
Movie World Collector

Every movie is a journey, Marilyn Monroe's sexy style, the infinite loneliness of an isolated island overseas, Audrey Hepburn's passionate kiss, and the hardship of trying to live. Movies in this novel, Godfather, Malena and many more. Chapter will be only on weekdays.

Ok_Ko_3334 · Filme
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34 Chs

Dare to Kill

Jiang Hao was so hungry that his chest was sticking to his back. He had never been so hungry since he could remember. Although his family was not a wealthy family, they had no problem eating and had never really been hungry.

He stirred the red and shiny bowl of noodles with chopsticks for a few times, and picked up a big chopstick to put it into his mouth.



It only took half a minute for the big bowl of noodles to be finished. Jiang Hao wanted to say one word:


He put down the first bowl and picked up the second bowl. This time he could eat slower and savor the original oil-splashed noodles carefully. Well, the taste was really good.

He had eaten oil-splashed noodles before, but compared to this, it felt a little worse. As for where the difference was, he couldn't tell. In short, it was not as delicious as the noodles here.

"Boss, give me two bowls of noodle soup to fill the gaps." Jiang Hao shouted.

The boss was not vague and filled the two big bowls in front of Jiang Hao with a big ladle. The original soup was used to make the original food, and the hot noodle soup slid down the gaps, making it comfortable.

"How much is it, boss?"

"A total of 40 cents."

Jiang Hao shook his clothes and took out a few copper coins from his pocket. These coins were taken from the man with the crooked hat yesterday. Two 20-cent coins and one 50-cent coin. Jiang Hao put the two 20-cent coins on the table, put his sweatshirt on his shoulder and walked out of the noodle shop.

After a full meal, he felt invincible.

He went to a grocery store and bought a box of cigarettes and a box of matches, as well as a pair of coarse cloth gloves. He also bought four buns from the bun shop next door and asked the boss to wrap them in oil paper. Now, he had no money left.

Jiang Hao did not go back to the sedan chair shop. He took the buns and left the city again. He walked all the way back to the sorghum field and dug out the two guns. He first loaded the earthen gun with gunpowder bullets. After carefully finishing it, he put it aside and prepared to take it with him at night.

He didn't know if he would use it, but it was better to be prepared.

He picked up the stolen Hanyang rifle and started to play with it. Jiang Hao had practiced firearms before, and naturally learned how to disassemble guns, but he had only seen this old thing in the materials he collected. (I don't think I read him practicing and dissemble firearms, maybe it's a common thing in china. The CcP get as many as Cannon Folder they want lol.)

Fortunately, the general principle was the same. After playing with it for a while, he could skillfully load the bullet, load and unload the chamber. He sat on the ground, propped up one leg, and held the gun with both hands, imitating the way a sniper practiced. When he was learning shooting, the coach also taught him some things.


Jiang Hao made a gunshot, and then laughed.

Cars and guns can be said to be the favorite toys of men. There are few who don't love them. Now Jiang Hao was having a lot of fun playing with this Hanyang rifle until dark.

After eating four buns, he hid the Hanyang rifle again, put the earthen gun on his waist, took out the sack prepared during the day and put it on his head, leaving only a pair of eyes and mouth, and Jiang Hao resolutely walked towards Shibalipo.

After walking three or four miles in the dark, Jiang Hao lay on a dirt slope and looked down. He could still vaguely see the lights of the distillery, thinking that the guys were still not asleep.

Lying down on the dirt slope, Jiang Hao took out a cigarette from his cigarette case, lit it with a match, took a puff, spit out the tobacco residue in his mouth, and looked at the stars in the sky while smoking. He waited for more than an hour, and the lights in the distillery went out. It was pitch black all around, but to be on the safe side, Jiang Hao waited for another hour before leaving, and he didn't forget to cover the few cigarette butts he had just smoked with dirt.

He took out a pair of coarse cloth gloves and put them on, slowly approaching the Li family's house. The main house and the distillery were about thirty to fifty meters away. As long as he didn't make any big noise, they shouldn't be able to hear it.

After going around, Jiang Hao found that there was still light in the back window. Li Mafeng should be the only one in this yard, and the guys wouldn't come easily. He didn't expect that the old guy was still awake so late.

Perhaps because of the hot weather, the back window was half open. Jiang Hao moved over carefully and looked into the room. There was a small table in the middle of the kang. Facing the window was a thin figure lying on the bed with a pipe in his hand. The oil lamp on the small table was used to smoke opium.

A puff of white smoke came out from his head, and the old man hummed twice in enjoyment.

He didn't know when this old man will stop smoking. He made up his mind, grabbed the wooden window and pulled it out, put his hand on the window frame, and rushed into the room. Jiang Hao's action was not smooth and quiet. The man turned his head in a daze, and the two looked at each other.

Jiang Hao saw a guy in his forties or fifties who was thin and dry, with deep eye sockets and a face full of wrinkles and pockmarks.

Maybe because smoking affected his brain, when Jiang Hao stood in front of him, Li Mafeng seemed to be more awake. Seeing a guy with a hood on his head, he knew it was not good, and a look of fear appeared in his face. Just as he was about to shout, a big foot kicked him hard.


This kick landed accurately on the head, and it was so solid that Li Mafeng's head tilted and he fainted immediately.

This old man has leprosy. Although the system can eliminate all negative states when traveling back, he doesn't want to get leprosy here. This disease can kill people, so he prepared a headgear and coarse cloth gloves.

No matter if it works or not, this is the only way.

He found a bed sheet, tore it apart with a bang, rolled it into a ball and stuffed it into Li Mafeng's mouth. Fearing that he might wake up and scream, he tore the bed sheet into several strips, shook his hands and rolled it into a cloth rope, and tied Li Mafeng's hands and feet tightly. He found a thin quilt and rolled Li Mafeng in it. Now, not to mention a dying guy, even a strong young man can't get out.

After doing all this, Jiang Hao exhaled a breath.

Looking around the room, it was a typical northwestern house with a brick kang. On one side was a row of cabinets with quilts on top, and below were several small cupboards locked with copper locks.

In Jiang Hao's opinion, this was a very crude protective measure. He used the door bar in the house to knock it open lightly. After searching inside, he found a bag of silver . He weighed it and estimated that there were about 50 or 60 slivers. Jiang Hao put it directly into his pocket.

He carried Li Mafeng, blew out the oil lamp, strode out of the house, and headed towards the sorghum field. After walking for about half an hour, Jiang Hao plunged into the green gauze tent.

He randomly found dig a pit and threw Li Mafeng into it. The thick loess buried him, and Li Mafeng completely disappeared from this world. (Triple kill)

Jiang Hao turned around and left.

In the morning, Erdan's mother, the only woman in the distillery, got up early, made breakfast for everyone, and made a separate portion for the shopkeeper, and brought it to the main house on the slope.

Standing outside the door, he shouted, "Boss, are you up yet? I'm here to bring you food." After shouting twice, no one answered. Erdan's mother saw that the door was not locked and was ajar, so she used her foot to hook the door open and prepared to bring the food directly to the room. But when she entered, she saw a messy room, the door of the bedside table was smashed, and the boss was nowhere to be seen. Erdan's mother was so scared that she ran out of the room with the plate, shouting all the way, "Oh no, something happened in the boss's room."

She ran so fast that the plates and bowls on the tray fell to the ground with a clatter.