

I wake up to light caresses on my face and a hand squeezing my ass. I moan but keep my eyes shut, afraid that if I open it, he might stop. He runs the edge of his palm between my buttcrack, creating friction that has me raising my hips to get access to more of his touches. His fingers pinch my clit before dipping into my wetness. My eyes fly open and I forget all about keeping quiet.

Brandon flips me over without warning and my lips part open to let out a soft sigh. He’s dressed in blue, biker shorts and a white vest while I squirm underneath him, staring at him through lust-filled eyes with my nakedness on display for him to do with my body whatever he wills. If he will.

A lock of hair falls to his forehead, he flips his hair and the strand returns to its previous position. He’s a gorgeous man and I want all of him inside me.

The itch between my legs is back, my erect nipples are begging to be touched but I remain still, I lay there and wait. I wait and watch as his eyes trail my body. Even as I feel myself getting hot all over, I don’t do anything. He wants obedience, I’ll give him that and maybe more; if he lets me.

His hand cups one of my breasts, his fingers run around in circles on my areola, making sure to steer clear of my erect nipple and my eyes shut tight on instinct. He leans in close enough for his breath to fan my ear then bite my earlobes. I shiver and the tingles spread to every part of my body, causing me to curl and uncurl my toes.

I go rigid when he hesitates, if my excited shivers are turning him off, I can tone them down. It is hard but I try not to move as he flicks his tongue over my ear, trailing wet kisses down my neck and back to the corner of my lips.

When his lip hovers above mine, I raise my head slightly, hoping he will take the hint and kiss me. He doesn’t. Instead, he grabs my slender wrists in one hand and I look away, reminders from last night washing over me. He had left me cuffed to the bedpost until sometime after midnight.

"How was your night?" he whispers and peppers kisses all over the inside of my wrists as if to appease me. "Does it hurt?"

"No." I shake my head and he lets my hands drop to my side. The cuffing doesn’t hurt as much as him leaving me here. I’ll never do that to him. And if my wrists were hurting before, his kisses have taken away the pain.

"What’s wrong with being a virgin?" I ask.

He looks taken aback by my question but still provides me with an answer. "Nothing."

"Then why am I being punished?"

"God, El. I forgot to take the damn cuffs off," he pauses to stare at me as if he’s seeing me for the first time today, "you think I left it on purpose? Why would I do that?"

I don’t want to tell a lie so I change the subject. "Where did you sleep last night?"

After freeing me, he went off to God knows where. I spent my wedding night alone, in a new place while my husband was probably balls deep inside some non-virgin female, fucking her to satisfaction.

"In one of the rooms."

He pulls me to a sitting position, wraps the duvet around my chest and I fling it. I want to flaunt my body. "I slept inside the house."

I am not sure I believe him but I have lost interest in that conversation already, I want to consummate our marriage. Now.

But Brandon has other thoughts. He points to the tray that has baked beans, toast, sausage and yoghurt and my mouth waters. I know Pa and Ma have a hand in this. They must have given him a file on my likes and dislikes, the same way they gave me his. Unlike me, he took his time to go through it.

"No," he says when he sees me trying to get up, "just sit, I’ll feed you."

My eyes wander to his waist, settling on the bulge that is straining against his shorts and I feel myself getting wet all over again.

"I want something else instead," I say. When I have his attention, I point to his bulge, spooning him through the light material of his shorts. "I want it inside of me."

I know I have no bedroom experience; I am not so sure I’m even touching him the right way but I want to feel what I felt last night. I want to feel that way as often as possible.

Brandon rolls his eyes, scoops the beans while motioning for me to open my mouth. I shake my head and bare myself to him. My whole body is free of any hairs, especially that part of me that itches for his manhood.

"I want you," I start and dip a finger inside my wetness to show him how much I need him inside of me. Holding the finger up to his face, I let out a moan. "I’m dripping for you."

He must have taken me for a fool because the corners of his lips twitch. But I refuse to back down, I want him, I want this man inside of me and a glance won’t stop me.

"Please," I add when he is unresponsive. Maybe begging will work. "Please."

A thought occurs to me when he continues staring and I go on all fours, I can only hope I look as seductive as those pornstars who do this. My voice lowers to a whisper and I raise my hand to his hair.

"I forgive you for last night, no hard feelings. We can start over, here and now."

To buttress my point, I crawl behind him and rub my breasts against his back. I let out a sound I think is sexy, my time with my sexually active roommate is finally paying off. She will be proud of me, the naive nun.

My fingers move to the hem of Brandon’s shirt but he’s quick to hold my hands down.

"I don’t need your forgiveness," he says in a voice that has my body vibrating all over again with need. His accent is to die for and I will give everything to hear it while he pumps into me. "And you need to eat."

His words send a signal to my stomach which growls in the silence. I was unable to eat anything yesterday due to jitters, even the vanilla cake that’s my favourite dessert.

"Only you can satisfy me," I murmur.

He doesn’t answer me, instead, he starts to scoop beans into his mouth. I watch as his lips move, reminded of the parts of me they visited last night and I am left breathless.

My horniness takes on a new level, a desperate high and momentarily anger surges through me when he finishes the breakfast he claims to have brought for me. No bother, he can make it up to me.

"Take it off," I order, pointing to his short.

His eyebrow raises in amusement and he grabs the yoghurt. The milky liquid seeps from the corner of his lips while his eyes remain on me and I gulp; such a simple act yet he manages to make it sensual.

"Take it off," I say louder this time. My voice brook no arguments and I smile internally when he lifts himself high enough for me to pull his shorts off. I like his obedient side.

My eyes pop at the size of his cock, it’s the same size as those men on porn sites. My only sexual experience is from watching porn and yes, my roommate has a hand in it. My sex knowledge is all thanks to her.

Clarissa could not bear the thought of a pretty adult like me not knowing what a penis looks like so we binge-watched lots of porn. I was naive and eager to see these things so I never put up much of a fight.

The frequent watching of those videos came at a price and a greater part of my second year was spent trying to break off from the porn addiction. I know so much about sex and the different styles, it is hard for some of my friends to believe I am still a virgin.

Licking my lips nervously, I will myself to remain bold. My gaze descends to Brand’s limp cock and I stroke it lazily. A strange sensation courses through me as his dick hardens in my hands. This is my first handjob and I am doing great. Alleluia!

"Fuck me," I command and push myself up without halting my movements.

He grabs me by the neck with his left hand, I arch my back and moan when his fingers trail the space in between my breasts. That little gesture encourages me to increase my hand movements and when he pinches my taut nipples, I whimper in delight. I want more.

"Fuck me," I say again, my voice is softer, almost pleading and my eyes are closed.


When his fingers move to the nape of my neck, I convince myself that he’s fooling around. I have been told severally that I am easy to mess with. The messy bun on my head comes undone and my hair tumbles down to form a curtain for my breasts.

"I like your hair down," he murmurs and levels a stare at me before his hands go to rest at his sides. "Get dressed."

"Goddamit. Fuck me, Brandon."

"No. I don’t fuck virgins."

"I’m your wife," I cry out.

His dislike for virgins doesn’t make sense to me, even if he tries explaining, at this point, it won’t make any difference. Only a part of our bodies should be doing the talking. Not just any type of talk, a talk where his dick attends to the ache in between my legs and his hand discusses with my breasts.

When Brandon remains immobile, I kick the tray from the bed, ignoring the sound it makes as it connects with the tiled floor. I push myself up till I’m straddling him and guide his cock to the entrance of my vagina.

I moan at the sweet sensation that envelopes me from our little contact, I have barely started moving and I already feel this way. Why then is he denying me of this beautiful feeling, my marital rites?

Digging my fingers into his shoulder, I rotate my hips, afraid to have all of him inside me without his consent. He is huge and I know sex with a virgin hurts as much as getting kicked in the face by a bull. I need him to do this with me, guide me because my sexual experiences are only theoretical.

"Are you done?" Brandon suddenly asks and my teeth sink into my plump lips. I avoid his eyes as he holds my waist at half an arm’s length and embarrassment floods my cheeks. I should have taken no for an answer.

Just like yesterday, he rams into me without notice and I scream. There’s no pleasure this time, only a wave of blinding pain that rolls over my body and leaves me gasping.

"Do you get it now?" he asks, his question is rhetorical, the smile that lifts the corner of his lips is proof. How can he be smiling?

The throbbing in between my leg has reduced to a dull ache, it’s not just desire anymore, it’s a mix of pain and arousal but I don’t want him touching me ever again. I am content with being a virgin, I have been one for years, I will be fine without him.

A sad smile graces my lips when I note how he stares me down with his arrogant smirk. I will rather remain celibate than have him treat me that way. Never again.

"You are a monster," I say and move far from him, grabbing the duvet to cover up.

"I have been called worse," he murmurs and rises to his feet. "Clean up your mess."

Brandon stares at me for a few seconds more before walking out of the room, leaving me horny, angry and teary-eyed.