

"We should bath together," Brandon says for the third time. I can tell his temper is hanging by a thread with the way his jaw clenches but it doesn’t stop me from shaking my head in the negative. I feel shy.

I am standing in nothing but a yellow lace bra with matching panties. Ma gifted it to me for my honeymoon night. She claims the colour brings out my beautiful melanin skin in a way no other colour can and I need to look my best for my husband. I cringe. I hope I can get used to saying that word.

My breasts threaten to spill over in this—this barely-there lingerie and I cover my chest with my arms. Brandon is standing naked by the bathroom door, unashamed as he strokes his dick lazily and I avert my eyes.

"I will say this one more time, as long as we are a couple, we will bath together." There is an edge to his voice that I do not dare disobey and my head bobs up and down of its own accord. This man scares me.

His lips twitch like he is fighting a smile and he leads the way for me to follow behind.

The interior of the bathroom leaves me gaping in awe. It is bigger than my living room, tastefully furnished than his master’s bedroom that looks like a bachelor’s crib. When Brandon settles into the bathtub, I tell myself that the floor to ceiling windows are made with one-way glasses or he simply doesn’t care. I hope it is the former.


I quickly dispose of my underwear, joining him in the large tub. My teeth chatter at the contact of cold water against my skin and he pulls me closer to himself, letting me go when the water becomes warm.

Taking a look at the window that shows our reflection, I catch him staring at me. I turn to face him and my breasts rise above the water. My nipples harden under his gaze and without a thought, I push myself up till we are locked in a passionate kiss.

He breaks away from the kiss first, mutters inaudible words under his breath and reaches for the body wash. I bite my lips to stifle a moan when he runs the loofah over my nipples and sticks a finger into my vagina but it edges him on to add one more finger and another till I’m crying out.

When my eyes finally open, he is staring at me with an arrogant smirk and his hands are no longer inside me. I feel empty and angry at his withdrawal, the need to pay him back pushing me to roughly caress his balls. He doesn’t flinch or act like anyone is touching him and I retract my hand.

We finish bathing without any more drama, both of us keep to ourselves. As soon as we step into the room, I hurry to change into a new set of lingerie which is also all thanks to Ma. She filled my bag with them.

"No. Don’t do that."

Brandon attempts to grab the lingerie from my hunched frame; when I don’t give it immediately, he sends me a glare which earns him an eye roll from me.

"Stay here," he commands, leading me by the hand to the foot of the king-size bed.

"You have a beautiful body, you should flaunt it," he adds when he sees me trying to cover my breast and feminine area.

I’m not one to take orders from people but hearing them from Brandon makes me excited, wet even. When he asks me to lay on the bed with my legs spread open, hands above my head, I willingly oblige him.

He lowers himself to the floor until his face is directly in front of my vagina, blowing air into it. His fingers lightly graze my clit, making me shiver in anticipation of what is to come. He inserts two tiny balls into my wetness, motions for me to stop squirming when the thing begins to vibrate. But I cannot stay still. How can I?

The sensation that courses through me has my legs vibrating and tingles running up to my erect nipples. Goosebumps, the good kind, crawls up my skin and I forget everything for a moment except the feel of his expert fingers running in circles around the entrance of my core, doing me justice.

"You can’t come until I say so," he mutters and I nod, unable to form any words.

Brandon leaves but the tiny balls continue their work. Without looking, I know that I have thoroughly soaked the sheet with the liquid I can feel running down my thighs. He returns later with a bowl and retrieves a strawberry from it, his tongue swirls over it as he watches me. He bites into it, coming to kiss me as he inserts that bit into my mouth. I chew it and transfer it back to him, my gaze set on his lips as he does the same.

We go at it for a few more times till he decides it’s enough and I close my eyes in heavenly bliss at the contact of something cold on my nipples, navel and the line down my stomach. My vision returns when he removes the balls without notice, clamping my legs shut to place ice cubes on my clit.

I buck from under him, the pleasures too much for me to bear. My legs tremble and my nails dig into the sheets, there is a tightening in my stomach, the urge to let go.

"Stop moving."

His voice is hoarse as he pushes my legs apart and the ice cube slides into my vagina. I nearly jump out of the bed in surprise and shock at the desire that floods my body when that happens but his hands keep—or try to keep me in place.

When I don’t stop moving, he bites down on my nipple, making me groan in sweet pain. His tongue comes to stay between my breasts, licking their way down to my navel while eating up the sliced bits of strawberry he had put there. I shudder, his touch is fire.

"If you move, I’ll stop," he murmurs and pushes my hand that has come to rest on his back away as I struggle to remain still.

He comes back up to my nipples, taking turns to suck on them, while his fingers worked my dripping vagina. Inserting one, then another finger, he goes on till he has three fingers thrusting in and out of me.

I squirm under him, doing my best not to close my legs as the waves of pleasure take over me. There is no way I can stop moving, I’m too hot, my body is on fire, this, I need it to go on and on. Why did I ever stay away?

Brandon must have hated my constant movements because he turns me over, spanks me and keeps his hands to himself.

"Please." I don’t know what I am begging for but I want him back. I need him to continue.

He takes a long look at me, sighs and leaves the room. A cry of frustration escapes my lips as I rub my legs against each other, going on to touch myself like he would in an attempt to ease the ache that only he can take away when he returns with handcuffs.

"Will you stop moving now?"

The nod I give isn’t convincing enough for him, he goes on to cuff both of my hands and one of my legs to the bedpost. He trails kisses down my neck till his lip is hovering above my entrance, his hands massaging my breasts. His breath tickles me down there. I shiver, a moan slips from my lips. Without warning, he pushes my leg apart till they form a triangle without a base.

He dips his tongue inside me and retracts it almost immediately, he moans, his eyes close briefly before he flashes me a smile of approval and I am hot all over again. The tongue work resumes, this time, there’s no gentleness and the only reason my body remains on the bed as he eats me out like a midnight snack is because of the cuff.

I try to wrap my free leg around his neck, to bring back some sort of control but he pushes it down and bites on my clit to show his displeasure. His tongue continues the good work, causing me to scream his name over and over again. This is a taste of heaven and my husband has successfully branded me with his seraphic touch.

He enters me abruptly, making me freeze at the size of the dick I had to accommodate. He thrusts into me sharply again and I cry out in pain as my vaginal walls clench tightly against his penis; he is gigantic.

"Is...is this your first time?" I nod my head shakily, jerking my hips forward so he can continue; this is a beautiful kind of pain.

His eyes cloud over in anger, his jaw tenses and he backs away from me like I have Ebola. "Why didn’t you say something?"

"We were not doing any talking," I defend. My voice is barely above a whisper; I’m surprised he can even hear me.

I try to reach for him with my free leg but he backs further away from me. It sends a pang through my chest, confusion washing over me. I don’t understand his reaction, shouldn’t he be glad his wife is pure? I’d been tempted to sleep with a random guy after finding out I would be getting married but my conscience had not let me. I am a firm believer of no sex until marriage.

"I don’t fuck virgins," he says with anger tainting his voice. He walks out of the room, leaving me with an ache in between my thighs, emptiness and sadness in my heart.