
Mount Magus:The godly descendant

One of the best stories you'd ever read.... SPIRIT REALM...here he come!

Author_Audri · Urban
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6 Chs



Author's Note:The basic reason of me writing this story is for the Webnovel spirity awards and my main objective is to win... please comment/review and gift this story with power stones and more.P.S the lesson below is not related to the story in any away just to motivate you and probably myself...

Lesson of chapter;Little is better than none!

The night sky was more gloomy than usual today, Nevertheless was I going to give up my lifelong dream of being the first to successfully scale mount Magus.

Earlier that day,the forecast said the temperature would reach 20°C or less,where as the mountain will be free to anyone willing to risk his/her life by climbing it....I wasn't ready to let a lifetime opportunity slip...

So I packed all necessary equipments which will be of big help,soon after I was set to scale the mountain.

I wasn't so sure my mother will be in support of the drastic life-threatening action I wanted to embrace,not ready to take risk I decided to sneak out.

I climbed down the wall and successfully snuck out without alerting either my younger sister or mother which boosted my pride.... I mean,who wouldn't?... Definitely not me!

By the time I arrived,dark stormy clouds had cover the sky,a dense fog rolls in making it hard for me to see clearly but still not ready to give up at least not after what I'd being through on coming here.

I then found myself at the starting point which is located at the bottom of the mountain ready to climb, despite the heavy fog,I looked to see the tall figure of the mountain has the moon bath it, in it's glamour

Enough of enjoying the serenity I have to get started immediately if I wanted to get back home on time.

If my calculations were right I would be up and down back before dawn...

Hours later,my legs felt achy but I was long gone to look back,the weather gave me the creeps;

Tress smashed against the house mere the vicinity and made noise, branches scratched the windows which built tension in me.it seems that someone was creating this on purpose.

Shaking of the bad taught,I kept climbing the mountain as i reached the middle.

People die,injure,some even get traumatized while climbing this mountain but to me it was a peace of cake,glad but why...?

/ / / / /

Meet Noah Smith,a free spirited nineteen year old boy,who gets into the spirit realm by accident....?

Will his secrets be revealed before he could learn his abilities....?

Or will he never find out how to cultivate superpowers.....?

Too many questions to be answered right?

Follow me in this journey...

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