
Moving Forward .

Dumbledore takes a more active role in Harry's training after the chamber, leading to a stronger, more confident Harry. That's fortunate for him, because his life is about to get VERY interesting in 5th year. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/26169631/chapters/101280606#workskin AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/MayorHaggar/pseuds/MayorHaggar

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31 Chs

One on One

"Make sure you keep that wand straight all the way through, Susan," Harry said. "Don't let your arm drop; it's throwing your aim off." The redheaded Hufflepuff nodded, calmed her nerves and repeated the spell, and this time her arm didn't waver. "Much better," he said, smiling as her face filled with pride and Hannah gave her a high five.

Harry was running another tutoring session in the Room of Requirement, and thanks to Umbridge's ineptitude their numbers seemed to grow every week. It was becoming a bigger demand on his time, though fortunately Daphne and Tracey had helped him with that. They'd come through and gotten him a time turner, as he'd guessed they had been referring to previously. He'd made good use of it so far, but he'd never forgotten the drain it put on Hermione in their third year and so he'd been taking extra time to let his body rest as well.

He hadn't known if they would be forthcoming with information when he asked them where they got a time turner from, but perhaps owing to their attempts to be honest with him while they tested the waters in this budding relationship, they had actually answered honestly. It turned out that the Greengrass family actually had a certain amount of time turners secretly stashed away, and they only brought them out when they had an interested buyer or to lend one to someone they trusted. Daphne, Tracy and Astoria had all been provided with their own, so Daphne had needed to tell her mother why she needed a fourth.

According to Daphne, her mother had agreed to convince her father to lend it to her on the condition that Daphne keep her updated on how their courting went, and also to invite him over for a visit during the summer. Harry had agreed to that request, however nervous it might have made him to think about meeting his girlfriends' mothers (both of them.)

"That's good, Parvati," he said as he continued his rounds. The Gryffindor Patil smiled, and then gave him a flirty wink that made him chuckle. He moved on, and was giving a top to Lavender when he could hear the all too familiar sound of Ron and Hermione arguing elsewhere. It wasn't the screaming match that they got into when they were seriously worked up, but you never knew how quickly it might devolve into that. Neville was trying to play peacemaker, but he wasn't having much success.

"Dumbledore thought it was a good idea when we went to him for permission to found this group, over Umbridge's complaints," Hermione insisted. "Do you think you know better than him?"

"I know that Slytherins are always looking for an opportunity to stick it to everyone else," Ron said, and Harry noticed a few nods from others as he walked towards his two oldest friends.

"Many are," Harry agreed as he walked up to them. "Even most of the Slytherins that I'm on friendly terms with usually have some plan or other they're working on."

"But Harry—" Hermione began, looking frustrated. He talked over her.

"That doesn't mean they're all villains or dark wizards in waiting," he continued. "There are also cowardly Gryffindors, disloyal Hufflepuffs and scheming Ravenclaws. Not all Slytherins are bad."

"So what, are we going to let all of them join?" Ron asked, frowning. "I'm not going to let bloody Malfoy point a wand at me without drawing my own on him, I'll tell you that much."

"That's not what I'm saying. I'm not letting Nott anywhere near me, and if Malfoy tried to walk through that door I'd throw his arse out myself," Harry said. Ron smiled slightly. "But that doesn't mean we have to shut them all out, does it?"

Hermione looked thoughtful, and he could practically see her mind at work. "Maybe we get together as a group, identify a few of the Slytherins we've had more positive interactions with, and bring them in on a trial run?" she suggested.

"Yeah, that could work," Harry said. "There's only a few weeks left in the term. If it doesn't work out we can just continue on without them when we come back."

Ron grumbled, not looking convinced, but Neville jumped in. "Dumbledore did specifically ask us to try and include some Slytherin students in the name of school unity." Ron nodded reluctantly, and Harry smiled. He was happy to see Neville continuing to assert himself. Harry had been working with him, trying to build up his confidence, and the results were beginning to show themselves. His newfound confidence had recently landed him in detention with Snape when he punched Malfoy in the face to shut him up during potions rather than letting him continue to bully him as he had since they came to Hogwarts.

Thinking of Neville knocking out Draco made Harry think of Pansy, and that quickly worked to kill his good mood. Pansy had not taken it well when he told her he was going to date Daphne and Tracey officially, and it had only gotten worse when he made it clear that their sexual relationship had to stop so he could give this thing with Daphne and Tracey a chance. There had been a lot of crying and yelling from her before he managed to calm her down, and while he didn't exactly relish having to upset her, it had needed to be done. She'd always known that their fling was not going to continue forever, and it was probably for the best that it ended now before she allowed herself to get even more comfortable with the way things were.

"Keep practicing, guys," Harry said, breaking away from Ron, Hermione and Neville and resuming his rounds. But even though he did watch his classmates, correct their technique and make suggestions where necessary, his mind continued to reflect on how things had ended with Pansy.

That day that he'd told her it could not continue still hadn't been the end of it. The next time he and Pansy had been on a prefect patrol together, she'd come in wearing the same tight white blouse, scandalously short skirt as always, and she'd been quick to flash her bare arse at him and show him that she still wasn't wearing any knickers beneath it. It had been an attempt to seduce him into breaking his promise, going back on his word and cheating on Daphne and Tracey, which of course would have ruined whatever they might have had before it could really even get started. But he hadn't taken the bait. Attractive though Pansy's bum was, it had not been able to tempt him into being unfaithful. He'd resisted Pansy's charms, and it had led to what was perhaps the most awkward prefect patrol he'd ever been on.

Pansy hadn't made any more attempts to seduce him into fucking her since then, so he hoped that it was behind him. With any luck she was taking notice of Neville beginning to come into his own, and she might consider him as an option. But even if she didn't, she needed to accept that he was with Daphne and Tracey now and there was nothing she could do to change that.


"That was another good lesson, guys," Harry said. "Remember what you learned, and we'll see you back again next time." They'd gone for another hour or so after the brief interruption of Ron and Hermione's argument and the agreement to try bringing in a select few Slytherins and see how it went.

Most of the students filed out quickly while chatting with their friends about what they'd just been practicing, and some of them thanked him for his help. Neville gave him a handshake and headed on his way as well, but Ron and Hermione lingered behind. Often he would leave these meetings with them and the three of them would talk about how it had gone, make plans for next time and just enjoy being around each other in general. They looked at him expectantly, but he shook his head.

"I'm going to stay behind for a bit," he said. "You guys go ahead." He expected company, and it would not be a good idea to keep them waiting for the room to clear out.

Once his friends were gone, Harry took a seat and waited for his guests to arrive. While he waited he thought about the other person he'd needed to make a point of informing about his new relationship with Tracey and Daphne, that being Fleur.

He'd been loads more nervous about Fleur's reaction than Pansy's. After all, he'd been very clear from the beginning with Pansy about what they were, and more importantly what they weren't. Fleur was different though. She was his first, and she'd taught him so much. Even though she'd rejected him when he'd confessed his feelings for her, they'd patched things up and moved on, and there had been that amazing day in Hogsmeade.

He hadn't seen her in person and had needed to do it through a letter, but her reply had not been angry, demanding or anything of the sort. Fleur had only asked that they arrange a time to meet up again, and also requested that he continue to write to Gabrielle, which was something he was happy to do and continued to do every week. He'd agreed to meet with Fleur as well, but he didn't expect anything to come of it. He'd been clear about his commitment to being faithful so long as he was dating Daphne and Tracey, and Fleur knew him well enough to know that he did not go back on his word. He doubted she would try anything to tempt him like Pansy had.

The door to the Room of Requirement opened, and he was broken out of his musings as Tracey walked into the room. The redhead ran up to him, and he held his arms out to her, inviting her to run into them. When she got to him he wrapped his arms around her sexy body, smiling as she quickly brought her lips to his in a kiss that he was more than happy to return.

He was very happy to kiss Tracey and always enjoyed her company, but as they broke apart and he looked over her shoulder, someone was conspicuous by their absence. "Where's Daphne?" he asked. Every other time they'd done the dueling practice it had been both of them who had shown up, and he'd expected it to be the same this time as well.

"What's the matter, Potter? Am I not enough for you?" Tracey asked, but the way she smirked at him would have told him she was just teasing even if he hadn't already known her well enough to recognize that she was just being playful from the tone of her voice.

"You're more than enough," he said, which earned him a smile and a second kiss.

"That's good to know," she said smugly. "But as for Daphne, no, she won't be coming for dueling practice today. My half-sister has something important to take care of tonight, but she sends her love along."

"I hope it's nothing dangerous," he said. Knowing what he did about the group her mother had started and Daphne now controlled, plus her ongoing struggles with Theodore Nott, it wasn't entirely out of the question.

"No, no, nothing like that," Tracey said, shaking her head. "She's meeting up with Pansy." Harry was surprised, for more reasons than one. He knew that Pansy wasn't exactly on friendly terms with either Daphne or Tracey even after her relationship with Malfoy ended, so Daphne skipping out on these lessons that she seemed to enjoy so much to talk to her was peculiar. Could this have something to do with his former fling with her?

"Yes, we know that you and Pansy have hooked up," Tracey said before he could even think about what to ask.

"Did she say something?" he asked. He saw no point in denying it, and had nothing to hide anyway. It wasn't like he'd done anything wrong.

"No, she never said anything. It was pretty easy to figure out though," Tracey said, smiling and shaking her head. "Especially after our Hogsmeade date. She was being pretty obvious in how she looked at you. It wasn't hard for Daph and me to connect the dots."

"There's no reason for Daphne to confront Pansy about anything," he said, feeling slightly upset. "Pansy and I were never serious; it was just sex." It had been pretty obvious that Pansy would have been fine with it being more than that, but he chose not to say that. What he'd said was true, and for him that was all it had ever been about. He didn't hate Pansy like he had when she hung off of Malfoy's arm and said nasty things about him, his friends and his parents, but he'd never loved her or felt any desire to date her either.

"Good sex, I have no doubt," Tracey said, smirking. "Parkinson might be a bitch, and I question her standards since she let Malfoy put his disgusting hands on her for so long, but even I've noticed that she's got a hell of an arse."

Harry wouldn't argue with that, any of it, but it wasn't the point. "It ended as soon as we talked in Hogsmeade and agreed to give this thing a try between the three of us," he said, remaining serious even as Tracey joked. "I told her I wasn't going to do anything with her or anyone else while I was with the two of you, and I meant it. I would never cheat on you or Daphne, or any girl I was dating for that matter."

"Oh, Harry, of course we know that," Tracey said quickly. She took his hands in hers and squeezed gently. "We trust you, Harry. We've shared things with you we wouldn't trust anyone else with, and believe me, we don't put our trust in people lightly, Daphne especially. We're not mad that you fucked Parkinson, or whoever else you might have shagged before we started dating, and we know you would never cheat on us."

"Then why is Daphne with Pansy right now instead of in here with us?" he demanded. "If you trust me, why did she feel the need to talk to Pansy?"

"Because that level of trust doesn't extend to Parkinson," Tracey answered. "We know she'd never be able to convince you to be unfaithful or do anything you didn't want to do, but that doesn't mean she couldn't still screw something up in some other way. Like I said, we've seen the way she's been watching you lately. Daph just wants to warn her not to do anything stupid."

"If it's a warning, and only a warning, fine," he said.

"That's all, I swear," Tracey said, nodding. "We might be a little jealous that she got to you first, even if it was only physical, but we don't want to hurt her or anything. Daph even mentioned offering her a place in our group. Give her a chance to earn a little gold, you know, with Draco no longer giving it to her."

"If there's one thing that might settle Pansy down, it's money," he said. Well, that or a good fuck, but he wasn't in a position to offer that to her anymore and he doubted Daphne would be taking his place, exciting though it would be to watch. He also quickly concluded that Daphne, ever the Slytherin, was prepared to bring Pansy into her group at least in part so she could keep closer tabs on her. That didn't bother him though. The closer they watched Pansy, the more they would see that she was harmless.

"Money really is a great motivator," Tracey said. "I'd rather not talk about it right now though, if you don't mind. Daphne and I spend enough time worrying about money and business as it is, and I was hoping to take my mind off of that stuff tonight."

"Sure, I get it," he said. "What would you like to talk about instead? I wouldn't mind hearing you say a little more about Pansy's arse. That seemed pretty interesting."

"I'm sure you did find that interesting," Tracey said, rolling her eyes and smiling. "But I'd prefer to leave Pansy to Daphne for the night, and you could show me what you went over with your tutoring group before I got here? That is kind of why we agreed to meet in here in the first place, you know."

"Personally I think the first option was loads more interesting," he said, smiling. Being around Tracey seemed to bring out his sarcastic and playful side, and he embraced it. "But if you insist, I guess we can get in a little practice."


"That was good," Harry said some time later, lowering his wand. "You're working hard, and it shows. You're getting better every time we do this."

Tracey said nothing. As soon as he'd called an end to their practice she had doubled over and put her hands on her knees while she tried to catch her breath.

"Sorry, did I push you a little too hard?" he asked, watching her with something between concern and amusement. Generally he didn't actively participate with the bigger group beyond an initial demonstration of what he wanted them to work on, as after that he would make his rounds to see how everyone was doing.

His separate sessions with Daphne and Tracey were usually pretty similar; he would tell them what he wanted them to do, demonstrate it a few times, and then they would practice it on each other. But with Daphne otherwise occupied tonight he had needed to step into her place and serve as Tracey's partner, and perhaps he'd gotten a little too caught up in it. Without being cocky, he felt he could say that he was in a different class than Daphne when it came to this sort of thing, so working with him might have been more than Tracey could really handle at this stage.

"No, no," Tracey said, with some difficulty since she was still breathing heavily. She looked up at him and smiled, looking to be in a good mood even though her pretty face was covered in sweat. "I mean, yeah, you kind of did," she said, "but it was good. I'm glad I got to feel what it would be like to trade spells with somebody really strong."

"Glad I could help," he said. Daphne was pretty good; if she'd been part of their regular lessons she would surely have been among the first to get proficient at whatever he was demonstrating, right up there with Hermione and some of the upper year students. But again, he didn't think it was arrogant for him to think that he was in a different category than all of them. After nearly three years of Dumbledore's personal mentorship, he'd better be.

"You really did help, and I'm so glad you decided to help me and Daph," Tracey said. "We're learning so much, and I appreciate it. Thanks, Harry."

He smiled, happy to have been able to help. "You're welcome."

Tracey stretched her sore arm above her head, and then she turned her head to the side and her nose wrinkled in disgust as she caught a whiff of what she smelled like. "Now I think there's nothing I'd appreciate as much as a hot shower," she said. "I'm sweaty and I stink. Hopefully Pansy and Millicent aren't hogging the showers in the dorm again."

Harry smirked. Had she forgotten what room they were in, and the things it was capable of? "No need to wait for that," he said. All it took was a thought from him, and the room provided two showers, one for both of them. "Do you want the left one or the right one?" They were identical, or at least they should be, but it wouldn't hurt to let her choose.

Now it was Tracey's turn to smirk. "Oh, there's no need for that," she said. She pulled off the thin shirt she'd worn for practice, leaving her in only her bra from the waist up. "We only need one shower." It was a simple black bra she was wearing, and it was clearly designed more for athletic support than appearances, but it turned him on anyway. It was still his gorgeous girlfriend standing in front of him in her bra, and she also happened to be sliding her black athletic shorts down her legs to reveal her knickers. That would never fail to turn him on, regardless of how functional her underwear was or how sweaty and dirty her body might be.

That was an arrangement Harry would get behind every single time. At a thought from him, one of the showers disappeared and one remained. He started to undress quickly, though he did get distracted once or twice as he tried to take his clothes off and admire Tracey's body at the same time. His shirt got caught around his neck when she unsnapped her bra and her breasts popped out, and he nearly tripped over his own trousers when she turned away from him, shimmied out of her knickers and exposed her bare arse, but he got there eventually.

By the time he was naked and heading into the shower, Tracey had already made it inside and had turned the water on. She let the hot water rain down on her and sighed at how good it felt on her body. Harry knew the feeling. He'd become very familiar with working himself to the point of exhaustion under Dumbledore's watchful instruction, and he'd also learned to appreciate the benefits of a nice hot shower afterwards. Now Tracey was getting to experience the same thing. But as for Harry, well, he had other things on his mind. He'd worked up a bit of a sweat, sure, but he was used to working much harder than this. And even if he'd been feeling much more drained than he actually was, he still would have had higher priorities right now.

"Ah, the water feels so good," Tracey said as he walked in behind her.

He stepped in close to her and wrapped his arms around her naked body from behind. "That's not the only thing that feels good."

She giggled when he kissed the side of her neck, but shook her head after a moment. "I'm still dirty, Harry," she said.

"Well let me help you out with that," he said. He stepped away from her body to grab the soap, and he took it upon himself to wash his girlfriend by hand. Naturally he was very meticulous and thorough in his cleaning. He ran the soap down both her arms and underneath, and washed her neck and her breasts.

He kept washing them, soaping them up, rubbing them with his hands, letting the water wash the soap away and then repeating the process all over again. Tracey moaned the first few times he soaped up her breasts, but she raised her eyebrow at him as he continued to linger on her chest to the point that it couldn't fairly be called anything other than a shameless excuse to grope her tits.

"I do have a body below my tits, you know," she said. As always, any heat or anger that could have been felt in the words was softened by the playful smile on her face.

"Oh, I'm aware," he said. He showed just how familiar he was with the rest of her body, moving the soap down to wash the rest of her. He washed her belly, then crouched down on the floor of the shower to wash her legs and feet as well. After that he switched to her backside, and he showed a similar level of attention to her arse as he had to her breasts.

Tracey sighed softly as he washed her, and when he finally got back to his feet she was smiling at him with a look on her face that he had come to recognize. He knew this look, he knew what it meant, and if he hadn't already been hard this would have done the trick. She was aroused, and an aroused Tracey generally meant very good times were ahead for Harry.

She took the soap from his hands. "My turn," she whispered.

Washing his body had never been an activity Harry had considered particularly erotic, but everything took on a different feel when it was being shared with a beautiful witch. Tracey took a page out of his book as she washed him, and he did not complain about how long her hands rubbed his chest or how much she seemed to like washing his legs or squeezing his arse.

She paid special attention to his cock, but she didn't really bother to try and pretend that washing it was her primary interest. Tracey was open about what she was there for; her hands stroked up and down his cock and played with his balls. She watched him as she did it, brushing her wet hair out of her face so she could smirk up at him He didn't stop her, but it got to a point where he wished she would stop playing with him and either let him finish showering or shag her, whichever she intended. Obviously he would prefer the latter, but at this point he would rather have the teasing stop unless it was going to lead somewhere.

"Well, Harry?" she said, cocking her head. "I've been teasing you pretty damn deliberately since we got in here. Are you going to fuck me already, or should I go dry off and count on having to get myself off tonight instead?"

Harry had assumed she was taking things at her own pace and would make it clear to him what she wanted when she wanted it, but if she had been waiting for him to pounce, he could certainly oblige her. He grabbed her by the wrists and pulled her hands away from his groin, then smashed his lips against hers in a kiss hotter than the water that continued to spray down onto them. Tracey moaned into his mouth, and her hands went to his face. She held on and kissed him deeper while he brought his own hands down to her bum.

He squeezed her arse cheeks and stuck his tongue out, and she quickly allowed it into her mouth and met it with her own. They forgot all about the shower and lost themselves in the snog, kissing and groping each others' wet bodies.

They weren't going to stop there though. Tracey had made it obvious that she wanted to be shagged, and Harry was fully on board with that plan. They both wanted it, and Harry was going to make it happen. He continued to hold her by the arse while he lifted her up off of the floor. Tracey went along with him, wrapping her legs around his waist and moaning into his mouth as he held her up against him. They could both feel his cock rubbing against her vulva, hard and ready to go. After a night of physical exertion, they were about to exert themselves some more in a far more fun and satisfying way, and Harry knew that Tracey was every bit as excited about it as he was.

Harry slid his cock forward carefully, not wanting to mess anything up with her body wet and slippery from the shower. He knew he'd hit home when Tracey moaned into his mouth and grabbed at his hair. She was as excited as ever to have him inside of her, but this was only the beginning. He didn't know about her, but their workout had gotten his adrenaline pumping and their fun in the shower hadn't done anything to quell it. Now he had an outlet for his energy at last, and he wasn't going to waste it.

He carried her over and pressed her back against the shower wall, keeping her legs wrapped around him while he did so. She put her arms around his neck and looked into his eyes as he pressed her against the wall, and he could see his own lust reflected back at him. Despite not being a virgin, Tracey had obviously not had loads of experience that first time they shagged during his prefect patrol, but she was catching up quickly now that they were together. His girlfriend had a very high sex drive, which was something he was quite appreciative of. He no longer had Pansy to satisfy his urges with, nor could he indulge any of the opportunities that had previously fallen into his lap with the likes of the Patils, Angelina and Alicia. He couldn't even turn to Daphne thanks to the magic of the chastity spell. Tracey was all that he had currently, and after going from Fleur to Pansy and enjoying the other opportunities that had popped up along the way, that was a tall task for her to fulfill.

But fulfill it she did. Tracey was an enthusiastic lover, and she seemed to relish the chance to shower him with enough physical affection for both her and Daphne. He might only have one witch in his life to satisfy his physical needs at the moment, but he wouldn't complain. He knew that he would sleep very well tonight, having worked pretty hard with her during practice and capping it off with a memorable romp in the shower with his sexy girlfriend.

Was he going to accept the offer Tracey and Daphne made and follow them down the path that they hoped this would eventually lead to, which was betrothal and later marriage? That was a question he didn't have the answer to just yet. But as far as right now was concerned, he had absolutely no issue with the way his life had turned. He'd wanted to take a try at an actual relationship, and though they were in the early days, things were going well so far.

Things were going very well right now, because he was pinning Tracey against the shower wall and slamming into her hard. He didn't need to worry about trying to take it easy on her now, because she wasn't the inexperienced witch she'd been during their first time. She was his lover now, and she'd thrown herself into the role and proved that she could take whatever he could throw at her.

He was able to hold her against the wall of the shower and pump his cock deep inside of her while focused on his own pleasure first and foremost, and Tracey not only could take it but could thrive off of it. She was moaning every bit as loudly as he was, and Harry knew that as he pushed towards his own end she was going to be right there with him.

Their shag in the shower did not last long, but that was honestly for the best. Between his tutoring with the larger group and then his one on one session with Tracey, all of which had taken place after classes were done for the day. He could get away with more than most thanks to his status as a prefect as well as his relationship with his mentor Dumbledore, but it still probably wasn't a good idea for him to stay out until the middle of the night fucking Tracey in a marathon test of endurance, however fun it might have been.

This wasn't that. This fuck was short, but it was still incredibly satisfying and memorable. Harry drove his cock inside of Tracey again and again, pushing ever onwards towards the pleasure, and she moaned along with him every step of the way. He grunted as he felt himself go over the edge, and Tracey seemed to realize it was coming before he actually announced it. Or maybe she was just caught up in her own world and her own pleasure. Regardless, she pressed her lips over his and kissed him hard while he came inside of her, and even while he was in the midst of his orgasm he could feel her clench around him in a climax of her own. That seemed perfectly fitting. She wasn't just keeping up with him; she was joining in and sharing in the pleasure. Why shouldn't she get off at the same time that he did?

"I'm sure Daphne hated to miss out on it, but I have to say I really enjoyed our one on one lesson tonight," Tracey said a few moments later, after he'd put her down and turned the shower off.

"I'll go one on one with you any time, Miss Davis," he said.

"Yeah, I'm sure you will," Tracey said, giggling. "We should schedule another session as soon as possible. After all, practice makes perfect, as they say."