
Moving Forward .

Dumbledore takes a more active role in Harry's training after the chamber, leading to a stronger, more confident Harry. That's fortunate for him, because his life is about to get VERY interesting in 5th year. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/26169631/chapters/101280606#workskin AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/MayorHaggar/pseuds/MayorHaggar

mooooooooooow · Book&Literature
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31 Chs

A Date with Daphne

"This table looks good," Daphne said, having led Harry to a table in an out of the way corner near the back of the Three Broomsticks. She sat herself down and patted the spot next to her, inviting him in. Harry took a seat, and Madam Rosmerta arrived seconds later.

"So good of you to visit, Harry," the attractive older woman said. "And you've finally brought a girl with you! Oh, they really do grow up so fast!"

"Uh, yeah," he said uncomfortably, noticing Daphne smirk as she enjoyed said discomfort. "Can I get a butterbeer?"

"Make that two," Daphne said smoothly. Rosmerta smiled and went off to get their drinks, and Harry exhaled. Minor embarrassment aside, he felt like this date was going pretty well. He hadn't screwed anything up as best he could tell, and he had a feeling that if he had, Daphne wouldn't have been shy about letting him know it. He knew he was having a good time with her, and he was pretty sure she was enjoying walking around Hogsmeade with him as well.

There had really only been one incident thus far, and it had been a rather mild one in his opinion. It had come when they stumbled across Pansy outside of Honeydukes. Comments from the Patils about how everyone knew about his date with Daphne aside, Pansy had certainly seemed surprised to see them out together. The silence as Pansy blocked their entrance to the sweets shop was just becoming uncomfortable when Pansy ran off in the opposite direction. Daphne had tutted and wondered what Pansy's problem was. Harry had a pretty good idea, but he hadn't been about to tell her that he'd been fucking Pansy and she was likely jealous about seeing him out on a date with another witch. That seemed like a good way to sabotage his own date.

"Here you are, lovebirds," Rosmerta said as she hurried back over and put their buterbeers in front of them. "Will you be having anything else?"

"Not at the moment, thanks," Daphne said. "We will be sure to get your attention if we need anything."

Rosmerta walked off, and as soon as she was gone Daphne put up a silencing spell around the table so no one else would be able to overhear their conversation.

"This has been a very enjoyable date so far, Harry," Daphne said. "You might know that I have something of a reputation for not giving boys the time of day," Harry chuckled quietly, and she gave a brief smile.

"I might have heard something like that, yeah," he said, grinning.

"It wasn't that I wasn't interested," she said. "I merely wished to be selective and wait until I found a wizard worth my time before I consented to any sort of romance. Thank you for making the experience worth the wait."

"You're welcome," Harry said. It felt odd being thanked for taking her out on a date, but she was enjoying herself and that was all he was really concerned with.

"Now I would like to tell you a bit more about my family," she said. Harry froze with his bottle of butterbeer halfway to his lips. He'd been nervous about the little fact that he'd slept with her half-sister Tracey, and how learning about it might affect this date. It wasn't like he and Daphne were together when it happened or anything like that, but he felt that it still might be something that made her feel uncomfortable with dating him. He also worried about her reputation for dismissing boys in rather humiliating fashion. Was he about to be on the receiving end of that here?

"Okay," he said cautiously. Whatever was ahead, he would face it.

"When she was still a student here at Hogwarts, my mother founded a certain group that you have recently run into several times," she began.

"The smuggling, you mean?" he asked. Daphne had never outright said she was involved in all of that, but it hadn't been difficult for him to figure out. He knew that Tracey was deeply involved in it, and there was no way her half-sister wouldn't have had some sort of involvement.

"That's not all we do, but yes," Daphne said, nodding. "We offer several services, including the smuggling in of certain items that are banned but pose no actual danger to anyone, as well as moneylending. My mother created the group, and it has passed down through our family until it came to me. Tracey's mother served as her lieutenant just as Tracey serves as mine now."

Harry remained silent and just listened to her while slowly sipping his butterbeer. This history lesson was interesting for him as someone who still had limited understanding of the inner workings of pureblood political machinations, but he was curious why she was telling him all of this now, during their date. He knew Daphne was not the type to ramble needlessly, so there had to be a point to her telling him about this right now.

"As for my mother, although her maiden family maintained a seat in the Wizengamot, their money and influence was fading at that time. That's why, when an old marriage contract with the Greengrass family activated, she jumped at it. My father hated it, but for her it was an amazing opportunity to marry into a powerful family. He actually was looking into having the contract cancelled, but she persuaded him to accept it with the help of her best and most loyal friend—her lieutenant, who would do anything for her."

"So Tracey's mum came in as part of the package," Harry mused. It was easy to understand why this had been an effective tactic. If the beauty of their respective daughters was anything to go by, both Daphne's and Tracey's mothers were likely incredibly attractive. Having both of them offered to him was too much for Lord Greengrass to resist.

"Yes, and she was happy to do so," Daphne said. "Aside from her loyalty to my mother, it was also an incredible opportunity for her. As a muggleborn, the likelihood of her marrying someone of my father's status was effectively nonexistent."

"My mum was a muggleborn," he pointed out. "Didn't stop my dad from marrying her."

"And a good thing it didn't," Daphne said with a smile. "Lily Evans' reputation as a smart and capable witch precedes her, and is obvious in her son." Harry smiled back, relieved that she wasn't carrying any pureblood prejudices, though with how close she was to Tracey he should've known. "But your father, and indeed the Potters in general, are noted for their rejection of usual pureblood traditions and beliefs. Not many lords of families as old and powerful as yours or mine would have married a muggleborn witch, so between her status and her friendship with my mother, Tracey's mother was in an ideal situation."

"And did your father ever regret not holding firm and canceling the contract?" he asked, hoping she wouldn't take offense.

"Never," Daphne said, shaking her head and smiling. "He eventually warmed up to both of his wives, and they became inseparable."

"I'm glad to hear that," he said, though he still wasn't sure exactly where she was going with this.

"I've told you all of this so you can understand my family a little bit better, given what I hope to achieve," she said. "And now that I've told you about our past, I should also tell you that I know about what you did with Tracey, and how she convinced you to not only not turn her in when you caught her but even allowed her to leave with our packages."

Harry felt a cold chill as he listened to her. He'd let his guard down and forgotten all about his concerns with his night with Tracey and how Daphne might react to it if she found out, but now she was telling him that she already knew. She'd probably always known; the half-sisters seemed to discuss everything, and the story about Tracey continuing in her mother's image and serving as her lieutenant only reinforced that. So why had she asked him on this date? Was it all a plan to humiliate him, or maybe blackmail him into assisting her in some way?

"Listen, I didn't—I mean, it's not like you and I were dating or anything, and—"

"Stop, Harry," Daphne said, shaking her head. She stuck her index finger in the air and made some kind of hand signal, but Harry ignored that and looked straight at her. "I'm not angry, and you have nothing to apologize for."

Harry was confused. While it was true that nothing had happened between he and Daphne before he'd shagged Tracey, he'd expected at least some kind of reaction. Did it really not bother her that he'd had sex with her half-sister?

Before he could figure out what the hell to say they were joined at their table by Tracey, who was obviously responding to that hand signal Daphne had just made. She smiled knowingly at Harry.

"So, Daph, has Harry done a good enough job on this date to earn himself a reward?" she asked. Daphne huffed.

"I was just getting to that," the blonde said after an eye roll. "Is the room prepared?"

"What do you take me for?" Tracey asked. "What kind of a lieutenant would I be if I couldn't even manage that much?"

Daphne ignored her and looked at Harry. "Please follow us, Harry. I promise you will enjoy yourself."

Harry was slow to move. His mind was still struggling to understand what was happening and what they had in mind, but they were obviously up to something.

"C'mon, Harry," Tracey chided playfully. "Remember how much fun it was the last time we were alone together?"

"I don't think that's helping," Daphne said, looking at Harry. "Please come with us, Harry. We have important things to discuss, and we can't do them out in the open like this."

He was still feeling somewhat reluctant, but he followed Daphne and Tracey. They hadn't given him any reason to think they were angry or had any nefarious plans for him, so he would follow and see where they led him.

Where they led him turned out to be up the stairs and into a rented room in the Three Broomsticks. Daphne cast silencing and locking spells on the door, and then turned to him with as serious an expression as he'd ever seen from her.

"I want to date you, Harry," she said. "But I'm not looking for a casual school romance. I've spent years waiting for the right wizard to come along, and I'm now convinced that you are that wizard. I want to be completely transparent with you about my intentions, Harry. I hope for this to eventually end in marriage." Harry's eyes bugged out, but before he could say anything Tracey butted in.

"That's what we're both hoping for," the redhead interjected. "It's not just Daphne who wants you, Harry. I want in too."

Harry's eyes narrowed. Now it all made sense. Now he understood why Daphne had told him all about her family history. She was putting the idea in his head of taking both her and her half-sister as not just lovers, but as wives. The idea that they were trying to entice him with the promise of marrying both of them, trapping him just as their mothers had trapped their father (even if he'd eventually come to appreciate them, or so Daphne claimed at least) wasn't a pleasant one.

Daphne must have seen his expression and realized he might be about to react negatively, because she spoke again quickly. "Let me first assure you that in no way am I expecting you to sign any contracts or agree to any betrothals today," she said. "I did not tell you about my family history or my hopes for where this eventually leads because I hope to get you to commit to anything today. I only wanted to be upfront and honest with you about what I—"

Tracey cleared her throat to interrupt her half-sister. "We," she said. Daphne nodded.

"What we want," Daphne amended. "But you don't have to agree to anything today. We're not here to trap you into making any commitments that you're not sure of. Do you believe me?"

Harry looked at her hard for several long seconds. Most would have flinched away from him when he stared at them with such intensity, but Daphne met his eyes and did not look away. She wanted him to see her sincerity, and after staring at her he finally nodded.

"I do," he said. He still thought all of this was a bit crazy. Who states their desire to get married on a first date? (He couldn't really find any fault with the bit about sharing him with her half-sister. Unconventional as it was, he had recently shagged the Patil twins at the same time so who was he to talk?) But in a weird way, them laying all of this out there right now was a sign that they were not trying to trap him. It would have been far more manipulative to wait until he'd been on several dates with Daphne and grown attached before revealing their hopes to him. They were being incredibly forward, but they weren't trying to hide anything from him.

"As for why I am so intent on a marriage and why I brought it up now, I have obligations to my family," Daphne continued. "My father has left my marriage status up to my mother, and there is an agreement between us. I can choose my own husband, provided he is of suitable breeding and influence, but only if he and I have entered into a betrothal agreement by the time I'm done with Hogwarts. If my time as a student ends and I remain unbetrothed, my mother will choose a husband for me. I have kept my eyes open since my first year, trying to decide on a wizard who would meet my mother's criteria but would also be someone I could see building a life with. You were already someone who interested me, and the time we've spent together this term has convinced me that you're the one."

Harry nodded slowly, accepting her reasoning. Being upfront about her desire to get married made more sense now that he knew the conditions she faced. She was on a time limit, and in a sense so was he. But they would still be in Hogwarts for well over two years, so she would not need an answer from him today, tomorrow, or next month. Hopefully by the time she actually felt the need for a yes or a no, he would have a much better idea of how compatible they were and whether or not he was ready to commit to marrying her.

"As for me, I already liked you even before this term," Tracey said. "I could tell you were something special, and the time we've spent together has only made me like you more. So since we know you'll need two wives eventually anyway, we figured it would work perfectly if we offered ourselves up for the role together. Being one of two wives could be tough for pretty much any other witch you might choose, but we already know we'll get along. We've been together all our lives, so there's no reason to worry about any rivalry." That honestly wasn't something Harry had ever considered, but she made a good point.

"And of course, what wizard could resist the chance to bed two sisters? Isn't that the ultimate dream?" Daphne said dryly. Harry's eyes widened, and even Tracey looked surprised. A dirty comment like that from Tracey would have felt natural, but Daphne doing so was unexpected. It made Tracey giggle though, and Harry cracked a smile too.

Now that Harry had accepted that there were no hidden tricks here and they had in fact told him all of this because they wanted there to be no surprises in the future about what they wanted, he could relax and look at the situation more seriously. If they'd tried to spring this on him later it almost surely would have ended poorly, but since he knew what to expect heading in he was prepared to see where it would go. He was still wary because of the similarities between the situation with their father and mothers, but with all of the facts out there he was willing to explore this.

And Daphne was right; who didn't want to bed two sisters? Having already experienced that male dream with the Patil twins, he could confidently say that reality more than lived up to the fantasies.

"Okay," he said. "I will date you; both of you." Daphne's stiff body posture relaxed and she wore a small smile, while Tracey was even more expressive with her pleasure, clapping her hands and whooping with joy. "But it's only dating for now," he stressed. "Now that I know your situation I know that you'll need an answer from me eventually, but I'm not ready to make any decisions on marriage yet."

"Of course," Daphne said, nodding. "That's fine; take your time. We'll show you that we're genuine about wanting you. And not just because of your family influence and wealth or your personal fame. Those things might be the only reason my mother would accept you as my husband, but I want to be with you for you."

Daphne wrapped her arms around his neck, pressed her body against his and gave him a kiss on the lips. Harry immediately hugged her around the waist and returned the kiss, happy to meet her passion and return it. Harry had been fortunate enough to bed several attractive witches this term, but that didn't make his desire for Daphne any less. He kissed her back and threw himself into the kiss, only breaking away from her when Tracey took them both by the hand and dragged them over towards the bed. Harry allowed himself to be led there, very much liking where this was going.

Then the flirty Slytherin took her robes off to reveal some sexy dark red underwear underneath, and Harry decided he liked this direction even more. Tracey pushed him down onto the bed and straddled his lap to take over in kissing him, and Daphne took this opportunity to undress him.

"Are we maybe going a little fast?" Harry asked in between heated kisses with Tracey. It felt somewhat ironic asking the question given his recent sexual history, but this was his first attempt at a proper relationship. Weren't the rules different with a girlfriend (or girlfriends, in his case) than in a simple casual hookup?

Daphne raised her eyebrows while continuing to undress him, and Tracey smirked down at him. "Are you really complaining about having sex with your new girlfriends?" the redhead asked.

Harry shook his head slowly. "No," he said. This didn't feel like the way most relationships would start, but then again he supposed nothing about this was really normal. If his girlfriends wanted to jump straight into bed with him, what kind of idiot would he be if he said no? He showed them that he was all in by fondling Tracy's half-naked body, enjoying this chance to get reacquainted with her.

"With you all over him like that, I can't get him naked," Daphne complained. Tracey showed no signs of wanting to get up off of him, so Daphne sighed. "Fine. This is nothing a little magic can't fix." Harry felt his clothes disappear as Daphne vanished them straight off. He couldn't see Daphne with Tracey's sexy body dominating his vision, but he heard the blonde's noise of delight upon seeing his naked body, and it made him smile against Tracey's lips.

"As always, Daphne, you're full of good ideas," Tracey said after breaking the kiss. She reached over, picked up her wand and vanished her underwear, giving Harry his first look at the redheaded Slytherin's wonderful body since that night that he'd caught her during his prefect patrol.

She allowed him to admire her for just a few seconds before sliding down his body. Harry certainly couldn't complain about losing the view when she instead kneeled in front of him and started to lick at his cock. She licked and kissed at the head briefly before taking him between her lips and beginning to suck. He'd gone down on her during their first time together, but they'd gone straight from that to him fucking her. This was his first chance to feel her licking and sucking him in return, and he was not disappointed. She didn't seem nearly as practiced at it as, say, Fleur or Pansy, but she knew enough to make him feel very good. Between her mouth sliding down his cock and her hand gently touching and stroking him, Tracey definitely had what it took to get him off.

His pleasure was only magnified when Daphne climbed into bed with him and began kissing him again. They picked up right where they left off, and getting a blowjob from her half-sister made Harry kiss Daphne back with even greater hunger than before, and when she stroked his upper arms through his clothing he took it as permission to touch her as well. He started on her lower back and slowly worked his way down, but when he reached her full arse and gave it a squeeze she jumped back suddenly.

"Sorry, I thought you were up for a little touching what with, well, everything," Harry said, looking up at her in concern. The moment had led to Tracey pulling back, taking away what had been a pretty damn good blowjob. That was regrettable, but he was more concerned with Daphne than his own pleasure at the moment.

"No, no, you didn't do anything wrong," Daphne said, shaking her head. "I want you to touch me there, but I can't afford to allow it yet." His confusion obviously showed on his face, because she sighed and gave him more of an explanation. "Part of my agreement with my mother includes a chastity spell. It prevents me from going beyond kissing."

"Ah." So he wasn't going to be bedding Daphne today then. That was a shame.

"I'm sorry about that." Daphne sounded sheepish and frustrated. "I wish I could rip these clothes off and have sex with you right now, but I can't."

"That's one of the reasons I'm here today," Tracey said. "Along with wanting you for myself, of course. You can't have sex with Daphne today--but you can have sex with me. No chastity spells here."

"Yeah, I picked up on that," he said, smiling slightly as he remembered their first time together. He didn't need to ask why she wasn't under the same restrictions as Daphne. Tracey's mother was a muggleborn, while Daphne came from pureblood stock. Their mothers obviously took very different stances on their love lives and future marriages as a result. "Sorry if you felt like you needed her to take your place and satisfy me," he said to Daphne. "It's not like I expected anything from you today, or would have been disappointed without sex."

"Don't worry about it," Daphne said dismissively. "Now can we get on with the sex, please? I've been looking forward to this all week." She sounded dead serious about it. Even though she wouldn't actually be able to participate, it seemed that the idea of watching him shag her half-sister had Daphne very excited.

"You think you've been looking forward to it," Tracey said sarcastically. She got back up and climbed back into the bed with Harry, and after a brief bit of kissing they wound up with her down on all fours and him behind her, preparing to fuck her again. He admired her naked arse for a moment, before twin huffs of impatience from both Tracey and Daphne made him chuckle. Both half-sisters were eager for him to get on with it, and he wasn't going to deny them.

He pushed back inside of Tracey, making her groan as he slid his cock in. "Fuck, just as big as I remember!" Tracey said, and it definitely didn't sound like a bad thing with the way that she said it.

The first time they'd done this, she'd been in his lap and he'd allowed her to ride him however she wanted. This time he was the one in position to control the shag, and while he took it slow with her at first, he wasn't able to hold back for long. The combination of Tracey's sexy body and the way she moaned, plus the open interest on Daphne's beautiful face as she watched them go at it, got him speeding up quickly and thrusting into her harder than he'd originally planned on.

Luckily it seemed to be welcomed by Tracey, who only moaned louder when Harry's hips sped up and smacked against her harder. She hadn't been all that experienced when he'd been with her the first time, and he doubted she'd been anywhere near as sexually active as he had in the time since, but she was proving more than ready for him to fuck her hard from behind. He put even more force into his thrusts, and she kept on moaning and encouraging him to keep going. He responded in kind, grunting with exertion as he gave it to her harder still.

Tracey cried out in orgasm, and Harry heard a very interesting intake of breath coming from around where Daphne was standing. He looked at her watching them out of the corner of his eye, and she looked as excited as she sounded. Daphne might not be able to participate, but she was enjoying the show. It provided Harry a bit of extra motivation, as if he needed any beyond simply wanting to enjoy Tracey's body and make her feel as good as he possibly could.

Determined to satisfy both of the sisters, Harry not only kept up his efforts but continued to push the envelope by switching to different positions. He rolled Tracey onto her side and took her from a spooning position, sliding his cock inside of her and playing with her breasts until she came with another cry. This too seemed to drive an excited noise out of Daphne, and between her interest and Tracey's pleasure, not to mention his own persistent desire, he pushed forward and into another position.

His third go of the day with Tracey saw her still on her side, but with him now kneeling and straddling her lower leg while he fucked her. He was able to move his hips harder and get a deeper penetration from this position, returning to something far closer to the hard doggy style sex that he'd started out with. Tracey approved.

"Oh fuck!" she whispered. She'd been really loud before, but after her second orgasm she seemed to have some of the wind fucked out of her. That didn't mean she wanted him to stop or slow down at all though. She might be getting tired, but her moans were still there even if they didn't have quite as much strength behind them now.

Harry still had plenty of strength though, and he put it all into this fuck, wanting to not only give it to Tracey and make her cum as many times as he could, but also wanting to leave an impression on Daphne and show her what was waiting for her if they ever got to the point that her chastity spell was removed and she was free to shag him. He had two gorgeous witches to impress, and he was determined not to stop until he'd done so. In actuality he'd already thoroughly impressed both of them, and he knew it. But as long as he could keep going and as long as Tracey still wanted it, he wasn't going to let up.

He fucked Tracey to a third orgasm, after which her head seemed to be lolling and her breath seemed to be getting very short. He got the feeling that she wouldn't be able to take much more, so he made the decision to push now towards the end. And he knew just how he wanted to finish her.

Tracey moaned quietly as he moved her onto her back, pushed her legs up and pressed his against them while he fucked her once again. She was close to finished, but now wasn't the time for him to hold back. Now was the time to go as hard as ever and ensure that he finished strong. She grunted every time he slammed forward and gave her a balls-deep thrust, which happened more often than at any point that he'd fucked her either today or that first night on his prefect patrol. Only now was Tracey seeing what it was like when he put his all into fucking her hard, and as her mouth hung open and she stared up at him in disbelief he knew that he was reshaping her opinion of what sex could be.

She wasn't the only one. While he was fucking Tracey, on the periphery he noticed Daphne getting up and walking behind him. somewhere out of sight. He was curious to know where she was going and what she was up to, but didn't dare look away from Tracey or take his attention off of fucking her for all he was worth. He didn't need to hunt Daphne down anyway, because he soon felt the bed shift as her weight settled behind his body. He tested his ability to multitask by continuing to fuck Tracey while looking back over his shoulder to see what Daphne was up to.

The blonde was now lying down on the bed, and her head was very close to where his cock joined with Tracey's cunt. She stared at the point of contact and watched his cock move, seemingly mesmerized by the sight. She didn't seem to understand the situation she was putting herself in, but Harry was worried that if she got any closer his balls might very well slap her face while he fucked Tracey. The idea of his balls touching Daphne's face was admittedly erotic, but he was worried that it might affect her negatively thanks to her chastity spell. If it had activated when he touched her bum with his hands, and through her clothes at that, there was no way it wouldn't reject his balls touching her face!

He wanted to tell her that it might be a good idea to lean back a bit, but before he could say anything a high-pitched whimper escaped from Tracey's throat, and he felt her cunt clench around him one more time in orgasm. Lasting through three of her orgasms so he could keep fucking her and impressing Daphne had been difficult enough, but he couldn't make it through a fourth even if he'd wanted to try.

Since Harry now always took precautions, he didn't worry about the consequences. He thrust in and kept trying to get as deep as he could get while he came inside of her, following an instinctive desire to try and fill this beautiful woman with his seed even if his brain knew that she would not be getting pregnant today. Every pulse poured more cum inside of Tracey, who mewled her way through it all. Daphne, still watching it all with the best seat possible, let out a moan that cut through all else and shot straight to Harry's groin.

"Is it always that fucking exhausting?" Tracey asked as he finally finished cumming and pulled out of her.

Harry laughed. "Not always," he said. "Only when I've got the time. Unless that was a complaint just now. If that was too much for you, I'll be easier on you next time."

"Don't even fucking think about it," she said, and there was strength in her voice despite her exhaustion. "Hell, I'm not even finished with you yet."

"Oh yeah?" Harry looked down at her, surprised to hear her say that. He'd thought for sure that she was spent, and might even need assistance to make it back to the castle, or a pepper-up potion at the very least. "You really want more?"

"Fuck yes," she said. "Just, you know, not yet. I need some time to rest. But when I'm all rested up, you'd better slide that cock back inside me and give me enough to tide me over until the next time we can meet up." She wiggled her eyebrows at him playfully. "Unless you don't think you'll be able to handle any more?"

"You don't need to worry about me," he assured her with a smirk. "Let me know when you're ready, and I'll pound you into the mattress one more time."


"Well, that wasn't exactly what I was expecting to happen on this date," Harry said as the three of them walked through Hogsmeade together and slowly made their way back towards the castle. Daphne was happy to walk as slow as possible to extend their time together a little bit more, but the primary reason for their slower pace was because Tracey's entire body was sore. After her brief break, they'd gone back at it, putting on a show that Daphne hadn't been able to look away from. The three of them had remained in bed until it was getting late enough that they really had no choice but to head back to school, however much they didn't want to.

"That's a good thing though, right?" Tracey asked, smiling at him and lightly poking him in the chest. She might be sore, but there was no mistaking how happy she was. Daphne shared in her happiness; the day had gone even better than they'd expected, honestly. She was also more than a little jealous though, because Tracey had been the only one who actually got to enjoy the benefits of Harry's interest.

"It's a great thing," Harry said. "I took one beautiful girl on a date, hoping we might hit it off and even start dating, and we did. Only I got a second girlfriend out of it too."

"And she's pretty beautiful too, wouldn't you say?" Tracey asked, giving him another playful poke. Daphne rolled her eyes, but Harry just smiled.

"She's very beautiful," he agreed, which earned him a quick kiss on the cheek from Tracey. The three of them were attracting plenty of attention on their way back to the castle, and Tracey's little kiss, harmless as it was, got tongues wagging even more. That was fine though. It wasn't like they had any intention of hiding this. On the contrary, they wanted everyone else, and every witch in the castle specifically, to know that Harry was now dating both of them. Plenty of witches were interested in claiming a place by Harry's side and potentially become one of his two wives. Let them all know that both Daphne and her half-sister were dating him. It would only play into their favor.

"And she's more than happy to share that beautiful body with you whenever you want," Tracey whispered into his ear, though Daphne was close enough on his other side to hear it as well. Harry licked his lips, and if he hadn't spent all day fucking her Daphne wouldn't have been surprised to see him pounce on Tracey then and there. He seemed to notice Daphne rolling her eyes, and gave her a sheepish smile.

"Sorry," he said, but she shook her head.

"Don't be," she replied. "I'm glad one of us can enjoy ourselves freely with you."

It was frustrating for Daphne that she couldn't join in, but that would only be temporary. She couldn't wait until she could tell her mother that she'd found her husband and have the spell of chastity taken off, and then she could give herself to Harry and experience all of the things that she'd only been able to watch and listen to today.