
Mortal Gods Awakening.

Participating in the Fantasy Carnaval, if you like the book support it with your powerstone.. Destruction, On Earth energy called "mana,, was returning, Magic, Martial Arts, Superpowers became reality. Humanity started to prosper but... this didn't last very long. In the darkness countless eyes were looking at Earth with greed. Earth's dimensional barrier was broken, Gates opened and monsters poured in. Hope was answered by people magic powers called "Hunters" But this was far from the end. Gods, Constellations, Devil's started fighing for this planet, For billions of souls, they spread their power occupying immense land. but they didn't realize who they have awakened by their invasion, A Monster, A True God... The destruction of what HE created just begun. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry for the grammar, i am not english. Novel Photo is not mine, if artist wants taken down contact me.

DreamWr8ER · Fantasy
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125 Chs


Alexwasflying with high speeds, he felt he was in some kind of videogame right now, when he looked down terrain was literally copy paste everytime he looked down below.....

He immediately broke through Miasma Barrier that was isolating the world, he felt some resistance but it wasn't much.....

Alex looked down and saw animals there were acting really weird, they looked like they were possessed, with red eyes and almost sluggish zombie like movement it was really weird.....

Alex didn't pay attention this tho he felt he was getting closer to biggest concentration of Miasma Energy up ahead.....

He flied very fast to the center point of Miasma..... he looked down and saw.....

Terrain here was so weird, monsters were one thing but Alex could see weird rocky trees, blood red colored fruits on burning trees that was almost as tall as Skyscrapers on Earth.....

He felt as everything was mutated..... but the thing was.....

"Holy shit isn't that Red God Tree?????"

Alex suddenly stopped and actually turned around, he looked down and concentrated on the monsters highly.....

"Enderman????? World Serpant????? THIS IS....."

Alex saw everything he needed to confirm theory he had.....

"This is definetely my imagination, did i die and reincarnate in another world????? or am i just in coma..... and this is just dream....."

Alex immediately tried to use his [Space Control] Talent, for a long time he did not care about this skill but as someone that doesn't like leaving anything half-assed he decided to research it in the past but.....

Except for making space shake for a few secconds he could not do shit, not even little teleportation that he could do in Cultivation World..... so in the past he did not care about researching anymore.....



Invisible waves of energy was spread out and!!!!!.....



"As i expected, this isn't a real place....."

Alex looked down and finally flied to the Miasma that he wanted to fly to before, he knew this wasn't a real world, but that didn't take his guard off, he actually got even more cautious.....

"If this is only in my mind its more dangerous this way, this body of mine is either soul or consciousness and if a damage any of it, its going to be very hard and precious if i want them to get back to their own place....."

10 Minutes Later.

Alex finally reached the place he wanted to reach Miasma here was unbelivebely dense, he could barely see anything here, but Alex did not care abot this, With White Mysterious Energy Miasma could not block his perception.....

He felt he was incredibely close from reaching the place that had this enormous comcentration of Miasma Energy.....

"What the....."

Alex looked down and reached the place, but here..... it was very weird.....

There was a castle here, it looked like something out Vampire Movie, and it definetely was, Alex knew which movie this place was.....

"Fuck..... don't tell me i have to fight Count Draculs here....."

Alex floated above the Castle and.....

"[Golden Sun]"



Two [Golden Suns] were summoned, Alex simply throwed it down at the castle.....

Entire castle and fortress was destroyed.....


Suddenly a angry voice waa heard from below.....

A man with a black mask and black suit with red botie appeared infront of Alex, Behind him were many people wearing almost same outfit, there was one difference there tho, people behind were having trouble being in the air, they had enormous wings, but man infront was different, he stood in the air calmly.....


Alex didn't care about what he said after finding out he was in his consciousness and immediately attacked.....

People behind the man were confused for a moment but then exploded in anger, they mever expected invador to attack without saying anything, wasn't this just disrespecting them to highest degree?????.....



They attacked with very unique attacks.....

Alex snorted and killed them with wave of his hand, this Vampires looked very much like Vampires from Runscape, most likely cannon fodders from it.....

"I have killed hordes of you in the game, its not going to be hard killing you in real life here, But what the hell is going on with that one....."

Alex looked at the place where he punched the Most Likely a leader, a small Mountain was blown apart from his punch, he wanted to kill it with one move but Alex didn't really expect to actually succeed.....

"Did he just die with one punch????? no way....."

He went to the place he punched the Leaderbut..


A angry, no furious voice was heard from bellow..... a leader didn't wait for an answer when he attacked.....



A Blood Spear was slashed at Alex, Alex blocked nonchanatly, he felt this Vampire was way too weak, and that was why he didn't end the battle right now, this was just..... way to easy, was his imagination so bad?????.....

"Tell me what are you?????"

Vampire simply didn't answer and continued to try to kill him, once he discovered he could not kill it Vampire stopped and looked at Alex coldly..

"Now can we ta-----"



Alex almost burst out laughing, this attack was like his mind combined all blood related attacks he knew and created one incredibly long one.....


But..... might of this attack could not be underestimated, not at all, blood surged from river below their fighting spot and conglomerated into a incredibly long blood red spear, it was thousand meters long and few hundred meters in diameter....., it was hovering above the Vampire now.....


Vampire yelled this with furious voice.....

Alex almost laughed again at the name but.....

Alex felt enormous energy from it and didn't dare to be arrogant right now, he immediately dissapeared from where he was and.....


Blood King Joe throwed the blood spear at Alex.....

Even with his speed Alex found this enormous thing hard to evade so he had to meet it head on.....

Alex coated his fist with his energy and Mysterious White Energy and floated there to meet the Blood Spear head on while thinking.....

"(I definetely am going to get fist techniques in next World Travel, this us just too god damn hard to do.....)"

He dissappeared from his spot and appeared infront of the enormous Blood Spear Attack, he meet it.....

His fist and the Blood Spear.....




Alex felt he was lifting few smalm mountains..... he saw little cracks appearing on the Blood Slear and was overjoyed immediately right now.....


He bellowed out and!!!!!



Blood Spear cracked and desintegrated into pieces..... Vampire King Joe looked at this with dumbfounded expression, his GOD ATTACK FAILED RIGHT NOW???!! This was absolutely impossible right now.....


Alex didn't wait any time and attacked the Vampire King Joe with all of his power, he punched him in the abdomen and.....


Everything stopped..... it simply stopped, everything was like 80s TV Show, Black And White colors.....

Only Alex and Vampire King Joe had any colors right now, Alex took his hand back and looked around here.....

He said "What now, Fuck....."

He was so tired of this shit, he just finished fighting a God and for some reason came to this dumb world, he wanted to go back and sleep for at least 10 Hours, Alex thought this when he got back to Earth.....






5 Claps werw heard, Alex turned around and.....


He was immediately shocked here..... and he finally understood where he was, this was a World Of.....

"Hello now....."

A Voice was heard from Vampire King Joe, and his appereance was..... well very very weird for Alex right now.....

"Fuck this....."

Itlookedlike fight was just Starting right now..... And Alex did not want to continue fighting, it was very god damn fucking weird.....

End Of Chapter