
Mount Magus:The godly descendant

One of the best stories you'd ever read.... SPIRIT REALM...here he come!

Author_Audri · Urban
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6 Chs

Xiu min and Yu na

Spirit Realm



He finally caught up to me.....,

He stabbed me in the stomach with a power swords.....,

I coughed blood.....,

He chuckled then in a flash he disappeared,my body then collided with an hard surface,my eye opened wide as I stared at my surroundings.... feeling relived I was in my cabin

What a strange dream I had... it's being reoccurring in my head for to long to be considered a prank.

I had better do something about the dream and the young boy before the dream turns to reality...

With that I got up had my bath and got dresses

Minutes later,I found my self kneeling in front of the "Legendary Power",the Magus himself.....

He was an immortal that had lived over century's and probably still has many more yet to live,but his looks spoke other wise.....

If classified by humans, he would be said to have attained the age of 60 which was the opposite of his body stature and face.

He had no wrinkles of any sort,his face is as smooth as that of a young boy,his figure was the craving of all immortal who just attained certain power sword which couldn't be compared with his....

His abs were standing and looking erect,he was said never to were a shirt,he only wore robs on special occasion if not,he would only be cladded with a blank trouser, nothing less than the colour blank stood on him...

"It would be great if you talked rather than staring at me",His crooked voice came loud, jolting me back to reality.

"I...I...wo..u..l..d..l..I...", I stammered nervous..I mean who wouldn't be nervous infront of the immortal lord himself.....such person had guts and probably a death wish in his bucket list.

Such opportunity came rarely well except to me though,as I once was his brother.

Yes you saw right... BROTHER!...he shedded skin every decade,in this case,which means he changes body,by entering into a dead persons body who would instantly cultivate his chi....

Though,he was the best but didn't have the greatest chi,nobody knows who but all are well informed he wasn't the supreme in chi cultivation.

Once in his life time,I had being his brother who was re-born as his loyal servant now,a mystery to all how he recognizes me, having worked with thousands of servants....



The old man looked into Noah eyes, staring at him deeply..his eyes piecing through his body without a blink.....what power?

The man had saw him earlier on the mountain as he did his survey,after the little but strong rain anyone who witnessed it had a little or no chance of survival but there he was...breathing?at a normal pace the only thing was that he had lost conscienceness and hadn't woke up in the last five days.

The old man saw him as a brave boy and took him home to cure.....

He was an immortal,in charge of guiding the Mount Magus...he didn't think anyone could have such bravery of coming to scale through it in the terrible weather.

He was now fed up,he tried using spells on him but it didn't work in the littlest way talk-less of him regaining full conscienceness,he then tried his famous remedy who hadn't fail to heal a creature in his decades of existence.....but it failed with flying colours

What was he doing wrong.....

He had to find a cure then fast,he was put in charge of guiding the mountain,if any other immortal were to hear of this,he would be on the next bus to heaven.


A knock came from the other side of the door.

"Come in"he replied.

"Why did you summon me master"She gave a slight bow,he gave landing on Noah's unconscious body.

Her mind already flooded with taught she asked,"Why is a human unconscious in your chamber"?

His he dead....?

Did you kill him....?

After much pondering he had decided to call unto one of his well-experienced-now powerful trainee he taught back in the day,but now she threw several questions at him,not letting him explain,she would have asked another.

"Calm down and listen..."He yelled, finally she kept her blabby mouth shut... praise the seven gods.

With her at ease,he explained it all to her,she then spoke properly as she never said any reasonable thing since her arrival at his chamber which was located in the human world."How do you suggest,we help him regain conscienceness"?

"Ho...m..out.m...."I stammered.

"Talk properly father... I'm ready to do what's in my power in other to wake him up"She held his hand tight.

Well,it was only proper she regarded him as father,she was an orphan with no relative,Xiu Min(Dracula) saw her wrapped in a gift box placed at his doorstep.

He then took it has his objective to protect her,no matter the circumstance.After few days he named her Yu na,which means "the moon"

Mustering up his courage,he then spoke"Mouth to Mouth resurrection"

Their came her laughter which directly entered his eardrum.

He heard it in an human novel,not even sure if he pronounced it the right or wrong way.

One of her powers was the ability to speak as far as anyone can hear.Her whispering was even louder than any other immortal voice.

"Let's get serious,you said you'd do all in your might,to help him regain conscienceness but now...your doing the complete opposite"He scolded.

For a moment there,she felt bad...she did say so and now she was going back in her words,which she didn't often do...

"I will"Her voice came really low but Dracula heard clearly.

She had to keep her promise even if it involves kissing an human,she was ready to do it.

Wearing a brave face...she went over and leaned against the bed, Dracula had placed him on....


Lesson of the chapter;Be thankful in every situation you find yourself!