of hair with red shouty lipstick and today was no different.

"I believe you have an overdue appointment with Mr. Wayne?" He asked.

'Okay, chill, wait a minute,' she thought.

Did Dennis Wayne go around announcing to everyone about their deal? 

Was Mr. Wayne moving around tarnishing her almost non-existing image? A little rage built within her, but she took a few seconds of silence to calm herself.

She knew what her temper could do, she hoped everything would go fine, it was just a one-time thing, and after that, he better not try her temper.

She swallowed before finally managing to come up with a response.

"I am not quite sure what you are talking about, but I was supposed to meet him...." She was cut off by the edgy Sara.

"There is an SUV here to pick you up." She said.

"Huh?" Joleen let out surprisingly.

"Car leaves in five minutes."

First of all, this girl exudes all shades of rudeness and arrogance. What was it with her? 

"I'm sure you know that Wayne doesn't like to wait," Sara said with a smile that sure didn't form out of good intentions.

"Now get to it," She added making a hand gesture that meant she should get inside and get herself ready.

Joleen was really caught up in so many things. 

Was this how this woman acted to everyone? Would she be out of place if she reacted or gave her the same energy back?

Because she was an inch away from acting just like her.

Her heart began to flutter, not just because Dennis Wayne had sent his little dog to come get her, but because she would be taken by the Devil tonight. 

But, did this woman know this? Was that why she was acting the way she did?

Did she think her a whore?

She got inside, washed up, and changed into underwear she was lucky enough to buy the day before. She wore a short jean skirt, a crop top, and a pair of Sneakers. It was a little too hugging and revealed too much.

'Maybe she should change..'


She heard on her door before the mean Sara's voice followed.

"I DON'T LIKE TO WAIT EITHER," she yelled.

Joleen immediately forgot about changing, She freed her hair, letting its fullness bounce on her face. She applied her lip gloss, then managed to lightly touch her eyelashes with her mascara. 

She sprayed her perfume and appeared outside where the mean Sara still stood.

'tough job,' she thought.

She wondered how many women she goes around picking up and waiting outside for.

They were now inside the SUV and they immediately drove off.