

"President, calm down. It's illegal to kill people."

Lu Qifeng reminded him seriously.

"Who asked you to really kill him?"

Bo Xize looked coldly.

"Go, blackmail him and don't let him come out to pick up girls."

"President, maybe it's just a meal between classmates?"


Bo Xize glanced at him and said.

"Why don't you pay for him?"

"President, I'll arrange someone to go."

Lu Qifeng looked at Bo Xize respectfully.

Sure enough, the president couldn't listen to anything when he was angry.

Later, Ai Xiaoqi received a phone call from Xia Weiyang, saying that Sun Danfeng stomach was very uncomfortable, and she directly took her to the hospital.

Let them go to school after dinner.

"Is there anything wrong with Danfeng?"

Xiao Ran watched Ai Xiaoqi hang up the phone and asked.

"Maybe her stomach hurts a little serious. That why they haven't been back for so long, but they went seen the doctor, and the doctor said it's okay."

Ai Xiaoqi smiled and said.

"So don't worry, senior."

"Well, it's getting late. I'll take you back to school."

Xiao Ran waved his hand to the waiter behind him.

"Waiter, check the bill."

"Hello, sir, a total of 4,000 yuan is needed."

The waiter looked serious.

"What did you say?"

Ai Xiaoqi suspected that there was something wrong with his ears.

"Hello, miss, a total of 4,000 yuan is needed."

The waiter repeated the words again.

"You are extortion!" Ai Xiaoqi frowned and looked at her in disbelief

"We are all clearly marked here."

The waiter pointed to the price list posted on the wall.

Ai Xiaoqi really thinks it's a day. Even a bowl of wonton costs 1,000 yuan on this price list, which is simply a extortion!

"Can I pay on credit?" Ai Xiaoqi asked weakly.

"No, I'll treat you this time."

Xiao Ran smiled relaxedly and took out a card from his bag.

"Swipe the card."

Xiao Ran paid the money, but Ai Xiaoqi felt uncomfortable. She also wanted to pay, even if it was AA, but she had no money.

She is a poor man, and she is unwilling to ask Bo Xize for money.

"Senior, we can sue such unscrupulous merchants."

Walking on the road back to Xiao Ran, Ai Xiaoqi suddenly thought of something.

"No, I had a good meal." Xiao Ran smiled.

His family was already rich, and he had some part-time jobs. This money was nothing to him.

"Four thousand yuan, are you still very happy?"

Ai Xiaoqi stared at him innocently and said.

"No, senior, I will definitely collect money to pay you back after some time, at least return the 3,000 yuan from our dormitory."

Xiao Ran waved his hand and smiled at her.

"Hey, no need. It's agreed that I'll invite you to this meal."

No, you can't let the senior you just met pay.

She feels like she owes someone else.

As soon as she got to the door of Yanda, Ai Xiaoqimobile phone rang. She took a look at Bo Xize.

"Senior, go in first. I may have something else to do."

If she stays alone with Xiao Ran again, when Bo Xize asks, she really doesn't know how to answer.

"But you are a girl, and it's so late now--"

Xiao Ran was a little worried.

"It doesn't matter. Who dares to be so blatant at the gate of Yanda!"

"Well, that's good. Be careful."

After saying that, Xiao Ran turned around and left.

Ai Xiaoqi then took out her mobile phone and found that Bo Xize had called her three times. She was about to dial him, and the fourth phone number called.

"Hey, uncle."

"Where are you !" Bo Xize bad tone.

"I'm at the gate of Yan." Ai Xiaoqi said weakly.

"Wait, I'll pick you up."

After saying that, if you don't give Ai Xiaoqi time to refuse, just hang up the phone.

This uncle really said the wrong way. He didn't tell him to go home on the weekend.

Now why is he changing his mind again?

But she can only wait.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Bo Xize black Bentley stopped in front of her. The window rolled down, and Bo Xize face in the back seat was not very good-looking.

"Get in the car."

The tone of command.

Ai Xiaoqi dares to refute or mention the previous agreement. She can only get on the car.

Quiet, the atmosphere in the car was so quiet that she didn't even dare to breathe.

What's the matter?

"Ai Xiaoqi, I'll ask you again, who was you with just now?"

Bo Xize looked at her slantingly like a divine mansion, and his tone was so cold that he was like a sharp ice knife.

"I told you, with Weiyang and the others."

Ai Xiaoqi leaned against the door of the car.

"Who are they?"

"They are Xia Weiyang, the dormitory director and senior of our dormitory."

Ai Xiaqi explained.


Bo Xize smiled and said.

"Is it a man?"

"Uncle, isn't the senior a man, but a woman?"

Ai Xiaoqi felt angry and funny. Bo Xize was silent.

If there was nothing, he left the scenery in the middle of the night and said lightly.

"Have I told you that you are not allowed to say a word to other men?"

Uncle, are you a little possessive?

"Uncle, can we say something practical? How can I say a word to a man?"

Ai Xiaoqi rolled his eyes silently in his heart.

"There are men and women in this world. How can I not talk to men?"

Then she added.

"Do you think I'm talking to you now?"

"Madam, the president is talking about other men."

Lu Qifeng in the front seat couldn't stand it and explained.

"You see, your assistant is also a man. He talked to me. Won't I reply?"

Ai Xiaoqi was a little angry.

The world is either male or female, at least most of them are like this. Bo Xize restrictions are too much!

Only then did Lu Qifeng know what was thankless.

At this time, he should shut up.

What if the president cut his tongue when he was unhappy?

Bo Xize didn't say anything. He got out of the car with his straight and slender legs, then opened the door of Ai Xiaoqi side, and directly embraced Ai Xiaoqi and carried her to the single apartment near Yanda.

"Uncle, don't bully me too much!"

Ai Xiaoqi struggled, and the uncle often resisted her!

Bo Xize ignored her, slapped her on the buttocks fiercely and said.

"Little girl, move again, I'll hit your buttock."

Only then did Ai Xiaoqi settle down.

Then she was so heavy that she fell on the sofa.

Fortunately, the sofa was soft, otherwise she would definitely be hit by the impact!

"There are some things that I don't like, so you can't listen to me and don't do it?"

Bo Xize was so close to her that his upright nose rubbed the tip of her little nose, a little ambiguous and itchy.

"I didn't--"

"I saw that you ate alone with him."

Bo Xize breath hit her face.

"Ai Xiaoqi, I don't like it. I don't like you to eat alone with other men."