

They waited for half an hour before Ai Xiaoqi saw a man and a woman getting closer and closer to them from a distance.

Xia Weiyang said to Ai Xiaoqi beside him.

"Coming, they're coming."

When someone arrived, Xia Weiyang walked over and said.

"Xiaoqi, let me introduce you to you. This beautiful woman is the head of our dormitory, and this handsome man is the president of our school student union."

Originally, Xia Weiyang only wanted to go shopping with Ai Xiaoqi, but Sun Danfeng, the head of their dormitory, insisted on following and said that she would call Xiao Ran, the president of the Student Union, to join them.

Xia Weiyang is not stupid. Sun Danfeng likes Xiao Ran things.

Everyone in the dormitory knows that Xiao Ran is long and short every day.

She also wanted to date Xiao Ran with this reason.

"Hello, my name is Ai Xiaoqi."

Ai Xiaoqi smiled politely.


"Xiaoqi, don't be shy. They are all easy to get along with."

Xia Weiyang was afraid of Ai Xiaoqi embarrassment and explained.

"I just think you have just entered school. It's not bad to know more people."

"Yes, Xiaoqi, you don't have to be afraid of anything when the president of the student union will cover you in the future!"

Sun Danfeng was a little naturally familiar, and took the opportunity to take Ai Xiaoqi hand.

Xiao Ran in the back smiled and didn't say anything.

Ai Xiaoqi could see that Xiao Ran was a pretty sunny boy, but I don't know if he didn't talk much because she was not familiar with him.

Three women were shopping with a man behind him, and the man was destined to carry the bag.

However, Ai Xiaoqi didn't want to cause trouble to the senior she just met, so she held everything in her hand.

They was so tired that they found a place for dinner.

Ai Xiaoqi and Xia Weiyang ordered two bowls of beef noodles, Xiao Ran ordered a bowl of beef noodles, and Sun Danfeng ordered a bowl of wonton.

"Weiyang, I seem to have a stomachache."

As she was eating, Sun Danfeng suddenly covered her stomach and screamed, and a row of fine sweat appeared on her forehead.

"Are you all right?"

Xia Weiyang asked, and immediately got up and walked to Sun Danfeng, who was sitting next to Xiao Ran.

"It's okay. You can accompany me to the bathroom. It will be fine in a minute."

She gritted her teeth and crossed her head, as if she didn't want Xiao Ran to see her embarssment.

Xia Weiyang accompanied Sun Danfeng to the bathroom, and in an instant, there were only Ai Xiaoqi and Xiao Ran left on the table.

The atmosphere is a little awkward.

"There are few girls who are little bun in their names."

Xiao Ran smiled, and his delicate skin made him look a little feminine.

Hearing this, Ai Xiaoqi was slightly stunned and reacted randomly.

"Yes, everyone thinks I'm Xiaoqi little bun."

"Does the schoolgirl have a boyfriend?"

"Huh?" Ai Xiaoqi just ate a piece of beef, and her eyes suddenly opened wide.

Xiao Ran just asked her again if she had a boyfriend?

"It's nothing. Just come to me if you need any help in the future."

Xiao Ran grabbed his hair and smiled.

"Is there anything else you want to eat? It's my treat."

"Enough, thank you, senior."

Bo Xize originally received a call saying that the landmark commercial square in Yanzhou City had been hacked, which was a wholly-owned company of Bo.

Originally, I wanted to go back to the company to operate, but it happened that when I passed the commercial square, I saw Ai Xiaoqi with a group of people, and there was a boy among them.

He went straight into the commercial square and took Lu Qifeng to do programming in person.

It's just a little hacker, and it took him ten minutes to get it done.

Then the rest of the time was to watch the monitor, and he saw Ai Xiaoqi eat with that man!

He picked up his mobile phone without hesitation and dialed it.

"Where are you?" His voice was slightly cold.

"It's outside." Ai Xiaoqi ate a piece of beef and said.

"With whom?"

Ai Xiaoqi was slightly stunned by his question.

"With Weiyang and her two friend."

"No one else?" Bo Xize is still asking.

"Yes, but are you checking your household registration?"

Ai Xiaoqi frowned.

He didn't like the way he questioned him, and it felt like asking the prisoner.


"There is only one senior and one classmate."

Ai Xiaoqi answered truthfully.

Bo Xize was silent.

"So what are you doing now?"

Ai Xiaoqi frowned.

What's wrong with Bo Xize? He kept asking her.

She looked at Xiao Ran opposite.

If she says that she is eating alone with Xiao Ran now, this man will definitely blow up, right?

"I'm having dinner with Weiyang and others."

"Are you sure you're not eating alone with a man?"

Bo Xize voice was deep, and even Lu Qifeng beside him heard his displeasure.

"Yes, I am. Alright, I won't talk to you. I'm going to eat."

Ai Xiaoqi looked around and confirmed that Bo Xize was not nearby before she hung up the phone decisively.

Is this man sixth sense so good?

Xiao Ran looked at Ai Xiaoqi in a panic and asked.

"Are you all right?"

"Oh, it's okay." Ai Xiaoqi laughed, revealing two sharp little tiger teeth.

Bo Xize looked at the phone in his hand and almost crushed his mobile phone.

The little girl dared to hang up his phone!


Bo Xize roared.

"Go and find a way to kill that man for me."