
Mortal Gods Awakening.

Participating in the Fantasy Carnaval, if you like the book support it with your powerstone.. Destruction, On Earth energy called "mana,, was returning, Magic, Martial Arts, Superpowers became reality. Humanity started to prosper but... this didn't last very long. In the darkness countless eyes were looking at Earth with greed. Earth's dimensional barrier was broken, Gates opened and monsters poured in. Hope was answered by people magic powers called "Hunters" But this was far from the end. Gods, Constellations, Devil's started fighing for this planet, For billions of souls, they spread their power occupying immense land. but they didn't realize who they have awakened by their invasion, A Monster, A True God... The destruction of what HE created just begun. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry for the grammar, i am not english. Novel Photo is not mine, if artist wants taken down contact me.

DreamWr8ER · Fantasie
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125 Chs

Heart Demon.....

"You..... Huh..... how the hell did i not guess that it was you you piece of shit....."

"Ohhh..... come on now, aren't we friends Alex?????"

Alex was looking at creature very similar to him, it was like 100 % copy of his entire body, except for a horns that was coming out of its forhead.....

It was a Demon, a Heart Demon to be exact.....

Alex sighed and said "Okay, you know you will not be able to affect me no matter how you try so why the hell did you decide to create world that was so flawed that you knew i would be able to pass, and yes giving me my powers was also a dumb move"

Heart Demon was smiling but when he heard this his smile dissappeared, he then sighed and said "Yeah..... Yeah..... i wanted to make something different but your monstrous mental defences only let me to create flawed world, as for the powers..... something is protecting them i wasn't able to affect them at all....."

Heart Demon was quite stupified when he first appeared in Alex'es mind back in Cultivation World, he tried to affect Alex many times but every single time Alex simply either owerpowered his illusions or it straight up didn't work on him, Alex also managed to trick him 2 times, a biggest joke was that one time Alex turned him into a attraction and forced him to get through Heart Demon Tribulation that he made for him, Alex'es Heart Demon became biggest joke in their society for that.....

Alex smiled and said now "Okay, now get this thing off before i break it myself, and if you come back at least think about something more original to create and not something straight out from videogames okay?????"

Heart Demon's eyes twitched, he could see mockery in Alex'es eyes.....

He waved his hands and said "Hahahahahah..... alright but don't be too comfortable with yourself Alex..... i will come back"






Alex released his Aura and the illusion broke.....


On Earth.

Alex slowly opened his eyes, he looked around and saw a hospital bed.....

"Huh..... i returned....."



[World Traveling System

Congratulations!!, You have passed Heart Demon Tribulation

+ 400 Free Points!!]


Alex closed the tab, he looked around and saw it was about noon right now, sun was up in the air birds were chirping around, he was stunned for a moment and stopped for a while to look at the scenary from the window now.....

For some reason he felt peace.....



Suddenly!!!!!, a knocks were heard and hospital door opened.....

A Pretty young lady somewhere between 25 to 30 years old came in with nurse outfit.....

when she saw Alex she immediately managed to say "Sir!!!!! You are awake!!!!! let me get the doctor please come down from the window before you are checked!!!!!"

Alex looked at her and nodded, he came back down on his bed.....


A Middle Aged man came in the room rushing, he had a doctor's outfit and white coat, he looked he had Stethoscope attached to his left coat.....

He came in and looked at Alex, he took his hand and said "You are lucky young man, from what i have seen your injuries were so much that you shouldn't have been alive back then....."

Alex smiled and said again "What happened there can you tell me?????"

Middle aged man sat down at nearby chair and said "When your night in the hotel was up and you didn't come down a worker there checked on you, first worker was shocked when gate appeared and saw you were on your bed, worker wanted to wake you up but when worker saw your injuries ambulance was immediately called....."

Alex nodded "I see, thank you sir....."

Middle Aged man smiled and said "Sorry for not introducing myself before, my name is Joshua Longbreak, You can call me Doctor Joshua"

"But something else....., when you came in the hospital miraculously your injuries were almost all healed..... we wanted to ask, are you a Hunter young man?????"

Alex smiled and said to him "Yes i am....."

He got up and said "Thanks for your care, where do i pay the bill for the hospital?????"

Joshua smiled and said to Alex "You don't have to your insurance has covered everything, but can you stay here for few more hours????? A people from hunter Association have came they want to ask you about the Gate that appeared there"

Alex nodded and sat back down he asked "My Smartphone?????"

Doctor Joshua said "Its in our item list, Nurse is going to get it for you, before that you can rest"

He sat up and went away.....

Only Alex was left there looking our from the window, looking at the peaceful scene.....

He sat back down and looked at System Prompts that appeard before.....








[World Traveling System

Congratulations!! you have reached 300 Level, Max level for your rank

Stats are no longer attainable before you reach Next Rank

Do you wish to ascend to SSS Rank?????

Yes / No]


Alex clicked Yes.....


Rejuvenating Energy appeared inside him, he was already used to it so Alex didn't react much..... but after a long time when energy calmed down system prompts appeared again..... but this time it told him something interesting.....



[World Traveling System

Congratulations!! You have leveled up to SSS Rank, whithout help of a God Contract, You have achived impossible and reached the limit of a Mortal Human, New System upgrade has been completed sooner.....]



[World Traveling System

Rewards: [System Shop] Upgrade Complete Sonner

Level Cap raised to 1000

Stats have refreshed

Pieces of Higher Energy: Unlocked]


Alex was suprised when he saw this, he never really cared about levels because he was too much of a broken character, in the past he has defeated being much higher power than him even if we don't count a God that he killed few hours ago, but suprising thing was that he understood if he wanted to break through a God level, Saint Level here he had to reach Level 1000, this was not too hard and not too easy as well.....

Alex smiled, he has a goal now that he has to reach before saving his Father.....

Alex looked at another gift he got from killing a God, but not before he saw his new stats.....




[World Traveling System

[World Traveling System

Name: Alex Parker

Level: 1

Health : 5000 / 5000

Strength : 6000 (Peak)

Stamina : 5000 (Peak)

Dexterity : 6000 (Peak)

Intelligence : 43 (Top)

Class: SSS Rank [Space Control] SSS Rank [Blood Control]

Overall: SSS Rank Metahuman.

Current Rank: SSS

System Shop (Unlocked)

System Points (Unlocked)

Level: 300

Points: 155

AI Unlock 0 / 90000

@#$%^%$ Energy 6890 / 100000]


"Wooow, wait, what is that second level for????? and holy shit my White Mysterious Energy reserves have upgraded so freaking much..... so the second level????? "

System didn't respond, Alex didn't think about this and looked at the second gift he got from killing a God.....



[World Traveling System

[God Level System Box]


Yes / No]


Alex clicked Yes.....


Fireworks appeared when virtual white box was opened in Alex'es screen, there was so much firework Alex had to close his eyes, he thought Fireworks dissappeared but they appeared again but with even more absolute power.....







[World Traveling System

Congratulations!! You have won [@#$%^%$ Replenish Card]

With this Host will be able to get 100000 @#$%^%$ Energy in instant

Do You want to use it?????

Yes / No]


Alex opened eyes and was shocked.....


Alex was shocked at first and then he started laughing..... this was the best luck he had in a while..... and he was definetely going to use it very well, he was so happy he almost jumped up in the bed he was on.....

Alex smiled and clicked Yes!!!!!.....

End Of Chapter.